Looking Glass Lost

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Looking Glass Lost
GM: Michael_P
Season: Summer 820wk
Night: Friday chez SMITH, Mangere Bridge [7pm start?]
Area: Off-plane, "Home", according to its locals (but Namers call it Lilac )
Level: Medium plus.

The Party

Mages (if possible); and spies or courtiers definitely preferred to thugs/fighters.
NOTE: Must be non-human and "non-monster" — preferably Elven, Dwaven, Hobbit, or "Being",
maybe even a miniature giant if small, light, & very well behaved.
Definitely NOT Orcs, goblins, undead, lycanthropes (besides, Lilac has no moon)

  1. Aurora - f. Elf, Airmage (played by Keith)
  2. Pierre_the_Halfling - m. played by Ian A.
  3. Veor - played by Bernard
  4. non-draconic Starflower - f. elf played by Jacqui
  5. Lila - Formerly human Celestial played by Kelsie
  6. Thaeuss - Elven Binder played by Stephen

Mission overview

Mission: Hired to go off-plane (transport provided by Employer), to RECOVER the Employer's missing magic Looking-Glass and perhaps resolve related problems — especially any caused by the party. Do NOT introduce non-­native species without permission.

Employer: The Wiccan/Wicked Queen, resident in the "Elvish Territories" on the Plane named Lilac
via her Head Huntsman (and general trouble-slayer), who looks human, mostly, much less so under Witchsight (GTN, Being).

Pay: You will be granted 13 magical boons upfront, with a cash bonus if you complete the mission within 250 days or less. Actual value depends on how Discrete and effective you are.

What Happened in the Guild

Address to the Guild by the employer’s agent, who looks Human, but somehow, when he looks straight at you gives a definite vibe of NOT being so.

Toto is bout 6’4”, with a LEAN & HUNGRY look”, he moves with GRACE and implied menace.
And when he starts talking those of you with Witchsight definitely notice a “SURGE” in his face (now a somewhat furry face with large ears, big teeth, and big but very cold eyes) and a SURGE in his very big hands with very sharp claws)

I am Svatoplúk … (pauses for non-response) … but you can call me Toto.
I am Head Ranger of The Wiccan Queen (a.k.a. The Wicked Queen)

I am come to you off-plane Guild because out Trade allies on Purple say MOSTLY Good things about you.
Her Dread Majesty would like to lease 5 or 6 of your {airquotes} “Heroes” to DISCRETELY RECOVER her Magical Looking-glass.
And even more discretely deal with any IRREGULARITIES arising from the theft & its INSTIGATORS.
You will be paid upfront with 13 magical boons to be distributed amongst your party.
(as an aside) And, if I know H.W.M., how your political leader & military strategist distribute those boons ... THAT will also be a test.

You will also be paid a cash bonus if you succeed within 250 days. Actual amount according to your behaviour, intelligence, competence, and discretion.
And if you fail ??? — Perhaps have an unavoidable reason or else things may get ...unpleasant.

'***Party to do pre-adventure stuff (discuss in first session)***'

Possible Astrology reading?

I’ll be at charges for a Looking-Glass. (Rich.III, i, 3)
Too little payment for so great a debt (T. of Shr, v, 2)
I am right loth to go (Mer of Ven., ii, 5).
There’s warrant in that theft / Which steels itself (Macb., ii, 2)


A single-continent plane approximately half the Size of Purple or Alusia.

Lilac Time

When a spell effect (etc) specifies units of time, treat the following literally: year, day, hour, minute, second … although the actual proportions are sometimes different to those of Alusia.

60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
BUT 25 hours = 1 day; and the Calendrical Day starts, locally, at the True Noon — from which the time in full hours and [technically] minutes is counted … although almost nobody except dwarves bothers with the minutes. However, since some 10% of the population have Solar-aspect, all towns have a “correct” clock.
ALSO 1 year is 1000 days plus, for almost all years, 1 extra-calendrical day (“New Year’s day”).

Just for the specialist Astronomical philosopher(s) in the party, it is the [Dwarven] Astrologer Royal at Citadel of Friendship who announces when the upcoming New Year’s day is to be omitted. But only some dwarves understand why even the best mechanical clocks sometimes lose a minute.
(And very, very few would understand the concept of a leap second)

For the purposes of magic, a MONTH is 100 days; and a WEEK is 10 days.

Months: 0 for Overture; 1 for Sorrow; 2 for Mirth; 3 for Loss; 4 for Birth; 5 for Silver; 6 for Gold; 7 for Secret; 8 for wishing; 9 for kissing.

Years: Regnal year of the current monarch.

Calendar 3.203 is (rtl) day 3 of week 0 of month 2 (Mirth) of the 3rd Regnal year of Gloriana. Or 'the 3rd of Mirth' with the year assumed (NB actually the 4th day of Mirth as the calendar starts at 0).



Svatoplúk. GTN: "Being" (a.k.a. "Wesen" by specialist Philosophers)
Vulpine huntsman of the Wiccan Queen. Rank 10 Ranger, Rk 8 spy.


The Wiccan Queen AKA The Wicked Queen …and almost universally used instead of her full given name (Nevýslový Ježibaba-Zajickʔ), for some reason. Elvan Witch
Her mother was from Alusia, the Dancing Princess of Panjari, rescued by her father (Roland, the late Prince of Bath).


The Queen of Everything, having married her cousin (now the Prince Consort) the only child of the previous queen.*

Nominally, the Queen is an Absolute Ruler. But since Elves are inordinately sociable (that is, to Elves of comparable status), she practically rules by consensus — since Her actual Acts and policies reflect the wishes of at least two-thirds of her princes. Also she only executes her subjects if they really really deserve it; And only exiles persons that are expected to come around to the right way thinking (eventually).

Therefore she is almost universally called Good Queen Bess or Gloriana (actual given name Bathsheba-Ayesha). Older non-identical twin sister of Silver. Namer Elf.

* Obviously a mere male cannot be Ruler over the Elvish States ... even though some of the principalities do allow a male to inherit in the absence of female children. Indeed some of the more Broadminded/radical/counter-reactionary Principalities are (technically) passed by primogeniture.

Dancing Princess

Late Princess of Bath. Previous Queen of Witches (and was a very powerful witch).

Info from Zhaques: (NOT TO BE MENTIONED IN FRONT OF OUR EMPLOYER - or her people/family) Not technically nobility of Panjari or of anywhere on Alusia. But was a fantastic dancer with a stage name of Dancing Princess.


Late Prince of Bath, hero who rescued the dancing princess of Panjari, father of Silver & Gold.


AKA Mycroft the Hobbit Bibliomancer/Numerologist. Real name and previous Alusian names not shared with us.

The Djinn, very old, had been on Alusia long enough to become native before the fall of Panjari. Was freed from captivity by Roland, previously bound to the same parties that held contract on the Dancing Princess. Agreed to 2,002 years of service to Roland & DP and their heirs. Grey area around the difference between Alusian and Lilac years came to an end when the contracts were burned just a short time ago.

Has become fond of Lilac and wishes to stay but is concerned about the impending doom that he can sense coming.

Magic cast in his presence will last twice as long. He is adept (rk 5) at most crafts.

Basement Guest

Entity who's name is not to be used and who is not to be discussed outside of his presence and specifically, we are not to say we found him nor where he is.

Keeping an eye on Lilac as per old obligations his peers have forgotten.

Employer for side-mission to see what the Militocratic humans are up to with their new religions.

By Session

Session 1
  • Toto
  • Flying Ship - The Funky Albatross
    The Company of the vessel Move Along (fake name & appearance). All hobbits except for Higgs
    • Captain Perdita Poppy.
    • First officer Bartholemew Trickle.
    • the Boatswain, Mr Higgs (a dwarf).
    • the Medic/Cook, Coca Sal.
    • Hands: Flick & Flack (interchangeable twins), Hans, Merry, New Timmy, and Pineapple Pete.
  • Dwarven border guard
  • The Wiccan Queen
  • 2 Fed Agents
  • Rümpfelzessein (Rumpy), Dwarf who was able to accurately describe the 'Glass'
  • A door, some wind, 3 ducks
Session 2

Scribe Notes

Into the Storm

My party members:

  • Lila – Celestial air elemental air mage. A Priest of the Dark Brotherhood. Highly charismatic. A rather interesting person.
  • Pierre – Halfling, cook, troubadour, cart driver, Illusionist and part time Earth Mage.
  • Veor – Dragon troll ice shaman of Pasifika. Master herbalist. Fights as a front-line mage.
  • Thaeuss – Five six elf with a glass and wood military fork. A Binder who can cast Death Curses, put our souls in little dolls and life link us to drawings. He even had Geas – scary.
  • Starflower – Cousin, Mind Mage, Master Mil Sci and Courtier, Usually part dragon but not this time.

It didn’t take long for Starflower to gain the position of Military Scientist with Thaeuss as backup. A close finger pointing vote between Lila and Thaeuss resulted in Thaeuss being the Party Leader. As for Scribe, I got that because no one else wanted it and I already had my pen out.

“I vote for Lila because she’s as steady as a rock” – Aurora. That was after Lila told us she could shape-shift into a rock – not a roc, much to Veor’s relief. Lila could also become a tornado and a cloud although that left her vulnerable to the vaguarities of the wind mind. As for the type of rock, that depended on the geography of the area.

Once that was taken care of, we met our party employer. The Plane we were going to used to be part of Purple. As he spoke he looked different to my eyes, human, but not quite human. He is Toto, the servant of the Wicked Queen, being the Queen of the Witches. Basically she wants her Looking Glass returned and it was curious that the Looking Glass recommended she come here just before it vanished. Up front, she would pay us with thirteen magical boons to be distributed. We were also told that she was good at giving out tests, and there was an excellent chance that this was one. There was also the promise of a cash bonus if we solved the problem in 250 days.

How we would get to Lilac was to take a ‘boat’ that would take us to the Great sea to the west (outside Confederation Bay), fly towards a mana storm and somehow come out the other side. We might have to deal with Destinian spies, or worse, since the rumour was out that this was a flying boat and they were very interested in it they KNOW that Lilac navigators can somehow sail vessels through Mana-storms to reliably(?)reach other planes planes. I had to admit, I was interested too, although I would be satisfied with a Pegasus.

There were restrictions on what we could take. Iron and anything with iron in it was right out. So was necromantic magic although, when I asked about Spectral Weapons, I was told they were okay. I think I’ll still leave my new Hand and a Half behind though, not skilled enough in it yet. They also disapprove of slavery. The plane has no moon but has two suns.

While Thaeuss want to Slippery Rock to get Amulets of Iron from the Wiccans in Slippery Rock, I went to get a Lesser. While the others went to get Greaters, I did research in the Guild Library on our destination as well as my fellow party members. There was a reason I was forgoing the Guild’s Greater as the first Boon from the Queen was specifically for the Weakest Mage in the party which was a Rank 10 Greater that lasted ‘indefinitely’ and it seemed more reasonable that I should be the recipient

Much discussion had been done on who would get each boon and we decided on the following:

  • Boon 2 – Tattoo of Encouraging Karma for the lowest ranked Healer – Pierre
  • Boon 3 – Temporary Tattoo of Enhanced Counterspells – Veor
  • Boon 4 – Endurance Tattoo for the person with the lowest endurance – Pierre
  • Boon 5 – Temporary Tattoo of Last Respite for the person in Close Combat – Starflower
  • Boon 6 – Permanent Tattoo of Lesser Enchantment – Thaeuss
  • Boon 7 – Normal Healing Potion – Thaeuss
  • Boon 8 – Real Mage’s Healing Potion – Lila
  • Boon 9 – A Truesilver Amulet which made one slightly faster (+1 TMR) – Lila
  • Boon 10 – Ring of Rings, which allowed someone to swap rings about – Pierre
  • Boon 11 – Ring of Touching, allows Touch spells to be put on targets up to 10ft away – Starflower
  • Boon 12 – Revitalising Sun Ring, healing at True Noon – Aurora
  • Boon 13 – Ring of Defying N’ancy (Necromancy) – Veor.

The Captain of the ship we were going to be on, Captain Poppy, wanted to leave at midnight that night. So we discreetly arrived at the docks, were introduced to the rest of the crew, before departing port while avoiding a Destinian fishing boat. After Thaeuss reassured the Captain that flying ships were a common sight around Seagate, we took to the skies. Meanwhile Lila had somehow been transformed into an elf.

After a three-day flight we reached the region prone to mana storms and flew towards one. Then, a few mile out from direct contact, we landed on the heaving sea. After a few nervous minutes of torrential downpour and lightning strikes just missing us, the ship lurching wildly and we were definitely inside the storm itself. There were bright flashes around us and tall cliffs of water looming over us, threatening to crush our small vessel and us. But, after a deafening final crash, we emerged from a different, smaller storm. Plus we felt lighter! Five hours later, we reached Quarantine Island where steps were taken to ensure we weren’t carrying anything we weren’t supposed to.

Leaving the Island, we headed into the mainland. Just past the coast, we landed and met the Wicked Queen, who was wearing a long gown and a tall orange wig. We also saw a play and listened to some minstrels. We were also warned not to go to “Do not feed the nymphs”

The Queen had arranged for a cloud and flew up to the Bath. On the way two people, wearing silly tall hats with even sillier feathers, flew up to meet us. Turned out someone was annoyed at us for crossing boundaries without proper permits. Once the Queen produced her fancy crown, there was a lot of amusing back pedalling and kow-towing before we were allowed on our way.

Upon arrival at the Queen’s castle, we were conducted to the east wing where a long, thin, room with a raised area at the far end was located. This was the ‘Room of the Looking Glass’ and it was hard to tell if this was a room or a corridor but it was just above that raised area, on the blank wall above, was where the Mirror had been. There were only two exits, the one we had came in and a one way door going out to a garden halfway down. There had been wards set in strategic pieces to protect the Mirror but none had been triggered. The walls were also impenetrable.

The Queen told us that the Mirror was the last thing of her parents she had and that her father had rescued her mother from Alusia who, at that time, was known as the ‘Dancing Princess of Penjarre’.

She was also able to summon 'Rumpy' to give Starflower a detailed description of the Mirror, being a bevelled edge pentagram shaped piece of glass, enough for her to try her Finding Ritual and also enough for Thaeuss to create a duplicate in order to make it seem it was still there. For the ritual, Starflower used the Queen’s pendant suspended from a strand of the Queen’s hair and, when she activated it, the pendant started moving east, then tried to go in all directions at once which caused the hair to split and break. It was like the mirror itself had dissipated.

Other divinations told us that someone or something actually lived in here. Was the Mirror actually a sentient entity? It was certainly starting to look like that. It had just disappeared unexpectedly and the initial reaction had been that it was just a practical joke. As time passed, the joke became less and less funny.

“By what means was the Mirror removed from this setting?” - “It stepped down”

That divination had me wondering if the Mirror had decided to take a vacation. That theory became more plausible after Thaeuss possessed a golem and had a conversation with the secret exit door. He was told that a person in a strange outfit, including a turban and turned up slippers, stepped out of the Mirror before pulling the Mirror into him before exiting out that door. As far as the door knew, that Mirror had always been in that spot.

So Veor decided to visit the Spirit Realm. He found himself in a closed off area with a tiny exit with no other spirits in it. When he emerged, he stepped out where the Mirror was.

We then stepped out the door into the garden. First thing we noticed that a rose bush had been disturbed Lila then spoke to a bird who told us that someone had come out of the door, turned into air, then went away. The bird felt fear and cold as it passed.

Lila and I had a bit of a competition to see who could talk to the winds first because neither of us were any good at it. I thought I could win because I could cast while hovering six inches above the ground but Lila borrowed Starflower’s magical ritual cushion, which meant she could do two ritual attempts to my one. She got the wind who was rather annoyed that a burst of air had barreled its way through him. It had gone sort of eastish before veering south towards hobbit territory.

 Thaeuss requested an Astrology reading as to where to find the Djinn/Mirror.
 Result of the Duck augury by Veor as to where the mirror/Djinn went:
 Towards slow-moving yet turbulent water,
 Then (with new purpose or knowledge?) to a "crowd"(?)  both big and small.
 Seek smoke on or near Water.

Smoke on the Water

We were soon on the trail, following the water looking for smoke. Didn’t see any over Lake ‘Do not feed the Nymphs’ but did see at least ten of them frolicking in the water. Lake Dam looked really deep as we flew over that then followed the River Trickle. A while later we spotted Highbury, a hobbit built up area that sort of looked like a blancmange, then circled Highbury Lake before starting to follow the canal further south.

Passing over Highbury on the final orbit before turning south, I started being distracted by a really appetising smell which reminded me how hungry I was getting and it was something past lunchtime. It didn’t take much convincing to get the others to follow me down but I wasn’t allowed to just follow my nose and land right at whichever tempting eatery was responsible. Instead we landed just outside town and walked in, finally ending up at a place called ‘Smoke on the Water’ which had some rather interesting and delicious food. Nearby was a tent with a sign nearby reading ‘Mystic Mycroft’. Was the occupant some sort of diviner? (Hint: see the reading he gave us [[1]])

Since it was now obvious we had found the first part of Veor’s entrail reading, Lila, Thaeuss and I went off to talk to the local winds while the others went to investigate the diviner. Again Lila beat me to talking to the winds and discovered that a mass of air had landed and turned into ‘a person type thing’. The description matched the entity we were looking for. We then flew back to inform the others with me having a few minutes head start.

Meanwhile the others had discovered that Mystic Mycroft was a hobbit with a strange hat, an eyepatch, and some birds. He also had a large book which he used for his libramancy divinations by having a bird pick a random page and passage. At least it’s cleaner than reading entrails. His GTN came up as HOBBIT in large, bold, capital letters and College of Magic was ‘Maybe’. The book too, was magical (ie not formally living so probably an illusion) with the Nature of Magic being Protections.

‘Mycroft’ was covered in illusions but Pierre was able to pierce the veil to discover that, under all of that, he was a rather burly human-looking who was only half dressed. He gave us all readings from the book which would give us bonuses for a few minutes when uttered. It was also interesting that the readings for myself, Lila, and Thaeuss were linked as were Pierre and Veor. Only Starflower’s reading was separate. Starflower also tried probing ‘Mycroft’s mind and got nothing.

Finally Thaeuss voiced the belief we all had and confronted ‘Mycroft’ about being the Spirit of the Mirror. After admitting it, he told us he had been in an ‘unfortunate’ position during Penjarre and had promised to serve the Lord and Lady for 2002 years. The people who inherited the contract here had assumed it was local years (which are longer) but it had been recently broken when one of the heirs had burnt the contract. He also told us that a ‘whole lot of bad stuff’ was going to descend upon this Plane.

He was also adamant that he didn’t want to renegotiate the contract but he did think that some sort of paid recompense could be a possibility. The plan now was to visit the dwarven shapers in the north west. So we prepared to leave. As he discarded his moustache of disguise, Lila pocketed it. For that act, Veor wanted to nominate her for ‘Smartest Adventurer’.

We found an inn to spend the night and Lila also acquired the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.

Next morning we prepared to set off. The Mirror spirit didn’t actually have a name so, after some discussion, he settled on the name Zhaques. Also, Lila summoned three ravens, as Veor wanted one for another divination ritual. She bound the second one to herself and the third was kept as a spare.

The flight took us to the High Mana zone at Notting Helm. Even though the mana levels were high, it was a barren place. No trees, no fae, and no spirits either. I practised the Speaking to the Winds ritual but shut it down when the winds proved to be too curious. Veor did his ritual but discovered that one of the raven’s entrails was so badly diseased and damaged that the raven should have died at least a month ago.

After that, we flew to the Citadel of Friendship and met the dwarves there. Thaeuss told them that we wanted to commission a work and discuss some portents of doom. We were led up the Citadel including a level where the wind blew through the rock walls. The next level up was full of books and curious mechanisms. Finally we stopped at a level where there was food, some accommodations, and more books. I was really curious to see if there were any spells in there I could use.

(Also met the titan Eppy - to be added) REDACTED

We engage in discussion and negotiations with the Dwarves and their ally, they believe the portents relate to religious activities by the humans to the west. Their activities could be opening a gateway to Lilac for troublesome gods, demons, or worse. They would like us to investigate the religious activity in the Militocratic Empire and ideally put a stop to it. We make a deal:

  • They will craft a replacement glass for the Queen.
  • We will investigate, and where possible, take action in the Militocratic Empire.
  • We will be paid for this work in gifts or lore to suit us individually.

Session 3

For this mission it looked like that us elves were going to have be disguised as humans. Halflings and orcs were slaves so Pierre might have to be one. Our destination was Ostier and our cover story was we were refugees from the Southern Icelands, fleeing incursions from the Ice Giants. Already there were stories of large icebergs being calved off glaciers that the Ice Giants would use as ships.

 “Now you have to start pretending to be humans. That means not starting every sentence with an insult” – Lila to Thaeuss and Starflower (I was trying hard not to snicker at the time)

The dwarves supplied with four potions of Quick Cast and a Ring of Quick Cast (ooooh ... I want one). It was going to take two days for preparations to be complete so I spend much of the time practising aerial dancing in the ‘windy’ level. I also discovered that the dwarves had an ‘elf launcher’ which I was rather keen to try out.

Once ready, we were teleported to Southern Iceland where we could actually see the icebergs breaking off and the giant ice citadels of the giants. To get a feel of the culture that we were supposed to be from, we entered a local pub. Initially I was trying to teach Lila how to flirt with the girls (for some reason she was disguised as a man) and generally carouse but I think I only succeeded in getting her tipsy. I then found out about their musical instruments, being a drum and a three stringed lyre before sampling some of the local food – pickled herring and some sort of blubber meat. Pickled herring was clearly an acquired taste and Thaeuss, at least, wasn’t acquiring it

We were then teleported to a spot near the village of Larkin, located SW of the Bay of Bastin, along with our cart with supplies on it – including a small barrel of pickled herring. Lila extracted her horse from her cloak to ride it. She said it didn’t have a name so I started calling it Nimbus.

Upon arrival at Larkin, which proved to be a very small agricultural village, I chatted up the locals and discovered that, up north, there were some very strange folk who were worshipping someone. There was also something weird in the capital city.

We were warned not to take the shortcut through the forest as it was full of bandits but Thaeuss was determined to do so and the rest of the party agreed. I can only assume they’re getting bored. So I curled up in the bottom of the wagon for a nap. As Veor drove the cart into the forest, a volley of crossbow bolts flew at us. Veor took a good hit but, not enough to be critical. I went for my bow but then we all realised that the bandits were running away which annoyed me as they didn’t want to play. Guess I was getting bored too.

Out of the boring forest finally and there was a city ahead named Worldstine. Once the guards let us in, we found an inn to park our cart etc, then went to investigate the marketplace. Upon arrival, we could hear the sound of a street preacher being heckled by a crowd so we went to investigate. The preacher was going on about some entity called the ‘Lord of Change’. It was strongly recommended we didn’t directly interact with him because of our illusions and even more so when he started levitating and employing special effects such as thunderclaps. It was when he pointed at someone and said something like ‘I can sense great potential in you, Come to me’ and the person actually floated over while in a state of joy sort of kept the crowd hushed.

As far as the others could tell, this preacher also had some sort of enhanced vision but not pacted to anyone in particular. Veor was reminded of other ‘religious types on the Plane of Purple (c.f. Gypsy Smugglers Wanted) who had been influenced by the N’mancer on Purple so I immediately christened them N’ancy Boys. Veor told us later that the party had suffered several Death Curses while dealing with them and I had heard from another one of that party that they had to visit a few Titans in order to deal with the curses. Also this guy was using Titanic level magic and the person being enticed had a rather high MA. I managed to find out that this preacher had only just arrived today from the north, presumably from Arctown where one of the centers of this religious activity was.

Suddenly the preacher announced that he had to leave then he and his ‘convert’, whose name I also discovered was Lucius, suddenly vanished. We managed to spot them appearing on a balcony on a nearby building where an accomplice was waiting.

We retreated to our inn rooms and discussed what we should do about this. Lila came up with the idea of spreading made up rumours about the bad things this cult had done, such as blood sacrifices of stolen children. We spent the next two days doing that around the town and also noticed some other mages trying to calm them down. I wanted to follow them to find out where their base was but it was strongly suggested that I do not do that, especially if I got caught and ‘converted’.

At the end of the second day we put on a performance with snow simulacrins and acting in order to make our 'rumours' more convincing. Any more convincing and I was sure that the burning torches and pitchforks were going to come out, Straight after that, we high-tailed it to Arctown.

Arctown was located in a river valley. Upon arrival, we discovered that one of the stables had been converted to a shrine. Tending this shrine was a new Namer acolyte, who had been Rufus the Wheelwright and now is Rufus the Namer. The religion was more installed here. Many of the wealthier merchants were involved and it was being supported by the locals, some of whom were leaving offerings at the shrine.

Pierre started to scout the area to make sure we had escape routes, just in case. I went with him to learn how to do that. I also went listening for rumours in the bars. Meanwhile Thaeuss is making lists. One is of the known N’ancy Boys, the other contains the N’ancy Boys that aren’t harbouring Death Curses. Seems to me, he’s making a hit list.

From what I could find out, the cultists had been doing this for a while, several weeks at least. Also it was helping the town economy. Rumours were also coming in that it was worse in Ostier, plus what had happened in Worldstine was also being talked about. Veor was determined to do whatever it took to bring this lot down.

A plan is cooked up to discredit the cult. We had to make it that one of the wealthy merchants turned against the cult with a very visible tirade, then have him killed by the indoctrinated guard lieutenant we had discovered earlier. We also had to abduct the merchant's nephew, who had been transformed to an Air Mage, to see what’s causing the effect that raised his Magical Aptitude. So Veor was cast as the merchant doing the ranting, but the real merchant had to be killed and the lieutenant framed. Between Veor and myself, the lieutenant’s sword was stolen and used for the killing. Meanwhile Starflower and the others grabbed the nephew who is coming with us for divination and interrogation. The divination told us that the MA of the magical boost spell that made him an Air Mage is around 32ish which made us wonder if the origin was N’ancy or his chief minion. Starflower was wondering if another Titan was involved.

Buffs & Mil Sci

For a 1 hour group ritual, each person can cast 1 buff on the whole group with a single cast. Preferably once a day in the 'morning' so as not to spend all day doing rituals.

Fatigue Recovery
Rank 8 Herbalist Tea +5 Ft recovered * 3 / day. (Veor)

Long Term (assumed always on)

Relevant Buff Summary. Mage Shield, Feather Fall, Vapour Breathing, Resist Cold, Mind Shield, Mind Speech, Disguise, Linking Life-force Sketch, Linked R&S Golem, Greater Heart Rune, Rune of Willow Healing, Imbue with Spirit, Fire Armour, Fire Proofing.
Other personal magics depending on person.

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Au Pi Ve St Li Th
Force Shield (St) 17 +23% defense 230 mins -
Shadow Form (Li) 15 def +32 melee & ranged, +16 in close 8 hrs -
Rune Shield (Ve) 11 +16%, +2 Ft & En Prot + sacrificial small round shield. 15 hrs -
Mage Armour/Shield (Th) 19 +24% def, +5 physical damage reduction, 1 S.G. 2 Hr to cast. 8 days Y Y Y Y Y Y
Feather Fall (Au) 10 5.5 hours Y Y Y
Vapour Breathing (Au) 10 5.5 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Resist Cold (Au/Ve) 6/20 2 gauge, -2 cold damage, 5 targets/ 6, 6, 1 target. 7/21 hours Y T (20) Y Y
Witchsight (Li) 7 4 hours 5 19 20 14 Y 11
Mind Shield (St) 8 +26% vs M.Att. 17 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mind Speech (St) 12 communication (on-plane) 3 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Disguise (Pi) 16 17 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Modify Aura (Th) 6 +/- 3 Levels 7 hrs
Linking Lifeforce Sketch (Th) 19 Reflect health within 2,000 miles. 19 dmg. 1 day each to make. Perm Y Y Y Y Y Y
Linked R&S Golems (Th) 12 May hold your spirit on death Season Y Y Y Y Y
Greater Heart Rune (Ve) 10 Heals 8 En on taking En damage 1-17 days. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Rune of Willow Healing (Ve) 6 3 En healed for 8 pulses, free action trigger. 20 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ritual of Rune Creation (Ve) 16 4 Tattoo's per entity (Healing, Protection, Shield, Weapon usually) 17 Days ? ? P ? P T
Ritual of Imbue with Spirit (Ve) 13 +8 EN / WP 17 Hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fire Armour (L+) 10 44 ablative fire protection 11 Hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fireproofing (L+) 10 Fireproofing 11 Hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Sixth Sense Thief/Assassin ability. Chance of stopping before triggering a ward/trap/discovered while stealthing. May have modifiers? ? Lots? 101% ? ? ?
Sense Danger Veor only when Totem summoned. - 142 (61%) 83% - 48%*

Mil Sci (St) +9 Defence and Initiative when engaged.
Pass without Trace (St)

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Au Pi Ve St Li Th
Air Flight (Au) 20 50 mph range 525 miles 10 targets 10.5 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wings of the Phoenix (St) 6 flight 36 mph 210 mins -
Shadow Wings (Li) 6 36 mph, 126 miles range 3.5 hrs -
Instil Flight (Th) 10 40 mph, 650 lbs limit 5½ hrs Y
Strength of Darkness (Li) 12 +7 PS 130mins
Lightning Strike (Li) 5 [D-4]+7, save for 1/2 5hrs
Barrier of Wind (Li) 4 20 def vs missiles, 15 in melee or close 150mins
Walking Unseen(Li) 6 7 hrs
Weapon of Cold (Ve) 12 7 Targets, +12% SC, +4 DM, +6 DM vs Fire 17 Mins

Watch Order & Camping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Veor Pierre Lila Veor (Lila)
Thaeuss Aurora Starflower

For 20 minutes work approx from Veor.

  • 70' radius or smaller if desired including inside, 60% chance of blocking incoming magic, blocks unattended magical objects, provides shelter from weather. (Ritual of Warding with Runes)
  • 60' radius, +25 to defence. (Ranger defensive camp-site)
  • +3 resistance vs environmental effects. always on.

Marching Order:

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Starflower Veor
Lila Aurora
Thaeuss Pierre

Double File

Starflower Veor
Lila Aurora
Thaeuss Pierre

Single File


"Djineric Portents"

When you first met the (apparently) Hobbit “Mystic Mycroft”, he gave each party-member a Portentous Verse from his magical book, and use the magpie & jackdaw counting Rhyme — namely:
1 for Sorrow, 2 for Mirth; 3 Loss; 4 for Birth; 5 for Silver; 6 for Gold; 7 for a Secret best untold; 8 for a wish; 9 for a kiss; etc.

Group A:   Thaeus, Aurora, & Lila

'THAEUS (p.202)   4,1,     tsp, II,2
My hands are of your colour, but I shame
To wear a heart so white.

Aurora (p.141)   1,7,     tsp, III,1
Whose absence is no less material to me
Than is his father’s, must embrace the fate
Of that dark hour.

LILA (p.210)   7,4,     tsp, IV,3
Let not your ears despise my tongue forever,
Which shall possess them with the heaviest sound
That ever yet they heard.

Group B:   Veor & Pierre

VEOR (p.369)   3,6,     tsp, III,2
          Come on, gentle my lord,
Sleek o'er your rugged looks. Be bright and jovial
Among your guests tonight.

PIERRE (p.42)   6,9,     tsp, I,7
        I am settled, and bend up
Each corporal agent to this terrible feat.
Away, and mock the time with fairest show.
False face must hide what the false heart doth know.

Group C:   Starflower (only)

STARFLOWER (p.224)   8,2,     tsp, I,7
I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more is none.

How the readings from the Mystic Magical Concordance work.

Each party-member was given a “Portentous Passage” to use as a one-time effect before you leave. However there were Portent groups, based on mutually common One-Eyed Jack's numbers:
A comprising Thaeuss, Aurora, & Lila.
B comprising Veor & Pierre.

Concept: The Character gains a total of THREE chances (total) to QUINTUPLE the likelihood of
a treble, double, & backfire of a magical effect
or a critical, endurance, & fumble attack in combat
or an equivalent skill-checks, stat-rolls, … etc.

Action: At any time a Character takes two pulses to Dramatically(!) recite their “Portentous Passage”. They then have up until the next occurrence of exactly High Noon to nominate AT LEAST one action that the luck pertains to (up to all remaining chances). If no such action is taken, the chance is lost.

Furthermore, everyone in that SAME Djineric portent group who is acting in that SAME pulse (e.g.: If Lila recited, it applies to Thaeuss & Aurora) has, for free,
DOUBLE the likelihood of ALL their actions that pulse trebling/doubling/backfiring.

Also, in the rather unlikely event that the recited Portentous Passage is directly relevant to the current scene (for any party members), the party’s adversaries will be somewhat “disadvantaged”.

Player mechanism

For QUINTUPLE Likelihood, IGNORE Lesser Enchantment & any Aspect bonuses or penalties.
The “TENS” die is considered to be 0 whenever 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is actually rolled;
otherwise it is considered to be 1.

For DOUBLE Likelihood, again IGNORE Lesser Ench & any Aspect bonuses or penalties.
If the “TENS” die rolls a 5, consider it to be a 0;
likewise, consider a rolled 6 a 1, 7 a 2, 8 a 3, and 9 a 4.

Loot and Expenses

Item/Ability/Infliction Effects Au Pi Ve St Li Th
1. G.E. Tattoo Permanent Rk 10 Greater +11% Res, Mag, S&S Y
2. Tattoo of Encouraging Karma Extra FT recovery for Healers Y
3. Tattoo of Enhanced Counterspells +10' rad / +20min / +30' rng / +10% MR Y
4. Tattoo of Endurance +1 Stackable EN Y
5. Tattoo of Last Refuge +2 Damage in Close COmbat Y
6. Tattoo of Lesser Enchantment Permanent Lesser Enchantment Y
A. Healing Potion Heal 20 EN wrap to restore FT Y
B. Healing Potion Restore 25 FT wrap to heal EN Y
C. Truesilver Anklet +1 TMR Y
D. Ring of Rings Pass action to swap rings Y
E. Ring of Touching 10' range touch Y
F. Revitalising Sun-Ring At noon restore 10 FT & 1 EN per sun Y
G. Ring of defying N'ancy Roll % with advantage vs Necro & Undead Y
Amulet of Silver 2nd MR check vs Fae magic and abilities 1 1 1 1 2 1
Hobbit Moustache Rk 10 Hobbit Aura and Disguise Y
Titan / Dwarf Payments for Militocratic side-mission


Winter: Frost 820 (7)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Samhain 1 Guild Meeting

Seagate, evening sail west

2 Sail into Manastorm ---- Lilac ----
Mirth in the third regnal year of Gloriana
3.20 ---- Alusia ---- 3 Lilac: Quarantine Isle 4 Nornbury , Royal Bath (Silver) 5 Highbury (Zhaques) 6 High Mana, Citadel of Friendship. Briefings, sketches, potions, rituals.
3.21 0 Iceland, M. Empire 1 Larking 2 Wooldstein .. 3 .. as different group .. 4 .. as 3rd group. Sacrifice. 5 Arktown .. 6 .. spy and spread rumours .. 7 .. rumours and setup .. 8 .. Goodwin speaks out & is killed. 9
3.22 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3.23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3.24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Winter: Frost 820 (7)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
07 08 09 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Winter: Snow 820 (8)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Solstice 16 17 The Duke of Carzala's Winter Ball 18 Yuletide
19 Days of Chaos 20 DoC2 21 DoC3 22 DoC4 23 DoC5 24 DoC6 25 DoC7
26 DoC8 27 DoC9 28 DoC10 29 DoC11 30 Twelfth Night 1 2
Winter: Ice 820 (9)
3 4 5 6 First Plough 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30