War-wolves of Londinium: Difference between revisions
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==== Enter the British Museum ==== | ==== Enter the British Museum ==== | ||
We traverse Abyssal stone lined passage, past a mens urinal and into an underground pub. We note a suspicous butthead barrel fixture and magic our way past it into a warehouse beyond. We search the warehouse, battle a basilisk to death, grab the secure office safe, retrive the plans and a strongbox and once the basilisk is itemsised we exit the area by .... | |||
We traverse Abyssal stone lined passage | |||
=== Session 5 === | === Session 5 === |
Revision as of 10:07, 7 April 2016
Adventure: War-wolves of Londinium
GM: Jim Arona
Session: Autumn 816wk
Night: Wednesday
Location Onehunga - but sometimes in New Windsor - see discussion page for location
Level: Medium+
- Keshah - Elven Rune - Michael H.
- Tsayoi of Blackshore - Giant Fire - Chris 99
- Thaeuss - Elven Binder - Stephen M 81
- Bromli - Dwarf Namer - Nick M
- Prudence - Human Water - Julia 05 56
- Mungo Third Son Human/Wolf of War - the Humble so-named by Odin himself - Michael McF. 49
Employer: The Lord of Patterns.
In the lamented absence of Meliadus of Kroiden, the Order of the Wolf are entangled in a struggle to find their next leader.
The Lord of Patterns would like to know who is appointed and has a few vetoes he would like to suggest.
Lord Serafin wishes us to ensure that the internal competition and strife amongst the Order of the Wolf continues as it bodes well with him at this time. He wishes us to travel to Perfidious Albion and review who are the likely leadership contenders and encourage them to withdraw by whatever means necessary. He would be delighted to hear of our success in this matter. He also mentions that London and Londinium have similarities current and Serafin's previously enunciated target of Mycroft's Difference engine that would be found in the British museum would see us needing no further action for Serafin who would be incredibly grateful.
Scribe Notes
Session 1
Seagate - meet & greet
Our party of luminaries meet in Meeting room 3 and snack on wine and cheese before introducing ourselves. Introductions are mostly concise and sometimes rambling but all the salient points are made.
We have 2 candidates for Mil Sci with Thaeuss and Mungo. Mungo is the charge the enemy and never take a step back type of MS while Thaeuss follows the live to fight another day and get them when surprise is on our side - I believe this is the Engleton style vs a more measured style. Thaeuss wins with Mungo taking up the reins if its deemed necessary (with Thaeuss's demise) by the party.
Leadership is easily dealt with as we are heading to a predominantly human populated realm and so Prue is charged to lead us unless the situation changes.
With all respect to worthy Tsayoi, there was an agreement that I (Mungo) would lead the front line as Warchief and allow Thaeuss to practice Military Science in the rear...
I (Tsayoi) unfortunately volunteer to scribe yet again as the burdens of giantism weigh heavily upon me.
Serafin, The Lord of Patterns arrives and gives us the summary of his desires and shares some knowledge of Perfidious Albion with us. Details around that those in various order and/or social classes often wear masks which define their roles and station in life. The lower classes wear cloth masks, middle classes more silken masks and the upper classes possibly metal or some other mask material.
There are a number of Orders on Perfidious Albion and examples of these are;
- The Order of the Wolf - A militaristic order who wear wolf masks
- The Order of the Fly - A mechanical styled order who fly 'Ornothopters'
- The Order of the Viper - An order who use Alchemical and mechanical devices. We are advised to avoid these due to their weird experimental nature and nasty devices used in Amupules such as Venoms etc.
- The Order of the Vulture - An order we know little of.
Serafin isn't able to give us the names of any contacts in Perfidious Albion as he has none left to his knowledge so he bids us adieu and departs.
We recognise that access to PF is via a dimensional boundary upon a certain shore and we need to be able to see it in order to access the realm. We enquire about those who may have this ability to potion it and find a local priest Father Broc who makes one for us - however due to the ineptitude of the guild alchemists left at the guild at this time of the season it takes 3 times longer than we thought at 9 days.
We use the 'gift of time' to do some research on PF and the previous scribe notes are well read. We also purchase a number of gems to take with us which we understand may help contain certain magic points if we come across certain types of magic. See List of Gems procured in Seagate. We get greaters done, linked life forces established and the other preparations we can think of and then depart.
Travel and we get to the Boundary
We arrive at 'The Certain Shore' after 2 weeks travel (13 days in the abyss) and we find a peculiar sea. We are informed that a Certainty will arrive here which will mean the end of the world at that time - so we plan not to be here then!
Prue discerns something strange about the water in that its made from geometric flakes rather than pure water and we then become aware that a creature is coming towards us although as its in the water we can't see it - so we gird our loins for combat.
A See Hag (or Sea Hag) emerges and flings fish at us which miss most of us who had moved backwards away from the water except for Mungo who is struck by some fish and paralysed in place. The hag uses her gaze and luckily fails to kill anyone with her death gaze and the other nasty looks she gives us. We fight back and I apply beauty points to help me resist her stares which was just as well. My fusilade of flames launch at her and she is struck 8 times although only her fatigue is stripped, the rest of the party engage from a distance except for brave Keshah who uses his mighty sword to take her down. We rejoice when she finally falls.
The body is dragged onto the shore and 'cleaned' before being gutted, cut up (we get her eyes out) and then burnt to stop her returning.
We take her eyes and items as she no longer needs them and we can put them to better use. We wonder why she was here and Prudence does a Waters of Vision and locates a mile away underwater a portal between 2 large (12ft tall) obsidian pillars guarded by 2 Black Annis Hags which we determine we should definitely avoid. Prue does a limited Procognitive vision on the area and see a large 11ft wheel (a Throne) emerge and they interact.
The time to go is now and so we head for the dimensional boundary.
Session 2
We allow time for Keshah to complete his interdimensional portal and we then proceed carefully into the rift and across the boudary of the realms into Perfidious Albion.
We find ourselves in a much thicker and denser woods which has very old trres that grow to some 110ft at the canopy and the trres having boles around 6-10ft across. The density of the growth means that there is only 30ft (if that) between the trees. The undergrowth isn't as dense but still present and abundant - relatively.
While Keshah does the other end of his interdimensional portal we send a scout up to the canopy who then takes flight circling higher until they espy a white tower some 80m to our west and thus we have our first waypoint in this tree covered land. It does look like it hasn't had a good forest fire for some time and we all know that forests need a good burn off to foster new growth!
Attack of the killer Wyverns
We all make our way up to the canopy and we all fly by various means (some proud and others as needs must - such as weightless like a balloon) for 2 hours before we are engaged by 3 large wyverns. We decline to engage in the air and through smart tactics and wiles encourage them to disengage. We continue flight for a short time more before they return seemingly healed from their encounter with us. Another fight ensues on the ground in a clearing we found and the fight is definitive with all three dead by physical means and one petrification.
We suffered several nasty injuries with Bromli losing both his hands and Keshah having both hips broken. Healer work is undertaken while we skin and gut the creatures salvaging Skin, Stingers, Teeth, 18 venom sacs which contain curses such as Claustrophobia, blindness, weaken heart etc. The Wyverns bodies did contain creatures inside them which we assessed as Spectral worms living inside their intestinal tract and since they were dangerous we killed them. We also eat their hearts (except Keshah and Prue) and are affected different ways. Once better we head not towards the tower but to where we suspect the Wyvwerns lair was as the desire for loot is great.
Wyvern Lair looting - a hot zone
Their lair is likely in a clearing we spot and so we descend and find a concealed unnatural pool of water which is being refresshed at the Eastern end and then spilling off into a pond of water at the weatern end and the water is much hotter than one would expect by almost a magnitude. We search the deeper pond and discover a lot of wayvern loot in the shape of body parts, gems, metals, potions etc. We then enter the structure that is under the pool and discover a water cooled nuclear reactor of a dangerous nature - such that staying there a length of time would have consequences - possibly fatal so we decide to leave. We divine from our brief time there that the power from the reactor is being sent across the planar boudary for some purpose.
We exit and head for the tower as planned.
Session 3
The White Tower
We soon arrive at 'The White Tower' which I discover is also 'The Necromancers Tower' but we find the Necromancer 'Lady DeWinter' absent as she apparently was pursuued by and driven off by at least 2 guild parties. I understand and if I was living in quiet solitude somewhere and a guild party or two came around then I'd flee as well. Oh well and we discover that the tower has been well looted even down to the copper nails which makes some people decidedly unhappy.
We discover a set of windows on each floor with on;
- Level 1, a nice sea coast being displayed in the windows
- Level 2, a rolling green verdant plain
- Level 3, a broken window (which we fix) showing a black and foreboding nothingness which we understand leads to 'The Library of Leng'. A place of great powerr - if one could survive the travel to the library that is!
The roof is conical with orange-ish ceramic tiles but little else to distinguish it and the basement level has been cleaned out of anything interesting too!
We also espy a number of interesting plants growing in the garden and I along with Thaeuss the more experienced herbalist have a look around with some interesting results to show for our foray;
- Pineapple Tree - which is unusual for such a climate - we discover that the fruit is exploding pineapples and Thaeuss takes 3 and I (Tsayoi) take 1 as in the hands of non herbalists they may go off unexpectedly!
- Eggplant Tree - This has fruit on it that looks like eggs. - Again same ratio taken due to its nature of 'Transformation'
- Cherry Tree - This has small fruit which explode if crushed (stood on etc) - So we take a substantial number of these for experimentation and area defence. Its assessed that these if added to fire magic will add another D10 damage.
- Pea Tree - This has number of pods containing peas. - We take a number and store carefully as their PME (Primary Magical effect) is turning its consumer into Urine. Useful as poison type ingredients or for surprise dishes!
We do get Thaeuss to make safer containers to hold the more volitile fruits we have discovered.
We spend some more time here and Keshah divinates the windows which determine;
- Level 1 window leads to Feralie
- Level 2 window leads to Fable
These would enable us to exit this area if needed without passing the planar boundary!
Time to find a way out of here
We travel away from the twoer in mid afternoon and we then locate a forest tree herder - an Ent named Brightleaf. He things we're the previous guild party and it takes a while for his to liste and us to get things across but we do and he gives a cool draught to Thaeuss who grows foot taller (to 7ft) and he listens to Bromli's moans of wanting to be taller too and so he stands on him and then pulls his neck a bit further to enable this. Bromli isn't quite dead, merely almost dead and so healing ministrations are started. We finally get to know how to pass across to Perfidious Albion when he opens his chest and so we all pass through and away from this place.
Finally we get to Perfidious Albion
We determine that we're in a woods a dozen miles from the nearest town so we intelligently decide to camp and continue healing Bromli.
Into Eboracum
We first get to a small village where we buy a horse and cart and then return to our camp to get all of our belongings (and heavy cp loot) before heaidng to the city of Eboracum.
We find the city to be a large trade city, wealthy and not well guarded so we have little difficulty entering with the rest of the masses. We see some Order of the Fly types and steer clear. We look around the market and discover two corporate entities which are;
- Goblin & Goblin. This concern manufactures Homunculus which are bonded entities that you can use for various purposes such as bonding to a vehicle etc. I'll come back here given time!
- Shreik & Son. This concern cleanses flesh and make 'Pots of Flesh'. We use a substantial weight of copper which equates to 25,000sp to buy 5 pots for part use. Each pot contains three splats!
We also discover some gossip about the Order of the Wolf. In the running for the leadership we understand are;
- Baron Kellan, who is a famously cold blooded and calculating swordsman, a skilled sorcerer and general. His personal mask is a cobra. He's the front runner
- Count Violante,Stamp, he is a natural leader of men who leads from the front, he's a gifted tactician and sound fighter. His personal mask is a bull. He's the second runner.
- Countess Flana, she is a woman known for her treachery and is an outsider - but one who can make favour work incredibly hard on her behlaf when she plots, schemes and traitors! Her personal maks is a gilded, bejewelled cuckoo.
We discover that there are a few choices as to how we travel the 400miles to Londinium and these are flying, travel by boat on the canals and by road through the perma forest between Eboracum and Londinium. We decide to use our own transport each night and so we dawdle out of town with the dying light to kill time until full night.
Into the chariot and onto the carpet - together into folklore
I'm sure that we've just added to the mythology and folklore of the realm by our night travels some 280m through the forest.
I'm sure we were seen by some night owls, hunters and the like but who will ever belive them when they tell the story of
"Well there were 3 figures riding an ornate red chariot being pulled by a multi segmented glowing creature with eyes of light floating inside its skin, and I'm sure there were a Giant, A dwarf and an Elf on the chariot - and you know they don't mix well. And, there were a floating carpet just behind em which had an elf and a human sitting on it. Oh, yeah to top it of there were a huge wolf with feiry feet running beside the chariot too! They were all travelling very fast (some 40mph) and they passed me by so fast that I forgot to not pee my pants - it we're that scary!
A day in Basingstoke
Anyway we travelled and then slept in the early morning to rest just inside the forest eaves north of a crossroads town named Basingstoke.
We established a portal and undertook some arduous sleeping until noon when we meandered from our spot into the town. There we looked around and listened hard for any news of The Order of the Wolf. We heard gossip on Countess Flana in that she has gained the attention of Hugh Percival and they have formed an alliance - in fact a romance - the romance of the age according to the broadsheets!
Here we come across a Fire Lance which is a wonderous device (a backpack with a 1m long tube attached - which does DxD damage) indeed and we paid only 7,000sp for this which has I'm told 8 changes inside it. Thaeuss makes the tank a little hardier and leakproof via Medning and Durability.
The Day otherwise passes uneventfully until near dusk when we meander out of town.
Once full dark we resume our mad travels
The dash to Londinium
We travel for 4 hours until the outskirts of a huge city. We camp around midnight and night passes.
We spend the next few days wandering the city looking to orientate ourselves and pick up what we can. The city of London (the centre) can't be stayed in unless your a local and so we ponder this for later. We estimate the city to have around a million people and there are a lot of foriegners - especially from the east - ummmm! Trade comes up the Thames and then gets dispersed using the canals which seem to be everywhere and mystical in nature.
Of the three contenders we discover where they reside.
Session 4
Living in Tenaments in Londinium and plotting
We take accomodation in a tenament near Islington after finishing our recconoitre of the city and we get to planning. We use the roof of the tenament to espy the central city of London and we note strange things in the night. We note that the night brings a thick 'peasouper' fog in the night and that strange creatures seem to ebb and flow through the fog and we identify these as 'Substantial undead' and they are to be avoided if possible.
We again make way into the city and learn that the god-king decides who becomes the leader of the Order of the Wolf whilst taking into account the wishes of the order. We also learn that Baron Kellan and Duke Tarragorn (the Duke of Clocks) arer regualr visitors upon the god-king. We further learn that Baron Kellan is Duke Tarragorn's brother-in-law (ish!) as Kellan surrendered his innocent sister to be sacrificed to Duke Tarragorn in some nasty ceremony.
We consider many plans before settling upon a course of action and we start immediately with trying to plant rumours of The Black Sea Conspiracy and their allies Camargue (in the south of France) seeking to overthrow the god-king.
That night while trawling through a diver Prue makes the acquaintance of a 'gentleman' pilot from the Order of the Fly who she learns to be a 'WASP' recconaisance pilot recently returned from Colgne where he spotted some Flamingo riders (which apparently spit/launch fire) and managed to flee!. Prue encourages his inebriation and then accompainies him to his room where he falls asleep after enjoying some time with her. Once he's unconcious Prue summons us and we see about robbing him. We manage to reliev him of 10gs, a fly mask (with great optics up to 5 miles away well magnified), a great 'flight suit' and his codebook.
Over this week we spend much time subtley planting our seeds of dissonance amongst the populace and lay yet more intricate plans. We determine the Order of the Fox to be some sort of intelligence corps and the Order of the Vulture to be flyer of larger machines called griffin Ornothopters. We also learn that if you seek to fly over the green to the southeast then you must fly high (above 1000ft) and once you travel the @ 120m then you should get to the coast but if you don't travel at enough height then you can't get past the green.
After a week of plotting we do note that a number of nobles have decided to visit their estates in the country (perhaps to avoid the rumoured troubles coming) but the local working populace doesn't seem very discombobulated by the rumours.
The night of dead spies
We continue plotting and then we notice in our area of operations that there are not just 1 or two spies - but 7, and some fairly skilled ones at that. We'd normally avoid these nefarious types but since we had along some such types in the party we decided to take them out. Most were no match for our combined applied skills but one was and he was of the Order of the Fox (and a knight we learned afterwards) who took some effort before succumbing. We relieved him and the other spies of some 82gs, assorted passes, a walking stick and a NoC (non official cover) list of local agents in Londinium.
Noc Noc you're dead
We started the next night to remove this cancerous group of informers, traitors and suchlike as were contained on the NoC list we can into possession of. We succeeded and caused yet more of a stir with the additional dead bodies floating in the canals. Yet more nobles depart for their country estates.
Wolf cubs grabbed, armed, primed and detonated - KABOOM!
The next day saw us procure various supplies and capture stealthily a half dozen young wolves who we carefully didn't identify oursleves too but we di incline them to believe that we were secret police and that there was a plot to kill the god king. We then allowed the men to escape carrying various itemry which we had previously modified via a number of binder magics. They were unfortunately unaware that they were carrying a number of bomblets and a suicide (minitursied fire lance) pack with them. The men full of righteous need went immediately to the palace with news of the plot, where they were kept waiting a suitable time until an officer wearing an ornate Shako attended them. We espied them moving towards the palace to make their report (under close guard) when the bomb went off with the minituarisation ending which kiled them and all in close proximity.
We get down from our vantage place atop the Tenement as we notice that the weather has just changed. We being perceptive determine that we should puit some distance between us and the scene we just witnessed so we head towards street level. We narrowly avoid being crushed/killed by the wooden upper floors sliding off the concrete lowers floors but many locals aren't so lucky once the high winds wip arond the now 'unshielded' from the weather city. We flee the city while the winds scream around, torential rain falls and the city goes to pot with a magical weather system focused upon the cntral city area. We travel by canal which we determine to be some sort of dimensional pathway to transit for unknown entities. We get to the forest north of the city and hide.
We relieve a local family who stay in a nearby Inn of valuable and coinage to the amount of 13TSG.
We note the storm is still going 2 days later and then Pruue feels 6 incredibly powerful things being reborn. She does limited Precod and sees 6 phoenix's die (attached to the reactor we visited) and rebirth - releasing a huge amount of power. We see the central city taking on a new light and determine that the god-king has used this power along with the power from the deaths of millions of his subjects in Londinium to move a small area to Victoria. We quickly decide to accompany that section and head back into the ruined city full of floatsam and jetsum, bodies, corpses and other things. We safely reach the area before it transitions across to Victoria.
Victoria - London by water
Once the transition occurs we quickly exit the area and take to the river (avoiding 'The Serpentine') to get away from the palace area. We decide while we are here to see if we can fulfill our employers wishes and retrieve The Difference Engine. We travel to London Bridge and cast around for an entry point in the depths of the river and mud. We find one and after a bit of work getting in the door (there's patern magic all around) we finally gain entry to the area.
Enter the British Museum
We traverse Abyssal stone lined passage, past a mens urinal and into an underground pub. We note a suspicous butthead barrel fixture and magic our way past it into a warehouse beyond. We search the warehouse, battle a basilisk to death, grab the secure office safe, retrive the plans and a strongbox and once the basilisk is itemsised we exit the area by ....
Session 5
Session 6
Notes for the Times
What's Hot & What's Not | |
Hot | Not |
Nuclear Reactors |
Locations visited
- The Certain Shore
- The Endless Woods
- The White Tower aka the Necromancers Tower
- The Plane of Perfidious Albion
- The City of Eboracum Popn 15000+
- The Town of Basingstoke Popn 6000
- The City of Londinium Popn million+
The Order of the Wolf Contenders
- Baron Kellan, who is a famously cold blooded and calculating swordsman, a skilled sorcerer and general. His personal mask is a cobra. He's the front runner
- Located in the Palace of Clocks in Greenwich
- Count Violante,Stamp, he is a natural leader of men who leads from the front, he's a gifted tactician and sound fighter. His personal mask is a bull. He's the second runner.
- Located in Detford
- Countess Flana, she is a woman known for her treachery and is an outsider - but one who can make favour work incredibly hard on her behlaf when she plots, schemes and traitors! Her personal maks is a gilded, bejewelled cuckoo.
- Located in Kensington
Entities Encountered
- Serafin, Lord of Patterns
- A See Hag, aka a Sea Hag
- A Throne - seen from a distance
- A Black Annis - seen from a distance
- Wyverns and Spectral Worms
Buffs & Mil Sci
Long Term (assumed always on)
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ke | Ts | Th | Br | Pr | Mu |
Rune Shield (Ke) | 20 | 25 def 5 Prot, absorbs 1 Spec. Griev. injury | 21 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Waterproofing (P) | 6 | 21 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Water Breathing (P) | 6 | 7 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Cold Resistance (P) | 8 | -16° -3 Cold Dmg | 9 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Willow Healing (Ke) | 7 | 3 end per pulse | 14 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | |||
Greater Heart Rune (Ke) | 18 | heals 12 end | 19 days | Y | Y | Y | |||
Smite (KE) | 20 | Ritually cast - good for 3 strikes | 21 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | |||
Fire Armour (Ts) | 10 | 44pts of Fire Protection (ablative) | 11 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Fireproofing (Ts) | 6 | 7 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Modify Aura (T) | 6 | +/- 3 Levels | 7 hrs | -1 | -1 | ||||
Instil Flight (T) Self | 10 | 40mph 650 lbs limit | 5.5 hrs | - | - | Y | - | - | - |
Linking Lifeforce (T) | 14 | Reflect health within 1500 miles | Perm | Th | Th | Ke | Th | Th | Th |
Note that we can have 5 long term potions per hour str or MD depending on how long we spend on buffs per day these can be often on
Short Term
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ke | Ts | Th | Br | Pr | Mu |
Waters of Strength (P) | 9 | [D-2]+9 PS | 50 Mins | Y | Y | Y | |||
Waters of MD (P) | 10 | [D-2]+10 MD | 55 Mins | Y | |||||
Bouyancy (P) | 6 | 3.5 Hrs | Y | Y | Y | ||||
Durability (T) | 10 | +3 AP, Unbreakable, 22lb limit | 110 mins | +2 | |||||
Strength of Stone (Ts)) | 6 | +6 PS or EN | 7 hrs | Y | |||||
Weapon of Flame (Ts) | 10 | +11% SC and +5Dm (+10 vs Undead) | 15 Mins |
Watch Order
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Prue | Thaeuss | Tsayoi | Prue | ||||||||
Bromli | Keeshah | Mungo |
Marching Order
Mungo Bromli |
Double File
Mungo Bromli |
Single File
Bromli |
Item | Qty | Effects | Ke | Ts | Th | Br | Pr | Mu | Used |
Source | |||||||||
1 | |||||||||
Sea Hag on the Certain Sea Shore | |||||||||
Agate Amulet | 1 | Cure Disease | 1 | ||||||
Shell of the Sea | 1 | Spell Rack holds 12 FT | 1 | ||||||
Vambraces of Defence | 1 | 3 SP 3 EnP +5% Def 3lb 4oz | 1 | ||||||
Robe of the Tides | 1 | 4 AP 6 SP 1 DR WF: 1 MR: -10dm ++ | 1 | ||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Jet | 1 | vs Demonic: +8 IV, 8/1/8.. | 1 | ||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Diamonds | 1 | +2 MD | 1 | ||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Hypericum | 1 | Vs Demonic: -10dm 7 ablative DR/pulse | 1 | ||||||
Trident of Fish Command | 1 | Dmg r+4 SC 53% A/B rank 6-8 at 3k xp .. | 1 | ||||||
Net of Bound Sea | 1 | Req Bind Water. Shield. .. | 1 | ||||||
Actorios Intaglio | 1 | Prism to bend darkness Invested: Sacrifice x 2 Invested: Opening the Gate x 2 Invested: Working the Flesh x 2 |
1 | ||||||
Rose Quartz with Certainty | 1 | Contains 8 certainty. | 1 | ||||||
Bromli Dagger with Certain Edge | 1 | +3 Penetration | 1 | ||||||
Mungo: Hopecrusher with Certain Edge | 1 | +3 Penetration | 1 | ||||||
Creating Fog - Ink | 1 | Incantation Fog as Ink in the water | 1 | ||||||
Rainstorm - Plague of Flying Fish | 1 | Incantation AoE Dmg + AG Toxin | 1 | ||||||
WoH - Waters of Restoration | 1 | Incantation Restorative Water | 1 | ||||||
Wave Control - Fluidity | 1 | Incantation of dodginess | 1 | ||||||
Certain Watery Flakes | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Certain lozenges of healing | WoH using Certain Water | 1 | |||||||
Wyverns and Reactant Room | |||||||||
Wyvern Hide | 3 | 10AP 3DR poison resistance | |||||||
Wyvern Sting | 3 | Tulwars 2lbs 50% 2r 9=>0 | |||||||
Wyvern Venoms | 3 | 13 x Claustrophobia Curse; 1 x Blood Venom; 1 x Heart Weakness; .. | 3 | ||||||
Moebius Strip of Light Metal | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Coinage and Bullion | True Silver, Gold, Silver, Copper | ||||||||
Gems | Sapphire, Emerald, .. | ||||||||
Potions | |||||||||
Bras d'Or | 1 | Arm that Animates and Heals | |||||||
Loyal Buckler | 1 | 2lbs +1MD 5%/rk +2%/rk vs missile & catch | |||||||
Shield of Phased Steel | 1 | 5lbs 5%/rk -2 MD 2+rk MR 3+rk SA follows | |||||||
Source | |||||||||
1 |
- Gems procured in Seagate
Aquamarine, Ruby, Sunstone, Banded Sard, Moonstone, Citrine, Bloodstone, Purple Sapphire, Pyrope (Garnet), Rose Quartz, Intaglio, Black Opal, Banded Jacinth, Amber, Chalcedony, Jet, Fire Opal and Jade.
These were purchased with 60,000sp of party funds and through Bromli's contact and application of skill.
- Body Parts
- See Hag eyes
- See Hag Heart (for Dellith)
- Wyvern Head (itemised - Mungo)
- Wyvern Blood for Runes (Keeshah)
- Miscellaneous items
- Fish samples preserved and itemised to take with us for later study - or perhaps just a light lunch!
- Alterations and afflictions
- Bromli: Snake Head Finger (Wyvern Heart)
- Mungo: Werewolf is Scaled +3NA (Wyvern Heart)
- Prudence: Blood has become more 'discrete' (Certain Water)
- Thaeuss: Poison Bite (Wyvern Heart)
- Tsayoi: +1 NA (Wyvern Heart)
Autumn 816wk: Fruit (4) | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
![]() |
Lugnasad | 1 | Guild Meeting | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||||
![]() |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
![]() |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||||
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||||||
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28 | Meet Patterns | 29 | Waiting for Alchemist.. Astrology. Rituals. | ||||||||||
Autumn 816wk: Harvest (5) | ||||||||||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | Patterns, Astral | 8 | Abyss 13 days | ||||||||
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12 | .. Abyss .. | 15 | Equinox | 16 | .. | ||||||||
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19 | Harvest Moon | 20 | to Kerberoth. | 21 | Fable | 22 | Certain Shore: Sea Hag | 23 | Green: Wyverns | 24 | 25 | ||
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26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | |||||||
Autumn 816wk: Vintage (6) | ||||||||||||||
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3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||||
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10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
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17 | Blood Moon | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Beerfest |