
Depending on how close this body is to Alusia, it can appear as a dull red object, or a bright red one becoming nearly as bright as Wotan at the maximum. Thunor takes 728 days (two years) to make a full orbit.
(from expedition notes)
Physical Data
This is a dry world, mostly covered in a red sandy desert. Most of the water is concentrated at the two polar icecaps and is carried to inhabited areas by a network of canals, built in ancient times. The air is thinner and drier. We discovered that using magical Wings provided little lift.
Two small moons move in the sky above. Fast moving Fear takes only four hours to move from horizon to horizon and is curious in the fact it moves from west to east. Terror is more sedate in it's movements.
There are three main races on Thunor. There are the elf-like Seroni that live in cities dotted around the place linked by canals. Then there are the Hross that live in villages along the canal bank and spend much of their time in canal maintenance. We speculate that these two races built the canal system together.
The third race are the Tharks. They are more nomadic, travelling around the planet in tribes and use thoats as riding animals. The Tharks could be described as humanoid green lizards with the behavioural characteristics of orcs. They delight in attacking Hross settlements which, in many cases, has resulted in the breakdown of the canal in that area.
There is a human presence on Thunor as well but they are currently restricted to one city, Malachandra, one of the Seven Ancient Cities of Pasifika, which has a mixture of Pasifikan and Seroni archetecture. They are the descendants of one group of humans brought here at the time of the last elvish-drow war. This city is linked to the other, related, cities by a set of trilithon portals (cf: 'The Seven Cities of Pasifika' - C. Smith). Until recently this city was ruled by a Warlord, bent on conquest, who had plans to attack Alusia.
There appears to be an entire pantheon of deities worshipped on Thunor. Each Seroni city is dedicated to one of them - except for the God of War. He is worshipped exclusively by the Thark, and the Warlord. We were able to identify the following deities in this pantheon:
- Zeus - God of Storms and chief God.
- Hera - his wife and goddess of marriage, child bearing, and the home.
- Poseidon - god of the waters. Worshipped by nearly all Hross.
- Aphrodite - goddess of love
- Athena - goddess of wisdom
- Hades - god of the dead.
- Apollo - god of the sun and of healing
- Dionysis/Bacchus - god of wine (I'm not sure if they're two different gods or the same one with two names)
- Hermes - the messenger god
- Artemis - goddess of the hunt
- Demeter - goddess of the harvest
- Ares - god of war
From what we were able to determine, Thunor used to be a world like Alusia with oceans, rivers, and lots of plants and animals. Thunor was well known to the elves before the War of Tears, (who appear to have called it Carnil), and it was connected to the web of Elven Portals.
However the Thark managed to enter into a pact with Ares and the planet began to dry up which suited the Thark as they had been previously confined to the desert areas on the equator. This allowed the Thark to spread out but caused both the Hross and the Seroni problems.
As the planet continued to dry up they managed to build the canal network that brought water to the Seroni cities. The Hross were charged by Poseidon with the maintenance of the network but several Thark attacks severly whittled down their numbers. As a consequence some of the canals broke down and dried up which resulted in a few of the affected Seroni cities had to be abandoned.
It is theorised that the only way to return Thunor to be a green world is to severly reduce the Thark population, thus weakening Ares' influence.