Test Western Kingdom Page
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Western Alusia
This is a link to a layered PDF map. Following the link, will take you to the Google online viewer, once open if you select download you will be able to open in Acrobat Reader and able to select layers on the right of the page.

Western Alusia encompases all the lands 45°W to 45°E and ~60°N to 10°N.
Western Alusia Map pdf or Maps of Western Alusia

The Western Kingdom
- Western Kingdom (Overview)
The Baronies
The baronies are seperated by the Western Kingdom which splits the area in half. While referred to as baronies they contain a number of independant baronies, counties and kingdoms.
The Baronies index page.
Eastern and Southern Baronies
- Borovia, County of
- Carzala, Duchy of (Home of the guild)
- Brastor Holdings
- Elfenburg
- Ffenargh Swamp
- Gracht
- Midheim
- Ormond, County of
- Tuscana, Duchy of
- Waterford, Duchy of
- Clarkesville, Neutral Barony of
Western Baronies

- Artzdorf, Kingdom of Artzdorf and Flugelheim
- Brandenburg, Duchy of
- Erewhon, Barony of
- Caledonia
- Cauldersfield
- Destiny, Republic
- Drakenburg, Duchy of
- Eltrandor, Kingdom of
- Flugelheim, Kingdom of Artzdorf and Flugelheim
- Glissom, Kingdom of
- Western Marches
- Volari, Duchy of
- DeBourgnac, Duchy of
- Halkor, Barony of
- Karne, Barony of