Travel time to Terranova Northeast coast

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To be populated by Spys
Western Alusia map - Click to zoom.

Seagate to this coast is approximately 5,000 miles. Elven Isles to this coast is about 3,000 miles.

Travelling to the area

Here is a general guide to travel from leaving Carzala and seeing landfall of the northeast coast of Terranova-

  • Flying by high rank Summon & Bind Cloud for those using (charts) will take 8 weeks first time.
  • Flying by high rank Summon & Bind Cloud for those using (charts & experience) will take 6 weeks subsequent times.
  • By fast good ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart) will take 6-10 weeks first time.
  • By fast good ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart & experience) will take 4-8 weeks subsequent times.
  • By normal speed trade ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart) will take 10-16 weeks first time.
  • By normal speed trade ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart & experience) will take 10+ weeks subsequent times.
  • Air Mage flying or Shadow Wings will fail.
  • Turning into something that swims = 14+ weeks
  • Flying on a magical two horse sleigh - overnight, gifts suggested.
  • Getting lost over snowy cold lands and pathways - Elven Ways to the highlands of Southern Terranova (half a day to a few days) then about 50 hours of strenuous walking through snowy wastes over 5 days.
  • Batshit crazy ballistic flight in a flying tin can - ~35 hours
  • Human the Fool - Portal to Drow Territory Via the plain of Salla'm'karr several seagoing vessels from the plain also in evidence.
