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Status Duchy
Location On the coast, south of Ranke.
Geography Predominantly wooded plains with some mountainous regions. With much of the Duchy rugged and uncultivated there are many high mana zones.







6% (mostly urban)

Guild Members

Carzala proper is a relatively small area in comparison to the Duchy which takes it's name. It is bounded on the east by the East Warding, a series of low wooded hills which give into the Wilderness of Gilarni, in the west by the Fastness of Girwyllan and Swithan's Roughlands, in the north by Confederation Bay, and in the south by the large grassland plains of the Sweet Riding.

It is an area of rich pastures and fruitful ploughed fields which has grown up around the now huge market city of Seagate and Castle Chilton. In all, about 80,000 people make their homes within Carzala, 25,000 within Seagate and the Castle itself. The largest towns outside of Seagate are Arn's Ferry (pop: 4600),Gugnir's Hope (pop: 3,200),Northfield (pop: 3,000),Monck's Corner (pop: 2400), and Venture (pop: 2300).

Other market towns are Bolton (pop: 1500), Crystal Spring (pop: 1400), Seacroft (pop: 1300), Stonesboro (pop: 1100), South Gate (pop: 1000), Slippery Rock (pop: 800). AnteCarzala

The Duchy of Carzala Subinfeudation covers a large area, the bulk of which is uninhabited with most of the land covered with a large flat grassland know as the Sweet Riding. To the south the lands becomes more rugged and is heavily forested to the coast and there are a number of high mana zones hidden within the tree's and peaks.

While settled land is in the minority in the Duchy there are locations other than Carzala proper where people have established themselves and tamed the wilderness.


Stretching round the coast to the west and south of Carzala Newhaven is a relatively recent addition to the Duchy having been founded in 793WK. It has grown rapidly with the dispossessed populations of Braster and Novadom after the depredations of the Dark Circle.


Lying 150 miles south-east of Seagate Brastor was founded as a Castellancy formed to protect Carzala and the Sweet Riding from the barbarian hordes in the Sea of Grass. After being virtually razed in 804WK it is now slowly recovering.


Originally a city-state sized principality in the middle of a swamp this town has sworn fealty to the Duke and joined the duchy. It is still a small town in a swamp.

Finn's Waste

Once this was a hidden commune residing beneath the ground with the aid of a magical artifact that was part of King Sigismunds Regalia. The ruler of this group is believed to have formerly been a Duke who accompanied King Sigismund on his crusade. He has since been accorded the status of Baron and joined the Duchy.


The Duchy of Carzala comprises five major centres of population.

  • Carzala - The original area of settlement in the Duchy
  • Brastor - A Castellancy formed to protect Carzala and the Sweet Riding from the barbarian hordes in the Sea of Grass.
  • Newhaven - A County of Carzala.
  • Novadom - A new (807wk) area of Carzala, under the leadership of the old Prince, who is the new Baron.
  • Finn's Waste - A new (806wk) province of Carzala governed by Baron Sébastien Delisle.

Places of Interest

Central Carzala Western Carzala South and East The Carzalan Coast
AnteCarzala, Barony of Newhaven Brastor Holdings Confederation Bay
Arn's Ferry, Town The Fastness of Girwyllan The Sweet Riding Swithan's Cove
Bolton, Town Swithan's Roughlands The Artusian Hills Nils Point
Crystal Spring, Town Mount Desai The River Running Bolton Bay
- Sunnynook The Pallisades The Sweetwater The Shoals of Lyr
Finn's Waste Loch Branden The Fords of Chir Isle of Garax
Gugnir's Hope, Town Plain of Desai Dolphin Bay
- Candlestone Farm Bolton Manor The Spithead Needles
Monck's Corners, Town Hope The Surf
Northfield, Town Mount Branden Haven
Regar's Keep Forest of Arlynn Chub's Bay
Rithe Regar (River) The Ruby Waters Haven's Peril
Seacroft, Town Unicorn River Havenhead
Seacroft-on-Sea, village of Lyr's Crossing M'nor Island
Seagate, Town of The Hills of the Halfborn Landfall
- Castle Chilton - Ducal Seat Amber Lareth's Reef
- Seagate Guild of Adventurers The Rookeries
South Gate, Town The Sweetbread Passage
Slippery Rock, Town Pug's Island
Stonesboro, Town Hab Insel
Venture, Town Harch Insel
Grace Wind, Estate Isle of Songs
Goldry's Island
Gill's Teeth
The Gulf of Brunei


Rulers of the Realm

The current Duke of Carzala is Lord Leto DeWinter of Carzala. He is known to be a good and honest leader.

  1. 700-727wk: Baron Chilton of Carzala (b672-d727) Founder of Carzala. Killed in battle
  2. 727-739wk: Baron Regar of Carzala (b695-d739) Son of Chilton. Killed in battle
  3. 739-771wk: Baron Bolton of Carzala (b719-d771) Nephew of Regar. Died in bed
  4. 771-780wk: Baron ___ of Carzala (b742-) Son of Bolton, childless. Abdicated in favour of his nephew and returned to Brandenburg.
  5. 780-794wk: Baron Leto of Carzala (b755-) Grandson of Bolton, Married Lady Elisabeth Caith in 780 daughter of Maxine of Brandenburg who is a cousin of the Duke of Brandenburg.
    794-Now: Duke Leto. Carzala became a Duchy on the 1st of Snow 794 during the Middle Duchies War.
Duke Leto and Lady Elisabeth have four children: Anne-Neville (b782wk), Isabella (b783wk), Antonio (b784wk) and Pablo (785wk).

Others of Note




The Founding of Carzala

Carzala had been primarily wilderness with a few small fortified settlements up until about 1900ap (700wk) when Chilton Dewinter, younger brother of Count Alexis of County Erisberg arrived at the settlement now known as Old Seagate with his family and retainers and started construction of Castle Chilton.

Six years later the Barony of Carzala was officially recognised by Bowcourt and Aquila when Baron Chilton of Carzala and his wife attended the mid-summer festival in Bowcourt.

Baron Chilton was succeeded by his son Regar in 727wk when he was killed in the Sweet Riding by raiding Barbarians.

Baron Regar was reported to hate the Barbarians with a passion, he commissioned the construction of Regar's Keep as a southern outpost for his Barony and spent most of his life in the field driving the Barbarian raiders out of the Sweet Riding.

Baron Regar died without issue of wounds received in battle in 739wk. He was succeeded by his nephew Bolton.

Bolton's Peace

Like his father, Baron Bolton was not a man of war but he demonstrated a shrewd ability in diplomacy and strategy. In the summer of 740wk, Baron Bolton hosted a grand tourney in honour of his late Uncle at the site of his last battle near the eastern edge of the Sweet Riding. The prizes on offer were large and attracted over 1,000 knights from the Baronies to compete. Accompanying them were many of their peers, minor nobility, and a few greater nobles intrigued by the spectacle of a tourney at the edge of civilisation. Counting their guards and retinues, Baron Bolton hosted over 5,000 fighting men.

Meanwhile Baron Bolton had his finest rangers and cavalry patrolling east of the tourney, they allowed the Barbarian scouts to see the number of men gathering on the field and their banners before attacking in force and driving them east. Baron Bolton followed close on their heels and arrived at a gathering of chiefs just behind the reports of the scouts. Exactly what was said and done at gathering is not known, but Baron Bolton returned to the tourney sporting a fresh scar down one cheek and carrying word of agreed borders and a truce between Carzala the Barbarian tribes.

The cost of the tourney was crippling to Baron Bolton and Carzala, but it bought peace for his lifetime and an influx of traders and settlers from the Baronies. While the coffers were never again as full as they had been at the beginning of his reign, Bolton's was a time of peace and prosperity for the people of Carzala.

Baron Bolton died in his bed in 771wk attended by his three surviving children and his grandson Leto.

Leto's Duchy

Some time late in the Western Kingdom War, it became important for the sides in the conflict to gather the support of Dukes to their flags. It was at this point that the Barony of Carzala was recognised as a Duchy by both sides of the war.

Important dates

  • 700WK - Chilton Dewinter, younger brother of Count Alexis of County Erisberg arrived at Old Seagate with his family and retainers and started construction of Castle Chilton.
  • 706WK - The Barony of Carzala was officially recognised by Bowcourt and Aquila when Baron Chilton of Carzala and his wife attended the mid-summer festival in Bowcourt
  • 727WK - Baron Chilton was succeeded by his son Regar in 727wk when he was killed in the Sweet Riding by raiding Barbarians.



Scribe Notes

Carzala Maps

Below are a range of maps as Jpeg files which cover the area of Carzala. The have names and have been changed to fit with the population figure of 60k to 80k.

Click for the 0.5 MB A4 sized picture of here for a 80 DPI - aimed at computer screen use overview and little real readable detail.

Click for the 1.5 MB A4 sized picture of here for a 150 DPI - aimed at only just readable on a good printed A4 copy with good eye-sight.

Click for the 4.5 MB A4 sized picture of here for a 300 DPI - aimed at being read with ease on a printed A4 page.

Other maps of Carzala can be found here.