
Born Harmless as Doves Mayhew, Mayhem was the eldest son of a quietly religious apothecary.
While delivering provisions to Slippery Rock, a band of assassins fell upon his family, and as a consequence of this, has dedicated his life to avenging this loss.
Mayhem is a small and delicate appearing hobbit, but is stronger and tougher than he looks. He would like to be stronger and even tougher. He joined the Guild of Adventurers to acquire the skills he believes he needs. Unfortunately, his MA was inadequate to be a shadow weaver, so he decided to become a Namer. Since then, he has learnt the General Knowledge Magic of a variant College of Shadow Weaving, and expects to be available to adventure again in Spring 814 WK.
Mayhem is played by Jim, and has just started to adventure.
PS | MD | AG | EN | ||||||||
13 | 13 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 17 | 18 | 23 | 23 | 19 | 24 | 44 |
WP | MA | PC | FT | ||||||||
17 | 17 | 17 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 5 | 19 | 17 | 21 | 23 | 23 |
PB | TMR | Ar | ENAr | SA | DR | MR | Def | ||||
13 | 16 | 7 | 6 | 5 | - | - | 4 | 25 | 23 | 50 | 70 |
Mayhem's Child
Mayhem's child was born through the death of a shadow elementalist combined with some potent potions being unexpectedly mixed together and finally Mayhem coming into contact with the resulting pool of wild Shadow mana. The result was a child of Shadow named Ombreuse who can be used by Mayhem to Learn a variant College of Shadow Weaving. Ombreuse lives with Mayhem in a lush tropical paradise, along with kobolds, large cats and a pair of great wyverns.
Mayhem's allies, companions and familiars
Hemlock was born 1st Fruit 814wk andwill grow into a large Giant Spider by 1st Fruit 819wk at the age of 5. Each year he will change as per the stats in brackets below. His GTN is Northern Giant Spider and he is an 8-legged arachnid with a normal life span of 25 years.
Movement Rates: Running: 250; Climbing: 750 Movement can be made up surfaces as a normal spider would but if carrying a weight then climbing would be at significant penalties which may be overcome using the climbing skill (50% discount for spiders) to an extent.
PS: | 16 | MD: | 21 | AG: | 23 | MA: | 21 | EN: | 22 | FT: | 28 |
WP: | 26 | PC: | 25 | PB: | 3 | TMR: | 5/15 | NA: | Chitin absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Mandibles:
- Bite: 118%, D10+2 (Penetration only) MC, - Class Damage, Rank 4, 3 Poison DP for D10 Pulses
- Spinnerets:
- Entangle: 100%, - , C, - Class Damage, Rank 0, single target, Web of Darkness (College of Celestial Magic S6), costs 1 FT
- Spray: 80%, -, RM, Range 80 feet, Rank 0, Web of Darkness (College of Celestial Magic S6), costs 1 FT
- Languages
- Rank 6
- Saenath
- Rank 3
- Common
- Loyalty
- As he grows into adulthood, Hemlock will shift his attitudes (depending on circumstances), becoming more "spider-like". He will show loyalty to Mayhem as a "parental figure" but this will be tempered by his growing sense of independence. The Beastmaster Skill will allow Mayhem to have more control over Hemlock.
- Saenath
- Those few spiders of Hemlock's kind that can communicate do so in Saenath. This is generally confined to mature Giant Spiders and other unique, sentient varieties. Any spider that knows the language can advance it to 10, non-spiders can only advance it to 10 and there is no written form.
- Note
- Hemlock can be resurrected by a Healer.
Alfred of Course

A 12 year old peasant boy recruited Fruit 819.
Having discovered that the boy's MA is 17, 1,000 sp has been settled on him to teach him magic and/or a profession.
Encountered on the the adventure Trouble in the Spine Summer 819 after a barn had fallen on him during a storm.
Sisterhood of the Night
- Taïs of Tycho - 1,000sp / year - Tycho City - recruited Summer 815, Duskfall's Demise
- Cate of Pevanston - 1,000sp / year - Pevanston, barony of Waterford - recruited Winter 817, The Pevensey Heist
- Mary of Course - 1,000sp / year - Course, a village 15 miles north of Barretskyne, county of Aladar - Summer 819, Trouble in the Spine
- Cynthia of the Golden Kelpie - 1,000sp / year - margravate of Kanstyn - Summer 819, Trouble in the Spine
- Elisa of the Naughty Pixie - 1,000sp / year - barony of Bryshande - Summer 819, Trouble in the Spine
Co-ordinates of Shadow Gates
- Seagate (Duchy of Carzala): N 40.00 E 03.00
- Kanstyn (County of Fesenheim): N 52.00 W 00.50 -> 845 miles from Seagate
- Course (County of Aladar): N 46.5 W 00.625 -> 485 miles from Seagate
- Pevanston (Duchy of Waterford): N 45.00 E 07.50 -> 415 miles from Seagate, 405 miles from Course
- Cholm (God only knows)
East Nor' East
- Tycho City: N 42.50 E 25.00 ->1,152 miles from Seagate
- South
- Wasyrat (Empire of Arabie): N 20.00 E 22.50 -> 1,800 miles from Seagate
- South East
- Garvett Islands (Far East Archipelago): N 05.00 E 43.00 -> 1,723. miles from Wasyrat
- Chingkapur (Tanah Melay): S 09.00 E 68.00 -> 1,974 miles from Wasyrat
- Spatly Isle (Far South East Archipelago): S 28.00 E 61.00 -> 1,390 miles from Chingkapur
- Fogg Island (Far South East Archipelago): S 42.00 E 66.00 -> 1,110 miles from Spatly Isle
Adventures to date
Red Red Wine - Winter 813 D.M.:Chris Caulfield
Blood in the Snow - Spring 814wk D.M.:Chris Caulfield
Duskfall's Demise - Summer 815wk - D,M.: Julia
Gypsy Smugglers Wanted - Summer 816wk D.M.: Michael Parkinson
The Magical Mystery Show - Spring 816wk D.M. William
The Pevensey Heist - Winter 817wk D.M.: Clare
Air Bastards of the Shattered Queen - Spring 817wk D.M.: William
Trouble in the Spine - Summer 819wk - DM:Chris Caulfield
Series of Unfortunate Events - Winter 819wk - DM Dean Ellis
Thin Ice - Spring 819 wk - D.M.:Chris Caulfield
The College of Shadow Weaving (v. Jim.1)
The College of Celestial Magics is filled with the maunderings of the unenlightend who will not see that the only true magic of light and darkness is the Umbra.
The Umbra is the element of subtlety, concealment and deception, not the element on the borders of light and darkness. Shadow Weavers learn to bend light and darkness to their advantage, for it is out of these primitive elements that the Umbra can be woven as silk is woven from the worm and the mulberry. Shadow Weavers enjoy the opportunity of practicing their magic when both elements are present to show them the error of their ways. Some of their magic requires the specific presence of shadow as well. As a result, the degree to which shadows are present modifies their chance to Cast magic under the following schedule:
Modifiers | |
The Shadow Weaver is | |
in an area of 90 - 99% light or darkness | -15 |
within 30 ft of a small shadow | -10 |
in a small shadow | +5 |
within 30 ft of a large shadow | +5 |
in a large shadow | +10 |
within 30 ft of a shadowy area | +10 |
inside a shadowy area | +15 |
The shadow is | |
deep | +5 |
faint | -5 |
As a general guideline, Shadow Weavers require some light, but benefit more from gloom. A shadowy area is something like a forest, gorge, grotto, pub, alley or possibly a dungeon. Contrast is irrelevant, depth of shadow is not. Deep shadows will obscure vision and make it hard to pick out details like facial features clearly. A faint shadow is one that is obvious but does not make it difficult to distinguish shades. A small shadow is about a metre square or less, a large shadow is about 3 or larger.
Speak to Shadow and Weaving Creatures (T-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 50
Resist: None
Effects: This talent allows the Shadow Weaver to communicate in a limited fashion with non-sentient creatures of the shadows, that weave, or both.
In addition, 1 + the Rank of this Talent is added to the Reaction Roll, making it more likely for such creatures to be positively disposed towards them. At Rank 20, 30 is added, instead.
Shadow creatures are most nocturnal or crepuscular vermin, weaving creatures are spiders, silk worms, weaver birds, etc.
Night Vision (T-2)
Range: 50 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: Always active
Experience Multiple: 100
Effects: This talent allows the Shadow Weaver to see in the dark with vision similar to that of a cat. Everything will appear monochromatic (i.e. shades of grey) and it is difficult to accurately estimate distance. The higher the Rank, the less of a problem this will be. Because the vision is monochromatic it does not enable Detect Aura. Note that some amount of light must be present before any sort of vision is possible.
Read Shadow (T-3)
Range: Special
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 75
Base Chance: Perception + 5% / Rank
Resist: Active
Effects: The effects of this talent are described in §9.1. except that instead of the aura that is read, it is the shadow. If a shadow isn't present, it cannot be interrogated.
Animate Shadow (T-4)
Experience Multiple: 100
Effects: The Shadow Weaver may extend their shadow 5ft (+1 foot per Rank) away from them The shadow need not remain in line of sight but must remain in contact with them, neither may it pass through solid objects, even if transparent, nor an area of light or darkness that is greater than 79 + Rank. The Shadow Weaver can see whatever their shadow sees. At Rank 5, they may feel what it feels, Rank 10, smell what it smells, Rank 15, hear what it hears and at Rank 20 the Shadow Weaver can whisper through their shadow.
General Knowledge Spells
Hide in Shadow (G-1)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 60%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: Once this spell is cast, the Shadow Weaver may enter a shadowed area and conceal themselves, even in plain sight. They cannot leave the shadow, and indeed must remain still in order for it to have effect. They may not be seen by non-magical means (similar to Invisibility).If the Shadow Weaver leaves the shadow or moves, the spell ceases to work. However, if they become still again or move to another shadow, it will resume its effects, so long as duration lasts.
Keeping still will require (as a minimum) a 4 x WP check every hour. The Shadow Weaver may be required to make additional willpower checks at the GM's discretion.
The spell only has effect while the target is "still". This means that the target is unable to move any of
its external surfaces, with limited exceptions. Moving an external surface encompasses such actions as
moving a limb, or opening and closing the mouth. Blinking and normal bodily movement caused by
normal breathing will not constitute moving for the purposes of this spell. The following actions will automatically cause the spell to cease working: talking, spell casting, triggering (subject to any revision of the Investment ritual) readying a weapon, altering facing in a hex, moving from the hex, using a silent language, or indeed any Action other than a Pass action (and Pass actions being restricted as outlined).
Note that it is not relevant if an observer would see the movement for the spell to cease working (e.g. moving hands behind back, or talking behind hand will both cause the spell to cease having an effect).
Shadow Form (G-2)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Shadow Weaver becomes shadowy and less corporeal, becoming increasingly ethereal with Rank.
2% (+ 3 per two full Ranks) is added to their defence, and if they are struck by a weapon that is not magical or silvered, 1 point per three full Ranks is subtracted from the damage. In addition, the Shadow Weaver gains a 1% (+ 1 / Rank) bonus to their Stealth.
Witchsight (G-3)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell enables the target to see objects or entities which are invisible. They will appear to have a slight blue sheen around them. If the invisibility effect (excluding Walking Unseen) is of a higher Rank than the Witchsight, the object or entity may not be clearly identified or directly magically targeted. Also, they may see in the dark as a Human does on a cloudy day, with an effective range of vision of 150 feet under the open sky, and 75 feet elsewhere.
Veil of Shadows (G-4)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 50%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: The Shadow Weaver draws shadows inconspicuously around themselves making them much less distinct and memorable. This does not make them any less visible, although it reduces the chance of anyone attempting to identify or remember them by 10 (+2/Rank).
So long as they begin the attempt from some form of concealment, the Shadow Weaver may attempt Stealth in plain sight at half their normal chance.
Contact with another entity will end the effect, but not the spell, as will Striking, Casting magic, dancing naked in front of them while they're entertaining their mother.
Charismatic Aura (G-5)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: This spell allows the Shadow Weaver to use shadows advantageously to influence reaction rolls. The Shadow Weaver can choose one of three different effects at the time of casting. These are: to appear imposing or threatening; to appear alluring or seductive; or to appear helpless and in need of protection. When used in appropriate circumstances these effects modify reaction rolls by 5% (+ 1 / Rank). For example, when dealing with an Orc Chief the first of the effects would probably be most beneficial. It is very difficult to perceive that the spell is in effect.
Field of Shadows (G-6)
Range: 15 feet (+15 feet per Rank)
Duration: 15 minutes x Rank, min. 15 minutes
Experience Multiple: 75
Base Chance: 50%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Area
Effects: The Shadow Weaver enhances the shadows in 9 hexes (+2 hexes per Rank) to be gloomier, eerie and more confusing. Although it does not provide any bonus to Shadow Weaver Base Chances, it neutralises penalties by as much as the Rank of the spell. If this spell is adjacent or below a Light or Darkness spell, then the one with the lower Rank is dissipated. If they are equal, both are dissipated.
The way the shadows play about anyone in the area of effect increases their Defense against Missile or Thrown weapons by the Rank of the spell. Shadow Weavers are immune to this effect.
General Knowledge Rituals
Ritual of Spinning Shadow Silk (Q-1)
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: MA + Rank in Artisan: Tailor + 4% / Rank
Duration: Permanent (Special)
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Shadow Weaver may spin silk from shadows. This may be woven into thread. It is very strong and cannot be harmed except by damage from magical weapons or spells. If exposed to greater than 79+Rank Light it will dissipate. It is weightless, inconspicuous and is somewhat responsive to the will of its maker. It makes excellent rope (adding Rank to the Shadow Weaver's Climbing Chance) and if it is woven into an over-cape, it will absorb Rank magical damage before disintegrating.
While the duration of Shadow Silk is permanent, the amount that the Shadow Weaver can manifest at one time is limited to their Rank. Every 10 feet of rope created reduces this value by 1. Every article of clothing created, reduces it by 6 or their size, whichever is greater. The DM will have to rule on other artefacts.
Shadow Silk is not warm, although it will protect the wearer from wind, rain and immodesty. Neither is it rigid, and although it may help with padding, will not directly increase the Protection value of armour.
The player of a Shadow Weaver may petition the DM to learn a new artefact of Shadow Silk, and the properties of each such artefact should be recorded.
Walk in Shadow (Q-2)
Range: Rank x Rank x 10 miles
Duration: Conc. Max: 10 mintues x Rank, min. 10
Experience Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 10% + 4% / Rank
Cast Time: varies
Effects: The Shadow Weaver must spend three hours (-10 minutes per Rank, min. 10) walking, although not necessarily towards their destination. They must, however, have the Shadow Map of their destination. The Shadow Weaver may allow to 1 person (+1 per 2 Ranks to travel with him. If the Ritual is successful, he and all of his companions will travel to their destination by means of the twisting Ways of Shadow. From their perspective, they will be traveling at a walking pace, but in reality their movement rate will be Rank miles per minute, min. 1.
The point of arrival will be somewhat haphazard, except that it will be
- a) shadowy in nature (an alley, sewer, public house or tavern etc)
- b) known to the Shadow Weaver
- c) a "public" place (i.e. the Ritual cannot be used to invade a boudoir, treasury, armoury or the like)
- d) an area no greater than 100 ft by 100 ft.
The Ritual always fails if there are no shadows within the destination area. People already traveling by this means to a destination that has suddenly lost its shadows will find themselves precipitated out of the Ways of Shadow, with consequences of interest to the Philosophers.
Learning the Shadow Map of a place takes about an hour and the cost is 1,000 Experience. It reflects an awareness of the likely location of shadows at the destination at different times of the day.
Special Knowledge Spells
Healing (S-1)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: If the spell is successful, then the Shadow Weaver may draw upon the power of shadow a number of times equal to 1 (+ 1 per 5 Ranks) while duration remains, to heal their wounds. They must be standing in shadow, and take a Pass Action. This will cure them of 1 Damage Point (+ 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks). This spell will not cure the extra EN points associated with a Specific Grievous Injury, nor will it "cure" tiredness fatigue (including that lost due to spell casting). However, the spell can cure as a Healer of Rank divided by 5, rounding fractions down.
Scabbard of Shadows (S-2)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: This spell takes a minute to cast. The Shadow Weaver wraps a scabbard in shadows, investing it with certain properties.
- The scabbard (and weapon it contains) may be stored in their shadow, making it invisible to people whose Witchsight, Wizardsight or Enhanced Vision is not of equal Rank or better.
- The weapon may be drawn from their shadow as a Free Act
- A shadow blade will be created of the weapon for every every three or fraction Ranks
- The base Strike Chance of the blade is increased by 5+Rank and it is considered a magical weapon
- The weapon's penetration increases by 1 (+1 / 3 or fraction Ranks), which is the amount of Protectionr the weapon ignores
This can only be applied to weapons that are normally stored in scabbards or sheaths. Therefore, it will have an effect on weapons from the sword table, including magical swords, daggers and the like, unless this is specifically ruled out.
The magic fades from the weapon once all of the shadow blades have been exhausted or duration expires.
Shadow Riding (S-3)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: The Shadow Weaver may step into the shadow of an entity that fails to resist and become weightless and insubstantial. They will be borne along in the shadow until they choose to end the spell, which is whenever they will it or until the duration expires, whichever comes first. The Shadow Weaver must touch the target's shadow for the spell to work. The target of the spell is actually their shadow, so a successful Resistance will not alert them that the magic has impacted. Similarly, Detect Aura will not reveal that their shadow has been infiltrated, although Read Shadows and Divination may.
Web of Shadows (S-4)
Range: 30 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: Concentration (Maximum of 15 minute +
15 / Rank)
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Area
Effects: A five foot wide web of shadows is projected from the Shadow Weaver's finger tips to a target hex, object or entity. Any entity or object in the area will be ensnared by the web. The web may only ensnare six sizes of entities per Rank, or one man-sized object per Rank, stopping at the hex where this limit is reached (or at maximum range).
Entities ensnared in the web suffer 1 drain (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) (halved if they successfully resist) each Pulse. PS is drained first, then FT, then EN. This is applied at the moment of contact with the web, and at the beginning of each Pulse, thereafter.
Necrogeny protects against this drain, Damage Reduction may, but Protection and Spell Armour do not. Undead, constructs, objects and creatures of mana may be ensnared by the web but are never drained by it.
Any ensnared entity must roll 1 x Physical Strength (2 x if they successfully resisted) in order to move themselves to an adjacent hex (which may be free of the web), or to perform an action within the web. A similar check is required for any entity attempting to remove an object from the web. If an entity receives aid in removing themselves from the web, the PS of the aiding character may be combined
with their own. Rank or more points damage from a single blow from a B-class weapon will destroy the entire web. Treat the web's defence as being equal to its Rank.
Shadow Pockets(S-5)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell creates 1 magical pocket (+ 1 per 2 Ranks) in the Shadow Weaver's shadow. Each pocket can hold an object with a largest dimension of no more than 1 inch (+ 1 / Rank). No entity can be placed in a pocket. The total weight held may not exceed 1 lb (+ 1 / Rank), and no individual object can weigh more than half this amount. The pockets are inaccessible if the Shadow Weaver's shadow is not co-present. Items within the pockets may not be located by spells of a lesser rank. At the end of the spell, the pockets expel their contents.
Shadow Ally (S-6)
Range: 15 feet (+15 feet per Rank)
Duration: 1 minute (+1 minute / Rank)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects:This spell allows the Shadow Weaver to direct the shadow ally away from them. The ally may be moved (at TMR 10) when the Shadow Weaver takes a Free Act to direct it. It need not remain in line of sight but must remain within 15 feet (+ 15 / Rank), and may not pass through solid objects, even if transparent. Nor may it pass through an area of light or darkness that is greater than 79 + Rank. The Shadow Weaver can see whatever their shadow sees. At Rank 5, they may feel what it touches, Rank 10, smell what it smells, Rank 15, hear what it hears and at Rank 20 the Shadow Weaver can whisper through their ally.
If it is subjected to a Flash of Light (or similar magic) or exposed to light/darkness levels in excess of 79+Rank, this may dazzle the Shadow Weaver and will dissipate the ally.
Fear (S-7)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 15 seconds + 15 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell is seized by uncontrollable fear and must roll on the Fright table. At
the time of casting, the Shadow Weaver may choose to modify the Fright Table roll up or down by an amount up to the rank of the spell. On a double or triple effect this modification may be doubled or tripled respectively.
Shadow Walking (S-8)
Range: Self
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 550
Base Chance: 1%
Resist: None
Storage: Ward, Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Shadow Weaver may instantly teleport from within one shadow to another shadow. The destination
must be within sight or must have been carefully memorised beforehand. The destination may be up to 5 miles (+ 1 / Rank) distant.
Special Knowledge Rituals
Shadow Step (R-1)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20% + 4% / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: This Ritual empowers the Shadow Weaver so that for the duration of its working, they can Shadow Step 1 hex (+1 hex per Rank). This requires a Free Act and behaves in many ways as if it were part of their normal movement, but with the following properties:
- This Shadow Step is additional to their TMR but is not considered TMR movement.
- They can Shadow Step in any direction, i.e. up, down, sideways, backwards, so long as, in principle, they travel across a surface. This could be a floor, wall, ceiling, or even the surface of a pool if a shadow can be cast upon it.
- Shadow Step does not attract penalties that using TMR can. For example, the Shadow Weaver could specifically choose not to use their TMR but Shadow Step several hexes to deliver a melee attack with a non-pole weapon yet not attract a penalty.
If the Shadow Weaver should choose to Shadow Step to a hex that they cannot see, then they must Break 100: PC + AG + WP. If they roll 125 or higher, they succeed. If they roll less than 125 but more than 99, they succeed but are Stunned. If they roll less than 100, they do not succeed and are Stunned.
- Note
- The Ritual does not provide any special ability to stay on the surface at the end of the movement.
The Ritual can only be cast at dusk or dawn, when shadows are at their longest.
Shadow Wing

This staff folds out into a flexible, wing-like skeleton to be covered with Shadow Silk which will allow the Shadow Weaver to fly. If a minimum airspeed of 10 hexes per Pulse (- 1 per 5 Ranks in each of the Ritual of Spinning Shadow Silk, Mechanician and Flying), is not maintained, the wing will stall. If their TMR is not equal to or greater than this value, they will be unable to become airborne under their own power, although they may do so by launching from a high point, being towed by something fast or falling and pulling out. In such cases, however, the Shadow Weaver's Defence and Magic Resistance are reduced to 0.
At heights in excess of 15 metres, the wing may accelerate at a rate of 10 hexes per Pulse to a maximum movement rate of 20 miles per hour (+1 mph per Rank in Flying, +1 mph per Rank in Mechanician and 1 mph per Rank in the Ritual of Spinning Shadow Silk). If the airspeed of the wing is greater than the Shadow Weaver's TMR, they must make Flying Checks to launch or land, failure indicating that the wing has stalled, perhaps catastrophically. The Shadow Weaver is allowed another Flying Check to avoid entering a spin, and, if this is failed, every Pulse thereafter to pull out. Each attempt to pull out of a spin halves their Flying Base Chance, to a minimum of their Rank. Critical failure in a spin, however, indicates that the airframe has become damaged, possibly to the point that it is no longer airworthy at the DM's discretion. Performance
- Landing requires a Flying Check unless the number of hexes moved through is the same as the wing's minimum airspeed and the Shadow Weaver's TMR is at least equal.
- Launching requires a Flying Check unless the number of hexes moved through is moved through is the same as the wing's minimum airspeed and the Shadow Weaver's TMR is at least equal.
- The wing can climb at a rate of 30° (2 hexes horizontally for every hex climbed)
- The wing requires a space of at least a megahex
- For the purposes of calculating Encumbrance, the least of either their PS or Rank in Spinning Shadow Silk + 5 is applied.
Staff of the Shadow Wing Constructing this staff requires these Mechanician abilities:
- woodworking
- complex mechanics
It takes 6 weeks to build it, and 1 EN must be sacrificed to it to provide the appropriate bonding with the Shadow Silk skin and to strengthen the materials. Bronze rings on the staff must be counterturned to unlock the device, and allow rods to unfold, creating the airframe. This requires a Pass Action. Once the airframe is deployed, the Shadow Silk skin will flow over the structure and attach itself. This also requires a Pass Action For the purposes of calculating Encumbrance, the PS value is either the Shadow Weaver's or their Rank in the Ritual of Spinning Shadow Silk + 5, whichever is least. Thus, if the Shadow Weaver's PS is 13 and their Rank in the Ritual is 5, their PS for the purposes of calculating their aerial Encumbrance is 10.