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Name Bishop PS 17 MD 16 AG 20 MA 17 WP 22 EN 23
Race Human
Aspects WT PC 13 TMR 6 PB 14 MR 28 FT 23
Sex Male Hand Right S. Status Priest HT
College Haunts Birth Date
Weapon RK IV SC DM CL RG Use
Unarmed 6 39 82 D-4 C P MC
Scimitar 6 39 90 D+3 B P M
Pistol 6 13 90 Sp Sp 16 R
Whip 6 39 80 D-1 - P M
Armour Prot AG
Hard Leather 5 -1
Shield RK Def MD
Skill RK BC
Items Locn WT
Healing Potion 10pt Sturdy x Belt 8 oz
Talents RK BC Rg Dur Effects
Ask The Dead 6
Spirit Vision 6 60 ft
Necrogeny 6
GK Spells (1 FT) RK BC Rg Dur Effects
Animation 6 59 40 ft 70m
Animation - Enhanced Rank 12 59 70 ft 130m
Ectoplasmic Skin 8 59 self 4.5h +14 Def, absorbs 1st 8 damage / Pulse
Ectoplasmic Skin - Enhanced Rank 14 59 self 7.5h +23 Def, absorbs 1st 14 damage / Pulse
Conjuring Darkness 0 53 15 ft 15m 60% darkness
Night Candle 0 18 15 ft 10m glow
Night Candle - Enhaned Rank 6 18 15 ft 70m torch
Spectral Bullet 8 65 135 ft imm D10 + 8 bullet wound
Spectral Bullet - Half Damage 8 65 135 ft imm D10 + 8 bullet wound, resist for half damage
Spectral Bullet - Minor AoE 8 65 135 ft imm D10 + 8 bullet wound to everything in the target hex, and each surrounding hex
Fear 0 28 15 ft imm
Noxious Vapours 0 28 15 10m 4 x WP check, reduce visual range to 20 ft
Walking Unseen 6 81 7 ft 7h May be detected by any Rank Witchsight, Wizardsight or Enhanced Vision
Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance 6 81 7 ft 7h Any observer must Resist - 6 or forget that they have seen the target
Spectral Hand 6 46 40 ft 90s PS 27, TMR 4, 2 word instruction
Psychometry 6 41 touch imm
Warping 0 33 touch imm May affect 1 object of up to 1 cubic ft
GK Counterspell 0 43 25 ft + 30 MR GK Haunt magic
SK Counterspell 0 43 25 ft + 30 MR SK Haunt magic
GK Rituals RK BC Rg Dur Effects
Purification 6 56 se;f 28h +6% MR +1 MA
SK Spells (2 FT) RK BC Rg Dur Effects
Life Draining 8 57 Touch 15s Drain 9 life, heal EN first, wrapping to FT
Life Draining - Enhanced Damage 8 57 Touch 15s Drain 1 x rollup D10 + 9 life, heal EN first, wrapping to FT
Spectral Weapon 8 67 45' 13m +9% SC +3 Dam, can strike insubstantial targets
Wall Walking 6 46 Self 70s Desolidification
Updated: 8/02/2024
Spell Rack - The Whistling Skull
Incantations: 6 Racked?
  1   Ectoplasmic Skin - Enhance Rank /
  2   Animation - Enhance Rank /
  3   Night Candle - Enhance Rank /
  4   Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance /
  5   Spectral Bullet - Half Damage /
  6   Spectral Bullet - Minor Area of Effect /
  7   Spectral Bullet - Minor Area of Effect /
  8   Life Draining - Enhanced Damage /

College of Haunts


Ask the Dead (T-1)
Range: 10 feet
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 20% + 4% / Rank
Effects: The Adept may, whenever they occupy the place in which an entity has died or has been buried, attempt to communicate with the spirit of the entity. Such communication is only possible if the Adept could have communicated with the entity when it was alive (knew its language, etc.).
The Adept must also be aware that the place is the site of an entity's death or burial. Questions put to the entity may only be answered with a simple yes or no, and the dead may only provide knowledge of events which transpired while they were alive. Once the dead have responded initially, they will continue to answer all questions until dismissed, or until the Adept has asked 20 ( + 5 / Rank) questions. Whether or not the Adept is successful, they may not attempt to use this Talent again, on the same dead entity, until 24 hours have passed.

Spirit Vision (T-2)
Range: 50 feet + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Effects: The Adept may attempt to see into the spirit world. They can see spirits, such as the souls of the dead (which normally remain close to their bodies for 3 days before travelling to the lands of the dead), those travelling outside their bodies (e.g. via the Spell of Visitation or the Herbalist Potion), incorporeal or insubstantial undead etc. (e.g. a vampire in the form of a cloud of mist as an undead spirit), insubstantial Fae (e.g. dryads, sylphs), summoned spirits (e.g. whispering wind, speak with dead).
This vision is blocked by material objects (even if invisible) and magical darkness of Rank 20. Although the Adept cannot normally see the spirit of a living being (inside their body) they may, at the GM's discretion, gain some inkling into a characters soul should they have attracted any spirit followers.

Necrogeny (T-3)
Range: Self
Experience Multiple: 125
Base Chance: Automatic
Effects: Due to their close association with spirits and the afterlife, the Adept becomes somewhat resistant to:
Fear Effects The Adept gains a 5% (+3 / Rank) bonus to any Willpower check to resist fear effects, caused by lesser Undead, hideous sights, etc. This Talent does not aid in resisting magical fear (e.g. Spell of Fear, Mass Fear Spell).
Undead Draining Damage done to the Adept due to the touch of a Greater Undead is reduced by 1 (+ 1 per 4 or fraction Ranks).

General Knowledge Spells

Animation (G-1)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object
Effects: This spell may be used to animate any one object, of up to 10 pounds (+ 10 / Rank) in weight. By taking a pass action the Adept may control the actions of 1 (+ 1 / Rank) previously controlled animates within range. Once set in motion, the animates will attempt to carry out the action until ordered otherwise.
The animates will move about in a manner applicable to their shape. Their TMR will not exceed 4. Animates have a nominal PS value of 5 (+ 1 / Rank) though this will have limited effect on objects made of flimsy materials. Their strike chance will be no more than 20% (+2% / Rank), with a maximum of D+2 damage. The animate will cease to function if the object is destroyed, or a Binder General Knowledge Counterspell is cast on it. An animate is an object, but may also be targeted as an Entity. If an animate is created through the use of a Ward or Magical Trap, it will receive one command determined when first cast.

Ectoplasmic Skin (G-2)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 mins + 30 / rank
Exp. Mult.: 200
Base Chance:15%
Resist: None
Target: Self
Effects:Ectoplasm forms on the Adept's skin and creates an ablative but regenerating layer of defense from harm. This improves their Defense by 2 (+3 per 2 Ranks), and in addition, the first Rank incoming damage points they receive are ignored, counting after all other forms of damage avoidance are applied. This will reset at the beginning of the next Pulse.
Ectoplasmic Skin will not protect against blows directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries, nor does it affect attacks that cause harm directly to the Adept (Disruption, Putrid Wound, Necrosis, Hand of Death etc). It will apply to other forms of magical damage, however.
The skin is slimy and the Adept may attempt to escape Close combat by slithering out of an opponent's grasp by Breaking 100 -> MD + AG + Rank in the spell.

Conjuring Darkness (G-3)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 15 minutes x Rank ( x 1 if unranked)
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 50%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Area
Effects: The Adept creates a volume in which nonmagical light is partially suppressed. The volume will be 1000 (+ 500 / Rank) cubic feet, and may be in any one contiguous area the Adept desires, provided that no dimension is smaller than one foot. The entire volume must be visible and within range at time of casting, and may not be moved. For visibility purposes, the Spell will increase Darkness levels within the volume to 60% + 2% / Rank. Rank 20 Darkness may not be seen through. It will not aid in providing bonuses for casting purposes, though it will neutralise penalties due to natural light, to a maximum of 5% + 1% / Rank. The volume counts as direct shadow for Star & Shadow Mages. If the lighting conditions are lower than that provided by the spell, no effect will be apparent. Note that because light is only being suppressed, it may still pass through, and no shadows are generated outside the volume. If it is possible to see through a Darkness, everything beyond it is normally visible. This spell can engender silhouettes of lit objects against the darkness, though not create shadows. Any of this volume may be overridden by a higher ranked Spell of Light, or neutralised (back to original conditions) by an equal rank.

Night Candle (G-4)
Range: 15 feet
Duration: 10 mins + 10 / rank
Exp. Mult.: 200
Base Chance:15%
Resist: None
Storage:Investment, Ward
Target: Point
Effects: This spell causes a candle made out of the substance of the night to appear within 15 feet of the Adept. It will will move at their direction, so long as it remains within range. The intensity of the light is

merely a glow at Ranks below 6
a candle at Ranks below 11
a torch at Ranks below 16
at Ranks from 16 to 20 it is as bright as a lantern.

At Rank 16, the light may be made unseeable to all but the Adept.
At Rank 20, the Adept may give the ability to see this light to all who were within range at the time of casting.

Spectral Bullet (G-5)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Living Entity
Effects: The Adept may cause [D - 4] (+ 1 / Rank) damage in the form of a bullet wound, to one entity within range, unless the target successfully resists. The wound is automatically infected. This spell will only affect living entities (i.e. it will not affect Undead, Animates, Demons, etc.)

Fear (G-6)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The Adept instills in the target an uncontrollable fear. Unless the target successfully resists they must roll on the Fright Table. If a double effect is achieved, the Adept may modify the Fright Table roll up or down by an amount equal to the Rank of the spell. If a triple effect is achieved, the Adept may modify the Fright Table roll up or down by twice the Rank of the spell. See the Fright Table for the exact results of the fear.

Noxious Vapours (G-7)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Area
Effects: The entire area affected by the spell exudes a charnel stench, and all entities within it, except the Adept, must make a Will Power check or become nauseous. The Difficulty Multiplier for the Check is dependent on the Rank of the spell:

Rank Multiplier
0-7 4.0
8-13 3.0
14-18 2.0
19-20 1.0

Those entities who become nauseous have their Strike Chances reduced by 10 (+ 1 / Rank), and must make aWillpower concentration check to utilise Spell magic. The multiplier for this check is the same as that for resisting the nausea. In addition, this spell causes a thick, roiling white mist to rise from the ground. The mist is 6 inches high (+ 6 inches / Rank), and reduces the range of all forms of vision, within the mist, to 20 feet (- 1 foot / Rank).

Walking Unseen (G-8)
Range: 1 foot + 1 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 60%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell may move unnoticed, not invisible. This means that it will not transmit light. As a consequence the target will cast a shadow, which may or may not be noticed, depending on the lighting conditions, etc, and will have a reflection in a mirror or other reflective surface. However, the target may not be noticed even if another entity is looking directly at them. An entity will get a Perception check to notice the target if the target becomes invasive on the entity's senses (e.g. standing next to the entity and putting their hands over the entity's eyes).
Note that a Crystal of Vision or similar means of viewing is considered direct viewing and is affected by this spell. If the target, or the target's possessions, are touched by another entity, or an entity's possessions, then the spell is broken. Although not truly invisible, the target may be detected by using magical means to detect invisible entities e.g. Witchsight, Wizardsight, Enhanced Vision etc).

Spectral Hand (G-9)
Range: 15 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 30 seconds + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Special
Effects: The Adept conjures a giant, invisible, spectral hand, which executes a two word command e.g. "Smash that, Lift that, etc." The hand may move at TMR 4, and may not leave the Adept's range. The hand may exert force in one direction equal to a Physical Strength of 15 (+ 2 / Rank). Entities or Objects caught between the hand and an immovable object suffer 1 (+ 1 per two full Ranks) physical damage per Pulse (armour may reduce this). Entities may break away from the hand by executing a Withdraw action. If seen by Witchsight, the hand appears coldly blue and skeletal and is roughly 3 feet in diameter.

Psychometry (G-10)

Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 450
Base Chance: 20 %
Resist: None
Storage: None
Target: Area, Object, Entity
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to ask a question of an object, area or entity similar to and with many of the same constraints as DA. However, instead of asking about things in the aura, the Adept must ask about the target's past. Double or triple effects result in extra questions. If the target has been subect to dramatic change, violence or vast magical power, the Adept may see something of this.
As with DA, a target's past can only be read once per season.
If one hour of Ritual Spell Preparation is spent, then the Adept may Divine Enchantment on what they are touching. If they spend at least three hours of Ritual Spell Preparation and subtract 20 from their cast chance, they may perform a Ritual of Ancient Divination.
This spell is not teachable.

Warping (G-11)
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: Volume of Object
Effects: The Adept may twist and warp up to 1 cubic foot (+ 1 / Rank) of any formerly living matter, into the shape of their choosing. The Volume may contain varied items.
Example An Adept could warp a collection of flowers, bones, and sticks together so as to form a funeral wreath.
The spell confers no special artisan abilities on the Adept. Once warped the object(s) will remain in their new shape unless remoulded.

Special Knowledge Spells

Life Draining (S-7)
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: Special
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept's hand becomes charged for 5 seconds (+ 5 / 4 or fraction Ranks) and will drain 1 (+ 1 / Rank) Fatigue from the next entity to be touched, if the target fails to resist. This thereby discharges the spell. The Fatigue may be used to repair the Adept's own Fatigue and/or Endurance. If the target has no Fatigue remaining the Adept may drain from Endurance instead. The Adept may not drain from both Fatigue and Endurance with one cast of the spell. Note that only living entities will be affected by this spell and the Adept may not drain themselves.

Spectral Weapon (S-13)
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: The Adept may increase the usefulness of any weapon within range. The weapon begins to faintly glow with a cold, blue light. The weapon has its Base Chance increased by 1 ( + 1 / Rank), and the damage increased by 1 per 3 or fraction Ranks. In addition, the weapon may affect targets that are insubstantial, such as Spectres, Spectral Warriors, etc.

Wall Walking (S-14)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 seconds + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 450
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to pass through solid matter by becoming insubstantial. However, they may not pass through cold iron. The Adept has a TMR of 1 while within solid matter, and may move in any direction, including up and down. The Adept gains no ability to see through solid matter, but may breathe in it. While under the effects of this spell, the Adept is virtually immune to physical damage except that inflicted by cold iron, but conversely cannot harm anyone in melee unless they use cold iron in return. If the Adept is caught in a solid object when the spell expires, they lose the ability to breathe in solid matter, and are trapped.