Lord Azzur's Black Fleet

Adventure: Calder Nights
GM: Julia
Season: Winter 818 wk
Night: Wednesdays in New Windsor
Level: High+
- Dramatis Personae
- Aryan - Human - Legendary Hero - Primary Mil Sci
- Serendipity - Elf - Celestial
- Kilroy - Human - Rune/Wicca
- Captain Blood - Human - Water
- Silverfoam - Elf - Namer
- Vychan - Giant - Earth
- Employer
- Baron Silverfoam
- Mission
- Find and recover Sabastian with Syrene's help.
- Deal with the Karisi - Lady of Dark Dreams.
- Sort out issue in Calder town & Lord Azzur & the Black Fleet.
- Payment up front
- 500,000 sp in silver ingots at the guild. 50% now and 50% on success.
- Some allies have made transpot available to allow people to add Names to The Block of the Lunar Empire. Transport within 48 hours of guild meeting - will prevent enchantments being removed on death.
- Three nicely worked ashwood chests containing -
- 40 small red bottles (one knot) of 10EN & 20Ft Gutbusters in raspberries flavour
- 60 small blue bottles (two knots) of D+18 Waters of healing
- 40 small green bottles (three knots) of D-2 +18 Waters of Strength potions
- Some invested/scrolled Air magics
- 6 rings of invested - Air Magic Feather Falling, Rank 3, BC 100% charges 3
- 6 scrolls of invested - Air Magic Flying, Rank 3, BC 110% charges 3
- 6 scrolls of invested - Air Magic Vapour Breathing, Rank 15, BC 110% charges 3
Scribe Notes
Chap-1 : preplanning
THE BIG PLAN OF THE FORCES OF EVIL [FoE] is to sacrifice Kree to resurrect Strahd von Zarovich in a midwinter/Dark Skies Ritual on the 30th anniversary of his slaughter by Kree & Anasatsia
FoE include:
- Supreme Commander (Lady Dokkalfer, see Elvish Isles box), a Sitri pactee appointed by the War Party (in TerraNova), and ally of Ruby Scourge.
- Her MILITARY SUBODINATES: including Morequendi (in CP of Borovia box)
- Her current minion DARK SKIES a Drow person/Thing of Power
- Her minion Ld AZZUR (see Calder box)
- The INFECTED PRINCE --- giant wolfman / giant magma creature / giant elf creature (he can flux between those states)
- and (currently) the Giants he controlls
FOUR(?) demons involved: Vassago, Phenix, Sitri, Forneus, [and ... ?]
- A vindictive, resurrected Arch-Vampire is dangerous for us & our friends/relatives/employers on this side of the Continent.
- The Drow Military controlling much of Alusia not good either.
- Also, Karisi (from Asan) an ex of Cain's wants to use Darkskies after the ritual so that she can kill Cain ... which might be bad
- To Weaken the Drow
- To free Lord Azzur from external evil influences/control of Karisi (Lady Of Dark Dreams, Lady Darksong)
- A pre-emptive Ashan Azuria regalia acquisition/raid to avoid misuse of items for FoE ritual
- To persuade Drow to retreat (Can the diverted portal, formerly to KinLu, be liberated or safely disabled after such a retreat?)
- Some Janx are supposedly fetching the important regalia — disrupt!
- The Caleenline walkers are obliged to return home if the Callen ruins are threatened [Prudence mission?]
- Rumours of ITEM/person who can change the location of a portal (only a few hundred miles).; remember Portals are currently controlled/perverted by the snake priests who are controlled by Kirisi
- Cultivate/Liberate potential allies ... namely:
POTENTIAL ALLIES & possible critical/pressure points of the Enemy's structure
- Karisi's associate, Noor-un-nisa Inayat Khan, is a Princess of Azuria
- The giants currently under the Infected Prince's Control (Fire & Ice Gts)
N/A: M&R are in Hells, training.
- Sasha has identified Sangarius [Vampire & Zombie Lord] & 19 minions is lurking in Sewers beneath Sanctuary
- FAKE PEOPLE: There is also a Kree at the Guild ... some partymembers were almost clowned ...sorry cloned. KatG may be only a Klone.
SASHA's group
- going to Azuria ... to investigate, but esp. to "relocate" the formerly Ashan Sceptre of Terminus.
ARYAN'S group:
- Infiltrate Morgor's Lair, this time doing it the easy way [NB: inside the front door of Morgor's Lair (on the right?) there's an Antechamber that has the amulets for the service-staff] in order to:
- Use the Kraken Heartstone to break control over...?? [drop it into ___ pool?? in Mgr's lair, aka the Dark Terror]
- Then raid the armoury ... see shopping list:
- HORNS --- can use on the Ruby Scurge if you have troubadour rank & horn ranked
- from Sabrina — How many Krees are there?
- Who has the item to dismantle the Infected Prince??
- IMPORTANT provisions: including Jasper amulets
- request something useful from the Armory.
Chap-2: Many roads
Brief Prep
We Signed the contract; and a bat suggested that we visit the Lady Sorceress (a known Air Mage tutor). Then went to Kilroy's home, in order to change our plane of existence to that humble abode: delightfully walled fortified manor house; excellent tea — although Serendipity unsubtly scolded Kilroy that his Aaron woefully unprepared for the real world (Already 14 with NO college or fighting skills).
Party was equipped with magical Diamond studs so that everything Whispered (no louder) near one stud was clearly heard by all ... clearly named after the agreeable adventurer who famously ensure everyone knows what she does (especially the opposition).
Back to guild to embuff ourselves, Sir Calador gave us a lift to the Sorceress in Silver's dwelling. She related her concerns:
The Sorceress in Silver's problems:
... Things aren't going as well as they usually do. The Temple of Rinn [a Mighty Dragon], a big temple not very far from the Shrivers' Hills was a place of power, usually in the possessing of dragon, Red or black. For some time, it used to be a Time-stop Dragon; but now it's gone and there's an old elf-dragon instead.
[yes, she meant the "Rub-eye Scrooge" --- SOP: one never say the name of a D-s nor even spell it properly]
The Time-stop Dragon was only eating goblins; stopped people flying; Kept 'balance' between the We Signed the contract; and a bat suggested that we visit the Lady Sorceress (a known Air Mage tutor). Then went to Kilroy's home, in order to change our plane of existence to that humble abode: delightfully walled fortified manor house; excellent tea --- although Serendipity unsubtly scolded Kilroy that his Aaron woefully unprepared for the real world (Already 14 with NO college or fighting skills).
A Necro lived locally. If we can't get rid of him, The Sorceress in Silver would like the STAFF OF HYGAM. We were shown a picture of it (from the Necromancer's book) ... very distinctive; goes from black-wood to coloured crystal. The Item was from AFTER the Veil of tears, but It has gone back in time after the period he had it. Apparently Someone (We ?) needed to talk to someone who was bouncing around in time. "Talk" may be a euphemism.
Speaking of which, there were some unusual offers to invest, or "I know some sylphs";
And Aryan wanted to find multiple glamorous "assistants" to carnally recharge his powers.
Sorceress: "Well if you're interested in women who stand on hills ... ?"
Aryan: "Yes. I don't discriminate".
BACK to carriage, and we were taken to the Grace Wind Estates (Princess Isil Eth's pied à terre where she has been hosting a few thousand elite Elfheim troops when they haven't been on important missions). We asked the elves how to reach and access The Armoury.
Reaching the Armoury
The elves explained It's a fortress; "only some of the inhabitants are slightly insane" (meaning that most are substantially BSCZ?). "We know a way that we can't get in nor can the Drow ... There's a sphere of annihilation on the main entrance and the approach contains death-traps and spies"
Therefore we approached the area by a series of underground portals. A detachment of 25 elves will accompanied us. Kilory has a portal just outside of Borovia. An hour later standing in a dark forest before an ancient road leading darkly down into the earth. It was an entrance to the Elven Ways. We were warned that some dark creature hade moved in [Nyx, Liessa the destroyer, and other]. In there, our elven Rangers open another portal, bigger, impressive and activated some ancient runes stones.
We appeared standing on a bridge facing a castle built backed into a mountainside ... It would be hard to go down the mountain, even flying. Flying directly in would be expose the intruders to bolts & arrows from multiple bartizans, arrow-slits, & such. Under our bridge was a moat of lava, gases rising, very hot. Looking up, the Moon isn't in the same place it should be (& is a bit bigger). Did the Arcane Stones send us back in time too?
We approached the curtain wall and turned aside following the wall round and passing some more gates until we reached a tradesman entrance. It was scanned and multiply DA-ed, Definitely magically trapped; had a password; Primary language = Namer; Power currently controlling = NA; Nature of magic = Annihilation; Opening doesn't work. Nature of the Void etc ...; Can the Void be controlled: Y ... we discovered that counterspells could not prevent the trap but it could change the elemental guardian. (e.g. Earth ... Swirling sand)
So SF switched it back to Dark elemental (which Seren can see through) and then DJ Telekinesed the leaver and we could enter The Courtyard or, as the MilScis termed it, The Killing-Ground.
It was EMPTY except for a trough & a hitching post.
& the Dark terror [No idea what they are, but glad neither is in control). (all interesting things to research that apparently meant it was a nice enough neighbour)
A Necro lived locally. If you can't get rid of him, The Sorceress in S Would like the Staff of Hygam We were shown a picture of it (from the Necromancer's book) ... very distinctive goes from black-wood to coloured crystal. Item was from AFTER the Veil of tears, but It has gone back in time after the period he had it. Apparently Someone (We ?) needed to talk to someone who was bouncing around in time. "Talk" may be a euphemism.
Speaking of which, there were some unusual offers to invest, or "I know some sylphs";
And Aryan wanted to find multiple glamorous "assistants" to carnally recharge his powers.
Sorceress: Well if you're interested in women who stand on hills.
Aryan: Yes I don't discriminate.
BACK to carriage ... Taken us to the Grace Wind Estates (Princess Isil Eth's pied à terre where she has been hosting a few thousand elite Elfheim troops when they haven't been on important missions). We asked the elves how to reach and access The Armoury.
The Armoury
The elves explained It's a fortress; "only some of the inhabitants are slightly insane" (meaning that most are substantially BSCZ?). "We know a way that we can't get in nor can the Drow ... There's a sphere of annihilation on the main entrance and the approach contains death-traps and spies"
Therefore we approached the area by a series of underground portals. A detachment of 25 elves will accompanied us. Kilory has a portal just outside of Borovia. An hour later standing in a dark forest before an ancient road leading darkly down into the earth. It was an entrance to the Elven Ways. We were warned that some shady, dark creature had moved in [Nyx, Liessa the destroyer, and other]. In there, our elven Rangers open another portal, bigger, impressive and activated some ancient runes stones.
We appeared standing on a bridge facing a castle built backed into a mountainside ... It would be hard to go down the mountain, even flying. Flying directly in would be expose the intruders to bolts & arrows from multiple bartizans, arrow-slits, & such. Under our bridge was a moat of lava, gases rising, very hot. Looking up, the Moon isn't in the same place it should be (& is a bit bigger). Did the Arcane Stones send us back in time too?
We approached the curtain wall and turned aside following the wall round and passing some more gates until we reached a tradesman entrance. It was scanned and multiply DA-ed, Definitely magically trapped; had a password; Primary language = Namer; Power currently controlling = NA; Nature of magic = Annihilation; Opening doesn't work. Nature of the Void etc ...; Can the Void be controlled: Y ... we discovered that counterspells could not prevent the trap but it could change the elemental guardian. (e.g. Earth ... Swirling sand)
So SF switched it back to Dark elemental (which Seren can see through) and then DJ Telekinesed the leaver and we could enter The Courtyard or, as the MilScis termed it, The Killing-Ground.
It was EMPTY except for a trough & a hitching post.
Chap-3: Breakfast, Sleeping Booty, & Light entertainment
On entering the Killing Ground, we Proceed to the Fortress proper. From the many entrances, we chose a larger one (easier for us to remove piles of loot) partway along (discrete, without being suspiciously so).
Minor difficulties bypassing the locks: an undetected Mindwraith outgrabed at Cap'n Blood, so Seren whipped out her Sword of Solomon ... fortunately none of the party were viable targets (i.e., not currently controlling or mind-devouring anyone. Good timing!). The complex has excellent, functional stonework: the 30'-high passage, with murder slots adding a professional ambience. Reaching the next door, we decided that checking for traps should be SOP.
Breakfast, the most important encounter of the Day
It was 50x50' room with exits elsewhere. Golem (skill: cook) at an oven; another golem working pastry. Pantry with a sink ... genric provisions, etc. Golem took notice when stuff was nicked. Next room cold store with liquids in containers & a meat safe. A small door was opened — it's a portal (dumb waiter).
Kilroy's Totem spirit returned & mentioned seeing a young woman a few rooms ago.
The Golems speak Eldaran & we were served food by the Golem Pre-eminent Chef.
There are multiple rooms in the complex, many containing local elves (e.g., 5 in the Sth hall).
Yesterday there 80 people for breakfast spread over 12 chambers.
Kilroy returned to an empty plate: "Who's been eating MY breakfast?" Aryan: "Don't worry ... your's was definitely the best."
On reaching the woman's room, Cap-B accidentally discovered the trap on the door lock, a poison dart, and was promptly prevented from dying. The Poison does no damage, but the victim will die in 3 pulses ... a synthetic attacking the connect of their soul to their body. A threat to those of us will only one soul (or less) in our bodies.
Door opened: a female elf (GTN ELF) was sleeping, quickly DA-ed & Divinated.
Cursed Sleep; an E&E sleep that is permanent, Rk 20, almost like a Hibernation or Petit Mort.
She's an Enchantress & has been asleep a *very* long time.
Kilroy gave her a Rune of Truth do-over before we woke her.
When woken, she started singing until a Potion of Restore Sanity was promptly forced down her throat. (An instinctive response to any being who wakes up singing). She was then fine & rational ... until she learnt she'd been asleep for 30,000 years.
She is Alorissa of the Lake and lived by the Blue Lake ... in the B L clan. Aryan asked if that is the Lake Northwest of the city. It is. But Alorissa dwells here now (with the other battle mages) and was perfecting her song to "correct the thinking" of our enemy.
Alorissa is 5'9" and slight of build. (Seren, who's 5'10" & also slight of frame, dressed her since Alorissa only had a few embroidered blankets (scarcely nibbled on). Given that we are authorised to be here, on a Mission vital to the Cause, etc, she accepted Aryan's leadership (and SF's spare magic Cloak & Counterspell Choker).
So, with our local guide, we continue exploring & looking.
OR We decide to accompany her to her rooms which are further down the complex.
(depending on one's point of view)
Bloodshed in well-lit corridors
The corridor narrowed to 10' across & 10' high as she lead us toward a stairwell. It's a large circular open spiral, and we can see 3 stories down & 3 up.
Aryan looking down a corridor spotted something invisible that promptly ran when he specifically told it to approach & be recognised. Aryan bounded swiftly after it, asking us to follow. All very jolly, like an indoor fox-hunt but less horses.
It reaches a doorway, and Aryan approached while evading; then reposted & struck.
Next pulse, the Drow (using an item, obviously) had initiative. And fatigues big-A for 40 pts (from just 2 daggers!). And some 10 or 11 Shadows were forming.
Our response was swift and to plan: Rk20 Light from Kryan; & Rk20 Blackfire from Seren.
Aryan fought spectacularly, often hitting, occasionally preventing the opponent from having a secondary action — and once the evading stopped, he was even a bit more susceptible.
SF floated almost to the combat & enhanced BC (Rk20 Celestial) for Seren's benefit. The resulting Death buzzes were absorbed (fortunately) but the enemy were slow to go down since they were artificially drawing sustenance (EN and FT) from other living beings, or transferring the damage to them if that's the way you count things.
After a few more blows and ambitious or entertaining moves — one thought it had Seren at a disadvantage merely because it appeared behind her! — the last one steps out of the light and tried to escape (apparently to a memorised shadow?), but Kilroy "spell-broke" him of that and Zohar laid into it & knocked him out.
In the post-mortem looting phase, we discovered small magic metallic items embedded in each foes' shoulder. And, since Kilroy could see the link through to the "Donor" sources, later on we eventually reached the room containing the green, formerly-living remains of the banded humanoids. Turns out the magic was not "draining" per se, but non-voluntary Empathy. GTN: POD-PERSONS. Cutting to the heart & discovers there's a Seed that can be planted to get a new one.
Chap-4: In no particular order ...
(Because the original scribe notes were mostly overwritten.)
We toddled off to Alorisa's suite and were impressed by some of her Bard-cum-Mechanician Instruments of War: A flute, a Lute, and a keyboard connected to a series of bell-shaped crystals ... the largest 3 of which were turned into a crystal Golem.
Serendipity was aware that she was being observed. From his piercing (surely that's not right?), Kilroy could see the direction. Seren was able to observe the person observing her. It was a distinctive, wizen-faced, grey-haired, female elf.
Approaching the records section with our authorisation, party heard some philosophers on raindrops that fall on leaves and whether being hit on the head with a raindrop would interfere with one's ability to cast magic and how could they test it &mdash obviously it was:
- An ongoing discussion that had been running for a VERY long time, even by elven standards.
- Not going to be resolved soon, even if we got involved
- A scheme to weaponise precipitation into a Rain of Terror.
Human Mage/MilSci: "No! No! Stop listening! It's obviously a trap or diversion."
Sea-elf Mage/MilSci: "But it is an intriguing postulation, and the ramifications ... !
But we joined the conversation anyway. Apparently they HAD thought of our solution: Experimentation! But they couldn't agree on who should go into the test environment (a small crystal globe).
The three Philosophers were in a room with huge ledgers on shelves: a round room, a hub with straight corridors fanning out like spokes of a wheel. They give us more discussion on good thing useful against, or killing, vampires: Waters, Skies, Weapons.
They took our authorisation for the first item (A mace effective against Vampires) then, after consulting the ledgers and going through the necessary clerical rituals, directed us to the right room. Kilroy also obtained directions to his "friend" (Wizzen-face).
We reached the designated room. There were many long batons or staves against the walls, clamped at both ends, except for one that was half detached. We removed the baton, struck it on the floor in the correct manner, and a person-sized door opened. We saw the mace on the Astral Plane with a cage behind it, beyond which were writhing tentacle-like slugs (Mindwraiths, which would be bad to get in your head). There was brief discussion about trying to liberate some of the other staves ... but no doubt there were "Systems" in place to discourage unauthorised removals.
Mace: primary purpose disjunction; especially useful against necromancy. It has an Ironwood-like shaft with a metal spiky bit at the hitting end.
Went back to the "Issuing Desk" for staff-assistance.
Chap-5: A very one-sided conversation, and its consequences.
We approached the correct spike (corridor) and black, oaken Door to the room for the Staff of Hyram Galen. Seren knows we're being watched as we see the black door far ahead.
Reaching the door, Vychan couldn't look into the room (the wall was bound earth). So Zohar pushed his WizFace [like WizEye, but with extra features] thru the door and fluked his "debauchery check" against the stunningly beautiful woman in there [he had a 240 penalty ... due to -1 for each fornication (sex with a non-spouse) in the past year but rolled a natural 01]. Zohar remembered what she said
"I knew someone was coming, I'm soooo pleased it's you. You can call me Bris.
... This was probably the best place to meet the agents of Silverfoam
[of Von Shtrahd] That is his nature he has never not betrayed his allies. I could arrange for us to just leave & take that which lies beneath with us."
"But the rest of us only heard his side of the conversation of their conversation My name is Zohar \\ How can I help you Lady Bris?" [Kilroy realised that Bris, most likely, was Subcommander Briswiira Moriquendi ... of the infamous Borovia-infesting Moriquendis] \\ "If we talked we could come to an arrangement \\ What do you need it for? \\ Primarily what would you do with it? \\ Something to do with the number of souls it controls? \\ But your mistress is enslaved by Terminus \\ How would you describe their relationship \\ Who is she charmed by? \\ So you need us to stop doing what we're doing? \\ Are you wed milady? \\ I can be one [of your husbands, apparently] \\ Again, it's one of those things. \\ We're unable to stop doing what we need to do, just like you. \\ Can you NOT do what you're wanting to do without freeing Von Strad \\ Could you make yourself less alluring?"
Coincidentally? ( I think not) — on that last line, Aryan FINALLY finished untrapping the Black-oak door & opened it (never send a King to do a Hobbit's job!). It's a 20x20 room. Serendipity's automatic Detect Mendacity talent kicked in and she denounced the duplicitous seductress:
Seren: "Lady-so-called-Bris is a lie. In and of herself she IS a lie!" [SF's treble DA: Long lived, GTN DROW; Has been that for a long time; Is not preparing any magic; ...]
Aryan rushed in attempting to grapple her with Iron Gauntlets & She/It changed into a Thing With Acid Tentacles (that hurt according to Aryan) SF prepared, since the DA changed [GTN Landsquid; has been that 15 years; still not preparing any magic] and Geased it "not to attack my companions or myself." Seren & SF realised IT Looks exactly like a tree-squid: A very fast, even-more-dangerous-than-usual, slithery thing from the forests of Terra Nova.
Kilroy DA-ed the staff [Moving it would trigger a Sinking Doom] and yelled "It's fakery!" So (with his hand trapped in such a close threesome with a treesquid & Seren's Shadow Elemental) Aryan raised moral with the petulant war-cry "Fine! Go ahead. Loot in combat!"
And suddenly, in the corridor, a series of walls went up glowing with light — with sets of almost laminated walls (maybe 6 deep) in different colours of light every 10' or so. And FOUR other doors opened insider the encounter room ... So Vychan cast a Wall of Stone immediately in front of the first laminate walls; and Kilroy cast a Darkness to stop the shadow-walking assassins (deliberately only Rank 16, so to overpower our Witchsights)
The Squid was ripped apart doing serious damage (38 pt, half of it unresistable ACID) to both Aryan & the elemental. Everyone rolled a resistance except for Zohar.
Something thudded against Vychan's Wall. Unlike the Door in the Mace's room, the Astral Doors in this room had no cage to stop astral creatures crossing into our world. Figures stepped out of the astral door and, with magical chanting, a warrior in Baroque armour appeared [Spectral Warrior]: she automatically smote Zo.
Zohar: "She can hit on me later".
The astral beings have long large tongues (almost like mindwraiths with bodies attached). Zo did some damage; SF dispels the S.W.; the elemental damaged an astral.
A giant snowball(? Actually an Ice-devil) rolled into the corridor unharmed by the laminated magic Walls: SF resisted & Vychan took a little damage.
Alorisa: "Oh, that's a Summoning, I can possibly do something about it."
SF prepared a Forbidding. Serene DAed a long-tongued being (GTN:Astral Jack; swimming against time!) and stabbed herself because her prepared Sword of Solomon disapproves of such metaphysical mischief. Something licked at the minds of several people in the room. And the Rune wall stopped some (only some) of the damage
The Icedevil enduranced SF, crippling his primary arm.
Aryan "DA"-ed Wall by running through it (significant damage!) and reached the remaining icedevil. Kilroy ran to it as well ... but changed his Aura to "Ice devil" before hitting the wall — he's not nearly as stupid as everyone says he is.
The wounded Lady Bris von TreeSquid (or whatever the H*** she really was) turned into mist and a vase of flowers with a note are on the table
We decided on moving the staff back to its position would be the best option so Zohar was tasked with using Telekenisis to move it there, albeit slowly as the staff was resisting and the atmosphere was not playing nicely either with Zohar's resistances. The staff is almost back in its slot and ....
Chap-6: That was no Lady, that was my fiancé
The flowers in the vase open, with a visible floral fragrance that no one breathes in. the note attached says: "I accept your marriage proposal: In Sitri's name let it be so. Tell the king we have the fitzroys"
Ominous, but not immediately threatening. Seren pointed to a patch on her skin ... "I don't think we should touch this" --- on closer inspection it as one of her demonic tattoos (for S*tr*).
TK-ing the Staff worked (No Sinking Doom). Swapped the counters on Aryan to counter Mind (Spec & Gen), so that he could [hopefully] resist the Astral Jacks when he retrieved the STAFF. Indeed, he only took 5 pt to his AGILITY (Astral plane) from those AJs for which he failed to resist for all damage.
The STAFF: Lowers MR towards Necromancer. (more details to follow)
On the way back to the cataloguing Quartermaster Dept, Zohar paid too much attention to Alouria (who fortunately didn't notice). We explained to the QMs that we needed to find out what imprisoned or affected Von Strahd.
- Apparently one can make one's own protection: Blue Garlic & the Quill of the Chaemera.
- Also there are crystals with which one could shape the world. There were five: 1 in the eastern isles; 2 are/were in Kin-Lu (NOT fabled Erulei!); 2 in Terra Nova; & the last one was last seen in a dead city N of Ebola.
The big blue crystal stolen from Kokan (A daring theft indeed) was to make the Fastness of Gwillian. (We studied & sketched the map.) Fable says you can create a lot with one of these ... one being blue garlic. - We need to see Mathew Parafier.
Found a book on Vesta, one of the first children, the Lady of Hearths & fires.
There should be vestal virgins nearby. Seren had a remembrance of when she was visiting Justice, (& "found" the Sword of Solomon), there were VVs there.
Meanwhile, with the Qs searching for more references, Aryan started using his "Sorting Bag" (a magic bag of holding that doesn't accept Magical items). And we started playing with the rejects.
SF Lost 5 pts of WP, but gained the ability to cast Wraith cloak; Then lost 6 pts more & knew how to turn a person into undead. Whereupon he suddenly sobered up, remembering that Necromancy is Wrong.
So Seren played with it instead — and now knows how to Scar Terrain, as a talent; now has the ability to cast a Spectral Hand
Aryan resist Storage [the ability to store memories?] Very odd
The recently-engaged Zohar continued to flirt/seduce Alluria (not sure of the spelling)
Vychan [in an indiscrete aside to Zo]: I've an item that enables 2 willing people to have a discrete hour outside of time
Zo: What am I going to do with the other 59 & half minutes?
SF: Apologise?
Quick Divinate of Zo the Ho: he is under a willingly received gift from Sitri of betrothal (like a Geas) & his lost 2 pts of WP have to be bought, rest at 1/wk.
Quick Divinate of the Steelwind Mace : it has a Chance of SEPARATING NECROMANCY from a thing or person.
Quick Divinate of the Staff : allows one to negate other peoples' time magic. Fixes time, but in doing so you make yourself vulnerable to Entities magic 300' radius. Just has to be possessed to work.
The sorting bag also found a Bottle of memories; and a Box with Pips & pins [***CHECK THIS***]
We exited the Armoury and re-encountered our support team. Then snuck back to the portal tunnels; although once we waited to let 15 drow go by (which was the correct thing to do tactically since we didn't want our presence known --- also we had a LOT more LOOT to risk losing than they did!)
Updates at Base Camp
We popped down to Borova Hold. There were many important things for our attention &/or possibly diversions to tie us up
1. Richard who works for Matt Tumbledown--- He's an older fighting type (with insignia of the Lunar Inquisition): "The fates think you, Aryan, should ask them for a favour. They've been doing stuff & been very successful"
2. Three [related] Wailing women were wanting to meet Aryan (obviously). They speak over each other: ... "We've never told you this, but there was a son that was yours that went missing [matches the time when he fought the Dark Skies]. You rode thru the town in some woman's flashy carriage. He's 3 yrs old. Called Ethan. Ethan Aryan. And also there's Anna."
Aryan: Best if you name them after their mother...
Zo: [aside]: Harlot?
Aryan: I mean it's safer not to use my name. Don't worry, they'll find their way home; all my children have that ability.
We left Aryan to"comfort" the ladies .
3. The Delagation of Sanctuary mages for Serendipity There's been trouble. One of yr uncles [Manon a.k.a. Gironde] has been seen moving into the fastness of Gwyllion. Meeting someone, according to Trevor (meaning Trevor Bampf the teleporting Assassin)
4. Delegation of Sea-of-Grass people for Vychan
"There's these vampires living in the plains said something about having a son."
(Vych: Cain? No; He was a daughter.)
Garbled message about what he eats & burning incense. And someone from the guild warned him that somebody is wanting to kill him & some concern about nobody (the vampires) sleeps. You should save him.
5. Report from Brandeburg, etc.
Some activity there: 3 blackships in port; Orcs are moving out of Orctown.
Invaders have increased their digging in Barovia
We're [***CHECK!] harried by were creatures (elf/Wolf/bear)
Activity is ramping up. Lost a ship to the Black fleet.
Our allies, the Kinlu forces are hanging back in Novadom.
Please find a mission for the hobbits .... They're eating too much of our supplies ...
And the Ruby Scourge has taken Aims Fire from Glyssom.
Chap-7 the Long Way to Calder
Burning down the House Barn
We're banished back to the Plane of Kilroy's Residence. Apparently the Barn 3 mi down the road (where the 20-ton Enhancement stone was hidden) was burned down by lightning. So we investigated. Kilroy DAed (Q: Nature of the last change to Aura. A: Enhancement). ... so SF Divinated it: The next 10 people to use the stone will have their dreaming experience enhanced. (Wicca), a "blessing". A novel trap.
Meanwhile the party noticed a pair of Black crows talking and large toads, also a cat. From the conversation, clearly familiars for local Witches, etc.
Into the Fastness ...
We Rune portalled to Candlestone farm (Jedburgh's place).
Aryan was excessively keen on going to the Lands of the Dead.
Kilroy & Zohar: "Oh, Oh. Party leader, tell him not to".
SF: "Aryan, you're being a Kilroy. Stop it!"
A's aura seems to have lost one of his [animal] form. The aura itself is changing, getting bluer ... as if he is losing a little colour.
We head into the Fastness of G to the fires burning near the lake; then to the cliffs
Local goblin: "I can sell you the secret to the cliffs."
Zo: "That you throw a hand off the cliff?"
Kilroy: "It's ok throw a goblin off the cliff they have two hands."
We climbed down the cliff to the base in the exact method advised; then headed in the right direction to see a house with a porch; and were greeted by Mathew the Healer with a hot drink: Ginger Honey & [blue] garlic tea. And he was more BG on a rope.
MtH wants us to save Kitty & Purr (from being turned into a queen) by rescuing their bodies from hell (in Sitri's realm to be exact; nasty place)
He explained that Aryan was being attacked by blood magic through his children --- like some sort of shriving.
We get instruction for the timing on how to get there & what NOT to do (e.g., past the Falls covered in dk green moss ... don't talk to them).
We asked if he knew Anything to get rid of Vampire Charm?
MtH: "Kill it?"
Ary: "This quy is fantastic!"
MtH: "... Or put it in the small plane of the dead". --- THE FASTNESS IS A VAMPIRE TRAP
We met more goblins & ignored them, even their offer of potions.
... via the Temple of the fates ...
Aryan openned up his 30' metal skiff and we took about 3 hrs flying at 40,000' to reach the Temple of the Fates about 1000 miles.
Aryan explained & the eldest Fate ("Dearie") confirmed that She can change his problem; fix A's abilities so they can't be drained. She advised:
"The Senators of Decay, you may wish to stop them. Make sure they don't get hold of the Dark Skies BEFORE the 15th of the next month."
Aryan: "What is the best time & place to go do what you advise."
Dearie: "When the Yellow-Lord has the items he needs 1ce he has used them on the 20th of this month."
(Y.L. is the Lord of the Tunnels ... the Emperor with a bunch of thugs.)
Dearie's disappears and a young face takes her place "Did you upset Grandma?"
ARYAN asked about the Barn shifting/changing, and a 3rd face appeared saying that No-one would do anything, and:
- Confirmed that it is best to wait until after Y.L used his items.
- It would be bad if they used the Pool of Life AND the Pool of Death AND got hold of Dark Skies.
- 10 is the answer to the question that you should ask me.
- The people attacking Aryan's kids are in Caulder.
... to Caulder
We landed 15 miles outside town early in the morning, while mist was still covering the countryside on a crisp bright Winter's day. Heading to town by road we met caravans headed there too. About a third of the caravan guards were orcs and had clearly seen action.
A few hours later we were up the road to the Walled town, and entered posing as a company of sell-swords: At the front was a doughty "human" (a shrunken Adam). Kilroy split himself into two horses: "insert Nom de Guerre here" (Seren) with her sword on One; River (SF) with his staff on the Other. Those two Drow/Elves/whatever were positioned either side of NdG (Zohar), obviously our captain, on his steed (Aryan).
Aryan (to Zohar, his rider): "Dig your spurs in again and I'll rip your leg off."
The streets were filled with cheerful people, but somewhat pasty. GTN formerly living GTN Human. (Vampire Kurf had changed their auras). A third of the population are Gtr Undead: some vampire, some wights, some human.
Inn with a proud looking peacock. Captain pays for 5 night @ 20 per and then declines the upper floors and ask that the Innkeeper prepare us some rooms on the ground floor {what with the hidden giant in the party: were he to cease being in contact with the earth, his armour would become much heavier, more than his shrink-ring could cope with, and suddenly an unexpected giant is crashing through the ceiling or (more likely) partway up the stairs}. While the innkeeper transforms some servants quarters, we went for an innocent stroll.
Doing the Spy thing
Did the spy-thing, particularly to find where the local Vampire/queen is, or feeds on. We're in 2 teams all within 200' so that the Whisper-diamonds worked for all.
We considered (in whispers) our options and appearance. For example transforming into a dog.
ANON: "Can you do white cat? Wander down analley to piss, but really to spy & sneak ..."
Response: "It's a port city, even humans can wander down an alley to piss."
Observations & Information:
- Big hole under Calder ?!
- There is a large University dominated by air magics. Inhabitants clearly less kerf using.
- DA normal "pasties" to see if they're under control ... some are. (Control Greater Undead)
- Most people's auras are tainted.
- Good trade going on.
- Azzure has a new girlfriend.
- Sailors are particularly impressed by the boss's luck.
- Apparently the girlfriend has another friend, some foreign princess (presumably with very sharp teeth)
- Had a problem with weird orcs a year ago ... but not now.
- Lots of things to be guarded.
- Excellent place to find work. (Barry offers to ask around)
- Delegation of Merchant princes (have names) going to have dinner
- A visiting Count, Paolo del Rey, from Destiny is to meet with Lord Azure
Aryan's rendezvous in the Bath House
The Bath house is segregated. Aryan entered the Men's section, whipped off his towel and (satyr's) Charmed three susceptible men.
He then revealed himself to Count Paolo del Rey (not the towel, just gave his name) and updated the Count on:
the situation down south
and that Lord Azure has been Charmed by his girlfriend & her vampire princess
and that there is now an ongoing military threat to Destiny now that Azure is a puppet of the Terra Novan Drow and their Undead collaborators.
An Arrangement and Plan is made ...
Chap-8 planning, over the wall and invading the garden
Review of unusual items & suggested tactics
We needed to ensure that L.A. isn't re-charmed by other vamps.
Perhaps use Seren's 7-in-1 item to recall him with the remainder of the team when enough of us (simultaneously?) "return" to the Home-plane of Kilroy's manor — if we can manage that
- BIGGEST Wake up – from stun, sleep, unconsciousness over a battlefield
- Another Cures disease
- The third ???????
Also her Lute : Instrument extends the range of troubadour --- all skills? Possibly just Bardic Voice?.
PARTY Items:
- Damnum magnatum—transform into a small creature of one's choosing (BC 41% +MA+GTR)
- Special spectral warrior 25 fatigue
- Firestorm 3 x rank 20
Seren's BLACK LIGHTNING -- majorly devastating thing
The problems with entering the keep normally
The Keep's Black guards:
- can't be DA-ed.
- will remove excessive weapons
- and weigh people for the magic they have on them
- Don't let in well-armoured armoured strangers
- Will permit a VIP's guards wearing socially acceptable armour (i.e., 6 pts of armour or less)
Aryan: "Let's charge in behind a dark-sphere"
Obviously a silly plan — so, later, we only tried it after several other strategies failed.
To gain vital intelligence, Serendipity volunteered to enter in the guise of a vampire (thanks to magic and a naturally Dark personality) to scout and DA, but the risk was too high. So a converse method was chosen.
The problems with entering through the sewers
Kilroy snuck in & checked the magical protection, especially vs rune magics, with the rest of the party allegedly helping on the party's whisper-line.
He went in as a rat up the sewer, with no aura, highly undetectable; prepared to go gaseous if necessary.
DAed the unusually clean excrement.
The tunnel has disorderly orange stripes. (DA: Nature of magic? Chaos. Triggering condition? Contact).
Got such intriguing answers, so he spent a full 30 min to Divinate (since a rat with a cushion would be too unusual).
RESULT: It's an uncertainty field; there's a large chance that something else will happen. Anything living in the waste doesn't make it through. The orange stripes seem to pulse like a living thing, but formerly living or never living seem unaffected.
Kilroy backed off, turned into 45 rats; changed his aura to never living; and one went in, and was immediately transforming into a large orange blob. But could return back to him (although still supposedly never living) Kilroy: "Shit". Zohar: "You're in the right place".
AND the Chaos/uncertainty field appeared to extend. So Kilroy braced himself & reassembled into a normal rat ...except for the scaly orange lichen on his shoulder.
The guards weigh people for the magic
Don't have more than 6 pts of armour
The problems with going over the clifftop walls
Since Seren had Clouds of darkness to obscure us, we decided to climb or float (or walk in Kilroy's case) firstly across the cliff (around the headland)
and then up about 200' of cliffs that rose steeply, looming out over the sea (at an angle somewhat beyond perpendicular),
and then further up the almost sheer Outer walls about 100' tall.
Extraordinary Garden Encounters
We made it together over the Wall into the Private garden --- then things went awry. The wind picked up, something was on the battlements. Aryan tried to breathe in the air, since we anticipated hypothetical vapours, air-elementals, etc ... given L.A.'s piratical inclinations (storm-priest minions, etc) but it didn't work!
There were Four 2-hex spiderlike golemoids about 200' away. So We jumped off the wall (into the garden, that is, not 300' to the safety of the sea) and Aryan breathed out. The golemy things,or ArachnoConstructs, were highly resistant (if not immune) to magic.
Aryan stood to meet them; Zohar passed the now elven Seren to Vychan, so that he could stand with Big-A); meanwhile Seren created & controlled a Dark elemental that looks like a coal-black fire elemental with pincers.
The Thunderclap struck us all (27pts for those that resisted --- less 20 ablative for many)
Ary & Zo both hit well, but the ACs were unaffected by their Smites, etc. Definitely Immune to magic!
In return, the creatures fail to hit Aryan, but definitely connect with Zohar.
And only Vychan was hit by lightning (103 pts).
Next pulse: Ary multi-striked both ACs; Zo hit his; but the Dark Elemental failed to connect. The constructs struck back: CB took 42; Ary 46 EN [28 fatigue to cast MULTI-TARGET Empathy: 32 pts on Zo; 20 to Seren].
Seren was blown into a tree, so she held fast and prepared. SF used broken glass to cast a larger-than-usual Rk 20 ctr-Air-special by the semi-damaged castle door (etc)
Aryan: "This small glass ball turns into a 5-foot dark sphere". Zohar: "Under your control?" Aryan (off-handedly): "Not yet".
Aryan: "I have plans so deep not even I know them".
TECHNICAL NOTE: Aryan is a master Mil Sci and a master of deception so deep - even he didn't know , wasn't authorized to know, wasn't trusted to understand have a clue what the plan was, but enabled the assault and diversion plan with aplomb. We through great planning, sheer aptitude, tin arse luck managed to occupy the defenders at the main door while the main attack via a Dark sphere went in away from the heavily fortified point and in random part of the house to enable our entrance and real attack. The lucky word from his naval attache turned the encounter on its head and got it back on track.
Aryan should be the Onion King - he has so many layers to him and his plans (and they often make you want to cry)!
Chap.9 : The brilliance of Vychan (Nominated for smartest adventurer)
Since the Storm-priests are being deceived and instructed to do Very Wrong Things by the charmed Ld Azure, Adam Vychan Suggesting we call on KuKuLak, to clear his Storm-priests' confusion.
BRILLIANT! suggests we should hit our Giant with Lightning on a more regular basis.
Rk20 Bane was cast at the wall near where we were apparently trying to breach, to divert the "enemy" into assuming our attempt there was real.
While the Black Sphere was going into the wall; Zo's wizeye shoots around the castle (TMR 20).
Kilroy cast his Wind-calling in the middle of the storm, with sacrifices. And above the sound of the storm, is hear a foreboding whistling ... very like an incoming falling star.
The God appeared and, from the dilemma trump offered by Kilroy, He realised that Azure is under the effect of a Love Potion (which explains a lot, since He thought Azzi would have been immune to vampiric thrall).
A man wearing robes to his knees (Lidrium) dressed as any riding priest would be. Aryan updated him on the situation. The City of TuLay moved out of time & now is back. However Steven Willowtown left, but wished that people would not die. Now it is back, he is seeking power & now controls many resources (in an arrangement with the Vampires). Unfortunately the Vampires wanted to bring back Von Strahd who intends that all shall suffer. Oh; of course! That must be the Reeve Willowtown that our intelligence said was making a super-love potion. It's amazing how obvious things can be, once you know *why* they're doing them.
The God gave Kilroy a large pearl & was happy to send us to anywhere that he had a Storm-priest: On this plane, that included the Sea of Grass, Brandenburg, Elvish isles, Artzdorf, etc. Apparently LA hasn't been to sea for ages. The God said there was a Wickedness going around (it's a sexually transmitted disease curse).
The Affliction needs to be lasting longer than a week. (NO idea what that means!)
We wished to go to Sulubin (a Jarldom outside the former Western border of the Kingdom of Ibanvaal,
So the the Divine one dismissed us, and we ended up on a cloud being driven by a storm priest ... who was somewhat surprised, until reassured by our Giant
Vychan: "We're on a mission form (your) God."
And was "entertained" by Seren, while the rest of the party discretely move to the rea of the cloud.
Mordrin, Champion of Freya
Aryan, once he'd greeting Mordrin in his customary manner (euphemism alert!), summarised the situation with Lord A to Freya (Goddess of Fertility, Beauty, Love, Nature and even Romance (see Ivinian_Gods) who was Happy to help. She suggested instead something to enable Lord Azure to find (or seek for) Truelove rather than just break the potions effect.
Freya: "Do you want to love your wife?" Aryan: "Ah ... (pauses)... Sure, why not?"
So Freya drops a tear on the pearl.
chap.10 Reigning on Lord Azure's Parade
Divinated the Pearl: affects anyone who gets caught in the storm; they will be free to seek their truelove.
Party wanted to meet Azure formally, in an open-air situation (For example an open meeting in Lord Azure's own harbour) to give the Pearl its best chance. Since Lord Azure is quite aware of many Guild-members & their "civilian" identities, we believed he wouldn't refuse a chance to parlay for mutual benefit with "Del Toro".
Guys & their vessels:
SF offered to whip up a suitable ship (if anyone has several hundred tons of forest nearby).
Aryan: "I do have a 30-foot flying ship."
Zohar (Captain Blood): "Is it big enough?"
Aryan: "It's more about what you do with it."
(To the Scribe, that definitely sounds like a "No, but..." overly defensive non-answer to the SIZE question).
As the fastest way to reach Calder from Ivinia in the Northwest, we returned to the Plane of Kilroy's Manor; but Sarah his wife was offended by Aryan's coarse over-familiarity, so She told asked her hubby to take out the trash: "Would you please take these people out of our house".
Part(l)y leader, apologetically: "He's not actually people as such; he's royalty trying to show the common touch. Sorry about that!".
The party considered sending Carrion with the invitation to parlay; then realised it'd be better sending Kilroy, a courtier that speaks and less likely than a Giant Raven to be shot when flying in with a Truce flag.
(In preparation) Kilroy: "I currently do have a mind, and I do answer to Wuss."
Kilroy met Francisco, a big (7' tall) Mindmage-slash-enforcer of Lord Azure, and used flowery language to arrange the meeting that afternoon.
Of course Aryan's ACTUAL missive reads:
"Dude. Meeting in your harbour this afternoon. Bring as many of your men and ships as you like."
Francisco checked and advised to send someone in 4 hours for details of the meeting.
While waiting, Kilroy relaxed outside a pub, where a messenger arrived & presented a bill (addressed to the Guild) for damage to Azure's castle.
How the Guild Parlays ...
Just before 8 bells (4-ish in the afternoon), Aryan flew his ship into the harbour heading to the open area by the docks.
Several units of Town-guard quick-marched out. No longer a swarthy, bare-chested, bald man with many tattoos, Lord Azure had been transformed into a handsome, brooding idol with long wavy hair, on horseback, in plate armour (i.e., typical Vampire boyfriend/thrall material)
There's also a Shadowy figure riding in a Palanquin.
And from the docks, some Orcish Sea-captains disembarked with a thuggish bunch of hoodlums.
Aryan's ship reduces Altitude and we leapt off or drifted/flew down.
Kilroy sees Lord A's aura is like an illusion & DA-ed:
Q1: Age since birth? (To check he's not a clone, like the Kree-clone one a party met earlier) // A: 25
Q2: Under the effect of a love potion or similar? // A: Not today, sunshine.
Other DAs from party include Q: Last magic to impact? // A: Whirlwind vortex.
Also Q: Name of entity pacted to? // A: no answer (as expected).
Kilroy (indicating the Rune on his forehead, to Azure): I'm wearing a Rune of Truth and I truly mean to help you. We wish to assist you for mutual benefit. I bring you the Blessing of Kukulak" (Throws down the Storm Pearl and crushes it).
Azure tried to turn his horse to boldly retreat, but it didn't cooperate (thanks to Control Animal). For Last magic to impact? DA Answer has changed to" Storm of chuchilak. " (advised over the whisper-network)
Kilroy continued (to Lord Azure_: "You're now free from love-potion control. The vampires were using you to release their master Von Strahd to slaughter humanity and doom the baronies to eternal despair. Show us who are the vampires we should take down ASAP."
Azure triggered and 7 "random" people briefly had whirling winds (actually Whirlwind Vortex) about them that seemed to be sucked into rings or protective spells. We all interpreted that as "These are the ones to attack" (and hopefully he had exhausted their contingency/protection).
- Aryan then used a free "Perceive tactics" action & leapt into the Fray near Lord Azure.
- From a group containing Very-Unfriendlies, Vychan was knocked back 20 ft, taking 85 damage.
- SF had dropped concentration on Lord Azure's mount and cast an enhancing black-hat Counter-Namer-General.
- Kilroy Teleported into the presumed Vampire & halfing group behind his target ... and was mobbed by the indicated enemy: not vampires, but Demonics and their Imps (not Halfling). Fortunately Kilroy used his serpent strike (even though he's already behind) and struck first.
- Some Vampires prepare (very grumpily, since they couldn't use their saved up pre-prepared pulses (Thanks to the P.i.t.A. Staff). One Vampire threatened Aryan.
- Azure swapped places with one of his followers 100' away (who was unengaged).
- Aryan attack his Vampire with Beauty & Air-blade (for which she bounces the damage, which Ary also resisted (-2 PB eye-droop; -15 spell ablative.)
- Zohar attacked the Vampire Aryan'd attacked (she resisted the Spirit disruption) and resisted again because she struck Zohar (triggering his Runes).
- Serendipity conjured & controlled a Dark elemental.
- The supposed Thugs behind the Orc-captains had the pulse before leapt on the orcs, tearing their flesh and draining. (Too Many Damn Vampires!) — Orc captains are down (still alive) & the Vamps are up & healthy.
- A Vamp cast Disruption on Aryan: no effective damage goes but he lost 2 more pts of PB
- Kilroy's Demon stepped between Kilroy & the voluntarily-evil Reeve.
Pulse 3
- Zohar did 29 fat (which was resisted both times, but did get in).
- Aryan was now using a holy weapon (applied the necessary potion last pulse as a free action) & killed his Vampire
- Kilroy did serious damage kills the human in 2 strikes & removed the Benefit of Packs
- Zohar was down & negative.
- Aryan would have been hurt, but took it on his gorget (exhausting it); the other blow was for 34 and merely head strike, so not so serious (not even noticeably concussed!)
- SF did a Hel-tweaked Rk20 Counter Necro special, which does (D + 11, plus 10 more for B.H. Enhancement) of concussive damage (resist for half ... round up) to ALL Greater Undead in the 35' diameter AoE.
- Vychan charged & missed
- Seren was carried to the main melee by her elemental & attacked very successfully
- Vychan was heavily hit (38) but not stunned.
- Aryan heroically leapt onto Zohar and crushed Zohar's Breath of the Destroyer.
- Azure's men had rear attacks, since the Vamps had turned to face Aryan.
- Wolves baying for blood.
- Seren hit very well indeed.
- Aryan spread his attacks around. And all breathers gain 20pts per pulse (must be what Zohar's item does)
- Vychan remembered (at last) to head-but & trample instead of using paltry weapons.
- Bad guys in the main group concentrated on Aryan
- SF cast Counter-Mind-Special to stop the main group of Vampires (Aryan & Zohar's lot) casting.
- Kilroy brought back a vampire from Undeath ("more eyeballs for Carrion")
- Dark Elemental dropped, on the Orc-fed Vampires, a Rk21 Darkness (cast at whim, and in which only it can see fully, altho Seren has 30' vision); and grappled a Vamp
- Azure's men attacked the enemy.
Pulse5 ??
- SF prepares Empathy ??
- Aryan (who was now 22' tall) scythed into the Vampires
- Destroyed and looted 14 Greater Vampires including Missy
- Freed Azzur of Love Potion, he agreed to turns his fleet against the Drow
- Freed most of Caulder to seek their true love
- Ethan and Anna rescued
Buffs & Mil Sci
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ki | Se | Si | Vy | Zo |
Strength of Stone (Vy) | 20 | +20 EN | 21 hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Armour of Earth (Vy) | 20 | +42 Def, 1 DR | 10.5 hrs | Y | Y | ||||
Rune Armour (Ki) | 20 | +25 Def, +5 AP, 2 SG | 10.5 hrs | Y | Y | Y | |||
Enchant Armour (Zo) | 23 | +48% Def, +1AP, +23 spell armour | 23.5hrs | Y | |||||
Armour of Light (Zo) | 15 | 15pts vs FT, EN and incoming magic. 1pt vs SG's. +12 IV for Mil Sci. Replaces physical Armour. | Y | ||||||
Smite (Ki) | 20 | Resist or D+21, knocked prone, stunned | 21 h | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Fire Armour (Vy) | 20 | 100 Ablative Mag. Fire | 21 hrs | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Witchsight (Se) | 14 | 7½ hrs | Y | ||||||
Strength of Darkness (Se) | 19 | +11 PS | 7 h | Y | Y | Y | |||
Water Breathing (SF) | 20 | Breath Water | 41 hrs | Y | Y | Y | |||
Wind & water proofing (SF) | 20 | All the possessions of that entity | 5 days | Y | Y | Y | |||
Cold Resistance (Zo) | 10 | -2 Cold Dmg, + 2 Gauge | 8 hrs | Y | Y | ||||
Quickness (Zo) | 20 | ||||||||
Invisibility (Zo) | 16 | x | x |
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ki | Se | Si | Vy | Zo |
Dark Wings (Se) | 10 | 40 mph | 5½ hrs | ||||||
Enchance Enchant (Zo) | 20 | x | x |
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | Ki | Se | Si | Vy | Zo |
Sense Danger % | |||||||||
Mind Shield: rk | +10 +2/rk MR vs Mental Att. | 7 | 12 | ||||||
Herbal Lore | +10 +2/rk to find herbs | 7 | |||||||
Tracking | +10 +2/rk Tracking | 7 |
- Aryan Mil Sci
- Melee Only: +15% Def, +15% SC, +15 IV, +1 End of Pulse Pass Action in melee
- Raise Morale +8 WP
- -18 dice mod on Fear Checks; -36 on Fright Table
- Aryan's Callisthenics
- +1 AG
- Herbalist Meals/Broth
- 4FT for meal or 4FT for broth/tea
- Kilroy's Tea
- +2 FT, +2 WP, +1 Spell Rank, +1 Mana Level, +10 SC & IV for 20 hours
- Silverfoam's Counter normally Rk10+
with Ctr Min, Nam, Air, Cel, Wat, Wic, Nec at Rk20 (gen&Spec)
Watch Order
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Aryan | Kilroy | Serendipity | Aryan | ||||||||
Silverfoam | Vychan | Zohar |
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
Aryan Vychan Kilroy |
Double File
Aryan Vychan |
Single File
Aryan |
Winter: Frost 818 (7) | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
![]() |
Samhain | 1 | Guild Meeting Guild | 2 | The Block, Slippery Rock, Seagate, Armoury | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |||||
![]() |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
![]() |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||||
![]() |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||||||
![]() |
28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||
Winter: Snow 818 (8) | ||||||||||||||
![]() |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |||||||
![]() |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Solstice | 16 | 17 | The Duke of Carzala's Winter Ball | 18 | Yuletide | ||||
![]() |
19 | Days of Chaos | 20 | DoC2 | 21 | DoC3 | 22 | DoC4 | 23 | DoC5 | 24 | DoC6 | 25 | DoC7 |
![]() |
26 | DoC8 | 27 | DoC9 | 28 | DoC10 | 29 | DoC11 | 30 | Twelfth Night | 1 | 2 | ||
Winter: Ice 818 (9) | ||||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | First Plough | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
![]() |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
![]() |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||||||
![]() |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |