Azjunni Landing

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It would be dead south of Seagate but NNE of Delph on maps.
Circa 10degrees North and 10 degrees West



This landing has a simple dock and little else to aid ships and their cargo but the landing is sheltered and a natural rock formation provides the landing with a reasonable lee area for vessels.
The landing dock leads to land where there is a stone wall surrounding a trading compound containing around 5 buildings of small size.


A new lengthy, 300ft curving stone breakwater with a Tower at the end. A Trading Fort has been built as an expansion of the compound and is now more robust due to its stone construction and increased area. There is also a clutter of 15 other buildings in the trading fort area.
A lighthouse has been built on a small island some 200 yards from the end of the breakwater and the Lighthouse is there to warn of rocks and coral nearby.


This trading post came to be due to the possible profits associated with trade from this area. Every 2 months some traders from the local tribes come here to barter for supplies they are unable to produce themselves and trade various spices, herbs, gems and other such valuable commodities.


Trading boats come mostly from St Hylena who has several vessels and pilot used to navigating in the shallow and changing waters of the Crocs Escondidos delta that leads to the landing.


Trade festivals are held twice in Spring (next one of the 25th of Thaw) , thrice in Summer and once a month in Autumn and Winter.


There are 4 large local tribes, and they meet in the mid-Summer festival and decide who will take a turn to guard the AL settlement which also means they will reside close to AL for a year. They each take a year until all have had a turn in 4 years and then decide again. This means that the tribes share in the wealth of the traders and improves their goods and skills.

The Tribe in 824wk is the Cheetah tribe ruled by Chief Amayas von Schreber.

  • Chief Amayas has 13 wives and 42 children. He is the son of a local chief and a northern explorer named Claudia von Schreber, some 40 years ago (she became wife number 11 to the old chief Massinissa) and is well supported. Chief Amayas has one blue and one brown eye giving him a foreboding countenance.

The Cheetah tribe itself numbers some 1200 and has brought its herd down from the hills for the year.


  • Piet Retief - Owner of the Weeping Swan
  • Andries Pretorius - Landing handy man and local hunter
  • Louis Botha - Owner of the Botha Trading Company
  • Horatio Bell - The Landing Sheriff
  • Yanis van Hurgen - The harbour Master
  • Lavinia Brightstar - owner of the Azjunni Landing Shipyard

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