A.C.A.T stuck in a tree: Difference between revisions

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Line 256: Line 256:
|class="ef" | 16 pockets hidden in your clothing. each pocket may hold objects no larger than 16 inches in one dimension. Total weight may not exceed 16lbs an no one object may weight more than 8lbs.
|class="ef" | 16 pockets hidden in your clothing. each pocket may hold objects no larger than 16 inches in one dimension. Total weight may not exceed 16lbs an no one object may weight more than 8lbs.
|class="du" | 16 Hours / 12 days
|class="du" | 16 Hours / 12 days
|  <!-- Jaycey--> Y
|  <!-- Kerry--> ?
|  <!-- Phaeton--> ?
|  <!-- Flamis--> ?
|  <!-- Pierre--> ?
|  <!-- Sooty--> ?
|  <!-- ??--> ?
|class="mg" |Heroism (JC)
|class="rk"| 15
|class="ef" | 16% Def, 16 die modifier to fear checks, 16 bonus to reaction rolls
|class="du" | 150 mins / 12 Days
|  <!-- Jaycey--> Y
|  <!-- Jaycey--> Y
|  <!-- Kerry--> ?
|  <!-- Kerry--> ?

Revision as of 12:45, 17 June 2023

Scribe Notes


GM: Sam
Season: Winter 823 WK
Night: Wednesday
Location: Birdlands
Level: High

Guild recommends at least one Highly Ranked Thief in the party

  1. Jaycey - Halfling Illusionist - Anne
  2. Kerry - 'Human' Celestial - Helen
  3. Phaeton - Human Celestial/Healer/Astronomer - Keith
  4. Flamis? - Jacqui
  5. Pierre - The Halfling Illusionist. - Ian A
  6. Sooty - Bernard

To Be Disclosed


Break into a crashed flying ship, retrieve objects



Scribe Notes

Session 1

Have to admit, the revelation that the stars were nothing more than bright circles stuck on the inside of a sphere had thrown me for a loop for quite some time, enough for Rowan to insist I stop moping and find an adventure to go on – get a change of scenery – or something. Well, this one looked promising – something to do with a cat stuck up a tree. It turned out this was no ordinary cat, and as we found out later, it was no ordinary tree either. The ‘cat’ was some sort of flying ship and we were being hired to help salvage it as well with dealing with whatever entities that had taken residence inside it.

We met up in the meeting room, we being Pierre (male halfling, dark aspected, illusionist/earth mage); Kerry (female feline shapeshifter dark celestial mage); Jaycey (female halfling illusionist as well as doing strange things with nightmares and knowing every Wall spell known); Sooty (aka ‘The Green Knight’, male ash mage and also dark aspected); Flamis (female human fire/radiance mage, light aspected) and myself, Phaeton (male human light celestial mage, also light aspected). Sooty insisted I needed some better armour, especially since my two best had been destroyed on adventure, He suggested some sort of plate. I’ll have to see how that works out. An earring of non-stunning was also installed on me.

Our party employer wasn’t there so we sorted out our party dynamics. Jaycey became the party spokesperson and, somehow, I became the scribe. It turned out that our party employer was waiting for us in a nearby field (still on Guild grounds). This person was female, dressed in a drab ship’s captain outfit, and introduced herself as Bibo. We were told this 500ft long flying ship was currently embedded in an extremely large tree on the Plane of Ulder, a plane that the Guild had only visited once before and was a recent discovery. We then retreated to do our research. Naturally I headed to the library to study the scribe notes from the party who was first there. For some reason, Jaycey was rather reluctant to be anywhere near the library when evening approached.

Next morning it was an early start down at the docks. Since Kerry had been one of the initial party, her aura contained the way to return to the plane, at least that was how it was explained to us by Captain Bibo. She did some sort of ritual and Kerry changed into a portal which we stepped through. Once we were all through, the portal closed and Kerry reappeared. The portal was like some sort of wormhole where we had to be squeezed through a worm sized hole to get through. I called the process ‘spaghettification’.

We found ourselves on a hilltop overlooking the coast where we could see a lot of ships, including one huge one. What looked like a small tent village was on the coast nearby. I had a look at the ships with my powerful spyglass and discovered that the ships looked like that they had been grown, including the big one. Only one ship looked like it had been built and that was Bibos. On the horizon I could see a tree, the one that Bibo said that the ship was stuck in. Given the distance to the horizon, as this sphere was a lot bigger than Alusia, this tree must be huge – maybe a few miles wide.

Upon reaching the ‘village’ and asking around I discovered the name of the local religious deity was Valrin, which turned out to be the name of the Tree. There were more of them scattered around the planet but this one was the closest. Also, this flotilla of ships was a large floating town, the big one being the town centre. I enquired about maps but were told there weren’t any. No libraries either – really disappointing.

What was even more disappointing was the lack of stars in the sky. Even sweeping the sky with my spyglass/telescope did not reveal any more – no faint fuzzies either. No signs of any planets as well. Gravity was Alusia standard as was the length of the day. There was a moon, or two as it turned out.

Next morning, we headed out for the nearest boat and the whole flotilla moved out as one.

Activity 1

Activity 2


Daily pattern

‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’

Travel Magics

‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’ ‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’

Kerry- RK 7 Star or Shadow Wings, 4hrs at 37mph, or approx 145 miles. 5 targets in one cast, don't cut out in tight spaces, look like cloak when not in flight.

Watch Order

Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??

Night watch
First - Pierre, Phaeton
Second - Sooty, Kerry
Third - Jaycey, Flamis

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File
  1. Pierre, Jaycey
  2. Flamis, Phaeton
  3. Kerry, Sooty
Single File


General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

  • Morning & Evening spells may have a rank 15 Enhance on Duration, provided they are pulse cast.

Fatigue Costs

How much Fatigue each person starts the day down after casting / meals / etc.

  • Jaycey:
  • Kerry:
  • Phaeton:
  • Flamis:
  • Pierre:
  • Sooty:

Major Creations

  • Phaeton - Heavy Plate, True Silver, 11 Ft Protection.
  • Kerry - Hand & 1/2, True Silver, +2 DM, - Extra magic maintained.

Long duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Jaycey Kerry Phaeton Flamis Pierre Sooty ?
Shadowform or corascade 15 32/16 8 / 15.5* hrs. N SF ? ? ? N ?
Iron Shield 20 42% defence if shield prepared, 21% if no shield. 10.5 / 18* Hours Y - ? ? ? N ?
Witchsight 12 see invis 6.5 / 12.5* Hours N Y ? ? ? Tal ?
Thermal Control 12 Reduce Fire/Heat/Cold/Ice damage by 4, adjust gauge by 4 towards 7. 13 / 25* Hours Y Y ? ? ? Tal ?
Eleutherian Ward 15 +35% vs Restraint, Don't lose actions, negates up to 4 AG penalty. 8 / 15.5* Hours Y Y ? ? ? Y ?
Primordial Armour 20 125 Magic ablative, after resistance, before other effects. 21 / 36* Hours. Y Y ? ? ? Y ?
Strength of Stone 20 +20 ST and/or EN 21 / 36* Hours EN EN ? ? ? EN ?
Walking unseen 6 Walking unseen 7 Hours ? sit ? ? ? Sit ?
Disguise Illusion (JC) 15 Change Height (by 15%) weight (30%) voice and clothing, gender or race or copy an Individual. May not be located by a lower rk spell 16 Hours / 12 days Y ? ? ? ? ? ?
Illusion of Deep Pockets (JC) 15 16 pockets hidden in your clothing. each pocket may hold objects no larger than 16 inches in one dimension. Total weight may not exceed 16lbs an no one object may weight more than 8lbs. 16 Hours / 12 days Y ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Jaycey Kerry Phaeton Flamis Pierre Sooty ?
Light or Dark sword 7 +8 SC +4dam vs opposite 12 Mins ? Rapier ? ? ? ? ?
Strength of Darkness 9 +6 strength 100 Mins ? Sit ? ? ? Sit ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Magic Rk Effects Dur Jaycey Kerry Phaeton Flamis Pierre Sooty ?
Sixth Sense N/A Sense before discovery or triggering ward/trap. Caps at 90+Rank. N/A ? N ? ? ? 131% (95%) ?
See in the dark range. na be it witchsight infravision etc. na ? 250ft ? ? ? 250ft ?
Detect Trap N/A Various detect trap skills. Caps at 90+Rank. N/A ? ? ? ? ? 106% (95%) ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

SP & other cash value loot

Significant Items



Minor Items


‘’Insert correct month here’’