Guild Meeting March 2025
From DQWiki
DQ Guild Meeting 9th March 2025
On Discord Channel Link
Club Committee Meeting
Wednesday 5th Mar 2025 at 8:30pm - Discord online meeting
Attendees: Stephen M, Martin D, Chris C, Keith S.
Apologies: Jacqui S (proxy votes supplied to Keith).
- Review and confirm 2025 Financial Statement Confirmed 5 / 0 / 0
- Set Budget and Fees for next year
- Budget for SGT to be removed from fees as we change to electronic publishing only. Confirmed 5 / 0 / 0
- Fees: $10. +$10 for Family membership. Confirmed 5 / 0 / 0
Meeting closed 8:45 pm
12:30 GMs Meeting
Adventures Going Out
Current GMs may book themselves on adventures at this time.
Rules Issues
- ?
Campaign Issues
- ?
Campaign Report
What's going on and what's coming up from the campaign committee (that we need to know). And what other people could help with or contribute to.
General Business
1:00 Guild Meeting
Online on Discord, Meeting Link.
Club AGM
13 Voting members present.
- The Chair's report on the business of the Society
- The Treasurer's report on the finances of the Society, and the Annual Financial Statements
- SGT has moved to digital publishing only.
- Fees set at $10 for individuals, $20 for households
- Vote to accept the 2025 Club Financial Report Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0
- Election of Committee Members (if any changes)
- Chair - Nominees:
- Stephen M
- Treasurer - Nominees:
- Keith S
- Secretary - Nominees:
- Martin D
- Editor - Volunteers:
- Jacqui S
- Campaign Coordinator - Volunteers:
- Chris C.
- Chair - Nominees:
- Motions to be considered - none.
- General business - None
AGM Closed 1:04 pm
Adventure Summaries
- Black Moonlight - Mandos
- Uncertainty Principle - Martin
- Duck Duck Trash - Kita
- Suspicious Voices - Bernard
- Invitation To The Skies - Sam
Adventure Announcements and Sign-up
- Toxic Neighbours - High - Mon - Stephen
- If you go down in the woods today... - Low/Med - Sat - Dean
- Earth. Under Sky, Under Earth tba, tba, Keith
- Adv - Lvl - Night - GM - Location/Notes
- Smartest
- Tharlin (Uncertainty principle) - Planning to
stealrecover an item from a Swamp Hag, best plan. - 8 - No Vote - 4
- Tharlin (Uncertainty principle) - Planning to
- Bravest
- Cher - Being close to Broc in the front line at great personal danger (from broc) - 2
- Kurt - fighting lich, taking it on his own while party desperately kept him alive. - 8
- No Vote - 2
- Stupidest
- Broc - charging an Skeletal Liche-Lord with a powerful spear - an A-Class weapon, vs a Skeleton. Switched to his Lance, and then the backup (B-Class) Spear. - 3
- Argus - Rescuing Father Christmas in snow-covered magical herb garden. Released a large bag of rats into the garden which triggered the fire mage's phobia, resulting in incineration of many of the herbs the party needed. - 10
- No Vote
- Best Death
- Lizette & Aurora - crashing into the ground when flying wore-off mid-air. - 6
- Aurora & Minerva - touched by the void. Black boat used by bad guys, party rows out to it, climb abord the silent ship, approached by dark/dangerous figure, decide to withdraw. Aurora jumps overboard and dies instantly. Minerva hops the rail to rescue Aurora and died. - 5
- No Vote - 0
Awarded to Aurora.
- Best Kill
- The Pink Duck with Death Curse: Interplanar Maze. Sam took the hit while celebrating victory - 5
- No Vote - 1
- Star of Alusia - No nominations
- Jammiest B'stard
- Minerva - for having an item that allowed a low level healer to resurrect a higher level healer. - 2
- D'Artagnan - wielded an Illusion of Death which turned out (ill-luck) to be unresistable to be enemies. And then repeated the trick with Pan Pipes against the reinforcements. - 8
- No Vote - 1