Mount Desai
The highest point in the Pallisades is visible for scores of miles. It was named by Branden after his wife.
It was explored by a guild party approx 792WK, when a mad mind mage tried to telekenisis the moon to crash into Alusia. The mind mage was dispatched, but the cave complex he was inhabiting remained. A guild member called Hawk backfired a summoning spell, and a pride of Gryphons turned up. They liked the look of the place and decided to stay.
From 794 air mage Thistle Foote (also known as Mary Jane) semi-retired from the guild and lived in and around the pride for about ten years. She returned to adventure for a few years in 2003 known as Dawn (translated from the gryphon for red rising in the sky in reference to the magical red chiffon dress she always wore).
Upon visitng her old haunt during summer 805, Dawn found the gryphons had disappeared. The caves were found at the head of a valley, quite high up the mountain. The gold from the gryphons nest ahd been scattered around. A dead orc-dwarf flesh golem (Alusian, necromancy) was found and the tracks seemed to fit 4 or 5 of these creatures, presumably carrying off the gold.
Autumn 805: Dawn led a party off plane to discover "where have all the gryphons gone". This "Plane of Rings" was the homeland of the original pride of gryphons. Their absence was part of a downturn in the power of the "Old Gods", who were being trounced by a group of "New Gods" bringing woe and destruction to the people and the lands. The gryphons were powerful tokens and agents of the Goddess of Justice. The party helped to rectify the situation and as part of it Dawn gained the ability to turn into gryphon form. She also met and mated with Roaul, the leader of the pride.
In returning to Alusia with the guild party, Dawn also brought a dozen gryphon eggs, to repopulate Mount Desai. The eggs had been blessed by the God of Life, in an attempt to change their innate desire for killing and eating flesh. (Dawn is life aspected) A diet of insects and fish would hopefully curtail/replace this desire. She retired from the guild to brood and raise these eggs at Mount Desai - and to look forward to the time when Roaul would join her (once his duties for the Goddess of Justice was complete)