Category:Chris Caulfield

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Chris C plays the characters:

  • Dalran - A human male sorcerer - Started adventuring in 788 - RETIRED 812WK - PERMANENTLY DEAD 813WK
  • Kern Silvercrest - An elven male Earth Mage - Started adventuring in 789 - semi retired
  • Father Broc - An Elven Male Rune Mage - Started adventuring in 790. The Resident Gabrielite Priest in Seagate.
  • Akuji von Todd - An Elven Male Necromancer - Started adventuring in 803 - PERMANENTLY DEAD Spring 808 during The Rites of Spring adventure.
  • Henric - A Dwarven Mind Mage - Started adventuring in 806wk. Henric is a semi-retired adventurer who mainly spend his time being an InnKeeper in the Gryphon Pass area
  • Tsayoi - A Giant Fire Mage - Started in Spring 810wk
  • Gnashdar - An orc perhaps a clean one like some of the Orc's in the guild and with pretenshins eiver.
  • Kharmul - A Human Celestial (Shadow) Mage. Started in Autumn 818wk
  • TBA 2 - A Hafling sneak and all round disreputable guy
  • Others - to be considered and started
  • Merricat_the_Enchantress A female human E&E - an associate of Black Viktor of the SMG - ASSUMED DEAD - Lost to the Void 817wk
  • Captain Zohar Haima - A human Male Water Mage, known as a 'freewheeling' ships Captain of many vessels across Alusia.
  • Haldyr - an Elven bastard son with nimble fingers and feet. Started Winter 821wk

Some of the Characters above may have been known under other names over the years, such as:

Games that I have GM'd

Pages in category "Chris Caulfield"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.