The Pevensey Heist
Adventure: The Pevensey Heist
GM: Clare
Season: Winter 817 wk
Night: Monday
Location: Chez Baldock
Level: Low Medium
- Party
- Mayhem - Jim Arona
- Luther Luthier - small hobbit, "used-but-valuable goods getter" Michael P.
- Ignis - 7 foot human fighter and air mage. Fabio
- Elderan Elf and Air Mage. Ian A
- Employer
- This guy from Pevensey
- Mission
- In the Autumn tribute from the towns and villages of Pevensey is collected by a caravan moving through the county after Michaelmas. The caravan should return to Pevenston in time for Samhain. However the caravan has been raided on the way back. A guild party is needed to help retrieve the tribute. Payment will be 20% of the tribute plus whatever you can loot from the raiders.
Scribe Notes
- Session 1
- Day 1
So, there's like the four of us, right. me and Looter, Slim Al from Little Alfheim and Ig the Big. We reckoned we could set up were best off with Ig the Big as the leader, being, well, big and hard to miss. Slim is the kind that doesn't like to get his dagger wet, so we made him the Mil Sci, and me and Looter could handle the evidence scribe notes best.
So, it turns out this earl guy from Pevensey lost his son, who was bringing in the tax take four days ago. Seemed like a comfortable place, not too many hairy elements of the constabulary, might be a good place to have as a bolt hole in the future, so def worth scouting. Slim Al and Ig can both cast the odd air spell, but Al has this cloud you can fly around on, which seemed pretty choice. Actually, turns out Ig is kind of crap at casting. Anyway, we pile on the cloud and head in a Pevensey direction that Looter and me leave to the others.
So, we're, like, half an hour, we run into this arctic bloody storm that blew us miles in the other direction south. And a bit east. I think. Well, left, anyway.
So, we end up ditching the cloud for a farm, which we case and it's just a farm. There's this farmer, his wife and they had some kids. Or farm animals. No loot. Stayed in the barn. Also no loot.
- Day 2
So, the next day we asked the farmer where the river was, and he pointed to this wide blue thing about a mile north of his house. The air mages denied all knowledge. Anyway, having survived the brutal storm, we set off into the wintry north.
- Session 2
After erecting a tarp to keep us dry, procuring some delivery dinner and finally "Lightning" up a fire, we settle for the night. Despite been two of us on guard we are surprised by two bears. We manage to fight them, but Elderel is gravelly wounded. We spend the rest of the night with little sleep.
- Day 3
Elederl manager to fly us on his cloud to the western border of Toscana, were we camp for the night, and as soon as dinner is ready we hear some wolves coming our way. We scatter the excess meet and we scamper up a tree. The 6 wolves finish our meet and than settle in our camp, so we just speed up their departure with a well placed lightning.
- Day 4
The following day we manage to reach Pevensey just before dusk. We are taken to see Edric the Earl of Pevensey and we ask for succor for Elderan; Lady Matild quickly summons her healer. Elderan will have to rest for 2 days, meanwhile we plan for the trip and enquire about Oswald, the Earl Youngest son, and his convoy.
- Day 7
Two day later we depart on the South-West road towards Petersfield it will take us 2 day to our destination than another 4 treacherous to Linsdale. where we rest the horse for 3 days as the weather gets worst.
- Day 9
Two more days on the road to the northern fortified town of Lambsborn. Here the Captain of the guards informs us that Elf and travelers have not been seen around for a wile.
- Session 3
We depart Lambsborn directed to Compton. Around lunchtime we reach the foothills and our journey slows down. As we start our climb we spots some tracks veering of the main road, heading north. We decide to follow those tracks! By night fall we are still following the track so we spend some time setting camp. Like we borrow a tent from from the fortified town of Lambsborn, so tonight we sleep comfortably. Last Famous Words as re are ambushed by I band of Orcs. I quickly rouse our companions by Mayhem decide to keep napping. Elderan, Luther and I start fighting and casting. we have few stunned with Lightning, but in few action the beats have us surrounded. But a warrior never gives in. As my companions fell under enemy fire, I summon all my courage and square of with 5 of those beasts. One at the time I stun them in a weird game of Whac-A-Orc. After few pulses I am able to lightning bolt 4 of them and set the whole band fleeing, except for the 2 dead and one unconscious at my feet. I am glad my training paid of. Also a good armor is well worth investing into. After bounding the Orc and rescuing my friends Mayhem decide to join us for the interrogation of the Orc. however it does not have much information for us.
- Session 4
- Day 21
I wake up from the deathly plague that had afflicted me to find that we recruited a couple of horses and ponies. Personally, I'd have been happier with a sturdy goat but the bigs have this thing about horsekin. Looter and I confer and we agree that their must be some way to build fortifications on top of it. Conveniently, the horsekin carry quite a bit of our encumbrance, so that's nice.
And, there's a fair bit of eating on a pony, I guess.
We chat to the orc who tells us his mates are 7 days north of us. Slim checks the terrain and finds cart tracks heading west of north, so, I guess, more or less in the direction of the orcs. But, as luck would have it, their trail passes over hard packed earth, so the air mages lose the trace.
I pull out my kite staff and fly ahead to scout out the place and find a road where a cart would likely have crossed. Sadly, the air mages find nothing. We decide that flying around the place is a bloody good way to get noticed, so we just travel ahead on foot until we find a camp site.
- Day 22
The next day, we head further north and find a river some 30-40 yards across. We interrogate the orc and find a ford about an hour southward down the river, and we cross there. The air mages find the orc trail but it peters out after an hour or so. We make a smokeless fire, cook (a non-pony) dinner and set up a watch.
- Day 23
We spend the next three days following the tracks until it joins a more defined trail that climbs into some mountains.
We crest a ridge line and see a camp on the other side. Occasionally, the wind brings us the scent and identifies it as definitely orcish. We decide that the stealth properties of the horsekin is as advanced as the stealth properties of el Biggo, with the difference that at least el Biggo can at least cast a mist. So, we leave them hobbled near pasture on the southward side along with our captured orc and head down to investigate.
It turns out that the tents hold about a dozen orc sized soldiers, and when I slip inside the first one, there are five asleep who will not wake again. This seems like it might appease the spirits of hobbits lost to orcish spit roasts, so we repeat it in another couple of tents. Moving around to wreak mayhem: We slay 14 orcs and find that there are 2 buildings protected by 2 guards each, although each pair not facing each other. We find ourselves on the horns of a dilemma: visit the orcish population with crimson fountains of blood and build small towers out of the loot, OR go for the quality and maximise our loot to encumbrance ratio...such sweet musings....
- Session 5
So, having laid waste to a substantial chunk of reposeful orchood, we decided we should take out the matched set of witch and witch doctor, who, we opined, had the nice digs up near the cave which had the bearing of a geographical feature with leanings towards prodigious loot. We opined on this very hard in the hopes that it might persuade a passing power.
Anyway, we decided that Looter would climb about 20 feet above the cliff so he could have an overview of the camp and be able to target the orcs' horses with Fear spells, while I snuck up upon the guards and visited a particularly pointy reckoning upon them. Slim the elf would stand off a ways to the west to provide support, while el Biggo would clank around somewhere south of the kitchens. While a brilliant plan, it turns out to have failed in the execution, when I didn't stab one of the guards hard enough to put him in the ground. The unstunned one turned around, saw his friend staggering around gouting blood and decided to become a member of the fourth estate and broadcast the news to all and sundry. Which was too much by any, really.
So, the other orc gave me a bit of a seeing to, but even though horribly assailed by bits of orcery and steel, I bravely held him off. El Biggo, on the other hand, seeing the jig was up, let loose with a couple of air mage bow shafts which, it seemed, adorned the orcs with feathers for the coming spring season. Looter let rip with Fear spells but missed. Slim, in the mean time, had managed to saunter into his usual battlefield position, but unfortunately did not have a stealth version of Lightning, so laid about with some long, slim metal thing he claims is a sword. Surprisingly, this plan was going well until one of the orcs slipped past his guard and opened him up along the ribs. He didn't actually fall down dead or lose consciousness or anything, but it seems the only thing he can do when takes damage is drool and shamble around the place. Which he did well, it has to be said. The orcs fell upon him like he was a sorbet at a 12 course feast, and they weren't particular about the cutlery, either.
Hanging grimly to the cliff, Looter fired off a set of Fear spells, but it turns out that these ones either have unnaturally high resistance to fear or one of the orcs has a cool buff, and not a single one of the buggers had surrendered to panic. He spotted, on the other hand, three heavily armoured orcs ... well, orcs wearing some armour, heading towards us, so he decided that since we were starting to attract a bit of noise to fire his Fear spells into the new guys. El Biggo had more or less the same plan, except he decided that he was going to rock up towards us like a Binder's ironmongery and engage some of the hairies.
Sadly, before he could interpose himself, one of the orcs managed to get it's head through the kitchen door and yell out what I am reliably informed was profanity. Nevertheless, the orcs did not enjoy the close acquaintance they made with Ignis' pole weapon, and there was whimpering. Although that might have been our elf.
At around about that time, a robed figure stepped outside, looking to unleash some orcish spell death upon us, so I triggered a spell device I keep about my person for such purposes and stripped her of casting FT. Across the path from us, however, another figure, having already prepared a spell of Torment, loosed it on me, even though Looter managed to get a Fear spell on him. He shook off the magick, which is more than you could say for me. Sadly, my will was not sufficient and I was stitched up by the spell. So, I took a healing potion.
Anyway, in the mean time, Slim was rapidly becoming a chew toy, so el Biggo tore himself away from the kitchen orcs and flung himself over his twitching form, laying about with a respectably large bar of metal to which he had somehow attached a sharp edge. The orcs experienced a sudden reversal in their health at that point, and this focused their attention away from the elf. Our luck turned a bit for the better, because Looter managed to get his Fear spell to stick on the witch doctor, and he legged it into the cave, dragging a body guard and one other hanger on with him. My guess was even the air mages would be able to follow his tracks, so I let him go. Also, I was still Tormented so aside from taking the occasional potion, there was bugger all I could do. The orc swearing was educational, I have to say.
Anyway, Slim took another attack and so he glided gracefully to the ground in a dead faint, decorous to the last. El Biggo managed to jam a decent amount of healing potion down him without killing him. He was a funny colour, I guess, but definitely not animated by anything impolite. It turns out that, while he had bugger all Endurance, he had almost all of his Fatigue, so he lashed out with Lightning, and a good time was had by all. Of us.
Around that time, the witch doctor came back with his bunch of hangers on, cranking out the Preparations, so it looked as if it was going to be bad. I managed to get my last spell device thing off, which was good, because it stopped spells being cast at us, so yay for me. Even Hemlock got into the action, leaping onto the witch doctor and giving him a good fanging. Then, Looter turned the tide on the battle by getting another Fear on the witch doctor who went berserk. Having previously noted who was casting spells around, he turned his back on me and then it was "Good night, Doctor!" ... He went down like a shelf of patent medicines, as the witch got to make the abdominal acquaintance of el Biggo's big sword. She didn't really go down 'cause she was stuck on the blade but I could tell that she was pretty keen on a bit of a lie down.
So, we mopped up the rest and, casting a glance at the cave, wondered how we could wrap it up and take it away with us....
Elderan: "It's soft leather armour, it's meant to only have 3 protection"
Mayhem: "It's feeble."
Looter (mimicking Elderan), raising a precise finger: "Ah! The correct adjective is ... elvish"
Buffs & Mil Sci
Long Term (assumed always on)
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | El | Ig | Lu | Ma | ?? | ?? |
Short Term
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | El | Ig | Lu | Ma | ?? | ?? |
Witchsight | 9 | See Invis, Darkness 75 ft / 150 ft | 5 hrs | ![]() |
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Spell Racks
Standard contents of spell racks:
Watch Order
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ||||||||
??? | ??? | ??? |
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
??? ??? |
Double File
??? ??? |
Single File
??? |
- Bears pelts x 1.5
- Missive from the Earl x 1
- Provisions
- Horses x 2
- Ponies x 3
- Quick loading crossbows x 6
- Hard Leather armour size 6 x 6
- Chain Mail armour x 1
- Scimitars x 5
- Scimitar of quality x 1
- Small round shields x 6
- Amulet of Elder Flowers x 9
- Amulet of Luck x 1
- Amulet of Betony x 1
- Unknown Amulet x 2
Individual Awards:
Winter: Frost 817 (7) | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
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Samhain | 1 | Guild Meeting Seagate, ... | 2 | Provision | 3 | Departure on the Cloud getting lost and sleeping in a barn | 4 | Get direction and travel by cloud. Camp. Bears | 5 | Cloud land in Duchy of Toscana. Wolves | 6 | Pevensey, Healers for Elderel | |
![]() |
7 | Rest | 8 | Rest | 9 | Travel To Unnamed Town | 10 | Travel to Petersflield | 11 | Travel to Fernhurst | 12 | travel to Bremdine | 13 | Travel to Linsdale, night camp on road |
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14 | Arrival to Linsdale | 15 | Lindale | 16 | Linsdale | 17 | Linsdale | 18 | Travel to Bamdry??? | 19 | travel to Lambsborn | 20 | Deprt Lamsborn, of track to follow trail, Orcs ambush |
![]() |
21 | 22 | 23 | Big fight, blood everywhere | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | ||||||
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28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||
Winter: Snow 817 (8) | ||||||||||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |||||||
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12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Solstice | 16 | 17 | 18 | Yuletide | |||||
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19 | Days of Chaos | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | ||||||
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26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Twelfth Night | 1 | 2 | ||||||
Winter: Ice 817 (9) | ||||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | First Plough | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
![]() |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
![]() |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |