Unbridaled Power

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Scribe Notes



Unbridled Power

GM: William Dymock
Session: Summer 807 wk
Night: Tuesday
Level: Medium with high bits

  1. A Victim - Albion - party scribe and Mind Mage
  2. A Sacrifice - Guede - a voodoo witch doctor
  3. A Minion Lizette - A namer and healer
  4. A Toady Emelio de Juran - Mil Sci Mind Mage
  5. A Supplicant - Viola - An illusionist
  6. An Offering - Cher - Party Leader and Binder

John Pontanus of the Seagate Alchemists guild
To assemble the ingredients of The Secret Fire: To find ingredients for an alchemical potion.
Will depend on the value of the ingredients found: A list will be provided.
Alchemy Ingredients Needed

Ingredients needed for The Secret Fire

The Secret Fire

  • An unbreakable container
  • Water from the River Styx (1 cup) ***DONE***
  • The Fear of a Dragon
  • 10 pounds of spun gold ***DONE***
  • The Blood of a cockatrice
  • The mane of a pegasai (preferably a a heroic one that has slain a chimera} ***DONE***

== Research On The River Styx ==
Please feel free to add to this page.
If your character knows anything about the River Styx or knows anyone who does can you please let us know by adding to our research page. Thanks Viola

Scribe Notes

as written by Albion

From Ajax...
Where my trample test 'dummy' gone? Bring back, much more practice needed.
Glad help with mane, me heroic Pegasus, yes, kill many enemies, many kimaer, at least this many, 'clop', 'clop', 'clop'. One question, what is cameri?

Interesting Quotes

Guede, after Emelio's first attemp to convince Ajax to give us his mane. "Why do you use Telekinesis to pluck his mane one hair at a time"

Possible Nominations

Smartest Adventurer

  • Cher - for thinking of a way to convince a Pegasus to willingly shave off his mane

Bravest Adventurer

  • Emelio - for voluntarily risking permanent death by asking a Pegasus to shave off and donate his mane to us. Then returning and asking again after the Pegasus unsuccessfully killed him.
  • Possibly Viola for drinking from the River Styx and promptly falling over dead.

Stupidest Adventurer

  • Guede - For sniffing the powder given to us by our employer before we are told that it is a powdered form of quickness.
  • Possibly Viola for drinking from the River Styx and promptly falling over dead.

Best Death

  • Possibly Viola for drinking from the River Styx and promptly falling over dead.


  • 7x doses of Quickness powder. (Originally 19, 12 used)
  • 2x Grenado vials containing Nightmares (3 given, 1 used)
  • 2x Potion of Viagra (increases sexual potency and spell casting)
  • 3x Vials of Trolls Blood (regenerates lost body parts, but they grow green and warty)
  • 3x potions of rank 10 Wall Walking
  • 2x potions of Dragon Flames
  • 1x Silver globe Weather Forecasting enhancer globe.
  • 1x Bag of coins (uncounted) from guild accountants in the Luna Empire as a reward for saving them millions in paper costs.
  • 1x Baby Gryphon (currently stone and itemized thanks to Cher)

From Vampire House

Lingerie 350sp When worn correctly it will get a rise from a corpse <wink>
2 Pillows 20sp
Silver Candle Sticks 200sp
Painting 2,000sp Casts a charm affect on females
Jewelery Box 5,000sp
2x Love Potions 200sp each Rank 6
1x Shadow Walking Potion 11,000sp
1x Strength of Darkness 4000sp Rank 15
1x Healing Potion 2,000sp 15points Healing
1x Bottle of Brandy 50sp

Black Griffon Mana Stone

Gryphon Feather Armour
Protection: 7pts
Weight: 8pounds
Value: 12,000sp

Manticore Essence May fire fingernails as darts. Nails take a day to regenerate. 30,000 sp. Perm.
Stat Point
1point Will Power or MA depending (waiting for info from William) 25,000sp

Gryphon Feather Armour<br> Protection: 7pts
Weight: 8pounds
Value: 12,000sp

Drop of Green Dragon Blood 12,000 sp
Stat Point 1point Will Power 25,000sp

Gryphon Feather Armour
Protection: 7pts
Weight: 8pounds
Value: 12,000sp

Witchsight Gain Talent. 25,000 sp.
Tigers Claws Retractable tigers claws. +3 to unarmed damage. 25,000 sp

Gryphon Feather Armour
Protection: 6pts
Additional: +2PB
Weight: 8pounds
Value: 12,000sp

Witchsight' Gain Talent. 25,000 sp.
Nightvision Permanent. 15,000 sp

Gryphon Feather Hooded Cloak
Protection: 2pts to back and side
Additional: immune to sap when hood is worn
Weight: 8pounds
Value: 8,000sp

Witchsight Gain Talent. 25,000 sp.
Tigers Claws Retractable tigers claws. +3 to unarmed damage. 25,000 sp
Giantgrowth +15 PS, +10 EN, +1 Hex Size, +3 TMR. 2000sp
Healing 20 point Healing potion. 500sp x 6

too busy sleeping to get himself some gryphon feathers.
Rubber Bones Gain +5 MD/AG for when having rubber bones would help.
Can escape manacles, most bonds, squeeze through gaps. 15,000 sp. Lose 2 PS. (affects Cap)

The story so far

1st of Meadow

Roderic, (apprentice to John Pontanus) leads us to John's mobile home. (a siege tower parked out in New Seagate).
On the way to the tower Viola spots a sneaky person following us.
John tells us of the old story about the gods that dunked their kid in the River Styx to make hime invulnerable.
An old alchemy book which John stole from from Nicholas Flammel has lead John to believe that he can concoct a potion that will duplicate the effect of taking a bath in the Styx. If you drink the final product, and survive, the you will be invulnerable.

John tells us the ingredients that are needed to make the potion. He also tells us that if we can find enough of each ingredient then he will make us a potion as well.

In regards to the Dragon Fear, John has no idea as to what this could be, but likes my idea that it could be when somebody pisses themselves when they see a dragon.

John gives us some supplies to help us on our way. (see Loot)
John also asks if we can return the stolen Alchemy Book to Nicholas Flammel who is currently in Sanctuary.

Back to the Guild Library to do some research.

As we leave John's tower we are confronted by Sargent Tiberious of the New Haven guard.
They have been sent by Baron Engalton to arrest Viola.
We confuse the sargent while Viola sneaks off.

At the guild library we discover....

  • Cocktrices can be found in the river Isles of Adventure.
  • Dragons can be found in many places, the guilds vault for instance.
  • There is a Pegasi here in the guild called Ajax
  • Ajax has been turned into a mare after contracting Vychan disease.
  • The River Styx can be reached via the Isles of Adventure. As you track accross the island you gradually enter the underworld.
  • We can find Gryphons (and their gold nests) in the Gryphon Hills near Novadom
  • The Black Sorcerer Marcus is a Dragon and can be found in Halkor Woods.
  • There is a red dragon called Lafnawehr in the Dragonspine Mountains
  • A dragon can be found in Elfheim. Rumours state that whomever produces the heart of this dragonwill be enobled (regardless of race)

Lizette tells the party that she only needs 6 more days to complete her master healer training.
Guede, Randy (Viola's companion) and I head off to the docks to arrange passage to Novadom. We then go on a three day tour of the pubs and brothels of Seagate.

4th of Meadow

After some discussion the party decides that we should approach Ajax, appeal on his generosity and ask him to help out some bunnies by donating his mane.
Emelio de Juran heads down to see Ajax and bluffs his way into Ajax's lucious stables. Emelio quite tactfully sounds out Ajax regarding his/her mane.
Some hours later the guild healers manage to revive Emelio who immediately heads down to ask Ajax a second time. He fails.

Cher heads down to see Ajax and manages to convince him/her that in return for the mane of a Pegasus we would be able to find a cure for his/her problem. Ajax agrees to this proposal.

We head off to see Master Alchemist John to ask for a cure for Ajax.

On the way to the tower wee spot our sneaky person again. I use my amazing abilities to query his intentions and we find that he is a Witch Sniffer. Luckily Guede is a voodoo priest and not a witch. He also seems to find Viola's scent very interesting.

We loose him and go see John. He provides us with a cure for Ajax.

We return to Ajax, cure his indisposition and HE allows us to shave his mane. We then use a hair growth potion to regrow his mane.

7th of Meadow

Now that Lizette is fully trained we board our ship (crewed with burly sailors...yum) and head off on a 3day journey to Novadom.

10th of Meadow

Just out of Novadom a customs cutter approaches and customs officers board the ship.
We are informed that to enter Novadom we must accept that the Michaline Church holds soverigenty over the city.
As none of us care about this matter we agree and enter the city.
In town we decide to see if we can find a good Inn and find an employer to help subsidise our trip out to the gryphon hills.

In the inn we find two parties that require our services.

  • Sir Gabriel Foxworth - A human male who wishes to present his current love interest with a gryphon feather cloak
  • Lord Athelos - A elven party who wishes to kill a gryphon single handed with a non magical spear to win the heart of [[Amber the Witch|Amber]

11th of Meadow

We head out into the Gryphon Hills. We travel for 2 days looking for a likely spot.

13th of Meadow

We wake up in the morning and head out to the base of some mountains.
We find a likely spot and set up.
Firstly, we use a Cloak of Metamorphosis to give Lord Athelas the appearance of a horse. As we all know, gryphons love horse meat, so this illusion plays a key role in our plans.

Emelio heads of a short way and quickly spots a nest.
Cher flies up to the nest and risks life and limb by baiting the gryphons down to play.
One gryphon takes off after Lord Athelas (as planned) and he attempts to slay it using only a non-magical spear (all in the name of love).

Meanwhile we deal with 2 other gryphons that have turned up to play.
Emelio distracts one by letting it fly with him while I cast potent spells to control it.
The second see's the power that I hold and quickly commits suicide by diving into the ground.

Lord Athelas eventually wins using spear and knife thus proving his lust for Amber.
Cher flies up to the now empty nest and finds two baby gryphons in the nest which he quickly acquires, along with the nest made of spun gold. Back on the ground Cher itemises the nest and the two gryphons, however something goes terribly wrong and one baby gryphon turns into a different sort of stone. A divination later that night revels that the backfired itemization has turned one of the gryphons into a 50pound mana stone. Further investigation leads us to believe that this manastone has no limit to the amount that it can hold.
After plucking all the feathers form the dead gryphons Sir Gabriel Foxworth gives us 250gold sovereigns for one cloaks worth of feathers (each adult gryphon supplies 2 cloaks worth of feathers). We then itemise the adult bodies to give to our employer who may find a use for their organs in his potions.

Lord Athelas, his retainers and Sir Foxworthy head back to Novadom while head off tosee if we can find any more gryphons to kill and nests to loot.

We come accross the dead human that Cher saw a gryphon drop earlier that day. The only thing of interest that he has is an odd item which supposedly aids in the forecasting of the weather.
We do spot another gryphon's nest but we are unsuccessful in coaxing it into a fight.
We decide to set up camp and return to Novadom the next day.

16th of Meadow

We return to Novadom and make the 4 day passage back to the guild

20th of Meadow

We arrive back at the guild.
We visit our employer (John Pontanus) and deliver the golden nest.
We also trade in the dead gryphon bodies for

  • 3x potions of rank 10 Wall Walking
  • 2x potions of Dragon Flames

We also visit some dwarven armorers who agree to turn our gryphon feathers into armour.
(see loot for details)
The Guild examines our Mana stone and offers us 200,000sp.
Our employer offers us 300,000sp in potions for the mana stone.
We decide to keep hold of this item as we think it will be of importance in our dealings with dragons.

Thoughts regarding the Mana Stone

  • Lizette is keeping hold of it at present to aid in any healing that may be needed.
  • The party has decided that each person shall add 3 fatigue into the stone each night (that makes 18 a day)
  • This may be a nice gift for a Dragon to aid us in our quest

21st of Meadow

We take ship and start a 14day journey to the Isles of Adventure.
During the journey some of us take the opportunity to train.

5th of Heat

We arrive at the Island which leads into the land of the Undead.
As we arrive we see a ship deposit a group of people on the beach. From a distance these people appear as normal but closer examination leads us to believe that they are dead. This group forms up and heads inland.
We leave our boat and row to the beach.
Shortly after landing a boat load of vikings are deposited on the beach. They confirm that they died in battle and together we head inland to find the ferryman. We travel inland for sometime, unsure as to how long as none of us seem to tire or get hungry and we can't really tell the passage of time.
Eventually we reach a valley leading to a huge town of dead people, a group of which confront us and demand that we hand over any money that we may have. We surmise that they need coins to pay the ferryman.
With the help of the viking band we fight off the dead and adventure further inland.
Once again we are unaware of the passage of time but we finally make it to the river Styx.

We investigate the river. After many experiments we discover that we can "preserve" a water skin and a pot and fill them with water from the river. We also take a quantity of dirt from the bank of the river as we have discovered that it has "containment" properties.

Plans for the dirt

Albion ponders.....we need a unbreakable container. We may be able to construct such a container using the magical "clay" from the banks of the river. Was the container requested by the employer or was one only needed to contain the waters from the river???


While we are experimenting and finding ways to carry the waters Viola enacts a plan and drinks from the river.
She then promptly falls over dead!!!!
Lizette ressurects Viola and notices that she is now immune to poisons, gasses, strangulation, asphyxiation etc. Infact she doesn't even need to breath any more!
<<<Full Write-Up to come from GM>>>

Having got what our employer requires, and having resurrected Viola we head back to the land of the living.
Upon reaching the boat we discover that 5 days has passed while we were on our short journey into the lands of the dead.

10th of Heat

Having successfully returned from the land of the dead we head of to a nearby island port.
We enter a pirate port known to some of the party and attempt to seek out information regarding dragons and cockatrices.

One of the party runs into an old pirate buddy who provides us with much information and maps to various islands containing both dragons and cockatrices. After gathering information some of the party enjoy a night out on the town.

11th of Heat

The morning finds us all back at the boat.....except Lizette.
She was last seen talking to a dark and mysterious man.

Randy manages to track her down to a hose in the town.
We attempt to get pass the guards but end up fighting our way into the courtyard of the house.
My ESP reveals that there is a very DARK presence in the house (possibly a vampire) and that Lizette is tied to a bed upstairs somewhere.
The vampire ( or whatever it is) uses some dark magic to damage many in the party but we manage to survive and regroup in front of the building.

The remainder of the party finally catch up to the rest of us and we mount another rescue attempt. Those of lesser bravery keep the guardsmen occupied at the front of the building while the rest sneak around back.
We find a likely point climb onto the roof while avoiding enemy fire.
"mental note. It hurts when a x-bow bolt pierces your shoulder and a lung!!"
We make it to the roof, kill a imp/demon thing and almost kill the vampire.
We rescue Lizette and loot the place of any goods that come to hand before returning to our boat.

We depart these "fair" lands and head towards the nearest source of cockatrices..

13th of Heat

2day's of sailing finds us at a island rumored to have cockatrices.
Lizette uses a crystal to look for birdies and indeed there is one close, however while looking around she spots an amazonian looking wench that is stealthily harvesting the cockatrices blood. We decide to look elsewhere.
We sail further around the island we spot some birdies that are ripe for the picking.
We land, avoid the basilisks and manage to sneak up on a birdy.
I use my extraordinary powers to control the bird while Cher turns it to stone (for safe traveling). As we finish this another bird comes into view and uses a stare attack which employs some sort of flame attack which strips all fatigue from it's target. Luckily I again gain control of the bird and Cher again turns it to stone.

While Cher itemises the 2nd bird we get a visit from a friendly succubus called Illis.
We discover that this is her island but she graciously allows us to "farm" her birds.
She seems a bit taken with Guede and teaches him the secret to seducing women.
Not to be out done Randy also teaches Guede the 7 mystical words that will make him irresistible to women.

We successfully return tot he boat with our 2 stone cockatrices and head out to sea.

Lizette again scrys with her crystal in an attempt to find the closest dragon.
She spots a dragon but is so scared that she faints while loosing control of her bladder.
Viola quickly collects the contents of Lizettes bladder. When Liaette returns to consciousness she divinates the contents and finds that indeed it is the "Fear of a Dragon".
We have now collected all the ingredients for our employer and start our journey back to Seagate.

27th of Heat

Two weary weeks of traveling and we are back at Seagate.

We drop off the remaining ingredients to our employer.
We also agree to sell him the mana stone in return for 300,000sp of potions.<r> We will return tomorrow to see the results of the potion.

We head off to to the dwarven armorers and pick up our nice new gryphon feather cloaks.

28th of Heat

Our employer has created a potion called "Titans Aura".
Lizette divinates and finds that the potion grants.

  • +20 Magic Resistance
  • +10 Natural Armour
  • +3 PB
  • Duration 3months

However, if one were to drink the entire cauldron of the potion the effects would be permanent.

A look of lust fills the eyes of the party.
We discuss our options and decide to collect more items to give each of us a full measure of Titans Aura.

We Plan

We have more than enough water from the River Styx.
We caught 2 cockatrices. 1 for our employer. We decided to revive and slowly, carefully, harvest it's blood and gain enough blood for all the party.
We can each use the crystal to scry a dragon and create enough "Fear" for us all.
We can hunt gryphons for more feathers and nests. 3 nests would be needed.
6 Pegasus Manes....this will be the tricky part....so we plan.

We approach Ajax who lets makes it know that he is not at all interested.
We head to the guild library and with Emelios knowledge the librarians help us to discover the whereabouts of the original Pegasus. At the full moon she can be found drinking from a certain pool. Unfortunately for us the pool is in the middle of the Lunar Empire. This pool is guarded by 3 men and 3 women who are members of a Holy Order called the Order of the Girdle.

After much discussion we decide that the best way to catch Pegasus is to approach her stating that as part of a noble quest we need her help. We also plan to get her interested in a meeting with Ajax (who is a fine specimen of pegasi manhood). To ensure that this plan works we stock up on love potions.

Viola disguises herself as she is a "wanted women" in the empire and we port to the Empire.
On arrival we quickly join the Companion Guild as apparently this is the "done thing".
The accountants at the guild are thrilled when Emelio asks for the guild stamp to be on his hand rater than his papers as this could save the guild a fortune. They even give Emelio a bag of coins
Lizette reports to the Healer Guild and is informed that her services are required at the capital by a rich count.
The happy accountants take us out for dinner and a lot of drinks.
Emelio skillfully drills them for information and we discover that the Order of the Girdle can be found in the Silver Provence. So, we port to the Silver Provence and find a nice Inn to stay the night in.

29th of Heat

Lizette convinces us that she needs to attend to her healing job so we port to the First Blessed Province.
Arriving at her clients house Lizette examines the sick 14yr old child and finds that she is posessed by a demon. We question the demon and discover that:

  • The demon is Ipos The Prince of fools.
  • The demon is hiding in the body of the girl.
  • He is hiding from the Calimar who are trying to invade these worlds.
  • When told that Sabrina will take care of the Calimar Ipos just laughs.

Using her healing powers Lizette drills a small hole in her skull, forces out Ipos, banishes him and then heals the girl.
We stay the night to recover fatigue before porting back to the Silver Provence.

30th of Heat

We port back in the the morning.
Emelio has the smart idea to hire the best groom in the Empire to "groom" Pegasus so that she looks her best for Ajax.
While we wait for our appointment to meet the groom some thugs are successful in their attempt to tarnish our blades with their blood. We question the survivors who claim to be on inquisitor business. They were sent to capture us and take us in for questioning.
We voluntarily head to the inquisitors offices to put their minds at ease. We convince them that we are on official guild business and all seems to go well.
We head out of the inquisitor offices and go to meet the groom.
He is everything that we had hoped for. He even offers to do the job for free due to the prestige of grooming the great pegasus. We arrange to meet the next morning when we will head off to meet the ORder of the Girdle.

1st of Breeze

We meet up with our groom.
He is not alone!!
He has with him many artists, bards, cooks, familiy members etc.
We convince him that while the artist and bard is a good idea the rest cannot come with us.
Eventually we head off to the home of the Order of the Girdle.

After half a day's travel we make it to the Order.
We seek an audience with the high priestess and those with courtier skills in the party convince her that our mission is just and she agrees to assist us in our plan to enlist Pegasus's aid.
We then spend a pleasant night where many priests and priestesses minister to my needs and hungers.

2nd of Breeze

We head out to the Pool.
We arrive safely and set up to meet Pegasus that night.

Our plan works.
Pegasus is quickly besotted with our tales and pictures of Ajax.
She allows us to.....

  • Groom her mane.
  • Sketch an image of her
  • Shave her mane
  • Regrow her mane

We do this 6 times. She then picks her favorite "hair style" and our groom completes the job.
We have been successful in harvesting 6 Pegasus Manes!

3rd of Breeze

The following day we return to the guild via the Empire Gates.
All that remains is the Gryphon Nests.

4th of Breeze

At Novadom we prepare to head out Gryphon Hunting.
We return to our old pub to look for any late hunters needing bodyguards and discover that most of the early hunting parties have not returned.

Being hardy adventurers we head out to investigate while hunting more nests.
A few ours out of town we stumble across a lone surviver from a earlier party.
Under skillful interrogation we discover that there is a new dragon claiming the area but the dragon is only 15tf long.
Heading back to town we meet up with a group of dwarves who agree to assist us.

We head back to town, pick up some siege weapons and receive a big bottle fire protection.
The morning we head out.

4th - 6th of Breeze

Traveling by day we sneak up on the dragons lair.
Lisette uses her crystal to keep an eye on the dragon.
On the way we pass other survivors of the dragon, but being crazy adventurers we a venture on.

7th of Breeze

We reach the dragons lair about midday and setup our weapons.
We then stake out Lizette as "bait" and wait for the draon.

The Dragon jumps out of its lair and battle begins......OUCH.

A mighty battle takes place.

Just as we gain the upper hand and the Dragon is almost defeated we

3 pages missing from scribe notes

The party has agreed not to discuss these missing days with anybody other than Guild Security

24th of Breeze

We step of the boat from Novadom and deliver the remaining ingredients to the Alchemist.
We find that our pet cockatrice has died in captivity.
Once Lizette has finished with the body we hand it and some pegasus hair to the Alchemist and he gives us a further 5333sp to spend on potions.

26th of Breeze

We return to our employer.
We all drink the potions that he has prepared for us.
The potion grants us...