No. 1 Hobbits' Detective Agency
A detective agency with offices throughout Brastor. They are known to mainly investigate minor problems of the people, and occasionally work with and on behalf of local law enforcement. The Agency has a reputation of being friendly and approachable with an ample supply of cream buns, no case is too small for them to help. Almost all the detectives are hobbits.
Some members of the detective agencies are below;
Senior Rank
- Olo Knotwise - An elderly hobbit and retired soldier who once lead troops in the Dark circle war. Olo established and runs the agency to assist with law and order in Brastor. Some foolishly think Olo is a doddering old man. He is almost always found at the head office in Brastor Township.
- Sapphire Gold - Young looking hobbit with a piercing gaze. She is the 2iC of the Detective agency. Allegedly also a mage.
- Filibert Banks - Master of records. Responsible for the detailed records and research. Some say too efficacious with paperwork and application forms. Mostly found at the Charity Detective agency.
- Sabastian - agency inventor and quartermaster
Detective Rank
- Rotrude Harfoot - Skilled investigator and master with the rapier
- Drogot Tinyfoot - accomplished ranger
- Merovech Hairyfoot - veteran of the Brastor invasion and skilled warrior
- Fallon Hairyfoot - Skilled herbalist and linguist
- Ledger Harfoot - veteran of the Brastor invasion and accomplished carver
- May Sackville - died in action. Killed by wolves No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: Recipe for Danger
Junior rank
- Vigor Silentfoot - young and keen
- Sancho Farfoot - enthusiastic philosopher
- Ouus Proudfoot - died in action. Killed by wolves No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: Recipe for Danger
- Marco - Joined Summer 819
- Ishamael - Joined Summer 819
- Jedburgh - Joined Spring 820
- Jaycey - Joined Spring 820
- Pierre - Joined Spring 820
- Snowdrop - Joined Summer 822
Apprentice Rank
Sprint 822 - No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: Santanapped
Summer 822 - No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: The Great Grain Heist
Autumn 821 - No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: River Watch
Summer 821 - No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: Recipe for Danger
Spring 820 - No 1 Hobbits Detective Agency: Vigors Quest
Winter 819 - No 1 Hobbit Detective Agency - Adventuring Arborist
Summer 819 - No 1 Detective Hobbit Agency - The Creampuff Catnappering Caper
Tobintown: Established a two story stone premises in 814. This branch of the office specialises in finding lost minds.
Brastor Township: Establish a three story stone premises in 809. This branch is the head office and specialises in finding lost loves.
Brastor Landing: Established a two story stone premises in 814. This branch of the office specialises in finding lost faith
Charity: Established a two story stone premises in 814. This branch of the office specialises in finding lost integrity.
Emmitsburg: Establish a two story stone premises in 816. This branch of the office specialises in finding things lost in translation.
Hugler's Ferry: Establish a two story stone premises in 809. This branch of the office specialises in finding things lost cats.
Westgate: Establish as office in 810, moving into specifically constructed two story building in 810. This branch specialise in finding lost youth.
South Lending: Established a two story stone premises in 817. This branch of the office specialises in finding lost dreams
Gugnir's Hope: (Remote office) established a single story story stone premises in 819. This branch of the office specialises in finding lost wisdom.
Seagate: Private and public offices here
Sanctuary: Private and public offices here
GM Info
The detectives are small in number but highly organised and connected. Olo, their leader, fought in the Black Circle war and wants to keep the people of Brastor safe, particularly hobbits. It rumoured that the Agency evolved out of the Hobbit Revenge Squad. They openly act as detective and secretly as spies. Contract Terry for further information.