Duck Duck Trash

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Scribe Notes


GM: Kita
Season: Summer 825 WK
Night: Wednesday
Location: Birdlands
Level: Low

  1. Winter – Played by Amy-Rose
  2. Moist – Played by Ian
  3. Yukov – Played by Sam
  4. Doc – Played by Michael
  5. Thallan – Played by Anne
  6. Echelon – Played by Zarne
  7. Basil – Played by Chloe



To Be Discussed

Scribe Notes

A Duck Problem

We meet in the guild room having acquired a party to help deal with the increasing duck problem at Slippery Rock. Grandma Valaria gave the collected group the information on what the coven needs them to do. Slippery Rock has acquired an infestation of very aggressive ducks. As of the High Holiday there were 12 ducks, of which most were yellow but hey had a red, a pink and a black one wandering around. With our mission in hand and some introductions done we headed out to get Greaters and lesser. We went to the market and bought a number of pelts and headed out for Slippery Rock in the morning.

Getting to Slippery Rock I introduced the rest of the party of Elder Josephine and got an update on the Duck situation. Todays duck count is 16. Elder Josephine informed us that the ducks seemed to be coming from the North West.

As we headed North West and found ourselves into a small forest we spotted a duck. A bright yellow duck standing 3ft tall. Winter and Moist both start talking duck, benefits of aquatic arial animals, and learn that they came through something called the loop sent by a boss duck to rid Aluisa of all but duck and which point one of the ducks charges at Doc and bites down on him.

As the yellow ducks die they explode into clouds of feathers temporary blinding those around it. During the fight a pink, black and red duck all turn up. They appear to be a little bit tougher than the yellow ducks and also having interesting effects on death. The black duck exploded into Noxious Vapors and turned Echelon green. The red duck let a mega hex of smoking magma out on its death. The finally the pink duck disappears along with any party member nearby which unfortunately happened to be Yukov.

With a duck still hanging out in a nearby tree, Winter and Moist ask it some quaetions, including where Yukov has gone. The duck is very unhelpful and doesn’t answer anything. When the duck decides he is finished talking to us he goes to fly away, so Echelon shoots it and it explodes. 5 seconds later Yukov reappears from what he describes as a maze.

Without much of a lead we start to consider what we know. This si when I recall that the senior wiccans had been talking about a ruin in the forest that had started emanating magic recently. And with the ducks talking about a loop this sounds like a good place to start looking. So the party heads out towards the ruins.

During the night Basil senses 5 hungry animal minds 50ft away from the camp and starts to distress when 1 disappears and the others become fearful. But without them posing an threat to the party overnight we leave them be passing the message across the watches. At 3rd watch when the necromancers pass the message on to Winter and Moist, Moist goes to check the perimeter at the 50ft mark. He comes very quickly back to the campsite with a 10ft snake attached to his thigh and followed by 3 ducks. Dealing with the issue at hand we deal with the poison in Moist’s system and milk the snake for some of its venom.

Arriving at the ruins we see a tall dilapidated building with a blue tinted light coming through the shuttered windows at the top.

The Manor

The building is a 3 story manor with an overgrown garden with a dry fountain on the walk up. Behind the front door is a statue holing a crossbow which shoots Basil upon the door opening. Doing some investigations Yukov falls into a pit just in front of the statue. Moist joins him in the pit loosing his footing on some loose boards. Pulling them out with a rope we notice a sign that has popped up that reads “This is your only warning”.

The entry parlor contained 4 doors and a grand staircase that is battered and looks difficult to pass. Deciding to tackle the ground floor first we head in the door directly to our left, which promptly falls off its hinges revealing a decapitated sunroom. A door leads towards the back of the house from in here. Heading through it we enter a living space. A large fireplace takes up most of the back wall, a large painting hangs above is with tear marks through the canvas but a gentle hand pieces together a family portrait of 2 parents holding an infant with 3 children stood in front of them, twin girls and an older boy. The rest of the room has been tossed. Moist finds a Candlestick and our party thieves find a box in the wall behind where the painting is hung.

A door from the left of the living space swings a hammer down from the doorway into Winter as it swung above the head of our halfling, behind the door is a servants quarters hiding some silver cutlery. A door on the right of the living space opens into a dinning space with more torn paintings, broken furniture and an armour set standing in the corner holding a sword. Upon trying to disassemble the armour Yukov takes a firebolt, so we sit down to start the hour long Tarot reading to tell us more information about the set. Learning what it holds we attempted once more to take the set of armour, which reveals a human skeleton of a 18ish year old male, who after Yuvok tries to animate his hand speaks to us. He introduces himself as Elijah the Son of the Master of this house. He agrees to let us snoop through his home and take what we like, as long as it is not family sentimentals, and we promise to send back a healer from the guild to see if they can do something about his undead state.

Entering the final room on the first floor we find a study and library and with Elijahs help we all take a book or two each. Walkign back into the entry hall we find less stones on the stairs making it easier to climb and the stone statue has reloaded its crossbow.

Climbing the stairs proves more difficult for some members of the party than others but making the top we are greeted with a landing with 3 doors, the door on the right dumped a bucket of brown liquid and then feathers on Echelon.

 “He’s a duck!” – Various members of the party

Within the room was a pair of twin beds, chests and a scattering of toys. One of the chest Firebolted Echelon as he opened it, and with giggling coming from the room Basil ESPed to check who and how many entities were in the room with us. Both the chest and behind the bookshelf gave back minds. The chest being Hungry and the entity behind the bookshelf being giddy.

Attempting to open the second chest it opens up and attempts to eat Echelon but once bopped on the head lets him go. Apparently the family that lived here kept a mimic as a nanny. The mimic also tells us that one of the girls dolls still lives here. We play 21 questions with the doll to get her to trust us and end up learning more of the events that happened here in 772WK. We find out from bits and pieces that there were lots of Angry and sick people, and people came to the manor and there was a battle. We presume that the Lord, Lady and the youngest 3 children escaped as there has so far been no evidence of them still being around like Elijah. We also learn that along with Ducks upstairs there has been Orcs and Goblins. Once she emerges we see a toddler-sized porcelain doll who introduces herself as Amelia. She then asks us 21 questions as agreed which is where we get the comment of


Walking in to the room on the right we are confronted by a more mature looking bedroom which appears to have belonged to Elijah. Walking into the room the door slams shut and 6 statues on pedestals appear. Each statue is of an animal, Turtle, Duck, Bear, Elephant, Horse and Goose. A plaque that has been scratched partially out reads “Must pick 3….I can be chosen more than once” We look around the room from clues and find a book of nursery rhymes with various stories. Trying a random combination Doc gets shot by an arrow. Having an idea moist plugs in Duck, Duck, Goose, which opens the door

Heading towards the door leading to the back of the house we open up into a large room full of cobwebs, tentatively entering Ducks with Spider legs descend from the darkness and a fight ensues. 2 yellow ducks escape and the pink duck sends Echelon away into a maze. At the end of the fight theres an audible pop and mass skittering. We also start to hear screaming from upstairs.

We investigate the webs learning that the coloured webs from the special ducks throw protective bolt spells when damaged. Once Echelon comes back we set fire to the remaining webs and quickly put out any long burning fires once the room is cleared. Investigating the whole room we find a giant spider nest in the corner where the popping noise came from and a number of extra doors.

The door on the lower right goes to a set of stairs that go up. The door on the upper right go into a bedroom with a four post canopy bed, looks like it belonged to the parents. There is clear evidence of a fight in here and a set of missing ornamental swords. In draws we find Coins, Amulets, Necklaces and Pictures of the family. The pictures we hand off to Elijah. Our party thieves find an ornate box underneath a floor board and with a matching key coming from a bedside draw we open the box which contains family importance paperwork and some gear. Basil and Rocko also acquire a bowtie each from the fathers drawers.

The door on the upper left is a bedroom with a pillar with a button in the middle which after some hesitation just releases confetti. The door on the lower left is more servants quarters. We once again hear screaming from upstairs so head our way over to the stair case.

Upstairs we find ourselves in the attic, which has got a Mechanician Alchemist lab in the front half of the room. Just in front of large windows is a blue glowing portal. In the corner of the room is a hoard of ducks attacking a small green goblin. Dealing with the ducks, giving our new source of information a healing potion and helping him out of a hole his leg got trapped in, the goblin introduces himself as Trash. Trash is a 2ft goblin from Orcland. Which is where the portal goes. The otherside of the portal has orcs, which makes sense from the plain name. Precoging the trip through the portal Basil sees us come out in a rundown building in the middle of a forest a little ways down the road from a town.

Deciding it is best Elijah does not come with us we leave a letter with him to post on the door just incase the Guild should come looking for us, declaring Elijah a friend that needs a master healer to come see to him and informing them we’ve gone to Orclands through the portal.


Jumping through the portal we find ourselves in the second story of a building missing a wall. Heading downstairs we discover a building that has been abandoned for a few months. We discover books on gardening, herbalism, and medicine along with a few amulets mostly Wiccan but a few not.

Outback we find a garden with a few gardening plots with various states of life plants in them. These plants seem to have extra magic on them that makes them move beneficial to eat. A few members of the party notice ducks fly through into the portal which we take is our cue to head out before things get worse. Taking a few ration till this before we do.

We follow Trash towards the town he knows is nearby. While underneath the canopy we notice strange shadows flying overhead in small numbers but frequent. It starts to get late and we set up camp.

During first watch we notice that the rates of ducks flying overhead has decreased but is still ever present. During second watch something falls out of the sky through the canopy of the trees. Yukov goes to investigate noticing a normally sized yellow duck, taking no chances Yukov shoots it. Waking up third watch they question whether the necromancers can talk to the duck, discovering that they can't as they share no common language with the duck, they investigate what they can. Noting a band round the duck’s leg that is labelled West End. In the morning, I pull out my tarot cards to commune with the dead thankfully this does not require a common language. Through the tarot readings we learn that the duck was attacked on the farm by other ducks the previous evening.

We also learn that the ducks are coming from a Big Lake 15 miles north of the farm known as West End. The duck also informs us that there are Dragons in the region which Trash can tell us are normally friendly. Normally only 5 ducks hang around the lake though hundreds of other sentient entities are known to inhabit the same space.

Skinning the duck before we leave we head out following the sounds of rushing water. Once we reach the sound of the water and the edge of the forest we see a series of islands the center of which holds a large tower. Trash informs us that we have found the town of Pendulum.

We cross the bridge from where we were and into the Farming district lead by Trash. As we cross the bridge an orc jumped out and ‘scared’ the party, and begins asking us a lot of questions. Eventually he lets us through and Trash continues to take us to West End. While ther we saw only 2 ducks on the property. Asking the lady inside, while Moist and Winter talked to the duck, and learned that the only duck that belongs to her is inside. During the conversations with the ducks Moist and Winter learn that the ducks come through the water before they fly towards this city. One of the ducks gives Winter a feather before they both take off. The Lady inside advises that if we are looking to go north we would be best taking a boat from the center island. Making our way over using a little river boat we find ourselves on bustling dock covered in traders and sailors. We make our way towards the docked boats and following Moists lead look for the person who looks important and in charge. Basil spots and Orc in a top hat and heads over to him. With some cleaver words she manages to secure a boat for our use up the river along with a box of chewable invested’s that will give us Water Breathing and Speak with Aquatics.

We prep for a potentially long journey, then head up the river. On our way up we teach Trash how to use the dagger that he’s been given. On our first night on the river we see a duck over head during the second watch. Not wanting a late battle we fear the duck and watch where it retreats to. The Duck dives into the water and we make note of the location. We buff up in the morning and head towards the spot.

We swim down and encounter MerOrcs (Like mermaids, but instead of half human, they are half orc). We have polite conversation with them about the ducks and learn that they are coming from a portal through in their city. We obtain permission to enter the city and ask the MerOrc’s who we should go and see to find out more information and they recommend the king. So we head towards the palace to seek an audience with the king.

Speaking to him we learn that the ducks started about a month ago for them after the appearance of a male land folk appeared. His description makes me think back to an old adventure and the reason behind the muddled stories of StoryBrooke – The Jester. The king is aware of some defenses that were put in place that his men have managed to get through. The king offers us items in return for going after the ducks, which we take with us. Amongst these items it a written rite of passage.

 “I give permission to the 7 adventures
3 Elves
2 Halflings
2 Humans
To enter the tower to deal with the duck issue
King Ares”

We head towards the tower and see a room with a large portal in the middle. We limited pre cog walking through and Basil sees a large hall with a room full of ducks assembled.
DAing the portal we get a Plane of Destination of StoryBrooke.


Daily pattern

‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’

Travel Magics

‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’ ‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’

Watch Order

Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??

Night watch
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File Single File


General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

Long duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name (??) ## ???? # Day ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name (??) ## ???? # Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name (??) ## ???? ? Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

SP & other cash value loot

  • Silver Cutlery
  • Coinage
  • Necklaces
  • Loose Gems

Significant Items

  • Elijah's Armour (Durability and Stored Feather falling)
  • Elijah's Sword
  • Amulets
  • 2 magic Tulwars (1 DAed - NOM: Damage, Tigger: Imbued with Health, Duration: Minutes)
  • 2 Magic Daggers
  • More Amulets (2 Beryl, 2 Carbuncle, 2 Hypericum)
  • 2 non-Wiccan Amulets (NoM: Increase skill)
  • Nice Gardening tools
  • Daggers



  • Thallan - Series of Pelts - 4 Duck, 1 Cat, 2 Goat, 2 Chicken

Minor Items

  • Snake Venom
  • Candlestick
  • 8 Books From the Library
 *Basil - 'Sword fighting for Dummies'
 *Moist - 'How to prepare a meal -Animal edition'
 *Yukov - 'How to be nice'
 *Winter - 'How to take Existential out of Crisis'
 *Echelon - 'Finding Orge' and 'Look at me'
 * Doc - 'Where to cut and not kill'
 *Thallan - 'How to Chimera your animals'
  • Book of Nursery Ryhmes
  • 2 Bowties (1 Red, 1 Pok-a-dot)


‘’Insert correct month here’’