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Some of these names seem to be duplicates, or fine distinctions that we may not want. (I've removed Palfrey since that is really just a riding horse). Others require discussion:
- Lizard Man / Saurime
- Aren't Saurime lizard-men? Is there a separate Lizard Man race?
- Should we add the Terranovan names that are available?
- In Terranova there are several sub-groups of Saurian that map to the colours of dragons. The common or Red Saurian is the same as the Alusian Saurime.
- Shapechangers
- Is this all one GTN? Or are Shaprechanger-Bear and Shaprechanger-Wolf separate GTNs?
- Why are Nymph and Satyr Fantastical rather than Humanoid, like Sylph?
- Undead
- Mummy is known? Mummy is lesser?
- Nightgaunts are Greater (they drain)
- Litch? Lich? These are known?
- If all Sharks are Shark, why are Manta Ray and Stingray separate?
- Dolphin / Porpoise
- technically different Families of small toothed whales (Delphinidae vs. Phocoenidae) the two words are used somewhat interchangeably.
- Should there be a generic Fish?
- Basic thing you hook and eat... and that doesn't try to eat you.
- Aren't Pigeons and Doves the same thing?
- If a Spider can be an Insect why is Scorpion in Land Animals?
Martin Dickson 17:13, 10 Jun 2005 (NZST)
I've used [space]{I} to indicate 'on initial list'. This format should make it easy to put into a table or csv or whatever later.
I've marked a couple with {q} for query
Are Black Dragons the 'Dragon' on the PG list, or a new colour?