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There is another, much rougher building which holds a byre on one side and a barn on the other. This stands next to a stables, a falconer's mews and a dovecote.<bR>
There is another, much rougher building which holds a byre on one side and a barn on the other. This stands next to a stables, a falconer's mews and a dovecote.<bR>
Gryphons have been known to come as far south as Blackshore, some of which are intelligent, keep records and practice vindictiveness.
Gryphons have been known to come as far south as Blackshore, some of which are intelligent, keep records and practice vindictiveness.
=== Blackshore Guards ===
These are Men at Arms resident at Blackshore year round while the 'lords' of Blackshore go about their business - far and wide.    Original # in Spring 816wk was 5 and this was added to in Autumn 817wk with another dozen men known to the original 5 and another dozen men in Summer 818wk.  See the [[Blackshore Guards]] for more details.

== Herbalism: The Sacred Gardens ==
== Herbalism: The Sacred Gardens ==

Revision as of 01:04, 18 September 2018

Before Summer 816wk, Blackshore was simply an abandoned holding in South Eastern Carzala - some 10 miles west of the town of Avoca and about five miles south of it.

In Summer 816wk, at the successful completion of the adventure The Mikado Affair, Serifan the Lord of Patterns has interceded with the Duke of Carzala to settle Blackshore on the successful party members involved in doing great service for him. These were the following SAG members:

Skills used in Blackshore As as start of Winter 818
PC Skill Skill Skill Notes
Tsayoi Herbalist 7 Mechanican 6 H4@Spr816, H6@Win817, H7@Sum818

What follows below is their story.

Basic Information

File:BlackshoreMap.jpg ‎
as of Summer 816wk

Blackshore is surrounded by hills, which descend to marshy moors, and rise to black sand dunes which face the sea. Without extensive draining, it is unsuitable for agriculture.

A thick copse of oak and beech trees, some five acres in area, stand at the base of the hills to the west bordering the marsh to the north a ways. The marsh on this side flows with clean water, and is particularly fertile, increasing the chance of finding beneficial herbs by +15. This is modified by seasonal modifiers as usual. The clean marsh may be harvested once in Spring, twice in Summer and three times in Autumn.

The eastern side of the marsh leads to a bituminous sump which has tainted the land around it somewhat, which penalises any attempt to gather herbs by 20. Unless the herbs are darksome in nature, when the chance rises by 10. This is modified by seasonal modifiers as usual. The darksome marsh can be harvested once in Summer and twice in Winter.

The sump is a pool about 20 feet long and about 12 feet wide. Bituminous pitch can be distilled from it.

At the eastern end of the beach is a narrow, granite cove, about 75 feet long and 12 - 15 feet wide. The tide varies by as much as nine feet. There is evidence that a caisson was used to close the cove off from the sea to create a graving dock. A Mechanician skilled in marine architecture would be able to build another one, given time and resources. It is, however, a major endeavour and would require hundreds of guineas to complete. It would also draw the attention of the Duke who would want to monitor any military craft that used it.

The bay curves much more sharply at the western end, providing a sheltering harbour for ships and boats. An old, ramshackle jetty, however, is all that remains, although there is a large villa nestled behind the dunes along the estuary where the marsh runs out to sea. It has two floors and a basement, with a tower-like structure on the sea-facing side which climbs another two floors. There are eight bedrooms and a large hall, along with the usual things associated with a large house. There are no servants quarters, although there are two other buildings nearby where servants might stay.

There is another, much rougher building which holds a byre on one side and a barn on the other. This stands next to a stables, a falconer's mews and a dovecote.
Gryphons have been known to come as far south as Blackshore, some of which are intelligent, keep records and practice vindictiveness.

Blackshore Guards

These are Men at Arms resident at Blackshore year round while the 'lords' of Blackshore go about their business - far and wide. Original # in Spring 816wk was 5 and this was added to in Autumn 817wk with another dozen men known to the original 5 and another dozen men in Summer 818wk. See the Blackshore Guards for more details.

Herbalism: The Sacred Gardens

Herbal information and plants resident here. Head gardener and Herbalist: Tsayoi

A thick copse of oak and beech trees, some five acres in area, stand at the base of the hills to the west bordering the marsh to the north a ways. The marsh on this side flows with clean water, and is particularly fertile, increasing the chance of finding beneficial herbs by +15. This is modified by seasonal modifiers as usual. The clean marsh may be harvested once in Spring, twice in Summer and three times in Autumn.

The eastern side of the marsh leads to a bituminous sump which has tainted the land around it somewhat, which penalises any attempt to gather herbs by 20. Unless the herbs are darksome in nature, when the chance rises by 10. This is modified by seasonal modifiers as usual. The darksome marsh can be harvested once in Summer and twice in Winter.

Late Autumn 816wk

A patch of Daggertooth Lily was planted beside the manor house in a small pool.

Rampant Stamen has been rooted in the garden and is there to stay. He has an occasional visitor.

Upon Tsayoi attaining Rank 6 Herbalism;

Late Summer 817wk

A Ghost Narcissus was planted to the side of the manor house in the area of the garden.

Also planted (from previous adventures) were seeds and cuttings of;

Upon Tsayoi attaining Rank 7 Herbalism;

Shape and Detail of the Gardens

Crimson Numbweed

Wt: 1oz per dose, cost: 1,000 per dose

A succulent plant with fat red leaves, which when chewed functions as an analgesic drug. The user is largely immune to pain. They can’t be tortured or stunned by physical means for the next [D-6] hours but IV is reduced by 10 for that period. Overdose occurs with second dose within 24hrs and causes a slow effect for D hours; a single dose can thus be used by an alchemist or herbalist to create a blade venom or ingestable poison with that effect, 2xEN - maker rank check to resist.

Four plants were established late Autumn 818wk and each can be cultivated by a herbalist to produce 2xRank doses per season.

Cronose, Quentin, Rahne, Prue, Ignis, Jessica, and Aloysious may harvest the plants when adventuring.

Aura: Plant; Plane of Origin: Alusia; Nature of Magic: Pain reduction; Game: My Dreams are Strange Dreams - Autumn 818 WK; GM: Kelsie.

Mushroom Cave

A number of caves have been carved into the hills to the west of the manor and a variety of mushrooms have been seeded there. Varieties include:

  • Immolation Berries
  • Flamecap


The sump is a pool about 20 feet long and about 12 feet wide. About 17,500 gallons of bituminous pitch can be distilled from it every year, taking 2 man hours for every 50 gallons, and requiring the services of a Rank 3 Alchemist or better. For every Rank above 3, they may make 10 pints of lantern oil, for ever Rank above 4, they may make enough naphtha for 3 Greek Fire grenadoes per year, and for every Rank above 5, they may produce 3 phials of oil of vitriol per year.

Alchemical Products
Product Unit Price
Pitch 50 gal 60 sp
Lantern oil 1 lb 52 sp
Greek Fire Grenado 600 sp
Oil of vitriol 3 oz ?

As a rough guide, multiply the length of a ship by its beam and draught then divide by 180. This will give about how many 50 gallon barrels needed to caulk it. Each barrel weighs 480 lbs.


The tall tower in the original villa has been dedicated to the study of Astrology. It contains a sophisticated Orrery mirroring the movements of the celestial bodies and a complex glass-work containing a strange ichor.

Head Astrologer: Rahne


Graving Dock


Summer 816 - Spring 817

Autumn 816wk

Tsayoi returns from yet more arduous adventure suffered during the (War-wolves of Londinium) in late Autumn to see what he may do to enable comfortable living in the new holding over what will be the next winter.

  1. Tsayoi spends a week cleaning some of the villa and travels to Novadom to arrange building materials and supplies to be sent to Blackshore along with a group of 5 retired Soldiers who will live in the villa while there's room to do so. These 5 men have been employed as guards for Blackshore and paid for by Tsayoi.
  2. Tsayoi travels to Seagate to speak with friends and start training.
Winter 816wk

Tsayoi establishes a grove near the villa to plan some interesting plants, herbs and fruit trees.

The Rebuilding of the villa goes slowly due to winter weather but by the end of the season it has been mainly rebuilt and extended to accommodate the owners and their staff.

Tari establishes a Tunnel from the other side of the hills across to the Blackshore flatlands and fortifies the ends with help from other Militarily inclined guild members. This is The Blackshore Tunnel

Spring 816wk
  1. Rahne, Boris and Tsayoi return from The Coils of Spring and plant some new varieties there.
  2. The manor is fully rebuilt (with some lower level extensions and other improvements) just in time before the start of the summer season.
  3. (GM Info Only) An Astral Gate is established
Summer 817wk

The fine weather was well used to improve the holding.

  • The Old and Ramshackle Jetty has been replaced with a Solid Stone Jetty with a small crane at the end for shifting heavy loads.
  • Also some earthworks are undertaken around the area.
  • A small lookout tower is built on the cliffs on the western hill along with a passage down to sea-level where a guardhouse is built.
  • Two small towers are constructed either side of the inlet. A chain is strung and readied if needed.
  • The Garden has been further enlarged along with a small wall surrounding it.

On the 5th of Heat the residents are away purchasing supplies and getting more cattle when a party of 7 fly into the estate and land near the manor-house. The guards quickly ascertain that they are in fact guild members who are dropping off a gift for the owners. They are seen to deposit a stone in the gardens and then depart. The owners are apprised of the situation and take note and care not to disturb the stone's resting place.

Autumn 817wk

Continued work on the land ahead of the coming winter.

Graving Dock: The graving dock has been cleared out and work started on reinforcing it for future use. The Duke of Carzala has been appraised of this status change and will monitor it's future use.

A large and solid building has been started nearby the graving dock for future workshops, accommodation and storage.

Foundations for a tall tower have been laid.

The Holding in Autumn 817wk
Winter 817wk

Tsayoi and Boris both adventured in the first half of the season and then returned in the second half of the season to rest, tend plants and more rest.

The Mushroom Cave is established.

Spring 817wk

Graving Dock: The easing of the weather saw work done on the 2 basement levels of the tower by the Graving Dock. Also the bottom level of the tower was worked on to put in place solid walls and entry ways.

Summer 818 - Spring 819

Summer 818wk
Tsayoi and Rahne both adventured on Full Metal Breastplate
Blackshore Manor and immediate surrounds are permanently protected from scrying.
Autumn 818wk
Winter 818wk
Spring 818wk
Summer 819wk
Autumn 819wk
Winter 819wk
Spring 819wk


As a result of The Mikado Affair, Blackshore holds certain properties for the benefit of those of that ilk:

Ichor of a Distant Moon

This confection of glassware comprises a bulb about 12 cms round from which emerge two tubes, one vertical and the other spiraling around it to a height of 60 cms.
It contains a yellow, viscous fluid, which responds to lunar influences of a moon in another dimension and the entire thing weighs about 7lbs.
Using it as part of the process allows an Astrologer to divine:

what number will lucky for an aspirant this season
the future on a different plane of existence that they are aware of.

In addition, they may cast a horoscope for an aspirant to predict what influences will bear over the next season. This will cost 17 FT and take a day. The Astrologer draws up a parchment full of dire warnings and imprecations, which the aspirant must carry about them.
The parchment will contain Points of Influence depending on the Astrologer's Rank which may be used to alter, slightly, the aspirant's fate. They may not be applied directly to a Strike Check, Resistance Check or Cast Check, but they may be used to:

change the reaction roll result of an encounter
revisit the results in a game of chance
find a hiding place while pursued by an outraged husband
discover an unlocked window when "visiting" at night
Influence Points
Rank Points
1 - 3 1
4 & 5 2
6 & 7 3
8 4
9 5
10 6
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Victoria Living Plant Herbalism Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Red Iron Bowl

This bowl of red iron about 20cms across and 4 cms high. It weighs 12 lbs.
If Waters of Strength are made in this bowl, then the Adept only use half the normal ingredients making it cost half as much.
The bowl may be used no more than 20 times before this ability is lost.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Victoria Formerly living None 8,085sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Jade Funeral Urn x 6

This urn is a cylinder of turned jade 9 inches long by 4 across. The vessel is 1/4 of an inch thick and weighs 20 oz.
The urn will hold the cremated remains of one adult human. While this does not provide the ability to communicate with them, those interred remain sentient within. They may be communicated with by any form of questioning or conversing with the dead, and will be able to pass on such knowledge or teach any Skill, Spell or Ritual they know.
They are most helpful to those who they know to be their descendants.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Victoria Formerly living Necromancy 7000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Bag of Rhinoceros Phallus

This hessian sack weighs 5 lbs and is lumpy in the expected way.
If the bearer holds the image of a mature female rhinoceros in their mind, the bag will become turgid and weigh 40 lbs.
Male bearers may feel some sympathetic discomfort.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Victoria Formerly living plant Folding 3,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

In addition, in return for gifting Sakura to the Lord of Gardens, they receive the following each year. They are not, however, delivered, the Blackshore community must travel to him to collect this remittance.

Mortal Cherry x 4

These cherries will remain fresh until consumed and will change the state of anyone who eats them from long-living to short-living. Those who are short-living creatures are, by and large, unaffected by this, although if they have been in some manner granted eternal life, that boon will have been terminated.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Edwardia Living plant Plant Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Cherry Blossom x 8

The blossoms must be dried and added to chrysanthemum tea whereupon it will keep indefinitely, one blossom being sufficient for about 6 cups of tea. Whoever drinks this as a part of a tea ceremony will automatically succeed in their next (1) Check to avoid Fear, Horror or Awe, or will automatically recover from their next Stun condition.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Mikado Affair Summer 816 Edwardia Living plant Plant Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

The Charm Gate

Concealed behind vines in a small contemplation grove near the herb gardens is a locked wrought iron gazebo containing a permanent portal to the Astral. The Portal is just large enough for Tsayoi to pass through without ducking.

Note that the existence of the gate is not public knowledge.