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All living and formerly living things in DQ have Generic True Names.
Sentients also have Individual True Names.
While anyone may learn Names, only Namers can rank them past Rank 0. Refer to the DQ Rules for further details and explanation.
Names Available from the Seagate Guild
Names with {I} are on the initial list taught to Namers
- Angel {I}
- Archangel {I}
- Kerubim
- Malakim
- Seraphim {I}
- Demonic, Duke {I}
- Demonic, Earl {I}
- Demonic, Emperor {I}
- Demonic, King {I}
- Demonic, Maquis {I}
- Demonic, President {I}
- Demonic, Prince {I}
- Devil {I}
- Devil, Half {I}
- Hellhound {I}
- Imp {I}
- Incubus {I}
- Succubus {I}
- Dragon, Black {q}
- Dragon, Blue {I}
- Dragon, Gold {I}
- Dragon, Green {I}
- Dragon, Red {I}
- Dragon, Yellow {I}
- Brownie {I}
- Dryad {I}
- Drow {I}
- Dwarf {I}
- Elf {I}
- Erelheine {I}
- Giant, Cloud {I}
- Giant, Fire {I}
- Giant, Frost {I}
- Giant, Hill {I}
- Giant, Stone {I}
- Giant, Storm {I}
- Gnoll {I}
- Gnome {I}
- Goblin {I}
- Halfling {I}
- Hobgoblin {I}
- Human {I}
- Kobold {I}
- Leprechaun {I}
- Neanderthal
- Nixie {I}
- Nymph {I}
- Ogre {I}
- Orc {I}
- Pixie {I}
- Saurime {I}{q}
- Satyr {I}
- Sylph {I}
- Shapechanger {I}
- Troll {I}
- Basilisk
- Centaur
- Chimaera
- Dire Wolf {I}
- Gargoyle {I}
- Gorgon {I}
- Gryphon {I}
- Harpy {I}
- Hippogriff {I}
- Hydra {I}
- Kraken {I}
- Manticore
- Minotaur
- Naga {I}
- Pegasus {I}
- Phoenix
- Salamander {I}
- Sphinx
- Unicorn {I}
- Wyvern {I}
- Djinn (Genie, Jinni, Djinni, Djinn, Jinn) {I}
- Efreeti{I}
- Elemental, Air {I}
- Elemental, Earth {I}
- Elemental, Fire {I}
- Elemental, Ice {I}
- Elemental, Water {I}
- Golem, Clay {I}
- Golem, Flesh {I}
- Golem, Iron {I}
- Golem, Rag & String {I}
- Golem, Stone {I}
- Golem, Wood {I}
Lesser Undead
- Ghost {I}
- Ghoul {I}
- Mummy
- Night-Gaunt {I}
- Revenant
- Skeleton {I}
- Zombie {I}
Greater Undead
- Litch {I}
- Spectre {I}
- Vampire {I}
- Wight {I}
- Wraith {I}
Aquatic Animals
- Barracuda
- Cod
- Dolphin{I}
- Eel {I}
- Fish (generic)
- Manta Ray
- Octopus
- Pike
- Pirahna
- Salmon
- Shark {I}
- Snapper
- Squid
- Trout
- Turtle
- Whale, Great White
- Whale, Killer
Land Animals
- Alligator
- Amoeba (Giant Amoeba)
- Antelope
- Baboon
- Bear {I}
- Beaver
- Boar {I}
- Buffalo
- Cat {I}
- Cattle (Cow, Ox, ...) {I}
- Cheetah
- Crocodile
- Deer {I}
- Dingo
- Dog {I}
- Elephant
- Ferret {I}
- Fox {I}
- Fox, Artic
- Fox, Mountain
- Gila Monster
- Giraffe
- Goat {I}
- Gorilla
- Hare {I}
- Hyena
- Iguana
- Jackal
- Leopard
- Lion {I}
- Lizard {I}
- Mongoose
- Monkey
- Mouse {I}
- Orang-outang
- Pig {I}
- Praire Dog (Dog, Prairie)
- Rabbit {I}
- Raccoon
- Rat {I}
- Sasquatch
- Sabre-tooth Tiger {I}
- Scorpion {I}
- Sheep {I}
- Squirrel
- Tiger {I}
- Tortoise
- Weasel {I}
- Wild Cat
- Wolf {I}
- Woolly Mammoth
- Zebra
- Camel {I}
- Donkey {I}
- Horse {I}
- Mule {I}
- Adder {I}
- Asp {I}
- Cobra
- King Cobra
- Mamba
- Python
- Rattle Snake {I}
- Spitting Naja
- Albatross
- Bat{I}
- Blackbird {I}
- Buzzard
- Chicken {I}
- Cormorant
- Dove
- Duck {I}
- Eagle {I}
- Falcon {I}
- Finch
- Gannet
- Goose {I}
- Goshawk {I}
- Owl {I}
- Parrot
- Pigeon {I}
- Roc
- Seagull
- Sparrow
- Swan {I}
- Tern
- Turkey {I}
- Vulture
- Ant {I}
- Bee {I}
- Beetle {I}
- Fire Ant
- Housefly (Fly) {I}
- Killer Bee
- Spider {I}
- Spider, Black Widow {I}
- Spider, Phase
- Spider, Trapdoor
- Tarantula {I}
- Ash
- Beech
- Cactus
- Date Tree
- Elm
- Grains
- Grass
- Mistletoe {I}
- Oak {I}
- Olive Tree
- Pine
- Willow
- Yew
- Balrog
- Doppleganger {I}
- Fossegrim {I}
- Merfolk (Mermaid, Merman) {I}
- Were (Lycanthrope) {I}
- Titan {I}