Blood in the Snow

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Blood in the Snow
GM: Chris
Season: Spring 814 wk
Night: Tuesday
Level: Low-Med

  • Arandor MS - played by Phil J
  • Rahne S - played by Stephen M
  • Ibrihim - played by Andrew W
  • Cher - played by Sean E
  • Mayhem - played by Jim A
  • Prue PL - played by Julia M
An Emissary of Narviyk - Borgar Solvtungen of Clan Whitehawk
The party is hired to deal with some problems in the far NNE of Alusia, just south of the permanent ice in The Kingdom of Narviyk. The Lord of Partridge Vale has encountered creatures they are unfamiliar with and seek expert help as the local fighters are fatally unable to deal with the upsurge in hostile natives.
Wyverns/Drakes, Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, Hobgoblins in an old Fort. 3 towns to check on.
Lots of (large) Rubies and Amber. 30,000sp worth by guild valuation up front and 30,000 on completion.

Scribe Notes

One Day East

We meet up and introduce ourselves, some previous companions and some new. Then we are introduced to the large Northerner (6'4" blond large build, middle-aged, lame leg) Borgar, he tells us of his home and of the troubles in the Vale that they would like our help with. The way he describes it the vale is a pleasant place where they send those unable to fight and the elderly to live out their days, then he mentions all the dangerous creatures in the area and it starts to sound like those unable to fight are sent there to be killed.

After the meeting we go our different ways to prepare for morning departure. Mayhem keeps our employer and his companions company as they carouse to ensure they survive the natives of Seagate till morning. Ibrihim and Prue acquire winter survival gear, some luxury goods and some trade goods. Cher sets to preserving and itemising everything. Arandor and I are guards and couriers.

W'ansday 2nd Thaw

Setting out at dawn, we fly most of the day to the lake south-east of the Filgiso Forest then into the caves and through the portal to the east. We arrive after midnight and camp outside the caves until morning.

Th'rsday 3rd Thaw

With Prue in charge we travel rapidly down river then across a channel to Laoet Island and into the port of Setagen. There we are met by guards who are unwelcoming until bribed by Borgar, then they remember and welcome him. We are due to sail north on the Grey Storm but it has not arrived yet, the guards encourage us to stay at the Darkened Oak while we wait.

It seems the Darkened Oak is where all foreigners are sent, sitting in the common room when we arrive are merchants from Kin Lu, Raniterre, and Chingapur. Prue informs us over mind speech that most of them are probably spies. We acquire two rooms on the top floor where it is coolest.

Embark the Grey Storm

We spend the afternoon shopping in the market, followed by spies and thieves, ripped off by merchants, both ours and theirs.

That evening we study the other residents of the Inn under the cover of some of us fraternising. Mayhem retires with the dancing girls, Moe, Rihanna and Coco.

Late in the evening, after a storm rolls in, the Captain of the Grey Storm enters. They rode the front of the storm into harbour and will be leaving in the morning as soon as the storm lifts (Ibrihim assures us that will be in 17 hours). And it seems that all of the foreign residents of this Inn are his passengers.

Frysday 4th Thaw

We report to the ship mid-morning, a couple of hours before the storm clears and are shown to our cramped cabin. Shortly the Captain comes to see us, his Water Mage has unexpectedly resigned and left the ship, and it seems someone has identified our colleges as the Captain asks pointed questions and tells us it will be a long slow voyage without a replacement Air or Water mage. Prue and Ibrihim accept positions on the crew for the duration of this voyage, Ibrihim surprises us by negotiating strongly with the Captain for their ship's share.

Reapsday 5th - W'ansday 9th Thaw

We sail north then north-west, heading for the port of Varnod. After 5 days at sea we start to see Ice Bergs, on the 6th day we approach a heavy fog, Cher who has been flying ahead scouting returns to report sounds of battle in the fog ahead.

We prepare then take to the air to investigate, Ibrihim calls a Windstorm to clear the fog around our ship and make it difficult for anyone to approach.

As we reach the area of battle we see people and small boats in the water amongst wreckage, then we see the giant sea serpent that has presumably destroyed the ship and is now eating the people.

The Sea Serpent

We attack. Prue lands on an Iceberg near the survivors and wields her Water magic to rescue survivors and drive off sharks; Mayhem tests a water landing then quickly decides the Iceberg is warmer and a better take-off platform; Arandor shoots flaming arrows into the serpent; Cher lands in the water to protect survivors from the circling sharks; Ibrihim assails the serpent with a small sand storm; I charge in making flying strikes against the head of the serpent, trying to distract it from slaughtering the survivors; Mayhem returns to the air and after a couple of passes to establish his line of approach, lands on the back of the serpent and starts stabbing it.

Together we make the serpent bleed, it dives underwater to flee, Mayhem hangs on, I grab its tail, Ibrihim is a moment too late and is left in its wake. Mayhem and I continue to strike as we descend to dangerous depths, slaying the serpent and almost expiring ourselves before returning to safety. Meanwhile the others had killed or driven off the sharks and rescued a lot of the people.

With further water magic applied, I locate the dead serpent then Prue and I descend to retrieve it. We take the survivors, as many corpses as we can recover, and the dead serpent back to our ship.

The survivors tell us the ship was attacked by the serpent, the crew put them in life boats then attempted to defend the ship, the serpent crushed the ship and ate the crew before turning on them. We find out that it had been controlled by powerful Witchcraft, the survivors can't name any likely enemies to have targeted them. The passengers were from several reasonably wealthy families who chartered the ship to move south to warmer lands near Chingapur.

Cher creates appropriate tools and we enlist the marines to help in butchering the serpent. We take sections of skin and scale to potentially make armour or shields, teeth and bone for weapons, preserved eyes and internal organs for alchemy, and large cross sections of meat which are dehydrated and itemised for transport.

We then resume our journey.

Th'rsday 10th - Moonday 14th Thaw

We proceed north and then west uneventful apart from the increasing cold and cramped conditions to finally make port at Barneod late on the 14th.

Chapter 4

Duesday 15th Thaw


Spring: Thaw (10) 814wk
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Candlemansa 1 Guild Meeting SGT 2 Filgiso 3 Setagen 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Spring: Seedtime (11)
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 Rites of Thunor 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 Eostre 18 Seagate Spring Ball
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Spring: Blossom (12)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 Floralia 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Walpurgisnacht



Mebh - water scrying #1
The powers grow across the lands and cause the bones to quake,
Little one using power without thought brings wrath upon all,
The land remembers and tracks the offenders,
Till one day they reclaim the power ripped from its womb
Mebh - water scrying #2
Secrets buried long ago by great heroes,
Lie deep within the stone and water,
Powers thought unreachable,
Awaiting their true heirs


  • Borgar Solvtungen of Clan Whitehawk - emissary from the Kingdom

Grey Storm

105' Carrack. Preservation magical/alchemical, uses Amber, may make it a better target of Ship Strength.

Captain Lordmark
Splash McManon - Water Mage (former)
Mayhem says the name is familiar and was associated with pirates. Could be why he suddenly quit when we came on board.
110 Crew
100 Marines
Soldiers from Viborg - up north, the captain is commissioned to train in seamanship and naval combat. They are on their way home. Have 2 Namers.
Passengers - us and 14 others
  1. Kinlu 1 - has geometric tattoos on his neck
  2. Kinlu 2 -
  3. Soon - from Chingapur, has tattoo of Spider and Snake entwined.
  4. Ranniterre 1
  5. Ranniterre 2
  6. Cervis - from Ebola
  7. Ebola 2
  8. Ebola 3
  9. Adjepbar - 'merchant'
  10. Hanse - from Ranke
  11. Ranke 2
  12. _
  13. _
  14. _


and expenses.

Item Qty Effects Ar Ch Ma Pr Ra Ib
Scorpion blade venom 12 -
Insect Repellent



Magic Rk Effects Dur Ar Ch Ma Pr Ra Ib
Ice Traversal (Ch) 19 5 targets +7 tmr on flat ice 6:40 h:m Y Y Y Y Y Y
Flying Carpet (Ib) 12 42 mph, 273 miles 6½ hrs Y Y Y Y Y
Feather Fall (Ib) 8 fall up to 3 miles @1ft/sec 4½ hrs Y
Enchant Weapon (Ra) 8 +9% +4 Dam 13 minutes
Cold Resistance (Pr) 8 Protect to -16°C -3 dam. 9 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Waterproofing (Pr) 6 18 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Water Breathing (Pr) 6 7 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Waters of Strength (Pr) 9 [D-2]+9 PS/MD 50 mins PS PS
Greater Enchantment (Ra) 17 +18% on (R)esistance, (M)agic, (S)kills & Stats, (C)ombat 5 days RMC RSC RMS RMC RMS

Alternative to Cold Resistance (if temp falls below -16°) Ibrihim can cast Resist Cold: effective temperature becomes -5°C; same rank/duration/damage reduction as above.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ibrihim Mayhem Prue Ibrihim
Arandor Cher Rahne

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Default Double File

Arandor Rahne
Prue Cher
Mayhem Ibrihim

Single File
