County Grobbety
Location | Aladar |
![]() | |
Government | Count Grobban Schaefer Vassal Barons |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
This county of Aladar is the largest after the breakup of Aladar post the baronies war and is ruled by Count Grobban Schaefer (eldest Son and designated heir of Count Grobbelar who died in Summer 800).
The count rules over a substantially reduced number of Barons than his late father did as the Barons only number 32 rather than 70 previously. This has meant consolidation of a number of baronial manors either entirely or in part to other baronies or manors controlled by the Count.
Since the death of his father Count Grobban has been working to consolidate the County and rectify any issues from the war and previously. During this time he has had 4 Barons 'vacated' due to treasonous activities and has replaced them with new Barons elevated from amongst his fellow previous squires. Count Grobban has won praise from the populace for his program of rebuilding an he seems to listen on the occasions that civil leaders make request of him. He has notably had built the Grobban bridge across the river ....... thereby shortening travel time between ....... substantially.
Geography of the County
Urban Locations
- Grobbelartaun
- Gerabraun
- Groestmarch
- Kirshvylle
- La Sanchelle
- Loffingham
- Le Chanegrit
- Oppenbach
- Reppenzarll
- Starsbrugen
- Slenyan
- Grobbstadt
- Glaustadt
- Enderburg
- Hemsbach
- Altenstein
- Voldhaus
- Gerabraun
- Standerstadt
- Rycheim
- Steinburg
- Hirshberg
- Prepenhursdt
- Schtormensdorff
- Reckhausen
- Nymarkt
Count Grobban Schaefer
- Adelbert Muhlbauer - Baron of Quakengast
- Aidarus Fuchs - Baron of Glaustadt
- Albrecht Von Gothe - Baron of Xantenburg
- Andreas Ernst - Baron of Zugenruck
- Anselm Bauer - Baron of Joterborg, Elevated to Baron in Spring 802
- Arminius Koch - Baron of Weltzendorf
- Byorn Konigshausen - Baron of Reppenzarll
- Caleb Schimmelmann - Baron of Thurnsneditz
- Carey Allmann - Baron of Forchenheim
- Daniel Gersdorff - Baron of Magdenhiem, Elevated to Baron in Autumn 802
- Deiter Landowski - Baron of Gerabraun
- Erik von Liebstrau - Baron of Victstrass
- Erwin Platzmann - Baron of Olftenbaum, Elevated to Baron in Spring 801
- Ethan Wolfgarten - Baron of Starsbrugen
- Felix Gersdorff - Baron of Braunatal
- Felix Wagner - Baron of Riderlingen, Elevated to Baron in Autumn 800
- Franz Deppermann - Baron of Prepenhursdt
- Gerhard Von Braun - Baron of Nordmarkt
- Giles de Runcy - Baron of Oprausen
- Jakob Eichmann - Baron of Krachheim
- Johann Ungerschultz - Baron of Wardenburg
- Hubert von Humboldt - Baron of Steinhugel 806wk onwards (ex Baron of Steinhugel Kern Silvercrest 796-806wk)
- Kiefer Sammelhausen - Baron of Neudamunster
- Leon Schneider - Baron of Urmderlingen
- Mayer Liszt - Baron of Chemstein
- Miles Foerster - Baron of Altenstein
- Ottmar Meinhoef - Baron of Enderburg
- Proteus Hahn - Baron of Hemsbach
- Raymond Coblenz - Baron of Altzenburg
- Vaughn Dahlmann - Baron of Reckhausen
- Waylter Dahlmann - Baron of Dillenheim
- Wilhelm Arenberg - Baron of Schtormendorf
Civic Leaders
Grobbety is divided into 32 Baronies.
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Carey Allmann |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Anselm Bauer |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Anselm Bauer
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Giles de Runcy |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Daniel Gersdorff |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Daniel Gersdorff
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Erwin Platzmann |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Erwin Platzmann
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Felix Wagner |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Felix Wagner
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Wilhelm Arenberg |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Erik von Liebstrau |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Erik von Liebstrau
This Barony is within County Grobbety (ruled by Count Grobban) who holds it on behalf of the King of the Western Kingdom. It is on the Southern Coast of Aladar and is mainly coastal plains. It has the Barony of Steinhugel to the East, the Barony of Riderlingen to the North, the Barony of Prepenhursdt to the NW.
Baron Wardenburg, Johann Ungerschultz rules the Barony with an iron fist after an insurrection in 802 by foreign lead mercenaries lead to the death of many locals.
There are 40 knights who hold manors within the Barony and are responsible for the peace and security of populace in their local area as well as the Barony overall. These knights hold some official and bureaucratic power but will hold some 'issues' over for the Baron. The Barony has reasonable relations with the fief's surrounding it and they tend to cooperate to keep down instances of banditry and lawlessness.
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron Johann Ungerschultz of Wardenburg |
Religion | Western Church: 99% Demon Worship: 1% |
Population | ~19,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach 30% |
Taxes - Moderate |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |
Location | County of Grobbety, Aladar |
Government | Baron ? |
Religion | Western Church: ?% Demon Worship: ?% |
Population | ~?,000 |
Languages | Common ?% Folksprach ?% |
Taxes |