Adventure Wanted September 2008

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This page is for players who want to play on an adventure this session to list their character.

Partly this is for players who can't make it to the meeting, partly it is to assist in 'capacity planning', if potential GMs know what the demand is they can consider adjusting their adventure to better suit the required levels.

You can also sign up for adventures by adding your details to the appropriate adventure on the Scribe Notes page.

Please add the character you most want to play to the numerated list (begin the line with a #) in the appropriate level group, with the following information in this order:

# Level - Nights you can play in order of preference - College - Race - Character - Player (*) 

Suffix with an asterisk if you cannot attend the meeting. Afterwards list alternate characters you could play in an indented list under your first preference including whether this is an alternate or whether you are looking for a second game.

# Level - Nights you can play in order of preference - College - Race - Character - Player (*) 
#* Level - Nights you can play in order of preference - College - Race - Character - Alternate/Second Game

Any Level

Low Level

  1. Bunny - Any - Dark Celestial - Human - Kerry - Helen Saggers
    • Very Low - Any - E&E - Human - Aaron - Alternate
  2. Low Medium - By Negotiation(Not Tues) - Ice - Human - Veor - Bernard
  3. Low - Monday to Thursday - E&E - Halfling - Rumpelstilzchen - Philip

Medium Level

  1. Aurora - elven female air mage - can't join until the third or fourth week (once we're back in NZ) - Keith
    • Aqualina - medium/high - would prefer an aquatic based adventure but will go where she's wanted.

High Level

  1. High - Mon - Thur - Ice/Warrior Pent