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Merlyn is just barely visible to the naked eye, if you know where to look, and has been mistaken for a fixed star on several occasions (appearing as such on old post-Panjari charts).

It can be easily seen with a spyglass, and takes 85 years to do a full orbit.

Merlyn is not always visible however. On average, it is visible one night in two, but may disappear or be visible for as much as a month at a time. The cause of this intermittent visibility is not known, but certain ancient elven texts claim that Merlyn (or Car Gwyd'yn as it is known to the elves), passes in and out of the Alusian plane. Where it goes is not recorded, but if these texts are to be believed, elven explorers who landed on Merlyn and subsequently disappeared along with it, did not return when it reappeared.