Grymeron Out of Shape: Difference between revisions

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# Monkey (Spider Monkey) - L5, closest within a few miles {{Yes-I}}
# Monkey (Spider Monkey) - L5, closest within a few miles {{Yes-I}}
# Bird (Blue Gubby) - L5 {{Yes-I}}
# Bird (Blue Gubby) - L5 {{Yes-I}}
# Crocodile - L4  
# Crocodile (Dracoslerz) - L4  
# Dragon (Fairy Dragon) - L4 - Cat-sized flyer, agile, breath weapon ~30' cone of Sleep (normal sleep, no resistance) or Hallucinations (last about 1 min), Phasing, Teleport. They like caramel, slivers of fresh meat.
# Dragon (Fairy Dragon) - L4 - Cat-sized flyer, agile, breath weapon ~30' cone of Sleep (normal sleep, no resistance) or Hallucinations (last about 1 min), Phasing, Teleport. They like caramel, slivers of fresh meat.
# Spider (Giant Trapdoor Spider) - L3
# Spider (Giant Trapdoor Spider) - L3 {{Yes-I}}
# Husky (Quab) & Cat (Lkyroi) - L3 {{Yes-I}}  
# Husky (Quab) & Cat (Lkyroi) - L3 {{Yes-I}}  
# Amoeba - L2  
# Amoeba - L2  
# Dragon (Dracoslerz) - L2  
# Dragon - L2  
# Centipede - L1  
# Centipede - L1  
# Mushroom (Fungal Dragon Guard) - L1  
# Mushroom (Fungal Dragon Guard) - L1  

Revision as of 09:03, 1 April 2024


Adventure: Out of Shape on Grymeron
GM: Dean
Season: Autumn 824 wk
Night: Monday in St Johns
Level: Medium

  1. Gnash - Orc(m) Necromancer played by Chris Caulfield MS
  2. Haedric - Dwarven(m) Ice Mage played by Stephen Scribe
  3. Zardoz - Halflynge (m) Celestial (Shadow) played by Martin
  4. Cassandra - Human(f) Celestial (Shadow) played by Michelle
  5. Solas - Elven(m) Celestial (Solar) played by Nick
  6. Dart - Halfling Bard played by Alex
  7. Lady Arcadia - Elven(f) Celestial (Star) Fighter and La Luna the Celestial Wolf played by Kita PL
  8. Boom Boom Orc(m) Fire Mage played by Ian Anderson
Maelstrom on behalf of Albrecht the Great Goblin of Grymeron
Finding pieces of the pond warden and some other issues.
10,000 sp each

Scribe Notes

Brunch with Interesting People

Duesday 1st Fruit

Introductions, interrogations, and jibes. Then we chat with Maelstrom. Albrecht turned up at Camdindel's tower about a day ago. An ally on Grymeron has had a magical mishap and needs help.

Shopping, Astrology, rituals.

W'nsday 2nd Fruit

We board Maelstrom's fancy Nightmare drawn carriage with a well stocked bar. By road for a while then by air and an hour later we're in a lovely vale in the Superstition Mountains by the lake hosting the island and wide squat blocky black tower.

After a brief tour and being shown our rooms we head to lunch with Camdindel (Dark Elf), Legion (Sentient Construct with animate hair), Maelstrom, Lyria, Ehrendil, Albrecht (with his hat & staff-dragon Aracon), and his two mushroom-people (GTN: Fungal Dragonguard) bodyguards.

There are wasp-people (GTN: Vindikar) from Grymeron settled in the vale.


  • Akifa (Pygmy Forest Troll-Goblin), Keeper of the Pool of Ignorance in for the Forest of Gorendinka sent a wind message asking for help.
  • A. made himself a potion of ignoring shape, drank it, and fell apart.
  • About half of him reformed in a barrel, the other bits ran off. A Monkey Climbed a tree, a Fish swam off (through the air), etc.

Haunted wood has 5 levels each about 200' high.

  1. Stygian Depths - dark, insects, lichens, jellyfish
  2. Pelagic - World shark
  3. Understory - Pool of Ignorance
  4. Midstory -
  5. Canopy -

Dracoslerz, Cat People, Fungosaurs, Electric Eels, 20' Centipedes, ...

Places where it is easy to cross between levels are prime hunting grounds for predators.

Pool of ignorance is fed by a spring from the River Lethe.

Albrecht has prepared items, a stone each to keep us dry and a bracelet to collect mana:

  • Gift: Stone of (almost) Waterproofing - aquaphobic (water repelling)
  • Loan: Bracelet slowly collects mana which can be released to cast at normal speed, be careful of overcharging. Not to be used in the high mana zone of the Haunted Forest as it will charge too fast.

We get our Greater Enchantments from Legion. Fly to Gryphon Pass.

The portal at Darkwell (Saurime village) in Gryphon Pass is a fountain in a Dwarf-built cave, it leads to a fountain in a Vindikar underground town by a lake.

We fly about 250 miles across the lake to Albrecht's home, Gribbit City. 150' high walls, built on a large scale. Buildings are mostly mushroom-like or tall and onion-topped.

Monkey Time

Different tribes of goblins have different specialities, magic, fighting, flying (on serpents), etc. They have a giant spider-lizard with several battle platforms, and some younger spider-lizards only able to support one platform.

Talk to merchants, see the sights, dinner, and spend the night.

Th'rsday 3rd Fruit

On Shadow Wings we fly around and over the lake to Moonpok a treetop trading town about a mile from the edge of the Haunted Forest.

After lunch we fly on using Sol's Light Wings, over the top of the forest then dropping down into the canopy level, flying between the trees to a hole where we can drop down beside a waterfall.

Some wolves (GTN: Quab) lurking to hunt near the hole make themselves scarce.

We drop through the hole to the Understory then fly on, following Albrecht to the Lake. Ramshackle hut and outbuildings.

What remains of Akifa is living in a beer barrel, he's a bit out of shape. Changing between different faces and forms when he's not actively concentrating on holding one form so he can talk to us.

DAs: GTNs Troll-Pygmy/Goblin-Merbethol. His identity, Last Magic & its remaining duration, 16 / 27 bits of him are here.

Lyria & Ehrendel study Akifa, Lyria manifests some glowing lines pointing at his bits - we take bearings. Then she starts working on a map we can take with us.

We set up camp, watches, and sleep.

Frysday 4th Fruit

Akifa Parts

  1. Monkey (Spider Monkey) - L5, closest within a few miles
  2. Bird (Blue Gubby) - L5
  3. Crocodile (Dracoslerz) - L4
  4. Dragon (Fairy Dragon) - L4 - Cat-sized flyer, agile, breath weapon ~30' cone of Sleep (normal sleep, no resistance) or Hallucinations (last about 1 min), Phasing, Teleport. They like caramel, slivers of fresh meat.
  5. Spider (Giant Trapdoor Spider) - L3
  6. Husky (Quab) & Cat (Lkyroi) - L3
  7. Amoeba - L2
  8. Dragon - L2
  9. Centipede - L1
  10. Mushroom (Fungal Dragon Guard) - L1

We head up to the canopy, land in a tree and try summoning Akifa monkey. The summoned 4 turn up with 10 friends, the friends fling fresh dung at us. We identify the long-lived animal as Akifa, Arcadia gradually talks him down and we befriend him with fresh fruit, holding on to him while sending the others away.

Smartest - Zardoz
When the monkeys started flinging dung, he grabbed his aquaphobic stone to repel the fresh dung.

Flying back down to the pond, Ehrendel helps us put the monkey back in the barrel to re-join Akifa prime.

Birds, Cat & Dog

Deciding to go for one of the targets on this level, we check distances (ENE 11 miles to the Cat & Dog, 17 miles WSW to the Spider) and decide on the cat & dog.

Flying while our wings are still going, we come to a lake near the target zone and come into land. Gnash 'Toadbait' overshoots into the lake, Sol flies over to pluck him out of the water just ahead of the 30' tongue of the giant frog-like creature (GTN: Giant Rock Toad).

Sol's got it sorted - Cassandra

There's a large waterfall dropping into the lake, at the base of it are logs free floating in an unnatural arrangement. In the middle of the lake is a forested island where the map shows the cat & dog are.

We scout the logs which look like a trap while I cast an iceberg and ice jetty. The toad attacks again, Sol cuts its tongue in half, Dart peppers it with arrows.

Then a voice speaks into their heads, negotiations are limited until it talks to everyone (except Gnash and me who resisted - a Telepathy variant). It lives on (or is) the island and wants to be left alone. We negotiate to take the cat & dog and leave it and its island alone, in return we presume to offer an ignorance potion from Akifa.

Our wings are wearing thin so we walk the 10 miles home and add the cat & dog to the barrel.

Reapsday 5th Fruit

Fresh wings and then we fly back up to the canopy to go bird hunting. Summoning birds we luck out on the first try and get the Akifa bird, a Blue Gubby and 3 others with a flock following. Checking the birds, we learn their iridescent feathers naturally float and decide we need some to make cloaks.

61 frozen and 3 living birds with feathers that float (GTN: Blue Gubby).

Back to camp to drop off the birds, the Akifa one going into the barrel and others tucked away, then an early lunch before flying out WSW towards spider territory.

After 15 miles we're into spider territory so we land and approach on foot. Webs above, strands across the ground, many eyes watching us, many different varieties.

We walk for nearly two miles then pause as we come to the area with Giant Trapdoor Spider webs and confirm that is the GTN of Akifa Spider who is very close.

Chapter 4

Sunday 6th Fruit

Buffs & Mil Sci

Buffs and Abilities

Long Term (assumed always on)
Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration BB Ca Da Gn Ha LA So Za
Strength of Stone (LA) 10 +10 EN 11 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shadow Form (Ca/Za) 12 +26% Def 6½ hrs -
Coruscade (So/LA) 15 +32% Def 8 hrs - Y
Resist Cold (Ha) 14 +4 Temp Gauge, -5 Cold Dmg. 8 hrs Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y
Weapon of Cold (Ha) 15 +16 BC%, +6 Dam 20 min ** 4 1 1
Witchsight (So,LA,Za) 6 See Invis 3½ hrs -
Fire Armour(BB) 13 56 Ablative 14 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fireproofing (BB) 13 Protection from fire 14 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Short Term/Situational
Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur BB Ca Da Gn Ha LA So Za
Shadow Wings (Ca) 15 45 mph 8 hrs
Wings of Light (So) 8 38 mph 4½ hrs
Water Wings (LA) 3 ? mph 2½ hrs
Weapon of Light (So) 10 +11 BC%, +5 Dam vs Dark Aspected 15 min
Weapon of Light (LA) 8 +11 BC%, +5 Dam vs Dark Aspected 13 min
Ice Traversal (Ha) 12 4 targets, +5 tmr over level ice/snow. 4h 20m A A A A B B B B
Inspirational Song (Da) 6 3 targets, -2 dice modifier. 90 secs
Weapon of Flames (BB) 13 14Sc 7Dmg. 18 mins Y
Self Only Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur BB Ca Da Gn Ha LA So Za
Ice Armour (Ha) 15 26% 4 AP 1 SG 16 Fire 9 hrs - - - - Y - - -
Senses and other stuff
Capability Rk Effects Dur BB Ca Da Gn Ha LA So Za
Detect Ambush (%) Ranger (-5/rank of opposition) 50% % 106% %
See Invis (Rk) Effective rank for seeing invisible 6 6 6 6 12 10 6 6
Stealth (%) Std / Ranger Outdoors 86% 99% 110 % 106% 66 / 87% 83% 50% 163%

** Weapon of Cold Peace-Bound until needed.

Greater Enchantment
Rk 17 from Camdindel
Mil Sci Raise Morale
+1 WP
Golden Ale nightcap - +1 FT per hour of sleep
Stoneybrew, Dur 1 Hr - +7 WP
Fighting Ale, Dur 1 Hr - +7 EN, +5 PS, +4 FT, No Stun.
Porter Ale, Dur 1 Hr - +7 PC, Death Aspect, +15% MR vs Charm/Hypnosis, +10% MR vs Illusion, -15% MR vs Necro/Wicca, Fearless.

Watch Order

Hour: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Night 1 Zardoz Cassandra Lady Arcadia Solas
Haedric Gnash Boom Boom Dart

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Solas Boomy Gnash
Dart Zardoz Arcadia
Haedric Cassandra

Double File

Boomy Gnash
Solas Dart
Zardoz Arcadia
Haedric Cassandra

Single File



Lucky Numbers
Boom Boom Dart Solas Cassandra Gnash Haedric Arcadia Zardoz
24 13 70 & 91 63 -- 63 75 24

Loot and Expenses


Autumn 824 WK: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn 824 WK: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon .. 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn 824 WK: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest