A Walk in the Black Forest
Adventure: A Walk in the Black Forest
GM: Jim Arona
Season: Summer 814 wk
Night: Wednesday
Level: Medium violent
- Party
- Boris (m) the Orc,
NecromancerScrivener, Embalmer & Coroner played by Mike Haycock - Mr Morden (m), long-lived shadow weaver and combatant played by Paul Schmidt
- Yuko (f), vorpal chef played by Audrey Schmidt
- Bishop (m) warrior-priest of the wild west played by Jason Stevens
- Dellith (f) human warrior namer played by Clare
- Rahne (f) a Spell Blade. Akinrosi (human from Kinlu), E&E, Warrior. Played by Stephen
- Gard (m) tattooed elder from the dark jungles played by Chris R.
- Employer
- Vice Admiral Rolland, RN
- Mission
- Journey to the Schwarzwald on New Terra and rescue a deep cover agent.
- Pay
- 80,000 sp in diamonds + salvage
Scribe Notes
Crossing Victoria
Travel via Kerberoth (to acquire supplies) to the home of Vitri, Lord of Glass in Venice, Victoria.
Two days by train to Paris, overnight then by train to Antwerp.
Hire ship to cross to London, handsome-cab to the station.
Streets and station watched by 'spirit snakes'. We wait in station pub, blending with locals. Patrons are Soldiers and accompanying women, the women all leave about 8:30 and the soldiers suddenly freeze, out of time? about 9pm. A while later a man runs down the stairs into the station and falls dead, poisoned. Shortly a couple of the Lord of Serpents basilisks arrive and throw his body onto the tracks then stay and keep watch - we freeze like the soldiers any time they look our way. Later a trio of Cenobites arrive, we check our mind shields and continue to wait.
A few minutes before midnight we make our move, donning armour, applying spells and then crossing the platform to where the train will come. The basilisks and Cenobites become aware of something happening, Yuko distracts them and draws most up the stairs, the more powerful basilisk stays, assuming high station I encourage him to ignore this distraction and protect his master which he does. The Cenobites have called the Jackals of Twilight and set them to find the intruder and are surprised when the hounds charge past them back towards us. Morden and Dellith engage the previously distracted basilisk, the rest of us add ranged attacks and move to help. I blind most of the hounds with a flash of light, Yuko destroys several, I reach the fight just before the basilisk is dispatched then loudly suggest that Morden remove his mind shield and share his insanity which he had just so ably demonstrated in combat with the basilisk. The Cenobites open a wormhole and leave. We slay the Jackals before their vision returns and Boris seals up the stairs with bones. Then we wait for the train...
The Lord of Serpents arrives before the train, the walls slow him down but he steadily poisons them and approaches. Morden moves to engage and distract him to buy us time to get on the train, we board, Morden approaches death several times as he taunts and attempts to redeem the serpent then breaks free as the train pulls out. We snag him with ropes and magic and pull him aboard.
Aliens in Gotham
The train travels to Gotham on New Terra, the only other passenger eventually releases his death grip on his seat and talks to us. He is from Gotham and was intending to travel to London to get away from the aliens that have infested Gotham but the infestation of serpents in London is just as bad. He know intends to stay on the train as it travels back and forth until one city of the other becomes safer or he starves, and he'll pay handsomely for delivered food.
We rest and prepare ourselves for Gotham, invisibly we emerge from the train and make our way to the streets. We see the insectile aliens everywhere picking off the residents who are steadfastly trying to ignore them, we make our way towards David's tower only to find it's not there.
Dellith spots a Sun Dancer moving through the streets spreading beauty and sanity, they chat and after completing her task by passing two seeds to Morden and Yuko, the Sun Dancer invites the ladies to have tea with her, the men are to wait outside. She tells us that David left a few weeks ago, taking his ship to intercept an asteroid ship that was approach from the orbit of Uranus. The aliens started becoming a problem soon after that. The status of the Lord of the Swarm is unknown. We ask about alternate sources of dirigibles to get to Schwarzwald, she suggests asking the British Consul though getting to him may be a problem.
A local cab takes us to near the consul but won't enter the killing ground around it. Morden purchases his vehicle, we prepare ourselves, then cram in and Bishop drives us towards the gates.
We are assaulted by the aliens and fight them off while Bishop drives on.
We make it but the cab is destroyed and we have a few serious flesh wounds to bandage up.
We ask for the consul and are met by Vice Admiral Roland who tells us their spy has uncovered important information, they would like us to contact the spy get an update and investigate further. Boris performs a religious observance in the Consul's small cemetery. He will arrange travel documents and an air craft to fly us to Europe, the only issue is that the air field is outside of the city and the city is under martial quarantine. We decline their suggestions of crawling through the alien infested sewers and experimental spring loaded chairs to catapult us out and go with out own plan. Yuko turns most of us into kitchen utensils, Dellith invisibly flies out carrying us - this works.
At the airfield we meet our inebriated Irish pilot and the British aide who is working on our papers. Morden shanghais the aide to incentivise him to ensure the papers are up to scratch, Boris gives the pilot a sobriety draft and we take off. It is a long flight over the ocean with stops in Spain and France (where we leave the aide) before heading for Munich for the beer festival, we bail out of the plane before dawn over the black forest and then make our way on foot to the castle where our contact should be.
We arrive near the village in the late afternoon, Boris performs a religious observance in the village cemetery, a few of us listen in on local conversations at the village pub. In the evening we make our way stealthily towards the castle, now a hunting lodge for holidaying students, and spy through windows until we spot our contact. In disguise I enter and invite him out to come to the aid of my mistress, there we reveal ourselves, exchange code words and he tells us of the activities of a cult that is moving a lot of mad scientists, troops and supplies to the south pole. He would like us to investigate what they are up to. We discuss options and decide the best way would be to go to our pilot in Munich, fly to the Falkland Islands where we'll meet a dirigible to fly us to Argentina where we can hopefully pick up one of the supply ships and follow it to their base in the South Pole. We agree to look into the cult and he returns to drinking at the lodge.
While we have been in this area, Yuko has been able to scent Black Lead which is extremely rare and valuable for its properties against immortals. And we detected a couple of discrepancies, our contact showed some sort of shrouding in his aura and I sense he is of detrimental value to society - not what I would have expected. Bishop reminds us that we met with Admiral Roland both on Alusia and in Gotham and the tasks the two of them asked of us were slightly different. He believes the British intelligence network is compromised and that we are being deliberately diverted away from what is important here and that the Cenobites we encountered in London are probably involved.
Lead Shipment
Morden consults the stars sees the involvement of an old serpent and devilish creatures, and is certain that Colonel Turner is a double-agent working for Britain and the Cult of the Hold Vehm, he advocates immediate murder or at least abstraction and questioning. He eventually convinces a majority of the party to go along with this then sneaks into the Colonel's bedroom, saps him and brings him out. In the forest, Boris examines him and informs us of two foreign objects in his abdomen, then opens him up to show us. One is a crystal radio connected to his heart ad we believe it is set to transmit a signal after his heart stops. The other is a hexagonal shape that softly expands and contracts and is connected to his blood flow and spine. After lengthy discussion and non-invasive investigation which doesn't get us very far, Bishop attempts to disable the radio - a simple process that goes catastrophically wrong, kills the colonel and activates the hexagonal device which opens and reveals or activates a small wormhole. Morden releases his captured Purple Worm into the wormhole. Boris questions the corpse to confirm some of our suppositions. Bishop attempts to move the wormhole which only serves to shred the container and the Colonel's corpse. While considering other options we spot the worm returning, now glowing Cobalt Blue. Morden and Bishop have experience with this sort of thing and expect it to explode shortly after it arrives, devastating a few miles radius.
Morden captures us in his mirror, drinks my potion of distance ignorance and strides off to the south, where Bishop says there may be lead mines. In the hills about 20 miles away, Morden releases us and we take cover as the explosion goes off.
Morden and Yuko take advantage of the effects of the potion to scout around and sniff out the source of the Black Lead then transport us to near it. The mine entrance is fenced with guard towers and we estimate about 600 guards (3 shifts of 200), it appears to be operated by slaves with short life expectancies. We find a ventilation shaft and make our way down, we carefully sneak through the mine, find the working face, carefully extract 5 lbs of the raw black lead, observe a lot of blood from the slaves at the mine face, and then start making our way out after we hear alarm sirens start up. Once outside we observe them loading guards into trucks and driving out, they appear to be responding to the explosion which I confirm by tracing a truck.
We want to trace what they do with the ore so we settle in to wait and soon see a dirigible approaching, it descends into the camp, is loaded with a lot of raw black lead then departs southwards late in the day. With most of us packed up as kitchen utensils, Morden follows the dirigible for a while then leaps on board and sneaks into the superstructure to find a hiding spot.
We hide in the vessel for 12 days while it travels south, stopping 3 ties to resupply. We deduce it is heading to the south pole (Turner was telling us at least partial truths) and Morden sneaks out at the stops in Africa to acquire fresh food and furs for colder weather. At the last stop they also load tonnes of water and fly much lower as they cross the southern sea and the polar ice.
Eventually, in the constant night and lethal cold of the polar winter we come to a lit camp. It is fenced with watch towers but we notice that the fence is Hexagonal as are the towers. Packing us up again, Morden leaps off and dashes into an unlit building before he freezes. The building is an engineering shed but it has a stove which Yuko gets going to warm the room. We watch while they unload, blocks of ice and the ore all going to the larger buildings on the edges of the camp, people heading to the smaller internal buildings. We observe the camp for two days while the dirigible is anchored and then loaded with smaller cargo - presumably the refined black lead. We see frozen figures of disturbing geometry in the stone and Yuko smells hounds around the camp, we guess they are Corner Dogs - hence the protective or containing hexagons. People in the camp don't usually venture outside, enclosed tubes connect the personnel buildings with the manufactories.
We sneak back aboard the dirigible before it departs. As it lifts off we see that there is a layer of ice covering a rocket silo. We deduce it is a weapon to destroy David when he returns in his flying tower, we mention David by name to warn him but decide we need to take the dirigible then return and take the camp to stop them using the weapon.
Taking the Dirigible
We prepare for combat while we wait for the ship to get out of communications range of the base camp then make our way down to check out the cargo. It turns out to be a large amount of refined black lead and some flasks of amorphous water. We take a small amount of lead each and make our way towards the crew quarters.
Stealth and charm work well for us, only the bridge guard resists and is killed in combat. Our new friends turn the ship around to head back to the camp.
Then we find out about the transuranian on board, he senses us coming and combat ensues. We manage to defeat him but Boris is snap-frozen by one of the amorphous water flasks, Yuko manages to rapidly heat him without killing him but a lot of his equipment is damaged.
Rocket Silo
Our crew fly us back to the camp where we circle around and anchor beyond the ridge. Wearing the cold weather gear we trudge to the ridge and over then make our way towards the iced-over pit where the rocket is. On the way we notice that there is an area of magical warmth along the ridge line, this combined with the geography make the area of the camp warmer than it would otherwise be.
At the silo we find an external door and make our way in past store rooms where Boris finds medical supplies and an antidote to a specific disease. Then through an empty control room to the stairs, most of us sneak down the stairs while Morden shadow walks Boris down to cover the other exit. We attack the workers who mostly surrender once the guard and senior engineers are dead.
Investigating we find Corner Dogs in sealed octagonal crates and frozen (disease affected) zombie-like soldiers awaiting loading into the rocket. We also find comatose Blood Wolves connected to a device that seems to have been draining and refining their blood - we take their stock of potions before destroying the wolves with a silver soul sword.
Investigations complete we make a plan to flood the silo with the rocket fuel and ignite it with flares as we flee. We are making our way up the stairs while Morden ad Yuko break open one of the fuel pipes when we hear soldiers coming down the stairs with another Transuranian. Either we're very unlucky or we triggered an alarm somewhere.
Morden and Yuko finish their job (finding there was a portal to transuranic space beneath the rocket) and teleport to meet us at the top of the stairs. We charge up the stairs to engage the soldiers as the only other way out is through the entire complex.
The transuranian floats down the central column of the stairs attacking us with mind magic, the soldiers fire cold rays from weapons powered by the amorphous water. We take a lot of damage but recover and slay the soldiers though not before one of them completes his Pure Heart Charm and rips Bishop's head off. Morden and Yuko see our peril and ambush the transuranian with magic which sends his flambé'd body plummeting to his death.
Removing dangerous artefacts and weapons from their bodies we set the flares and make our way out - it doesn't ignite.
Heading back we debate options, Morden find the flight plan of the rocket - towards a secret base on the moon, then we open the other fuel pipes, exit, drop a flare through the ice and flee. The explosion is as big as we could hope and blasts back through the complex too.
Leaving our prisoners to fend for themselves in the ruins we head back towards the dirigible at a rapid pace that changes to hurried shadow walking when we hear howling on the winds.
Safely aboard we fly north. 15 days and several refuelling stops later we arrive in Britain where we conceal the dirigible and contact the Admiralty.
We brief the admiralty on what we know of the Holy Vehm, their base, Zombie-soldiers, the antidote, the moon base but don't mention the black lead or that we have a dirigible. They pay us and share information. We work out that there is a void cruiser in orbit around the moon, probably the one that was crashed into the sea near Gotham a while ago. Somehow it has been repaired and re-crewed.
We then send messages to the Lords of Rings and Metals informing them we have a valuable resource to trade and arrange a meeting point. 3 days later the Lord of Rings arrives, we retire to a private room and tell him of the Black Lead, suggest some targets, and negotiate recompense. Rings tells us of events in Tanuel. A new shadow-maze has formed between the paths of the dead and Tintagel and Ungoliants brood have emerged from it, the Tintagelites and Kerberites have abandoned the Keep of faces to defend Tintagel. Dantalion has taken the keep and has called in Seir who is bringing his two mountains closer together.
We discuss at length how to get the Black Lead off New Terra to where it can be best used - unable to use any Immortal based means of travel and not especially wanting to go through Gotham, Victoria, or Malkuth. We are almost settled on having to take the void cruiser when I realise we could get Yuko to itemise it all to render it safe to handle then the Lord of Rings can transport us all.
Two Moons
The 'cargo' safely packaged and dispatched with porters, we decide to investigate and try to do something about the void cruiser and the secret moon base.
The Lord of Rings transports us to Assirrya where we spend some time, acquire some boots that allow limited survival in the void and a Shuttle Craft that could fly us from New Terra to its moon.
The Lord of Rings then transports us back to New Terra, from there we fly up - none of us have the skill to pilot the craft but Bishop's haunts can operate it for him to some extent.
We fly to the moon but fail to find the void ship for a while - the timing of orbits is an advanced art. Eventually we sight it and discover that it is coated in sufficient black lead to conceal it from the Lord of Rings, significantly increasing it's importance and threat to immortals.
We attempt to intercept the cruiser but whether triggered by our presence or coincidence it starts to fly off making the intercept harder, we try and end up travelling faster than we can control, almost crashing to New Terra, then it's moon before finally making a successful landing (we didn't all die) only a few miles from the secret base. In assessing our state of health and reviewing our plan we discover that was one near-death experience too many for the Lord of Rings and he found more pressing matters to be elsewhere.
The new plan is that we investigate the moon base first. Hiking to the large crater containing the base we struggle with heat as we cross the dusty plane, a precipitous climb down into the crater, and then cold and moving discretely over the sheets of ice but eventually make it into the safety of the base.
Exploring we find the mushroom like buildings on the surface are just the start. Beneath are caves, a cobalt inferno for converting sick slaves into ash-zombies, a lot of Zombie-virus-soldiers on ice, mad scientists, experimental divine fruit trees, and some number of Transuranians living deeper below the base. The Transuranians (at least 3) are in charge. We mess with some plans, abduct with the body of a mad scientist, experiment with some fruit, then hide in Bishop's priests hole to recover.
We decide the first step is controlling or cutting off the communications, failing to find any connecting tunnels we make our way to the building we entered then across the surface to another that seems most likely. Sneaking in and up we find the radio room, charm the operator then talk about his work. The asteroid ship is due back in 3 days, we mention David's name a lot and the current coordinates of the ship which mean nothing to us but might help him. Our story starts to wear thin with the operator so he heads out to talk to his supervisor, an attempt to knock him out goes fatally wrong. We stage the room to try to make it look like an accident, cover our tracks and withdraw.
We discuss what to do next and realise that if David got our message, his best bet would be to hit the base with something really big around the time the ship (he can't detect) is due. His guilt at our unfortunate demise would probably be brief. As we can't discuss it with him, we decide to endorse his plan then leave. After all Taking off and nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
Hiking back across the lunar ice, mountains, and plain we have issues with cold and climbing but eventually make it back to our shuttle. Outside we see fresh (non-humanoid) footprints around the shuttle but no sign of what left them. Settling in we wait, rest, and heal...
The next day we are disturbed by tapping on the outside of the hull, looking then venturing out we see a giant ant-like creature (Lunar Ant) which turns out to be sentient. We talk to it and find we are in the territory of its hive, it is scouting us out. We learn that the caves under the lunar base used to be theirs until the Transuranians drove them out, the ice on the surface was their water, they want it back. We negotiate to meet with their queen at a later time to trade, they want water/ice (and their home back). Tracking the ant we get an idea where the entrance to its cave is and how deep they are - possibly deep enough to survive a significant assault on the surface.
The next day the ship is due, we see it cruise over and hover above the base, we wait and nothing happens. We wait some more and eventually decide that either David didn't get our message or has a different plan. We don't want to enter the base again as he might just be delayed so we decide to go for the ship.
Bishop haunts the controls of our shuttle and we take off. His control is more challenged this time, things get worse and we eventually abandon the shuttle just before it crashes into a lunar mountain. Dellith's Solar Barque takes us safely out of the doomed shuttle and away from the moon where we abandon ship before it leaves the plane.
Roping ourselves together, Mordin casts Increased Gravity on himself to take us back toward the moon then cuts it out once we're heading the right way at a reasonable speed. We use Spectral Hands to guide our path and slow ourselves as we get closer to the asteroid ship. The landing is fast and rough but we all survive and make our way to an external door.
We can only enter 3 or 4 at a time, our first group heads in and waits quietly for the doors to cycle the others in. But it seems we have set off an alarm, a squad of a dozen Nazi-Zombie-Storm troopers come down the hall towards us, their ranged weapons are deadly so we engage in melee and start to cut them down. We have killed most but are in a bad way by the time the others come through. They step up to the front line and finish off the last of the zombies.
Deal with a Demon
Boris reanimates most of the zombies to serve us and we make our way down towards the back middle of the ship.
Halls run the length of the ship and occasionally cross-wise curving around. Rooms off the halls occasionally, lock-doors several hundred feet apart in the halls. Shafts with ladders connect the levels, we make our way down 6 floors to the bottom of the first ladder. The floors are about 40' apart, mostly solid rock, some are occupied and busy others are lit but empty, some are dark and empty. This level is lit but empty, we make our way sternwards until we find another shaft going down and descend another 6 floors. This floor is dark and empty, we can hear an irregular booming through the ship as we make our way further back. Another shaft and another 6 floors, this one is dim and empty, we make our way back and figure we're close to the centre, we don't see any more shafts going down.
At the end of the hall we come to a locked door, making our way through we find the source of a red glow and the booming, they have imprisoned a Balrog. It speaks to us as we walk around it and calls for our aid, the Transuranians are draining it. We agree to attempt to free it, in return it will not harm us, destroy our common enemies (the Transuranians), and then go home. Binding words are exchanged. We carefully disintegrate the rock around the outer bars which are made of Prime Metal that will explode if damaged. Then crawl in and disintegrate the rock the mithril spikes are driven into. Boris soothes pain on the Balrog (don't want him twitching at the wrong time and killing us) then cuts the spikes out. Eventually it is freed and we're still alive, we wake it up, itemise it to get under the bars, then let it go as promised.
It doesn't slaughter us which probably equates to Balrog gratitude, then turns to smoke to fit through the halls and moves off to hunt Transuranians.
Now the Balrog is gone we can see a blue glow from below, we make our way down to find a 30' sphere spiked (like cloves in an orange) with 128 blue 'coffins'. Each coffin contains a human in a frozen/near-death state and they are linked by something like mindspeech. Inside are five Transuranians casting spells. Morden recalls stories of a Mile-Long Dragon on Westover that could only manifest if 128 people were linked together. We debate a while then decide that we probably can't control it so we should deny the enemy this resource.
Plan A: Bishop wall walks with grenadoes, drops them inside where they do heinous damage then we open up and mop up. We plan the timing carefully and have a backup in case his spell fails. It all goes well until he hits the inner wall which slows him until the grenadoes go off in his arms. Now the Transuranians are alerted.
Plan B: (backup to Plan A) Yuko disintegrates a hole in the sphere and we pop the grenadoes in with a bone construction shield to minimise blow-back on us. Except her spell fails.
Plan C: Boris' Zombies tear coffins out to make holes and we fire everything we have through the holes. This mostly works, the backup grenados get put out by the Transuranians but the backup-backup last Grenado goes off and sets off most of the backups. Unfortunately the mind mages have their shields up to take most of the damage. We shoot them with the Nazi guns and spells, they assault us with Phantasms which nearly kill Dellith and are occasionally met by Counterspells, we prevail, finishing off the last couple in melee which nearly gets Morden killed.
The Singular Spine
Travel up spine of ship, looting, discovering use of Singularity within substance without form and form without substance. When we reach the bridge we find the crew are dead and so is the Balrog, succumbed to its wounds. We estimate about a quarter of the 4,000 (approx) Transuranians were killed by the Balrog. We loot the crew, raid the captain's treasury, and dissect the Balrog.
New Terra Firma
We try to blindly control ship with Telekinesis without the intended success then chat with Dragon. It knows it's end is coming, it wishes to experience beauty before it dies, I convince it to set course for Jupiter to observe its atmospheric effects. Then we set up Zombies with the Prime Metal bars to expose the singularity and destroy ship en-route (after we've left). As we are making final checks we are surprised by a force (Transuranians & giant spider with mounted siege weapon) trying to re-take the bridge, we set the Zombies to their task and Yuko transports us to Tierra del Fuego.
Rest up for a day in a nice hotel then set flight north the next evening.
Land near a coastal town, walk in and catch the morning train north.
Two weeks north by trains to Texas, visit observatory and convince them to keep watch on Jupiter. On schedule we see the effects of something like the singularity impacting the red eye of Jupiter.
Stay in Texas for 8 weeks training then 7 days travel to Britain to report into the admiralty and recover our dirigible.
Unable to contact the Lord of Rings to get transport off-plane we fly our dirigible back to near Gotham, and release the crew to establish Bishop's new freight company.
Infestation and Disease
Teleport to garden chapel of the British Embassy in Gotham via Boris' Grave Circles. Invisibly sneak through the streets to the vacant site of David's tower and the nearby department store. There may be people still alive and hiding but it seems the Lord of Swarms and his Aliens have taken over the city.
Twice around the ground floor (ladies and menswear) before we make too much noise and sense something moving; up a floor (lingerie) where we sense movement too so up again (art?) which has good visibility so we circuit a couple of times before continuing up. Several more circuits and floors (home wares, bathrooms, cafe) staying just ahead of the prowling aliens. On our eighth circuit we cut off by two patrolling aliens, freezing slows them down and we manage to take them out fairly quietly. We ascend to the jewellers for our ninth and final circuit, we make it a third of the way around before six aliens corner us, abandoning stealth we engage them with all we have, taking significant damage but surviving, quickly looting, and then running to complete the circuit which we do just before larger aliens arrive.
We emerge in a corner of Bunker 12 on Malkuth, people are walking the avenues but they are all suspiciously similar. Masked guards watch over them. Invisibly we start exploring trying to find Apocalypse Cafe without talking to anyone or interacting with systems that are probably monitored. After a while Boris tells us millions of people have died here recently (within 3 months) and we realise that Legion - the plague on this world is loose in the city. We race for one of the external air locks, make use of a decontamination chamber and then don the protective rubber suits. Back into the city we spot one of the Lord of Similarities accompanied by Mr Hiss, we debate ambushing them on the spot but decide to secure our exit first, we search the city centre but can't find the cafe. Morden resolves this dilemma with a trump and we find the cafe which is heavily guarded.
Establishing a safe house near the cafe, Yuko creates a recall point, we come up with a plan to attempt the execution of Sims and Hiss from surprise then make our way back to a decontamination chamber to prepare potions that we can't safely drink in the exposed areas. Then back out to hunt our targets, while searching clues add up and we realise that this place is all one big trap for Sim's enemies - time to just leave.
Back to our bolt hole then we sneak and shadow walk into a building adjacent to the cafe. We plan to seal ourselves into a back room and disintegrate our way through the wall under cover of a silence.
One Step Back
We talk more about the set up of this trap and the more we discuss it the more we convince ourselves that attempting to use the cafe nexus would be a bad idea. Our alternatives are to hike or fly across Malkuth to Bunker 7, formerly the home of Marc which has a nexus to Feralie; Hike/fly to the Garden of Eden at the centre of the clock mechanism and exit there to the abyss; or back to Gotham. Yuko mentions she has a potential house she could establish which would give us access to an astral gate, preferably not on Malkuth but potentially on New Terra. Bishop suggests that we could ask the Lady of the Lake if we could use her Astral Gate and she may have a nexus there too, she has a house at Vinyasa (northern India, New Terra).
We decide on returning to New Terra.
We sneak back to the New Terra nexus and complete the 9 counter-circuits and find ourselves back on the top floor of the department store facing an Alien Queen and a dozen minions. We shield Yuko with our bodies and hit them with everything we can while she casts her recall to get us out of the city. Morden with the Queen and one of her minions captured in his mirror.
We pause in the village graveyard outside Gotham to check our status and ensure nothing is following. Morden notices a Medeanite witch moving through shadows across the line of our recall, she notices him noticing. Dellith has become infected with Legion, Boris is unable to immediately cure her, we itemise her until we can get a cure.
We fly to the airport near Gotham that we flew to Europe from, radio our dirigible to organise pick-up then wait a day for them to arrive. Most of a week to northern India where we disembark and respectfully approach the Lady's house. She's not home so we walk to one of her lakes and call her by name. When she rises from the lake and greets us we tell her all we know of what we have seen and done. She cures Dellith, shares some news with us, blesses our blades, answers some questions and bids us to leave via Victoria as she needs to know what is happening there.
- The Lady of Souls has gone to the Abyss to meet her end. She is a Questor for the transition of souls.
- Bishop acquires the ITN of Similarity's Named Demons.
Bishop places the remnants of the Abyssal Book in the lake of sorrow. We drink from the lake of hope then recall to the village outside Gotham.
We successfully bone circle back into Gotham and sneak through to the train station. We decide not to wait for the train, walking the tunnel instead so we won't be arriving on the train's schedule to be met by Serpent's minions. At the nexus transition point we find the tracks have been warped and twisted by 16 years of time - no trains can pass through here. NB Rings We stop, rest, and heal for a day. Yuko puts down a recall point. Then we continue to Victoria. The station platform is empty except for ghosts of WW1 soldiers. As we make our way up we see people entering the station and coming down the stairs but they are oddly distant from us and fade out of sight. We make our way out to the street and down to the docks as fast as we can then board a ship for Venice. As we leave we observe the river runs through the city in ways it didn't before and work out that London of Perfidious Albion has been overlaid on Victorian London.
Nine days aboard ship to Venice where we visit the Lord of Glass and then use his Astral Gate to the Abyss, a week across with Shadow Wings and home to Alusia and Seagate around the end of Autumn 815wk.
Buffs & Mil Sci
Long Term (assumed always on)
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Bi | Bo | De | Ga | Mo | Ra | Yo | |
Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Greater Enchantment (Ra) | 17 | +18% on all of (R)esistance, (M)agic, (S)kills & Stats, (C)ombat | Season | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Short Term
Magic (caster) | Rk | Effects | Dur | Bi | Bo | De | Ga | Mo | Ra | Yo | |
Protective Scales (Bo) | 14 | Absorb 48 physical damage | 24 min | ||||||||
Wraithcloak (Bo) | 12 | 20% Def +13% Stealth -4 dmg | 6.5 hrs | ||||||||
Enchant Armour (Ra) | 10 | +22% Def 2ap vs Phantasms/Nightmares | 5.5 hrs | ||||||||
Enchant Weapon (Ra) | 10 | +11% SC +5 Damage | 15 minutes |
Spell Racks
Standard contents of spell racks:
- ?
- ?
Watch Order
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Dellith | Rahne | Boris | Dellith | ||||||||
Bishop | Gard | Morden | Yuko |
Marching Order
Bishop | Boris | Dellith | Morden | Rahne | Yuko | ||
42,666.25 | 46,212.5 | 49,840 | 46,393.75 | 52,293.75 | 50,812.5 | ||
After the Loot Auction: | |||||||
44,111.25 | 45,557.5 | 46,885 | 44,313.75 | 57,978.75 | 49,407.5 | ||
Income (less expenditures): | |||||||
102,915sp | 68,760sp | 8,460sp | 127,215sp | 31,365sp | 43,335sp |
Bishop's Award
Boris' Award
Dellith's Award
Morden's Award
Rahne's Award
Yuko's Award
Item | Qty | Effects | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yu | Used |
Consumables | |||||||||
Potion of Strength of Stone | 8 | EN Buff | 8 | ||||||
Amorphous Water Balloons | 35 | Hyper-Freezing Grenadoes | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 7 |
Cobalt Chaos Grenadoes | 3 | 3 | |||||||
Potion of Greater Healing | 15 | Heal 3rD10 + 12 EN & 8 FT | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | |
Refined Wolf Potions | 24 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | |
Counterspell Potion | 3 | Branch Counterspells | 3 | ||||||
Phial of Poison Inversion | 6 | Invert Poison effects | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Sanctuary Potion | 1 | Contagious Honour | 1 | ||||||
The Suspension of Fire upon Water | 17 | Rk 14 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
The Consummation of Fire and Water | 24 | Rk 14 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Yellow Potions | 20 | Heal 2rD in Mil Sci Timeout | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 7 |
Blue Potions | 13 | Awaken/Unstun | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Mind Healing Potions | 12 | Heal 22 damage | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Kline Bottle Potions | 2 | Contain FwS | 1 | 1 | |||||
Poisons | |||||||||
Blade Venom of the Marsh Cobra | 3 | Halve PS, MD, AG, EN. | 3 | ||||||
Bullet Venom | 4 | D10/pulse x 3 | 4 | ||||||
Other Consumables | |||||||||
Raygun of Cold | 4 | Rk 15 Cold Ray, uses A.Water | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Nazi Zombie Anti-Virus | 36 | Used 1 each. | 26 | 10 | |||||
Pure Heart Charm | 3 | x10 PS for 15s. | 3 | ||||||
Balrog Teeth | 26 | Rk 20 Wall of Flames | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 |
Weapons | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yu | Used | ||
Luger | 6 | Single shot | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Mauser | 4 | Multi shot | 1 | ||||||
Dusk Blades & Sheath | 1 | 3 throwing blades per dusk. | 1 | ||||||
Viridian Wing | 1 | As Main-Gauche+ | 1 | ||||||
The Bonesaw | 1 | Healer weapon | 1 | ||||||
Itemisable Octohedrite | 27 lbs | Itemised Weapon blanks | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | ||
BoH Octohedrite | 15 lbs | Weapon blanks in BagOfHolding | 15 | ||||||
Balrog Fork | 1 | Staff/spear | 1 | ||||||
Balrog Whip | 1 | Whip | 1 | ||||||
Balrog Claws | 8 | Throwing Knives | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
Balrog Spurs | 2 | Daggers | 2 | ||||||
Armour | |||||||||
Balrog Scale Shields | Buckler/S.R/L.R +1%/rk | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | LR | 1 | ||
Fur Coat | 3 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Snakeskin Leather Jacket | 1 | 3 lbs 7 AP 3 MagProt | 1 | ||||||
Three Star Robe | 1 | 7 Mag Prot +3 MA 5% MR&Def 3 blades | 1 | ||||||
Miscellaneous | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yu | Used | ||
Balrog Sinew | 1 | 90' rope | 1 | ||||||
Balrog Eyes | 2 | Crystal of Vision +Fire effects | 1 | 1 | |||||
Hypercube Oven | 1 | Oven & Elemental | 1 | ||||||
Transuranian Pocket Robe | 1 | 10 pockets | 1 | ||||||
Transuranian Belt | 1 | Reduces weight to 1/3rd | 1 | ||||||
Crown of Mentacles | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Crown of Telepathic Mentacles | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Telepathic Enslavement Crowns | 5 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Severe | 1 | Compel for pass actions | 1 | ||||||
Crane Embroidery | 1 | Crane Transformation | 1 | ||||||
Blank Phylactery | 4 | ||||||||
A Stone from a Plover's Nest | 4 | 1 | 3 | ||||||
Coffin Nails | 11 | Dark Scheming | 11 | ||||||
Mastermind Cigarette Holder | 1 | Dark Scheming | 1 | ||||||
Cigarette Case | 1 | Protection | 1 | ||||||
Mithril Spikes | 6 lbs | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Mithril Pins | 6 lbs | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Prime Bars | 9 | Bars of explosive Prime Metal | 9 | ||||||
Crystal Spell Rack | 4 | +2WP vs Mind | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Jewellery | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yo | Used | ||
Enhanced Amulet of Luck | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Amethyst | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Diamonds | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Carbuncle | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Aquilegius | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Elder Flowers | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Enhanced Amulet of Hypericum | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Ring of Protection | 1 | -10 MR dm, 7 AP / pulse ablative | 1 | ||||||
Equestrian Brooch | 1 | Mounted bonuses | 1 | ||||||
Eclipse Brooch | 1 | Eclipse aspects | 1 | ||||||
Lore | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yo | Used | ||
Abysmal Travel | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Damage Squares | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Abysmal Strikes | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Morph Lore | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Power Words | 3 | Speed, Vitality, Spark | Vit | S&S | |||||
Sun Dancer's Candle | 1 | Sun Dancer Skill | 1 | ||||||
Incantations | Bi | Bo | De | Mo | Ra | Yo | Used | ||
TK - Triple Strength | 2 | 2 | |||||||
TK - Enhance Rank | 1 | 1 | |||||||
TK - Shield Bearer | 1 | 1 | |||||||
TK - Unseen Servant | 1 | 1 | |||||||
TK - Remote Sense of Touch | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Hypnotism - Suggestion | 3 | 3 | |||||||
Hypnotism - Forget | 2 | 2 | |||||||
Phantasm - Improved Damage Capacity | 2 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Phantasm - Enhanced Damage | 2 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
ESP - Mind Sense | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Mental Attack - Multi-Target | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Mental Attack - Mind Blast | 1 | 1 |
Summer | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
![]() |
Beltane | |||||||||||||
Meadow (1) | ||||||||||||||
1 | Guild Meeting | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | White Lotus | 6 | Seagate Light Festival | ||||||
![]() |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
![]() |
14 | New Moon | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ||||||
![]() |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||||||
![]() |
28 | Full Moon | 29 | 30 | ||||||||||
Heat (2) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Seagate Guildmasters Ball | ||||||||||
![]() |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Seagate Races | 11 | The Duke of Carzala's Summer Ball | |||||
![]() |
12 | New Moon | 13 | 14 | Midsummers Eve (Faerie Day) |
15 | Solstice | 16 | 17 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | 18 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | ||
![]() |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | The Castellan of Brastor's Summer Ball | 25 | ||||||
![]() |
26 | Full Moon | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | ||||||||
Breeze (3) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | |||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | Day of Death | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
![]() |
10 | New Moon | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ||||||
![]() |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||||||
![]() |
24 | Full Moon | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |