Northfield (Carzala)
The town is run by a group of elected elder woman from local clans and families. They are led by a human olive merchant called Ellen Blackberry. Ellen represents Northfield at court when needed.
This small inland market town is the main trading area for all of the farms in the north west of Carzala. Its low stone wall was completed by Dwarves in 804WK. It is built on a low hill with a good water supply and clear sea views. Most buildings are coloured cream and/or tan with pale red roofing tiles. Pigs and goats roam the streets. The locals are friendly to outsiders, and every week there is some form of community dance or other event.
Local villages and hamlets that report to Northfield or seek their assistance in times of need are: Hogalton, Bayview, Greenwoods, Eastfield, Copper, Bardview, Silkwood, Blackcrow.
<-- Back to the Duchy of Carzala or west to Seacroft area, or south west to Gugnir's Hope area or south to Monck's Corners area.
Population: 2,300 Humans, 270 Dwarves, 30 others.
This small inland town is the main trading area for all of the farms in the north west of Carzala. Its low stone wall was completed being rebuilt by the Dwarves in 804wk.
The locals to the west of Northfield complain about the strange people in Seacroft. (Some will mean Seacroft and others Seacroft-on-Sea).