Talk:Lands of Alusia

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The Overview

I thought I better let people know my grand scheme for the lands of Alusia.

I have been assigning each area or land a category, putting that into a region category and then adding that to Alusia.

Tying Everything to the Alusia Category doesn't give any clues as to where the land might be in relation to the rest of the world and with lands in both articles and categories it made it hard to find anything. By breaking it into area's it gives the vague idea where the area is and by adding a category to lands with just a single page it means that when areas are expanded the structure is already there for them and there is no requirement to go through and retidy anything.

It is a bit of a pain at the moment but as more area's are added it should prove useful.

Mandos 08:25, 25 Jul 2006 (NZST)

Possible Errors

Shouldn't Ashan be in Central and Southern (it's between Arabie and Azuria??)--Errol 22:57, 26 Jul 2007 (NZST)

Problem was with Azuria rather than Ashan. Anything in the big continent bit to the south should be in the same category. So Azuria was in the wrong place. Mandos 14:35, 27 Jul 2007 (NZST)

Ah. I wondered if a Mediterranean approach was being taken, especially with the desert to the south. I've tweaked lats and longs. --Errol 14:58, 27 Jul 2007 (NZST)

Nope sticking with the crazy womble approach. Randomly fixing things up and making lots of mistakes along the way :-) Mandos 15:13, 27 Jul 2007 (NZST)

I noticed that you had added Azuria in an interesting place in the list. I've made it so the locations run clockwise from the top :-) Also added a category for Raniterre, and removed refs to it being coastal. --Errol 22:30, 2 Aug 2007 (NZST)
I originally had it at the top (vaguly alphabetical) however the crazy page just wouldn't show the link, so I moved it to a spot randomly in the middle and it showed up. I left it where it worked and went off in a huff crazy womble style :-) Mandos 07:00, 3 Aug 2007 (NZST)

I've added or changed category entries for Azuria, Asan, Gosh Goyope and Mungodia.Should all be consistent now.--Errol 17:34, 21 Jan 2009 (NZDT)

Is it Ashan or Asan? The new AlusiaWorldLabels.gif has the later. WordSmith doesn't want to get confused the next time he is taking the flying boat to Bretonnia. :-[)]

Co-ordinate errors

Hi Mandos,

I fixed the bit with Western Alusia, being 30W and not 30E, but am unsure as to how to fix your entre for Central area.

--Jono Bean 22:10, 24 Jul 2006 (NZST)

I just noticed the map has different co-ordinates from the one I was was using. I will fix them all up today, if you havn't already :-)

Mandos 06:21, 25 Jul 2006 (NZST)

Further Divisions?

The Central lands bit does cover a massive area, anyone have any opinions on breaking it up into smaller areas?

Mandos 07:54, 25 Jul 2006 (NZST)

Central lands

Mandos if you think this is too big can you split it into central lands and near east (diferent from far east) This would give us

  • uttermost west
  • western Alusia
  • central & southern
  • near east
  • far east
  • far south


In which case the two I have just added (and the two to follow) would probably be near east. Note that I have also updated the topographical layout of that part of Alusia (Thanks Jono for the post) Basically more trees coming further south and less massive prairie and desert.

Axis 13:26, 28 Nov 2006 (NZDT)