Blood across the Seas
Adventure: Blood across the seas
GM: Chris
Season: Spring 824 wk
Location: Chez Ellis
Night: Monday
Level: Low/Med
- Party
- Cassandra - Human Celestial (f) played by Michelle
- Celeste - Elven Barbarian (f) played by Dean
- Peter Smith - Human Warrior (m) played by Mandos
- Ariane Porter - Human Namer/Soldier (f) played by Stephen Co-Scribe PL
- Zardoz - Halfling Celestial (m) played by Martin Co-Scribe
- D'Artagnan - Halfling Bard (m) played by Alex Mil Sci
- Wundstr Brownbeard - Dwarf Air Mage (m) played by Sean
- Employer
- Master Joss Myrlyn
- Mission
Master Joss Myrlyn is looking for help to recover lost ships and/or their goods. A guild party is required to help with some possibly tricky situations that guild parties are known for. Tasks to include;
- Assisting with wreck locating, surveying and salvage
- Negotiations
- Sourcing Supplies
- Camp protection
- Ship protection
- Investigation
- Information Gathering (Reading etc)
- Establishing Businesses
- "Other duties as required"
This will involve some sea travel but plenty of land action too!
- Pay
- 10,000sp per month + Loot
Scribe Notes
Salvage Crew, Not Pirates
- Duesday 1st Thaw
Two of their ships (Celestial Breeze & Silver Phoenix) will be arriving in Seagate tomorrow around noon to take us south later in the afternoon to find wrecks and business opportunities in the south.
We exclude Piracy, Slavery, or other outright illegal or evil acts - we'll have no part in that.
We get 10% of salvage from any land wrecks.
After introductions we split up to organise supplies, enchantments, potions, astrology.
3,600sp for Greater Enchantment. 1,400sp for Astrology. 500sp ea for healing potions.
A good quantity of decent food is loaded into Ari's tent.
- W'ansday 2nd Thaw
We make our way to the port midafternoon where we're assigned hammocks in a section of the hold.
The Celestial Breeze has 28 Passengers, including: 4 Sisters of Mercy on their way to Raniterre and a Family of 12 (parents & 10 kids) on the way to Ebola to reclaim some family lands.
Sailing south we anchor for the night near The Rookeries.
- Th'rsday 3rd Thaw
Sailing east we stop at Blackshore for a few hours offloading and loading supplies, hunting in the hills, then on to Novadom for the night.
Bare knuckle fights in the bar for Celeste & Ari with Zardoz managing the bets. Peter spends the night at the local (large) Powers of Light cathedral.
- Frysday 4th Thaw
The next morning we set sail south and east towards Saktekorum.
A Desert Diversion
As we clear the westward side of the island south of Novadom, we fall into line a few miles behind a Destinian Galley, Sword of Mercy.
Reaching Saktekorum just before dusk we disembark and explore the town.
- Reapsday 5th Thaw
Bassil al Sharif, a trader with a shipment of Crocus (Saffron flowers) and other desert spices coming overland from the north west is overdue. The captain asks us to go seek them out. Bassil has a trading flag, sand dunes under two moons. Usually wears a red turban.
Once we leave town we start flying, stopping to talk to a couple of caravans we pass they haven't seen our quarry. 2 hours (about 60 miles) NW we come to an oasis amongst some hills where we see signs of combat and tracks leading NE. Celeste follows them about 1 mile NE towards some other hills while we fly above.
In the hills we call for the ambush to surrender, they try to bluff it out. I fly past some concealed archers in caves on the cliff, taunting them into revealing themselves and giving me some arrows. Celeste charges, looting more arrows. We engage the Orc bandits and their hounds, calling for their surrender then killing them when they decline.
Then we head towards the ones in the cave on the hillside.
Cave Fight
Under cover of missile fire the not-insane flier half of the party charge up to the cave, then the insane flying half charge in. Bloody fight in enclosed quarters against Orcs, Hobgoblins, and juvenile Goblins takes a while but we eventually kill all the adults and the remaining juveniles surrender.
Exploring we find several rooms, some messy, others cleaner. Hot pool. Waterfall & well with steps on the inside, going down 900' to a cavern and jetty over a pool leading to an underground river leading southwest. A sand filled room, clearing it we find stairs leading to a trapdoor which Peter senses evil beyond.
- Hobgboblin's Plate 19/2, Size 6, -2 AG.
- Weapons for 40 people
- Various trade goods
- Satchel with 4 x 10pt Healing Potions
- Statuette of Fertility & Sleep Goddess, gold plated, 2,500sp. Provides bonuses to Fertility & Sleep.
- Deck of Cards - Creates Minor Illusions for 1 min based on the card drawn.
- Crystal Pendant - Protection from Charm/Fear +40% MR. 99-00 on MR roll breaks the item.
- Trapped Chest with 6 scrolls, daggers & chalice:
- Something in Orcish
- Map of 5 Sisters with military notations
- Something in Drow
- Orders from merchants guild in Izmiraldi
- Orders to assassinate key figures in 5 Sisters. Ensure the Saktekorum Captain of the Guard is killed.
- Prepare for Invasion in next season
- Pair of Enchanted Daggers with poison reservoirs
- Silver Chalice - Provides Strength of Stone rk 16 on PS & EN as a blessing on Lloth, Drow Queen of Spiders. Small tithe to Lloth.
- Coin, gems & jewelry.
In cells we find and release:
- A Goblin brood-mother chained to a wall.
- Bassil and six of his people. 4 were killed in the attack, 2 died later.
- (mix of races)
Dart recites the story of what is beyond the door, a temple associated with an evil goddess. Opening the doors, we head downstairs to a 20' high vaulted room, 30' wide, 80' long. Carvings, statues, painting of Drow women with writing: "Rashak will return". An enchanted sword and relics on an altar.
Volcano and Tsunami
We divine, recite, and DA to find out more about the loot. Check with the merchants which stuff is theirs.
Peter spends the night praying for a miracle to cleanse the temple.
- Sunday 6th Thaw
Around dawn, the temple cracks open and then collapses into a pit. The pit then floods.
Loading up as much as we can and casting wings on the rescued merchants we fly back to Saktekorum.
We ask for the Guard Captain (Musaf al Sharif) at the gate, telling him what we've done and handing over the scrolls. We check in with the Silver Breeze, delivering Bassil's goods. Escort Bassil to a healer, he rewards us with 500sp.
After brunch and a visit to a bath house, at midday we visit the Guard Captain at his quarters. He thanks us formally and gives us a token (ring) of family friendship and a reward:
- Potion of Healing
- Cloak of Protection
- Ring of Feather Fall
- Bag of Holding
- Amulet Protection from Scrying
- Boots of Elven Kind
- Wand of Fire Bolts
While aboard awaiting departure we hear loud boom from the south, 20 minutes later a Tsunami hits the town causing devastation. We saw it in time for our ship's water mages to get us safely out of the harbour, some others didn't make it.
We spend the next 5 hours rescuing people, our ship's water mages estimate it was a volcano about 400 miles away. There's not much more we can do after that, so we set sail around midnight.
About 3am we sail by an upturned ship, rescue the 9 remaining crew, right the ship, rescue some of their cargo and rig the wreck to tow behind us. They are traders out of Azuria, as that's where we're going next we offer to tow them home.
- Moonday 7th Thaw
About midday, we come to a field of dead fish, and an emerging volcanic island that was previously just an atoll named Abrae.
- Duesday 8th Thaw
In the morning we reach the south coast (Azuria) and follow it south-east to reach Dimazcus about 11am. Usual local trading, buying Aryag Oil. We do some touristing.
- W'ansday 9th Thaw
We set sail in the morning heading towards Azjunni Landing
Ships and Wagons
Mid-morning as we're sailing, a ship appears only a couple of thousand feet from us on previously empty seas, turns out to be the Sword of Mercy which we had previously seen at Saktekorum, now heading into Dimazcus. We all smile and wave as we pass by.
Late afternoon, we see a fog bank closing on us from ahead. We prepare for combat, the Captain uses a Crystal of Vision to check it out and lets us know it is another of their ships. Sea Falcon a 140' Brigantine, another Elven Warship with 3 wrecks under tow. They swoop in alongside, rafting up so Captain Blood can meet with our captains on his ship. Our two ships are each given a wreck to tow, spare crew from the Silver Breeze are sent onto the wrecks to start work on restoring them.
We swing over to the Sea Falcon to join the Captain's dinner.
- Th'rsday 10th - Reapsday 12th Thaw
Sailing through the hazardous waters of the Straights of Thonia.
At lunch time on the 12th, as we're dining on deck an Albatross (Avatar of Kuross - a sea spirit genus loci) lands on deck and helps itself to our lunch. It has a gold 'ankle ring', magical gift of luck.
We all take a swim when we cross the equator.
Another area of dead fish from an underwater volcano.
- Sunday 13th Thaw
Early in the morning, we arrive at Azjunni Landing. It has developed from a small village into a walled town with a sea wall/wharf protecting its natural harbour. The Cheetah Tribe (about 1200 people) is currently occupying and running the port, different tribes take turns, about 1 year each time.
We are to escort some of the cargo inland to Ein Gydi Oasis.
- Moonday 14th Thaw
The three horse drawn wagons are driven by George, Wilhelm, Brian, and Caspian.
Good speed across the savannah the first day covering about 30 miles.
- Duesday 15th Thaw
Another 30 miles up over the Murray Hills to another savannah with a few more trees and then a small acacia forest (Sauvacauche woods). Forest Guardian Giraffes.
- W'ansday 16th Thaw
20 miles through the Hans-Alba Hills, camping on the far side at the edge of a dry sandy waste.
- Th'rsday 17th Thaw
Another 20 miles through the desert to Ein Gydi Oasis. Two tear drop shaped lakes, a temple (fertility deity), a settlement. We meet Wilhelm von Todd, father of Akuji von Todd - a deceased guild member. We deliver the temple altar block, tree saplings from BlackShore, and alcohol. Collecting the return shipment of Urglah (spiced fermented milk).
Dinner feast and drinks with the locals.
Sand Storms and Strykes
- Frysday 18th Thaw
Once the wagons are loaded, the local chief farewells us with a Firkin of Urglah each.
Apparently there is another shipment of Urglah being sent to our ship from a more southerly oasis.
Mid afternoon we need to stop for a couple of hours while a sandstorm blows through. Wundstr creates a counterwind to make it less arduous for us.
We spend a quiet night camped amongst the dunes.
- Reapsday 19th Thaw
Back into the Hans-Alba Hills, about 40 miles to the south we can see a snow topped mountain.
Camping at the Sauvacauche woods in the same spot as we camped a few nights ago.
- Sunday 20th Thaw
Another afternoon dust storm. More tedious miles across the sandy waste and another night under the stars.
- Moonday 21st Thaw
The northern pass through the Murray hills. Another pass about 20 miles has a bunch of flying things circling and swooping over something.
Celeste and I race down to scout it out and see a swarm of Strix attacking a caravan. She summons a storm to drive the birds off while I fly back to summon the party.
Once we've flown to the edge of the storm, Wundstr summons the storm out of the way. Only to find that the sucky beaky birds fled before the storm and don't return.
We gather them up, heal those we can, recover the bodies and lost wagons then escort them west.
That night, the survivors entomb their dead in caves.
- Duesday 22nd Thaw
We merge our wagon trains and slowly complete the trip back to the port.
- W'ansday 23rd Thaw
We sail about 20 miles off shore to where they've found a promising wreck.
We observe while the crew loot some chests from the old Elven vessel. Plants are growing out of it: Sea Orchids, Sea Cypress Trees.
Then back to the landing for the night.
- Th'rsday 24th Thaw
Pre Dawn a storm reaches the port and so when dawn finally arrives their air mages have move the predawn storm off shore out of the way so that we can continue our journey south leaving the 3 wrecks puled up on the beach to the north of the port, the site of the newly confirmed Port Azjunni Shipyard.
We pull into the Freetown of St Hylena later in the afternoon, drop off some goods, and spend the evening checking out the convivial sights of the pleasant island.
- Frysday 25th Thaw - Th'rsday 1st Seedtime
Sailing south.
On the 28th the Sword of Mercy does another 'sail by'. Our captains talk about it and confirm it has an ability to 'Sail Unseen'.
We pull into St Charles late on the 1st.
- Frysday 2nd Seedtime
We sail east to Raniterre.
Southern Safe? Harbour
The sisters disembark. A Urielite invites Peter to help educate their acolytes, we tag along to learn about their local customs. We sight-see in Bretonnia.
- Reapsday 3rd Seedtime
More sight seeing and local colour.
- Sunday 4th - 5th Seedtime
Sailing west then south down the coast.
- Duesday 6th Seedtime
We're deployed to scout a natural harbour (Ardyn Bay) in uncivilised lands. The area is known for barbarian tribes of Orcs, a cult of Furfur, magical storms, hills renowned for precious metals and gems.
We set out for shore in a large long boat, landing at the ruined port then heading inland towards the old fort.
Peter senses evil near a hill across the swamp and river, while discussing how to charge without going through the swamp, 5 Gargoyles fly over to attack us. They destroy my arm and nearly take my head off before the rest of the party bash them into rubble.
Heading over to check the hill where they came from... we find a couple of caves, beyond some rubble we find an old temple to Michael, abandoned and buried for over 200 years. 4 naves to Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Sammael (although its a mystery how this was here this long ago) as well. There are some old Crypts below and we find a few valuables that have been left behind. Sword, Shield, Vestments, Banner, Cauldron (Holy, creates food)...
Minotaurs and Demons
We spend the night in the temple (Temple Hill).
In the middle of the night Celeste senses movement at the back of the temple, something moving downstairs in the crypt. Ignaceus, ghost servant of those buried down here, keeping their graves tidy until they rise again. Its master has been down here 284 years, he was here questing to destroy a temple of Furfur, died in the mountains about 40 miles north along with several companions, the sole survivor bought their corpses back down to the crypt.
- W'ansday 7th Seedtime
We re-seal the temple with piled up rocks.
We check out the other hill (Snake Hill) in the swamp. Big snake and spider tracks.
Quarter of a mile north to the crumbled fort and attached village below. Magical obsidian keystone (buried 10' pyramid), the magic is stone regeneration - presumably not enough to keep up with the keep being completely abandoned. It needs people regularly dying within the area of the fort to operate at peak efficiency, the years of abandonment have left it depleted.
We see recent animal tracks heading away from the fort including a hair from a Minotaur, we follow for a while before losing the trail at the edge of the forest.
We head through the forest towards a hill (Bull Hill), we find stone stairs leading to an open stone temple. A man is sitting at a desk reading scrolls, several scribes in attendance. One of the scribes comes down the stairs to meet us, it is a spell-created magical servant, cast about 2 hours ago, linked to Haagenti (The Winged President). Haagenti's avatar (E&E) talks to us, he is gathering information from this temple, he has been here about 2 hours and will be finished within a day. His scribes are probably devils, half devils and incubi under illusions. He half-heartedly tries to tempt us into deals before we leave.
We head south-west through the forest towards West Hill, following game trails, avoiding a giant-spider infested area. A few caves, no evil, no temples.
We return to the fort and camp there for the night.
- Th'rsday 8th Seedtime
Back to Bull Hill and the stone temple. 7 gold scroll cases have been left on the table, containing maps to 7 temples to other demons that are in the mountains. The statue at the back is of Marax (The Learned Duke). Exploring we find about 42 Gnoll corpses, killed yesterday; we find some loot of value left behind on the bodies; 3 ritually killed humans deeper into the temple, later search their rooms. 3 scrolls made from the skin of the sacrificed humans: Life & Times of Bryan, High Priest of Marax - Last chapter includes Haagenti arriving to reclaim his scroll, shortly before killing them; Lost Lore: Celestial; Lost Lore: Fire.
We drag the bodies outside, beheading and incinerating to ensure they won't come back in any form.
Renove vs Furfur vs Us
That night Peter does his religious purification ceremony to deconsecrate the temple.
Just as we're about to have breakfast we hear and see lightning strikes a few hundred yards away. We approach cautiously and see minions of Furfur and Renove locked in combat. Furfur's side seems to have the advantage. We observe, prepare and then engage just as they defeat the last of Renove's troops, 2 Succubi and an Incubi. The Furfur banner causes disease within range, Wundstr destroys it. We're dealing to them fairly handily then 3 Gargoyles fly in to attack us, this time we know what we're dealing with and engage them effectively. Then 2 flying dogs arrive and attack one of the Gargoyles, the last of them goes down then we identify them as Senmurv, agents of 'light aligned' powers. The Renove banner causes fear within range, we destroy it from outside of range. One of them flies off, the other schmoozes Peter and introduces itself as Lechuza, adopting Peter as her new ally.
We check the bodies and clean up:
- A Succubus Dagger
- Other stuff.
After lunch we head to the port, reboard out boat and head south to the nearest island to send a message to our ship. We spend the night on Ardern Rock while we wait.
- Frysday 9th Seedtime
The squadron arrives in the morning with two wrecks under tow, we reboard.
We sail east then north towards Ebola.
Ebola's Sights - both of them
- Reapsday 10th Seedtime to Th'rsday 15th Seedtime
Sailing around the coast.
- Frysday 16th Seedtime
We arrive at Ebola, cruising into the sound, tying up to the wharves then we head up to the top of the cliffs to hit the town.
Most of the evening spent drinking and dancing at Weeping Swan Tavern.
- Reapsday 17th Seedtime
Checking out the sights, diving off the cliffs, general touristing.
Peter & Cassandra escourt the ex-Ebolan family to see the Countess and petition to reclaim their ancestral lands.
- Sunday 18th Seedtime
Recycling the sights as there weren't that many.
- Moonday 19th Seedtime
Head inland, up and down the coast trying to find some more sights.
- Duesday 20th Seedtime
We sail the family north, dropping them at the fishing village east of North Watch.
- W'ansday 21st Seedtime to Frysday 23rd Seedtime
Sailing north, we get to a ruined tower on the coast and the captain says this is Land's End where we turn east to cross the open ocean towards Tanah Melay. We stop briefly at a coastal village to drop off supplies.
- Reapsday 24th Seedtime to Moonday 3rd Blossom
Sailing east to Tanah Melay.
- Duesday 4th Blossom to W'ansday 5th Blossom
Round the coast to Chingkapur.
- Th'rsday 6th Blossom to Frysday 7th Blossom
Drinking, dancing, shopping, sightseeing.
Trading for spices, silks, pearls, shields made from giant clam shells, ground shells/pearls, Moonlit Orchids.
- Reapsday 8th Blossom to Reapsday 15th Blossom
Sailing south along the island chain to Freeport where we head to the Seagate Guild Outpost. Half the party portals back to Seagate from the outpost, others (Peter, Zardoz, Ari) elect to return with the ship (6-8 weeks journey time).
People and Places
Flowing Shipping Company
Merchant company of Ranke (6 ships).
Joss Myrlyn
Merchant, Flowing Shipping. Bears letters of marque (permission to salvage) from The Western Kingdom and Elfheim, but not Destiny. Their 'legal backing' costs the company 20% of the value of ships and goods salvaged.
Celestial Breeze
120' Galleon under a Ranke Flag, Flowing Shipping. Ballistae fore and aft. Crew includes an Air Mage.
Silver Phoenix
150' Elven Carrack under a Ranke flag, Flowing Shipping. Crew includes a Necromancer/Shipwright.
Sea Falcon
140' Brigantine, former Elven Warship. Crew includes a Water Mage (the Captain).
Captain Blood
Captain Zohar of Sea Falcon is also an admiral of the Western Kingdom who may have issued the letters of marque to his other captains.
Sisters of Mercy
4 Michaelines on their way to Ranniterre.
A sea spirit genus loci in the Straights of Thonia. Albatross Avatar. Has a gold 'ankle ring', magical gift of luck.
Wilhelm von Todd
Of Ein Gydi Oasis. Father of Akuji von Todd, deceased guild member.
Buffs & Mil Sci
Buffs and Abilities
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Duration | Ar | Ca | Ce | Da | Pe | Wu | Za |
Shadow Form (Za) | 15 | +32% Def | 8 hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | - | Y | Y |
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ca | Ce | Da | Pe | Wu | Za |
Witchsight (Za) | 6 | See Invis | 3½ hrs | - | Y | - | - | - | Y | Y |
Featherfall (Wu) | 6 | 3½ hrs | - | |||||||
Vapour Breathing (Wu) | 6 | 3½ hrs | - | |||||||
Fire Proofing (Ce) | 4 | 3½ hrs | - | |||||||
Fire Armour (Ce) | 6 | 3½ hrs | - | |||||||
Shadow Wings (Ca) | 16 | 46 mph | 8.5 hrs | - | ||||||
Weapon of Flames (Ce) | 10 | +11 BC%, +5 Dam | 15 min | Y | Y | - | ||||
Inspirational Song (Da) | 6 | 3 targets, -2 dice modifier. | 90 secs | - |
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ca | Ce | Da | Pe | Wu | Za |
Capability | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ca | Ce | Da | Pe | Wu | Za |
Detect Ambush (%) | Ranger (-5/rank of opposition) | 35 | 79 | 44 | 49 | |||||
See Invis (Rk) | Effective rank for seeing invisible | 7 | (6) | 13 | 9 | - | (6) | (6) | ||
Stealth (%) | Std / Ranger Outdoors | 72 | 83+ | 128 / 143 | 93 | 40 | 36 / 51 | 154 |
- Greater Enchantment
- +21 on one area each
- Mil Sci Raise Morale
- +2 WP
- Herbalism/Cook
- 3 FT Meals/Broth
Watch Order
Hour: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Std Watch | Zardoz | Wundstr | Dart | Cassandra | ||||||||
Peter | Celeste | Ari | Peter | |||||||||
Peter Devotions | Zardoz | Wundstr | Dart | |||||||||
Cassandra | Celeste | Ari | Cassandra |
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
Dart Celeste |
Double File
Dart Celeste |
Single File
Peter |
Ari | Cass | Celeste | Dart | Peter | Wundstr | Zardoz |
79 | 75 | 67 | 52 | 26 | 53 | 36 |
Spring: Thaw 824 (10) | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
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Candlemansa | 1 | Guild Meeting | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||||
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7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
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14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||||
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||||||
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28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||
Spring: Seedtime 824 (11) | ||||||||||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Rites of Thunor | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||||||
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12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Equinox | 16 | 17 | Eostre | 18 | |||||
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19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | |||||||
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26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | |||||||
Spring: Blossom 824 (12) | ||||||||||||||
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3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||||
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10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
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17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Floralia | 22 | 23 | ||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Walpurgisnacht |