Where the Wind Blows

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Scribe Notes
The adventure takes place in Carzala


Adventure: Where the Wind Blows
GM: Mandos
Session: Winter 805 wk
Level: Somewhere between low and high


The Party

  1. Stephen Martin, Thaeuss, Elf, M, Binder
  2. Lisa Cotton, Pennlucien, Elf, F, Namer
  3. Jill Mitchinson, Reck, Hum, F, Celestial (Shadow)
  4. Martin Dickson, Mortimer, Hafling, M, Wicca
  5. Sue Turner, Kin, Elf, F, E&E
  6. Chris Caulfield, Father Broc, Elf, M, Rune
  7. Neil Davies, Baron Logan, Hum, M, E&E

The Guild
To discover why a Church Knight commited suicide in the Guild pub.
Guild rates plus a bonus from the Knights Family.

Introductions and Explainations

Three weeks before The Guild meeting, 2 heavy ‘Stars’ of Michaeline knights were attacked by a group of Skeletal Knights, 30 miles north of the Fords of Gar. Most of the knights escaped flying west but were attacked in the air by something as yet undefined. Only 4 of the knights survived long enough to make it to the Monastery at Finn’s Waste where they were taken in and looked after.

A week before the Guild meeting a lone Knight was found wandering by the banks of the river at the north end of Old Seagate. He was found by a hedge Witch, who was wary on the Powers of Light and some of their policies in regards to Wicca’s, delivered him to the Guild rather than to the church.

After ministrations by the Guild Healers (he was exhausted, starved, delirious and had numerous cuts and bruises) he was directed to the Guild Namers and Guild Mind Mages to discover what happened. They found that he had no recollection of anything after arriving at Finn’s Waste. He had some traces in his mind left by a creature the namers have called a Night-Stalker. It appears that a number of times in the preceding days he had been controlled or possessed by this creature.

That night the Knight was given access to the Guild Pub to recover from his ills and there he committed suicide in a spectacular fashion by stabbing himself and triggering an item, which sucked him into the ground and Earth Mages were unable to retrieve. The only note left was carved into the table "It wasn't me".

As a result of this the debate concerning who should investigate matters of Magic and the supernatural has become heated with disagreements between the Michaeline Church and the Duke of Carzala frequent and escalating. This has caused a number of delays in organising a group to go to Finn’s Waste to investigate the matter. The Guild has selected a group that it believes is mostly apolitical and known for it's discretion as well as being skilled at investigations (and able to take care of itself).

Summary of the daily activity

Day 1- 1st Frost 805

This is the day of the Guild Meeting. We meet, discuss, research and prepare for the rigors of the morrow.

Day 2- 2nd Frost 805

The party flew up to Finn's Waste and discovered that all the monks had been killed and their bodies left to rot. Further investgations showed that they appeared to have been slain by a knight although some had been killed by fellow monks. Speaking to the dead on a few of the bodies revealed that people had been affected by blind rage and slaughtered people, and one of the knights was the first affected. There were also traces of undead having passed through the monestry grounds.

The party followed the train and found a number of Skeletal knights digging a tunnel heading north.

On returning to the monestary, the party are suprised by the arrival of a small girl who they turn to stone for her own protection.

Investigating this arrival it is discovered she arrived from a small chamber underneath the altar in the chapel and with some additioanl experimentation the party find a way into an underground town.

Day 3- 3rd Frost 805

The party are met by a delegation from the town and are asked to investigate some mysterious deaths amongst their people. A search ensues and with the aid of some magic boots, locate and a lot of running they track down the spirit causing the deaths. With some minor confusion (and body swapping) the party manage to capture a small part of the spirit and gain a method of following the trail of the creature.

Day 4- 4th Frost 805

The trail leads to a dark temple in north-eastern Brastor and while observing the temple Roche Speaks to Mortimer and Kin giving them some background into the temple and a new mission.

Roche organises a distraction and the party slip by and sneak into the temple avoiding most of the traps, although Kin finds she is unable to enter the final chambers due to her skills in linguistics.

After trapping a truly Evil spirit they take it to a site outside D'arbres where they guard Roche while he disspates the last remnants of the Evil Spirit. After fighting off a number of wraiths and getting Kern resurected the party are rewarded by Roche and they return to the Guild