Black Moonlight

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Scribe Notes


Adventure Black Moonlight
GM Mandos
Season Summer 825 WK
Night Monday
Location St Johns
Area Insel der Freiheit
Level High

  • Everan - Scholar Macabre - Dean MS
  • Rahne - Enchantress of the Stars - Stephen PL & Scribe
  • Serendipity - Lady Dark - Lisa
  • Mortimer - Renaissance Scholar - Martin
  • Cher - Blade Dancer - Sean
  • Father Broc - Voice the Light - Chris
Find out what's going on in Insel der Freiheit with the planar shallowing, missing Vidal, missing Dwarves, etc.
Everan covering initial costs (50k)
Guild contributing some funds (50k)
Everan hopes to claim rewards for those we help

Scribe Notes

Info and Plans

A few weeks ago Everan woke from a dream in a meadow on another plane, a few moments later he was back in his home in Insel der Freiheit (The Isles).

  • The next time it happened he picked some grass to get DAd which came back with him, identified the plane as Renelle.
  • It wasn't just happening to Everan, seemed to be happening to everyone in the Isles but not those offshore.
  • Moving while off plane translated into a similar change of location on returning.
  • Doesn't require being asleep, transition is instant if awake at the time.
  • Affects sentients and their possessions.
  • Frequency and duration are increasing.
  • Guardian spirit at the Boneyard where Vidal lives says he left suddenly, around the time of the first transition.
  • The Dwarves (approx 7,500) suddenly packed and left about the same time. They headed through the tunnels towards the Plateau of Decay - which has many portals and is home of the Liche, Lord Arondel.
  • Chaaff (Blue Dragon) sent a Dream Sending: Seek aid from afar to save The Elemental
  • Local politics is getting a bit warlike, that has been building for longer.
  • The Portal to Insel der Freiheit is in a cave in the northern Filgiso Forest, the Trorcs who were guarding that end have also packed up and left.
  • Of the dragons, Vidal & Chaaff are missing; 2 others homes are in unknown locations; 1 is dangerous; Roche has visited and met with Vidal.

Potential plans:

  1. Visit Roche in D'arbres to see what he knows.
  2. Track Dwarves and/or Trorcs.
  3. Try to contact Chaaff via Dream.
  4. Wait for transition in the isles and then explore Renelle / try to contact natives of Renelle.
  5. Wait outside the isles for transition to see what happens.
W'ansday 2nd Meadow

We portal to Newcourt, fly 60 miles north to the edge of D'arbres, then after leaving a gift of alcohol for the Fae, fly at ground level 20 miles west to Roche's usual area of residence. We hang around for a while, calling his name, no response until Mortimer & Seren vanish. They return about 5 minutes later to report that Roche hasn't been here for about 15 years.

We fly out west then south to Newcourt, portal to Seagate, then fly to the Trorc village in the hills just north of the Filgiso Forest. We have a sense of an ambush around the village, scrying we find 6 Demonic creatures that look like double sized hell hounds (GTN: Demonic Wolf, minions of Zepar). We try to draw them into our own kill zone, but they decline, staying at range, targeting Everan with long range fire bolts and Phantasms. We get bored and carry on down the tunnel to exit through the portal to the isles.

Coming out of our cave to a junction, the exit out the cave on Mt Tatau, Kapit Mountains (madness inflicted on fliers) is one way, Dwarves another way, Chaaff the third.

We check out Chaaff's cave, a glowing hoard, a small (human/elf sized) study. We find and extract a small blue scale (GTN: Greater Fae) from the hoard to use to try to find/contact Chaaff. We decide to rest here. Mortimer consults his mental library and Rahne dreamwalks.

A Dream of Chaaff

While you all kept watch, I stepped into the Dreamworld next to Chaaff's hoard. Dream there is extremely detailed and intricate. There's a large triangular room, like a royal palace or similar in terms of opulence and size. The ceilings are painted with various scenes that appear to reflect the creation stories of the mortal races. At each point of the triangle there is a circular area which contain, an Ash, an Oak, and an Acacia tree respectively all topping out at around 65ish feet.

The rest of the room contains a number of chairs and chaise longue around the edges all ornate and in dark blue fabrics to contrast with the white marble walls.

There is no one in the room nor in the galleries that lead off from each of the walls.

Using the scale as a connection and sending a message to Chaaff got a response in the form of a dream within the dream. An Elf in blue armour is down on one knee at the edge of a deep chasm and appears to be undergoing a mental battle. He is weary, his armour scuffed and scraped from battle. Looking up at me he says in an exhausted and brittle voice, "Seek the bat, it is time to spea......" then the dream fades out, I woke on a chaise longue then stepped out of Dream to rejoin you all.

Clidrarod, the Bat Shaman?

Interview with a Vampire and a Monk

Mortimer: It may or may not be relevant to our current situation. I found an interesting ancient reference that appears to name the isles as Ælfholme and indicates they are the bane of Elves and True Elves, the latter term being obscure in the context of a story that appears Early Imperial (that is, should not involve later divisions amongst the Elves). The story itself is a cautionary tale of an elf who ignores warnings not to venture to the proscribed land, does so, and dies.

Elves don't (automatically) die here now... so the reference or my reading could be wrong. Or they are in peril and we should an eye on Seren... (and Broc I guess).  Or they are not ælfas and soþælfas... which would open up other questions...

While we're discussing heading to see the Bat, the hoard vanishes, guessing we've transitioned to Renelle, we race to the cave entrance to check local plants and confirm we are on Renelle, the stars show the same.

We decide to fly towards the Blue Lake wearing Seren's Bracelets to keep us on the same plane. Part way we notice a blip as some of us flip between planes then get drawn back. Speculating that we may have just missed the wave to take us back we remove the bracelets and fly on. Nearly 3 hours later we're at the lake, the waterfall descends normally and there are bears living behind it, the climate and plant life is different, pine forests rather than jungle. Putting the bracelets back on, we banish half the party at once to get all of us back to Alusia.

Dinner & a rest while waiting for sunset. Just after sunset as we're packing up, 7 people surround us. We greet them (Clidrarod) politely, explaining our presence.

  • The Dwarves and Dragons are working to keep the planes separate, they must not join. They may be working beneath the Plateau of Decay.
  • Before the mortals there was something that was broken asunder, it must not be allowed to re-form. One piece is in the isles and another is on Renelle, if they were to combine they would draw other pieces to them.
  • The Dragons of the isles are the guards of the shard on the isles. Other shards on other worlds will have their own guards.
  • There must be someone on each world acting to draw them together, they are potentially influenced in their actions by the shards and may not even realise.
  • Clidrarod is not transitioning to Renelle when the waves come through, he is bound to this world.
  • 'The Elementals' would most likely be: Water, Dark, Light (a Fae, at The Broken Mansion - 80 miles from Everan's home), Fire, Air (lives in the air near the Blue Lake, doesn't like people flying), Life (also at the Blue Lake, she has a 24-hour looping lifecycle), & Death (Lord Arrindale at the Plateau). Noting no earth, though plants may be considered earth-ish.

At the bottom of the spiral stairs below the Plateau of Decay is a mine that leads to another world, a cavern with standing stones. The Stone-Elf army went there.

Before departing, we check on

the Air Shaman - getting a Lightning Bolt warning shot, then Whirlwind Vortex;
and Life Shaman - only those who are long-lived, she reports that Light is still injured, none of others are dead, significantly injured, or departed from the isles. The Spider has been gaining in power.

As stars, we fly to a nearby monastery, walking the last 3 miles. There we gain admittance and spend the night.

Th'rsday 3rd Meadow

In the morning we ask what they know of the planar shifts. They are aware of the transitions, they go to a place where their temple is ruined. Priests going missing from the western provinces, reports of corrupted temples over the past few years. Inner Sanctum has 3 40' tall Buddha-like gold plated statues joined at their backs, Mortimer sees the vertical light beam emanating from their heads, I can see spirits playing above their heads and a conglomerate 'hearth spirit' above the building. Broc speaks to the dead spirits, they tell him that when the monks transition, undead appear here.

We depart, back down the stairs passing pilgrims on their way up.

 Mortimer: I'm very worried about Everan's health. That amount of weight and his reluctance to engage in physical activity just aren't going to be good for him in the long run, and giving him the ability to fly everywhere really isn't helping, but is probably necessary given the urgency of our mission. I shall have to see if he can be encouraged to embark upon a regimen of physical fitness on the conclusion of current events. 

Many Leads and Theories

Once out of bow range of the temple (3 miles) we take flight for the ruined manor where the light shaman lives, while about 400 miles directly, we travel about 700 miles in order to avoid the Air Shaman's area of control.

On the way we pause to check a village we're passing. Mortimer checks the temple crystal, it is Kyanite, properties of 'Good'/benevolence & Soul Containment. The temples gather the souls of those who die locally to become part of the benevolent spirit of the village. Some of the people here have talked of dreams of another place, only forest, no village, no other people seen.

Flying in, there's a large river nearby, circle of dead trees (scarring terrain), manor house in the middle. As we approach, the spirit of the Light Shaman manifests as a Boggart (Jizimusc) comes out to meet us, Mortimer is unwelcome as he was with the group that hurt it.

  • She doesn't like Life, Death, or Air.
  • Blorald, the Water Shaman visits occasionally, last time was about a year ago.
  • She was the first Fae allowed back to the Isles by the Elders, they weren't allowed here before because of the risk of corruption. This was after the 'sundering' (when Elves split from being Fae).
  • Their people (the Fae) bought a piece of chaos here (through the circle of stones - portal, beneath the plateau of decay) where it was trapped in time. This is what was dangerous/corrupting until it was made safe by the Elders.
  • She is connected to the Winter Queen.
  • Refers to the dragons (The guardians) as the last of the Elders (who were all powerful Fae).
  • Nearest shaman to here is Fire, at a Volcano near Romache.
  • She is the only shaman that is Fae.

Trying to precog where we will find the Elemental that needs help, I see us dividing to either side of one of Broc's planar portals.

Spring connected to the elemental planes in a shrine west of here.

There is a flow of water from Elemental plane of Water through a Kyanite crystal, out to the south-west, returns to the north.

The Western most Dwarven portal Everan knows comes out at the Statue Water Nymph which is within the no-fly zone.

We head into the nearest Dwarven portal, heading through their halls which have been packed up and cleared out recently. Within a couple of hours we get to the Nymph statue.

Mortimer goes to ask Flytrap to talk to the water and discovers it is missing. Back tracking, we work out that it and Hatch have been missing since we blipped between worlds while flying. Heading back to Chaaf's cave, we locate and find them outside the cave. We/they decide to stay in Chaaf's cave while we travel.

As stars, we fly west for 3-4 hours falling to ground in the jungle a couple of miles before a coastal city.

We set up camp in the jungle (Star Dome, Rune Ward, Enchanted Tent, Bone Fortress).

Frysday 4th Meadow

After lunch, we fly around the city to the south towards a 30 x 50 mile island about 15 miles off the coast that has a red light coming up from a fishing/trading town on the east coast.

The spirit of the temple has been affected by corrupting Exsanguination magic for years. Everan talks to the spirit, it is in pain, the crystal needs to be replaced. After lots of discussion, Mortimer invisibly flies up and removes the crystal - the red light and pain of the spirits ends then they disperse.

Note: House Vorturia is the most likely to be able to make the temple crystals.

Flying and Talking

Ancient Divination of the corrupt crystal: The Crystal was specially attuned to trap spirits in a bad way. Attuned (a quasi-magical skill) 5-10 years ago, blood magics put into it at the time (MA 19 adept). Likely this was swapped in for the original, not that the original was corrupted. Means the villages are not protected. We're not sure what other reasons/benefits.

We try to work out which of the 7 Elemental Shaman we need to help:

  1. Air In Pain, possibly split between worlds
  2. Water  ?
  3. Life Ok
  4. Light Ok
  5. Death Corrupted
  6. Dark Ok
  7. Fire Ok

We are currently off the west coast. House Vorturia is North. There's a water place of power in the south, not too far from the volcano.

We fly back east until we hit the no-fly zone then stop for dinner and a few hours rest while Seren attempts to call the Dark Shaman. Her calling (summoning) works, a dark shape emerges from the ground to chat.

  • Water is at the Blue Lake.
  • Earth is deceased.
  • Death has ceased his mission (stopped protecting the shard).
  • It knows one of the Elemental Shaman is in pain, but not one of those that reside in darkness.
  • The red crystals are a mortal matter.

6 hours as stars flying to The Water Nymph where we enter the Dwarven tunnels and get some sleep.

  • From Vidal's (on the east coast - Tanah Bombay), 340 miles south to Volcano or 220 miles west to The Riverman's herbarium.
  • Everan knows of an exit to the north east.
  • And another above the termite shaman's swamp to the south, about 220 miles from the volcano.
Reapsday 5th Meadow

We head to the swamp exit then fly towards the Volcano. Mortimer can see 3 white beams from temples. The capital of the Kingdom is not far NW from here. Landing just before the volcano, we spend half an hour packing all of our potions, oils, and flammables then fly on to the caldera. There is a large cave to one side which we land in, which turns out to be Romache's cave. Calling out we are answered by a 'fire seal', the Elemental Shaman of Fire. He's friendly and says he's fine.

  • The Earth Elemental may have been one of the first corrupted. The Tree Shaman was the next to manifest.
  • If we want to visit Fire without bothering Romache, we should go to the north end of the Caldera.

We fly north, detouring to the water place of power - a 2 inch hole in a cliff that is the source of one of the rivers. We spot a spirit (GTN: Vapor Spirit) lurking in the cliff, it is keen for us to drink, we're fairly sure it will attack anyone that drinks. We collect a couple of gallons then fly on towards Karel Ridge.

  • The spirit will attack/eat those that fall asleep.
  • The water provides mana for spells and causes sleepiness.

We fly around a town near the ridge which has two temples with white beams.

The Karel Ridge - 30 mile long 10-15 mile wide ridge of large healthy trees with a thick canopy. Cher spots a Manticore flying not far north of us. We descend through the canopy and start searching for an Ent or The Riverman.

After a while we spot two huts partly concealed, we call out and approach, a couple of people (Shaman) emerge - GTN Human; Her (Tiamor): Completion, Him (Eldapol): Growth. They invite us to dine with them by their fire, bringing out a bountiful platter of fruit and vegetables.

  • During the transitions they have seen creatures come through in large numbers: Undead, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Shape Shifter Bear & Wolf.

They lead us along a faint path to a 'glade' of especially large trees where the Tree Shaman (Ent) lives. Tiamor translates to and from Ent for us.

  • The Ent can hear and feel pain on the breeze - which might indicate that it is Air that is in pain. Some of him may be missing.
  • There is corruption in the air.
  • Arrindale is corrupted, he has fallen. They are working on this but don't have a specific plan yet. If we could kill him (again - he is a Liche) that should work.
  • Air is one of the Eldest, very aloof. He resides on the highest mountain in the isles.
  • Fire is the youngest of the old Shaman.

We head back to their house where Tiamor gives us a leaf folded into the shape of a boat, if we put this on a lake it is a way of calling the Water Shaman. The nearest lake to here is one of the Lakes of Regret to the east (water causes amnesia) - near Vidal's.

Bones on the Mountain

We fly to the Lakes of Regret, there we use the leaf to call Water. We have supper on the lake shore, an hour and a half later she arrives forming the shape of a watery Elf, she communicates via watery images. We think she is well, she has seen undead and orcs on the banks of rivers during the transitions, she doesn't know of others that need help other than Light.

Through the Dwarf tunnels to Mt Kapit, a couple of hours rest then we fly south (as stars) about 9 hours (400-450 miles) to Mt Biraja, the tallest mountain. As we approach we see a 300' across bone construction (multiple permanent casts) diamond capping the top of the mountain, we land on a ledge below it and cautiously climb up to investigate. While studying it a bloody eye emerges from the top and floats around to spy on us. Everan detects a lot of undead within it, Blood Golems. We try a few things to disrupt the bones, Earthquake deforms an area of it so we can see through the cracks. Spells within the area of the bones & darkness are affected by a Threshold magic that erodes the spells fairly quickly. We hide and start summoning a Dark Sphere, they respond by sending a cloud of blood rain which we move away from.

Broc attempts to banish some of the undead in the name of Gabriel, he vanishes and is talked to by one of the Dragons (Ijel)in Elven form telling him this isn't helping. We need to rescue Air on both worlds.

We take shelter under an overhang to start making a portal to Renelle (which won't open), they send some Ogre Flesh Golems after us, we kill and loot them.

  • 4 x Giant Axes that enhances Weapon Spells on it by 50% (ranks, max 30).
  • 4 x Pauldrons, attach to metal armour, makes them targets of Self Spells.
Sunday 6th Meadow

We take off the bracelets to allow us to transition to Renelle, then we move a couple of miles down a ridgeline into the forest, set up camp and rest for the day - we don't transition. Broc makes a portal to Renelle, we go through but find ourselves pushed about 100 miles south, probably a prohibition on portals closer to the mountain. We've emerged near a waterfall and pond, confirmed (by stars, plants, terrain, and climate) on Renelle. Looking around we see many fliers in the air, scouts and transport, they look similar to Harpies.

Session 6

Moonday 7th Meadow
Duesday 8th Meadow
W'nsday 9th Meadow
Th'rsday 10th Meadow
Frysday 11th Meadow
Reapsday 12th Meadow
Sunday 13th Meadow
Moonday 14th Meadow
Duesday 15th Meadow
W'nsday 16th Meadow
Th'rsday 17th Meadow

Reference Info

Days of the Week

The 23 days of the week align with the 23 Shaman, 7 of which are considered 'Elemental'.

Weekday Name Location Notes
Air ** In Pain Adooming Mt Biraja Split between worlds - unfriendly - 1st Gen.
Water ** Bloirreld Elemental? (f) Blue Lake Migratory 1st Gen.
Herb The Riverman Human(m) The Karel Ridge 2nd Gen.
Berry Tiamor Human(f) The Karel Ridge partner of Vine
Life ** Garserril Erelheine(f) near Blue Lake Ok - WARNING speeds up aging (6 months per minute).
Termite Gruselig Dwarf South
Light ** Ok Jizimusc Fae (Boggart) Villa in the South Holds grudges - 1st Gen.
Death ** Lord Arrindale Lich Plateau of Decay Corrupted - 2nd Gen.
Cockroach Shareal Human(m) recent in role
Millipede Zahie Human(f)
Parrot partner of Woodpecker
Dark ** Ok Achtherenth Elemental 1st Gen.
Ant Dergham
Humming Bird
Woodpecker partner of Parrot
Tree Denawem Ent Northern The Karel Ridge (big trees)
Fire ** Ok Seavez Elemental Laoet Volcano, South East By Romache, Very friendly, 1st Gen.
Vine Eldapol Human(m) The Karel Ridge partner of Berry
Bat Clidrarod - Vampire near Blue Lake Historian, 3rd Gen.
** indicates Elemental Shaman

Buffs & Mil Sci

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Ev Mo Rn Se Ch Br
Greater Ench. (Rn) 20 +21% to Res, Mag, Com, and S&S. 5 days A A Y A A Y
Witchsight (Rn) 22 See Invis 12.5 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ench Armour (Rn) 20 +42% Def +1 AP 14 DR vs Phnt/Nmare. 10.5 hrs 2 Y
Rune Shield. (Br) 16 +21% Def and 4 pts of Dmg, Spec Grev effect 17 Hours Y
Familial Defence (Mo) 19 +43% Def +3 DR 10 hrs Y Y
Shadowform (Se) 20+ 10 hrs A
Dance of Swords (Ch) 20? ? 10 hrs Y
Str of Darkness (Se) 20 +11 PS 200 min Y Y Y A N Y
Instil Flight (Mo) 15 80 mph, 800 lbs limit, item 20k+ sp to enchant 16 hrs per 24 Y Y Y Y N
Ice Traversal (Ch) 20 Travel over ice and/or snow without slipping or sinking in. (+7 TMR on flat ice) 7 hrs Y
Self Only  
Mind Shield +10+2/rk% vs M.Att. 1+2/rk hrs 8 12 13
Navigation Extra Navigator ranks as listed and safer travel 1+rk Hrs +4 (12)
Water Breathing 1+rk hrs 12

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ev Mo Rn Se Ch Br
Enchant Weapon (Ra) 16 +17 BC%, +6 Dam. +7 vs Phn/Nm 21 min
Invisibility (Ra) 18 Invisible, optional Death's Shroud 95 min
Senses and other stuff
Capability Rk Effects Dur Ev Mo Rn Se Ch Br
Sense Danger (%) Mind Talent (or equivalent) 71%
Detect Ambush (%) Ranger (-5/rank of opposition) 111% 136% 114%
See Invis (Rk) Effective rank for seeing invisible 22 22 22 22 22 22
Stealth (%) Standard / Ranger Outdoors 76% 141% 165 / 182% 121% 159%


Enhance Enchantment
(Ra) rank 11-13: 65-80 seconds
Herbalist Lunch/Broth
Everan rk 5, Meal 4 FT or Broth 4 FT
Rahne Ranger ring (Highlands)
+7% Def, +7 IV in Melee and Ranged
Everan - Protection from Evil (10 ft radius from Everan)
+30% MR, +4 FT AP, +4 Spell AP
Dance (Cher)
5 mins dancing every morning for Reroll 1 failed MR or ignore 1 stun
Snail Shell (Cher)
1 each, crush to undo one terrible consequence (Only have 5)
Crystal of Vision (Rn)
Rk 20, 30 mins per day, 305 miles range, optional Audio, up to 3 hops.
Dream Dust (Rn)
Rk 20, resist at -20 or enchanted sleep for 21 hours.
Pixie Dust (Rn)
Rk 14, one of: Float for 7.5 hrs at Windspeed +/- 14 mph; Able to eat anything safely for 15 mins; Hallucinations for 75 sec, -15 PC.

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Broc Everan Cher Serendipity Mortimer

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Rahne Cher Broc
Serendipity Everan Mortimer

Double File

Rahne Broc
Cher Everan
Mortimer Serendipity

Single File



Lucky Numbers (Rahne)
Everan Mortimer Rahne Serendipity Cher Broc
35 81 65 -- 41 66
Timely Warnings
10 Portents (Advantage one one dice roll)

Astrology Readings

Why are the two planes colliding?

We are on procession with the crucial, with the wild
Taken in possession by the music and beguiled
Hold tight, we're going out tonight
Under the black moonlight
Move 'til we're outta sight
Into the black moonlight
Riding on the rhythm of a drama on the wall
Fire of desire paints your shadow against the wall
Dark magic, imagine
The shameless, attraction
In passion, we're nearly there

Is the cause of the issue on Renelle?

We could live
For a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears
I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never ever tear us apart

What is causing this?

Two evil fairies, dark and sly,
Meet 'neath the moon, where shadows lie.
In a ring of toadstools, twisted, wild,
They weave their magic, cruel and beguiled.

Whispers of madness in the night air,
Spinning illusions, unraveling care.
One touch, one dance, their powers entwine,
And minds unravel, crossing the line.

The forest trembles, the stars grow dim,
As sanity fades, lost on a whim.
In the ring, they laugh, a haunting sound,
Where the broken souls are forever bound.

Where is Vidal

Beyond the veil where moments break,
A dragon stirs, its wings awake.
Five brothers rise, with eyes aflame,
Each bound to fight, but none the same.

The first, a tempest, wild and free,
Whispers of winds through infinity.
The second, fierce with burning rage,
Unleashes fire to melt the cage.

The third, a shadow carved in night,
Wears silence like a cloak of fright.
The fourth, a watcher, cold and wise,
Sees through the veil of darkened skies.

The fifth, a dreamer, lost in thought,
Wields time itself, a web once caught.

Together they stand, against the tide,
A dragon's roar, the brothers' guide.
In fractured realms, they fight the fray,
Where evil lingers, twisting day.

Through realms of chaos, time unbound,
They battle forces without sound.
A flame of gold, a heart of stone,
The dragon leads, yet stands alone.

Five souls entwined, though none can stay,
Each brother bound to turn away.
In endless night, where moments die,
They clash against the void, on high.

For in this place, where time is torn,
The five unite, yet never worn—
The dragon leads, yet none can see
The price they pay for eternity.

Where are the Dwarves

Beneath the stone, where echoes fade,
The dwarves arise in twilight's shade.
With iron hearts and hands of fire,
They stand beside the dragon's pyre.

In caves that twist through endless lore,
They forge the tools that fight the war.
Each hammer strikes, each chisel carves,
A bond unbroken, through the stars.

They see no dawn, nor dusk's embrace,
Only the dragon's timeless face.
The mountain's blood, the earth’s deep song,
Their ancient oath, forever long.

In silver veins and molten gold,
Their strength lies deep, yet none are bold.
They craft the chains that bind the night,
And set the flame that holds the light.

With runes etched in the walls of stone,
They whisper words in languages grown
Each strike, each blow, each quiet prayer,
The dwarves uphold what none can bear.

So here they stand, in realms untold,
Where time is lost, yet none grow old.
The dwarves, with fire, with stone, with flame,
Support the dragon, none the same.


Summer: Meadow 825 WK
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Beltane Full Moon 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 White Lotus 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 Full Moon 29 30 1 2 3 4
Summer: Heat 825 WK
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 Full Moon 27 28 29 30 1 2
Summer: Breeze 825 WK
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
3 Day of Death 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 Full Moon 25 26 27 28 29 30