The Gryphon Inn

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This is a sturdy 2 story dwarven built Inn nestled on the back wall of Fort Gryphon itself. Inside the Inn is warm and cosy with a well frequented taproom that has plenty of tables for big and small cutomers as well as a few booths around the walls for larger parties of travellers. The rooms upstairs are all welcoming and comfortable. The meals are made by dwraven cooks who know the value of good hearty food and the ales are brewed on site.


  • Henric Henrikson Owner and Publican - when not on adventure.
  • Lyric Henrikson Owner and Publican - when not on adventure.
  • Mavric Henrikson Owner and Publican - when not doing arty farty playwright stuff at the Seagate PLayhouse/Theatre or on adventure.
  • Bodric Henrikson Owner and Publican - currently on a walk-about in the east.
  • Cook
  • Asst Cook
  • Maid 1
  • Maid 2
  • Maid 3
  • Brewer(s), We have Uncles Grimli, Dwalyn and Tharun living with us now, working hard sampling the beer they are brewing



Left Right


Started in WInter 807 by the Henrikson brothers with aid from their lovely sisters.

Building of The Gryphon Inn

The Inn is complete and the fort has been rebuilt and reinforced where necessary

Summer 809

The 2nd floor of the Inn is completed and marks the end of the building for the family who have all pitched in over the past several seasons. A celebration is held on the 30th of Seedtime and is touted as the 'Day of Completion' and will be held each year thereafter.

Nearby land has been cleared and planted with new trees and plants for the future.

Travelers are much more frequent now that this establishment has lessened the arduous nature of the trek between Brastor and Novadom.

Winter 808

The 1st floor is completed along with a large warm dormitory area for discerning frugal travellers by season end.

Travelers may now sleep and eat throughout the Inn and the meals are much better according to repeat travelers through the pass.

Autumn 808

Work on the 1st floor of the Inn has started with the Upper Common room, central area and Staff rooms completed by season end.

Travelers are now able to sleep in the Inn itself on the ground floor level in the common rooms and the meals from the kitchen are becoming more favorably received than previously.

Summer 808

Work on the ground floor of the Inn has continued with the Public Common Room, Staff rooms (rear) and the courtyard walls completed by season end.

A nearby stream has been dammed thereby flooding a small area that had been prepared for the water and thus a small highland lake (covering a 20 acre area) has been formed and some fish have been introduced to the new waters called Lake Mavoinic.

Travelers are still lodged in fixed up areas of the fort but the food is made in the new Inn's Kitchen area and served in the Dining rooms.

Spring 807

Work on the ground floor of the Inn has started with the Kitchen, Dining room and entrance area being completed by season end.

Work has begun on clearing an area nearby for the formation of a highland lake. Rocks have been moved and strategically placed and extra fill moved from various sites to form banks and the like.

Travelers passing through are lodged in parts of the fort where the brothers have fixed damage and made habitable, while the food is served communally in an old barracks area.

Winter 807

The brothers have started work on the new Inn they are building inside the walls of the fort and they have completed digging out the cellar area by the end of Winter 807