Travel time to Terranova Northeast coast
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To be populated by Spys

Seagate to this coast is approximately 4,500 miles away from Terranova Northeast coast. The Elven Isles to the Terranova Northeast coast is about 3,000 miles.
Travelling to the area
Here is a general guide to travel from leaving Carzala and seeing landfall of the northeast coast of Terranova-
- Flying by high rank Summon & Bind Cloud for those using (charts) will take 6 weeks first time.
- Flying by high rank Summon & Bind Cloud for those using (charts & experience) will take 4-5 weeks subsequent times.
- By fast good ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart) will take 6-10 weeks the first time.
- By fast good ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart & experience) will take 4-8 weeks subsequent times.
- By normal speed trade ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart) will take 10-16 weeks the first time.
- By normal speed trade ship with two water mages knowing where you are going (by chart & experience) will take 10+ weeks subsequent times.
- Air Mage flying or Shadow Wings will fail.
- Turning into something that swims = 14+ weeks
- Flying on a magical two horse sleigh - overnight, gifts suggested.
- Getting lost over snowy cold lands and pathways - Elven Ways to the highlands of Southern Terranova (half a day to a few days) then about 50 hours of strenuous walking through snowy wastes over 5 days.
- Batshit crazy ballistic flight in a flying tin can - ~35 hours
- From time to time Human the Fool can portal to Drow Territory Via the plain of Salla'm'karr several seagoing vessels from the plain also seen sometimes.