Gosh Goyope
A vast tropical delta sparsely occupied by fisher folk.
- GM
- Jon McSpadden
A vast tropical river delta on the eastern edge of the Mungodia rain forest.
Trading villages are established close to the coast on the main channels.
The natives have a hunter gatherer society. Most families live in pole-huts in semi-permanent trading villages. Larger 'barns' are used to store harvested plant life until it is traded to visiting merchants.
Raft-houses are also popular, anchored to atolls, drifting through the delta, sometimes tied together to form temporary villages.
- A conglomerate of Middle American, North American, and African mythos for their spiritual beliefs, physically they look like darker skinned Amazon Indians.
Trade with foreigners has been gradually increasing and changing the peoples of Gosh Goyope.
New ideologies of magic, commerce, ownership, and empire are abhorrent to some but gaining many adherents.
New diseases are decimating those who have moved away from traditional beliefs and magic but have not sufficiently embraced their new foreign allies and their healing magics.
A large amount of their effort is now going towards gathering and trading cocaine leaves to the Destinians for steel weapons.
Becoming more common are foreign treasure hunters following rumours of gold, silver, and gems just lying around in the jungle waiting to be picked up.
Traditional villages following the old ways and armed with stone weapons are wary of their coastal neighbours armed with steel and strange ideas.