Inquisitors of the Order of Kohath
These ancient Elves have been brought forward in time from prior to the War of Tears. They will only appear to those who inhabited them in the past Pent, Mortimer, Serendipity, Braegon, Dalran and Kin
The Order of Kohath is a quasi-spiritual group who are prized as negotiators, judges, and investigators because of their commitment to uncovering hidden truths and exposing injustice. While not known as aesthetic or fanatic group, they are reputedly incorruptible in as a far the traditional Elven persuasions such as flattery, favours, and bribes, as they tend to prompt them to ask still further questions. As a group they all believe in some sort of balance and deeper truth hidden in the universe and each seeks it in their own particular fashion, either as a secluded philosophy and research, or occasionally by travelling and learning what they can from their surroundings. They travel in groups, known as “stars” for protection in lawless lands, and companionship. While not ostensibly a militaristic organisation they cultivate martial forms for exercise, self-discipline, and the very real chance they may be called upon to “adjust the world’s balance” personally.
After working with Astronia to ensure the plan to safeguard the world was completed without sabotage, they came forward in time, ostensibly to witness the results.
J'anthro "The Gibbet" L'Roi
An old and distinguished Elf, he stands tall and muscular. He wears Plate-mail the colour of wet slate and his shield is emblazoned with Golden scales set on a purple and white background. His skin is weathered and he has no eyebrows, in their place he has fine runic tattoos symbolising Earth and Justice.
J’Athro is the senior member of the order and is the de facto leader of the star. He also has a reputation for being (by Elvish standards) rude, abrasive, authoritarian, and very, very good at what he does. An ex-soldier, when in authority he is prone to expect his orders are followed before they are explained. This also means that he is very demanding of the senior members of his team, and while he seems to only barely coddle the younger members he will aggressively defend all of his subordinate’s lives and honour. While strikes many as a very scary man, his comrades know him to fair, even-handed, and not without a sense of humour. Master of the college of Earth Magics
A'tuni D'Noso
A handsome and athletic male elf with shock of black hair, attired in sleek reddish scale amour. He wields a broadsword with a large garnet set in the pommel and a shield faced with copper. On his chest the old symbols for Hunter/Guide and Fire are daubed in ochre.
A’tuni is young, brash, and supremely self confident of his abilities and has a real passion to prove himself, especially in the eyes of his leader. However, his enthusiasm often leads him rush, make mistakes, and occasionally simply irritate people with his eagerness. He is talented tracker and warrior, even if he hasn’t the tempering of judgement that will eventually make him very useful member of his Order. He is also quite vain, much to the amusement of the others. Master of the college of Fire Magics
K'lyn Anaith Tardan
A tall female elf with shoulder length brown hair and aquiline features. She is clad in partial plate which has a subtle greenish iridescence in the metal. Her shield bears the arms of the High Elven Royal guard and she has rapier with an elaborate basket hilt at her hip. One her shield the symbols for Warrior/Protector and Water have marked on her shield in a layer of fine, wet sand.
A former Royal Guard, whose involvement with an investigation undertaken by the Order led her to change her path in life and join the Order, she is still trying prove that she is as useful investigator as a bodyguard. The majority of the team have accepted this, acknowledging her ability to judge people is as keen as her weapons. She is known for being somewhat sharp tongued and acerbic, and prefers the boisterous A’tuni as a verbal sparring partner. Master of the college of Water Magics
Illya Drake
An almost stooped Elven male with slightly thinning blond hair and care worn features. He is a little shorter than average, and wearing a loose white robe over his travelling gear. He carries a non-descript staff, carved from a dark, close-grained wood and shod with silver at both ends. A fine white paste (crushed shell) has been used to paint the symbols of Inquisitor/Seeker and Light on either side of his face. He is able to tell if people are aligned to Good or Evil and if they are basically honest people in a fashion similar to DA.
While Illya is old enough to actually be displaying some physical signs of age, he has not been part of the Order to match J’anthro’s tenure, and cares little for the responsibilities of leadership. He has gathered a wealth of stories and anecdotes, which he is all too keen to share. He is also quite absent-minded about mundane topics, and can be distracted by the appearance of interesting plant or insect, but has an uncanny recall for the smallest details when it pertains to a philosophical or a more practical enquiry. Master of the college of Solar Magics.
Sabine "Sabi" Scutio
A short slightly built and somewhat pale Elven woman dressed in an impractical looking confusion of styles and garments. Rugged bots peer from beneath a tattered black ball gown and black lace and studded leather compete with fetishes of knotted hair and bones and at least one small shrunken head. The runes of Inquisitor/Seeker and Darkness have been drawn on her cheeks in what looks like charcoal.
Sabi describes herself as a “collector of grotesqueries”, who communicates with the “invisible” to find out about events that have occurred at places or in the presence of objects. While mortality and death are remote concepts for most elves, she has studied the cultures of peoples with shorter life spans, especially those of humans, to uncover more techniques of contacting spirits of people, places, and objects. Despite her morbid interests, she has a perpetually cheerful disposition and as the youngest appears to have taken on the role of maintaining levity in the star. Master of the college of Necromantic Magics
T'manth Magi
A young Elven female with a round, somewhat innocent face and a cow-lick, dressed in forest greens and greys. She has a stout-looking longbow and paired Shortsword and dagger at his side. On her Breast the symbols for Guide/Hunter and Air have been carefully outlined and at his cuffs and throat the glint of a fine mail like a snake’s scales can be seen.
While fading into the background among the more confident, exotic and forceful personalities the second youngest team member is a competent woodsman and guide as well as having substantial untapped talent with magic. While rather unworldly and occasionally flustered, he possesses a straightforward attitude that helps him contribute to the star. Master of the college of Air Magics