Legion's End

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Scribe Notes

Adventure: Legion's End
GM: William
Session: Autumn 813wk
Night: Tuesday
Location New Windsor / House DJ in Glen Eden
Level: Not so Low

Employer: The Future Widow (and part-time Valkyrie - harvester of slain heroes) who wishes to divert fate (and possibly get fired)

Summary: Among the heroes of the Elves, Tarahell Alatáriël, is particularly famous. A survivor from the War of Tears and every other armed conflict of the Elves since, many of his deeds have faded to the point of myth and legend. Even the demons fear him, remembering a time when they faced him and weren't so immortal. He has always triumphed and his presence inspires others as they believe he cannot be slain. Sadly, that simply is not true...

Scribe Notes

SGT Snippets & Gossip

Buffs and Mil SCi

Magic Rk Effects Dur En. Dur Sa Br Ro Da Pe Vy Aj  
Strength of Stone (Br/Vy) 20 +20 EN 21 hrs 41 hrs Y Y EN Y Y Y Y
Armour of Earth (Br) 21 +44 Def, 2 DR 12 hrs 22 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fire Armour (Br/Vy) 20 100 Ablative Mag. Fire 21 hrs 41 hrs - Y Y Y Y -
Heat Shield (Br) 9 40 Ablative Mag. Cold 10 hrs 19 hrs Y Y Y Y Y -
Fire Proofing (Br) 9 Prot. Normal Fire 4 less Dmg 10 hrs 19 hrs - Y Y Y Y -
Cold Resistance - Water (Br) 9 Prot -18°C 3 Less Damage 10 hrs 19 hrs
Cold Resistance - Ice (Pe) 12 +4 Gauge / -4 Cold DM 13 hrs 25 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Water Proofing (Br) 7 Dry, protection from Rainstorm 8 hrs 15 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Water Breathing (Br) 7 Breathe and see in water 7 hrs 13 hrs
Buoyancy (Br) 6 Up/down 17'/pulse, withstand pressure 3½ hrs 6½ hrs
Feather Fall (Br) 6 Fall no more than 5'/pulse 3½ hrs 6½ hrs
Vapour Breathing (Br) 6 3½ hrs 6½ hrs
Fall Banding (Br-Self) 6 Land on earth without damage 3½ hrs 6½ hrs Y
Elemental Transformation (Br-Self) 15 +3 DR +3 U.dmg -2 AG -2 MD -1 TMR Move through earth 8 hrs 25½ hrs Y
Tracking (Br-Self) 20 +50% Tracking 21 Days 41 Days Y
Detect Traps & Snares (Br-Self) 10 +20% to detect Traps/Ambushes within 70' in Nat. Env. 11 hrs 21 hrs Y
Enchant Armour (Dal) 22 +46 Def, +1 DR 12.5 hrs 23 hrs
Enchant Weapon (Dal) 16 +17% SC and +6 Dam approx 3 mins 6 mins
Weapon of Ice (Pe) 21 +22% SC and +8 Dam 11 Hrs 21 Hrs 7
Enchanted Mind (Dal) 16 as per Mind Cloak 33 hours 55 hours
Soul Shroud (FR) 10 Conceals pacts & thoughts, +30 MR vs Charm, Compel, Control or Bind 21 hours 41 hours Y
Blessing (FR) 10 +10 SC & +10 vs Fear, stackable with other buffs 55 mins 1 hr 45 mins
Willow Healing (FR) 12 Restore 3 EN/Pulse for 14 Pulses 24 hours 44 hours Y
Heart Rune (FR) 8 Heals 7 EN when EN damage is taken 9 days 17 days Y
Rune Shield (FR) 12 +17 Def, +3 Prot, avoid a Spec. Griev. 13 hours 23 hours
Truth Rune (FR) 6 PC + 12% to notice deceptions 70 mins 130 mins
Circle of Protection (FR-Self) 20 Absorbs the first 20 DP/Pulse 10 1/2 hrs 20 1/2 hrs
Solar Protection (FR-Self) 6 See in Rank 20 Light 70 mins 150 mins
Command Ring (Sabrina Mil Sci) + Dalran's Helm
+12 IV +12% SC +12% Def +1 End of Pulse Pass Action in melee.
Hair Braiding (Rk 7 Skill)
Sometimes (takes 30 mins per person per day): +50% resistance vs Charm (Demonic, Spells, Bardic Voice). -25% melee damage from attacks from behind. Enhance Duration of one 2+ hour spell until next dawn.
Rarely (takes 1 hour per person per day) +3 AG (or +2 over racial max).
Anti-scrying (Rk 21 Spell)
Braegon + 3 hex radius while on the ground. Undetectable to scrying (including Wizards Eye); Blocks Rk 20 (or lower) Locate, Telepathy, ESP.

Procession Route

Funeral Guests

Bereavement Donations


Autumn 813wk: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn 813wk: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn 813wk: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest