Guild Meeting March 2014
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DQ Guild Meeting 9th March 2014
Venue: Leys Institute Hall, Ponsonby
Club Committee Meeting
Saturday 8th March 2014 at 1:30pm via Skype
Attendees: Stephen M, Keith S, Errol C, Chris C., Jacqui.
- Review and confirm 2013 Financial Statement Confirmed 5 / 0 / 0
- Set Budget and Fees for next year Confirmed 5 / 0 / 0
- SGT $5 per person ($1.25 per person per edition)
- Fees: $10. +$5 for Family membership.
Chris has resigned as Campaign Coordinator.
Meeting closed 1:45pm
12:30 GMs Meeting
Adventures Going Out
Current GMs may book themselves on adventures at this time.
Rules Issues
Campaign Report
What's going on and what's coming up from the campaign committee (that we need to know). And what other people could help with or contribute to.
- War, Food, etc.
General Business
- _ _ Paid Members for 2013
1:00 Guild Meeting
Club AGM
_ _ Voting members present.
- Receiving any minutes of the previous Society's Meeting(s)
- The Chair's report on the business of the Society
- The Treasurer's report on the finances of the Society, and the Annual Financial Statements
- Fees now $10 instead of $15
- Vote to accept the 2013 Club Financial Report Yes _ _ No _ _ Abstain _ _ - Accepted, Moved and Carried
- Election of Committee Members
- Chair - Nominees:
- Stephen M Yes _ _ No _ _ Abstain _ _ - Confirmed unopposed
- Treasurer - Nominees:
- Errol C Yes _ _ No _ _ Abstain _ _ - Confirmed unopposed
- Secretary - Nominees:
- Keith S Yes _ _ No _ _ Abstain _ _ - Confirmed unopposed
- Editor - Volunteers:
- Jacqui S
- Campaign Coordinator - Volunteers:
Chris CJulie McSpadden
- Chair - Nominees:
- Motions to be considered - none.
- General business
- It's been twenty years since the current editors of the SGT started editing
Adventure Summaries
- Brief Candles - High - DM: Jim
- The Hero of Nightfall - High - GM: Stephen
- The Wood Wide Web - Low/Med - GM: Keith
- Those Dripping Bones - Medium/Chewy - GM: Bernard
- five go forth in Cornumbria - Low/Med - GM: Julia
- Wedding Preparations - Low/Med - GM: Terry
- Comments
- "If in doubt - beat something up"
- "Seagate Times - reshaping the landscape since the dawn of time"
Adventure Announcements and Sign-up
- A Plan may be forthcoming - Not Bunny - Thursday - GM : William
- Send Lawyers, Knives and Money - Medium - Tuesdays - GM : Bridget Dymock-Johnson
- Mislaid Offspring - Highish, but not God Bothering - Wednesday - GM : Michael P.
- Shopping on Grymeron - Medium to Newtonian - Tuesdays - GM: Dean E
- Smartest
- Father Rowan - Decided human sacrifice was a good idea for Teagan
- Kilroy - There was a Medinite Sorceress at the bottom of the ocean. Kilroy took off her pressure protections then used Bound Water
- Brunhilda - Had an idea to hide the bridge but still allowing the peasants to get through - WINNER
- Marco - elegant use of smoking magma to bottleneck the bad guys
- Aryan - put an item in a pocket he shared with Mark
- No Vote
- Bravest
- Kilroy - teleported down to take on mage minions - WINNER
- Mungo - being brave with his sword to jam a wheel
- Aryan - Leapt into a grapple risking being poisoned
- Hagan - jumping on a Horror
- Pierre - singlehandedly taking on a treant
- No Vote
- Stupidest
- Aqualina - repeatedly trying to get through a Horror proof barrier with a Horror inside her
- Mungo - revealing the entire plan when he wasn't supposed to - WINNER
- No Vote
- Best Death
- Nikola - picking mistletoe then plummeting 250ft onto beans - WINNER
- Aqualina - crashing into the barrier, releasing the Horror - only half of her went through
- No Vote
- Star of Alusia - No Nominations
- Jammiest B'stard
- Sir Wojer - survived all this weird stuff then flew up into the air, coming back with useful information _
- Mungo's peasant