
Insert Arms here | |
Status | Town |
Vassel Of | Duchy of Carzala |
Location | 45 miles WNW of Seagate in Carzala. |
Area | |
Geography | Coastal rolling hills. |
Population | ~1400 (or ~1300) |
Languages |
95% |
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A quiet and moderately properous market town in north-western Carzala. Home to several active & retired Guild characters.
The Seacroft area was subject for a number of years to strange and unseasonal fogs, until the locals complained and Kryan the Illusionist stopped.
The official population of over 1400 is significantly higher than the commonly estimated 1300 population of the town. Rumour has it that this can be attributed to a contest between several Seacroft inhabitants to see who could be counted the most times, with the winner claiming to have been counted as over 50 different people.
Local Villages
Villages and Hamlets in the local area that report to the market town of Seacroft are: Crabcove, Pinefield, Seacroft-on-Sea, Blackwood, and Kar's Landing.
- Crabcove
Fishing village on the edge of the Carzalan badlands, Crabcove is best known for its quality fish and crustaceans that often sell in the Seacroft market to Seagate merchants and ae claimed to have even been enjoyed by his Grace the Duke.
- Pinefield
Small and rather undistinguished farming village.
- Seacroft-on-Sea
Also known as "Old Seacroft" the village of Seacroft-on-Sea has a very poor reputation, and because of this and the history of the two settlements, Seacroft residents can become irritated when outsiders confuse the two.
- Blackwood
The farming village of Blackwood has a serious rivalry with the neighbouring village of Hogalton in the Northfield area. The rivalry culminates in the annual Blackwood-Hogalton football game. Played on Seedtime 11th (Rites of Thunor} by most of the adult residents of both villages, and using the two villages as the goals, the game ranges over several miles and lasts most of the day. Serious injuries have resulted in past games, leading to ill feelings between the villages, and an even rougher game the following year.
- Kar's Landing
Fishing village, also home to a number of beachcombers who search the sandy reaches of Kar's Spit for ship wreckage and other treasures swept in from Confederation Bay
Places of Interest
The Tookery
Nickname (usually used in a good natured way) to refer to a collecion of interconnected buildings and businesses in Seacroft run by the extended halfling Took clan, being in parts a pun on their name, a reference to the rather ramshackle exterior appearance of the conjoined buildings, and the reputation that many halflings have for light-fingered behaviour.
The Took family is headed by two retired adventurers -- Aloysius Took (a founding member of the Guild back in 759, experienced E&E mage, and master thief), and his wife Mary Martin (a moderately skilled Fire mage) -- and consists of their many children, and those children's spouses and offspring.
The businesses making up the Tookery are:
- The Adventurer's Rest
- an inn of modest price, plentiful simple food, and excellent beer.
- Blacksmithy
- General Store
- farming supplies, provisions, etc.
- Draper and Tailor
- Milliner
-- GM: Martin Dickson
The Tower of Fog
A 70 foot high white/grey marble tower dominates the skyline near Seacroft; it is situated on the south bank of the local creek, halfway between Seacroft and the coast. This tower is on a small-holding run wild, once home to Kryan and his first wife Aqualina. The tower is used by locals as a lighthouse during the occasional natural fogs or storms. Occasionally a loud klaxon is heard from the tower, as a warning of undead or demonic activity nearby. Otherwise the tower is unoccupied, apart from some kids (probably them darned Tooks) building huts and playing games in the 4th and 5th levels.
There is said to be a secret treasure buried under the tower, but the kids haven't found it yet.
A boathouse on the river nearby is occasionally used, and is kept in good repair.
The Chandlery
A two storey building the lower floor of which is a small shop which sells Candles, wooden toys and small wooden household items. The shop is run by a dour, quiet man called Rondulf, occasionally assisted by his stunning beautiful mother Gwenda (who appears to be younger than her son).
- GM's Note: The shop has a number of Glamour wards triggered by halflings aged less than 22 years old.
The upper story is the residence of a cabinet-maker and his family.
Borghoff's Residence
Former Mayor Borghoff's residence is a large two-storey house located on the west side of the main road a few miles north of Seacroft overlooking the sea. It is set back from the road, and has a candle and carpentry workshop attached.
There is a path down to the sea where a boathouse has been built, containing two small boats, and parts of a third, larger one, still being built (though little work appears to have been done on it recently).
Rumours persist in the town that Borghoff and his wife consort with daemons (or are blessed by the Power of Light depending on who you ask) as both he and his wife still look as young as they did twenty years ago when they first settled in Seacroft.
Rulers of the Town
Seacroft has an active town council with its Aldermen drawn from the more prosperous land holders and merchants. One of their number is elected Mayor and usually serves for two years, although during the War against the Dark Circle the post was held for over five years by Borghoff the Candlemaker, and many in the town want him to return to the position. Amongst the halfling population Aloysius Took is something of an unofficial leader, but although eligible to be an Alderman is not believed to have ever served on the council.
The predominant language is common although Halfling is spoken in many places and most residents at least know a few words.