Lands of Alusia

Western Alusia
This is a link to a layered PDF map. Following the link, will take you to the Google online viewer, once open if you select download you will be able to open in Acrobat Reader and able to select layers on the right of the page.

Western Alusia encompases all the lands 45°W to 45°E and ~60°N to 10°N.
Western Alusia Map pdf or Maps of Western Alusia

The Western Kingdom
- Western Kingdom (Overview)
The Baronies
The baronies are seperated by the Western Kingdom which splits the area in half. While referred to as baronies they contain a number of independant baronies, counties and kingdoms.
The Baronies index page.
Eastern and Southern Baronies
- Borovia, County of
- Carzala, Duchy of (Home of the guild)
- Brastor Holdings
- Elfenburg
- Ffenargh Swamp
- Gracht
- Midheim
- Ormond, County of
- Tuscana, Duchy of
- Waterford, Duchy of
- Clarkesville, Neutral Barony of
Western Baronies

- Artzdorf, Kingdom of Artzdorf and Flugelheim
- Brandenburg, Duchy of
- Erewhon, Barony of
- Caledonia
- Cauldersfield
- Destiny, Republic
- Drakenburg, Duchy of
- Eltrandor, Kingdom of
- Flugelheim, Kingdom of Artzdorf and Flugelheim
- Glissom, Kingdom of
- Western Marches
- Volari, Duchy of
- DeBourgnac, Duchy of
- Halkor, Barony of
- Karne, Barony of
The Frontiers of Alusia
The area encompassed by the original DQ expansion of the same name. Frontiers of Alusia index page.
- Frontiers of Alusia
- Carzala
- Superstition Mountains
- Fastness of Girwyllan
- Barrens of Sith
- Sea of Grass
- Gatar Depression
- Dark Circle
Northern Lands
These are the lands North (and North-East) of the Western Kingdom
North West
The Cold Northern lands part of Western Alusia. The North West Index Page
Central and Southern Lands
Central and Southern Alusia is immediately east of Western Alusia at 5W and runs all the way to 80E. In the south the lands run from 10E to 80E.
Central and Southern Lands index page.
- Bodies of Water
The body of water bounded by Ebola to the West, Dakhini to the North, the Ice to the South and Tanah Melay along with the Western side of the Far SE Archipelago to the East is The Vacio Ocean. So East of 0 degrees and east to 100 degrees.
Also The Ratna Ocean is bounded by the Dragon Isles, Kinlu and the Eastern side of the Far SE Archipelago
- Central/Southern
- The Five Sisters
- Islands of Adventure
- Lunar Empire
- Arabie
- Palestrina (30-35°N 25-35°W)
- The Ellenic States
- Rokar
- Central/North
- Southern/Eastern
- SE Lands This area encompasses the area bounded by 10N40E to 10N120E and down to 50S40E to 50S120E
- Tanah Melay This is the area around 10S60E to 20S70E
- Far SE Archipelago This is a placeholder name for the area centred on 35S90E
- The Theropsid Isles are centered in the islands around 25S93E
Any GMs having anything in this area (specifically the Southern/Eastern Area) are requested to detail what is there either here or in a post to the DQ list - ChrisC
Far South
This land is directly south of Western Alusia and encompasses the continent between 20°W and 20°E, and 20°N and 40°S. Arabie is over the NE border.
Far South index page.
- Azuria Central North Coast (~20°N ~15°W)
- Asan (~20°N ~2°W)
- Mungodia Rain Forest (~10°N ~10°E)
- Gosh Goyope Swamps (~5°N ~10°E)
- Adlanna Volcanoes (~6°S ~10°E)
- Kingdom of Del Toro
- Raniterre in the South-West (25-37°S 0-10°E)
- Alsine
- Armide
- Avenal
- Never
- Rodelle
- Bretonnia (Formerly Duchy of Avenal) on the South-West Coast
- St Charles Off the South-West Coast (35°S 10°W)
- Mythical Thermiskrya
Far East
Encompassing lands east of 80E.
Far East index page.
- Kinlu
- Dragon Isles
- Insel der Freiheit (15°N 150°E)
- TBA - Island at (35°N 110°E)
Uttermost West
Comprising Terranova and other Island nations off the coast of the Alusian continent.
Uttermost West Index page.
- Western Ocean
- Terranova (90-170°W)
- Palestrina (30-35°N 25-35°W)
- Elven Isles (35°N 50°W)
- Delph (10°S-5°N 25-45°W)
- Pasifika (5-10°S 60-70°W)
- Zeyland (30-45°S 35-45°W)
Racial Enclaves
Elven Lands
Elven Lands index page.
- Alfheim
- Adlanna
- Deftigveld
- Dragon Isles
- Elven Isles
- Fabled Erelhei
- Kinlu
- Northern Terranova
- Terranova Northeast coast
Dwarven Strongholds
Worlds of the Aether
See Also
Some Distances
By Sea
- Seagate to Novadom - circa 600 miles
- Novadom to 5 Sisters - circa 400 miles
- 5 Sisters to Azuria - circa 900 miles
- Azuria around the North Cape of the southern landmass to St Hylena - circa 2400m
- St Hylena to Raniterre - circa 1400 miles
- Raniterre to Ebola - circa 700 miles