Garserril is an Erelheine woman dressed in a floor-length white gown. She resides in a cave on the shores of the Blue Lake in Madi. She ages with the day starting at midnight emerging from the lake as an infant and returning as an old woman a few minutes before midnight each night.
Her dress acts as a symbolic reference to the affects of life and death on the isles. While death from old age or accidents do not make marks murder does. The death of Isreana left a 2 inch circular blood stain next to her heart.
Life flourishes within 200 feet of her, causing heart-rates to increase and breathing to become more rapid, while speaking with her entities age at a rate of 6 months for every minute they are in her presence so it is not recommended to those with short life-spans.
She was killed by Zepar in Summer 824
- Dealings with the Guild
- Summer 825 - - Party investigated the dissapearence of Vidal and the other dragons.
- Spoken to by the guild party as part of a check on the local Shamen.
- Characters : Everan, Rahne, Serendipity, Mortimer, Cher and Father Broc
- Autumn 813 - Investigating a boat that left Seagate docks with a large number of corpses.
- Some of the party spoke with her to determine the location of a boat loaded with many corpses.
- Characters : Teeanna and Broc. Sam and Icarone stayed in the nearby village.
- Autumn 808 - Investigating the causes of a plague on the isles.
- Party asked her to assist with tracking threads connected to a Plague in Setagen to help identify the source.
- Characters : Morgan the Orc, Everan, Menolly, Cher, Haann Uberreich, Victoria and Phaeton.