A Walk in the Black Forest Treasure - Yuko
Return to A Walk in the Black Forest
Yuko returns to the Guild on the 17th day of Breeze 815 WK with 49,407.5 Experience and has earnt, after Guild Taxes, 43,335 silver pennies. She has 30 points of Fire in 30,000sp worth of rubies. The contents of her heart have increased by 2 Innocence (to 22).
She spent 182 days away from the Guild of which 126 days were spent in training.
She has has earnt Spots, which may be used once per Pulse to restore FT lost from any cause except Life Drain or FT reduction, and require a Free Act. This table indicates how many "spots" she has, and how much FT they restore.
4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 12 |
She spent 182 days away from the Guild of which 126 days were spent in training.
She may:
- advance any Talent eight Ranks.
- advance her next Rank in Flying by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
- advance her next Rank in Climbing by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
- advance her next Rank in Stealth by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
She has been immersed in these languages:
- Folksprach - 40 days
- Destinian - 18 days
She may include the time associated with each language as part of her training time.
As a consequence of taking the Nazi Zombie Anti-Virus, she cannot become a zombie and has + 20 to resist any disease, magical or otherwise, borne by zombies, ghouls and ghasts.
She may turn aside any sword, increasing her Defence against these weapons by 15.
If she is assailed by despair or self-doubt, she may call upon the Lady of the Lake and she will automatically succeed, even if she has previously failed or there is no resistance available. Once used, this boon is gone.
Amorphous Water Balloons x 5
This small sack is woven from glass and magically kept in a fluid state so that temperature exchange cannot take place. It weighs 1 lb, and may be wielded as a grenado or rock.
If wielded as a rock, the balloon must strike an opponent.
If wielded as a grenado, the balloon must strike the hex an opponent is standing in. If successful, anyone in the hex must roll under 1 x AG or have their temperature reduced so low that ice crystals do not form. This places them in a state somewhere between unconsciousness and death. If the ambient temperature is 20 C, it will take 3 Pulses for the target's body to warm to the point that it ice will form in their cells, and this will kill them. The DM may increase or decrease the onset time at their discretion to reflect environments which are much warmer or much colder.
Any miss causes the amorphous water payload to spill onto the wielder, who must Break 100 -> MD x 2 or be subject to the same attack.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Alchemy | Void Crafting | 3,000sp | ![]() |
The Suspension of Fire upon Water Rk 14 x 2
This phial is robust, weighs quarter of an oz and must be Prepared before it can be used. The oil inside is vividly orange/red in colour. The oil may be poured:
- onto the surface of about a pint of water and it will produce a view of a place they know that is within 5 miles + 15 miles per Rank in Alchemy which will last for a minute.
- into the right eye so that any visual obscurement, illusion or deception will be penetrated. This effect will last for a minute.
- into the left eye so that the emotions or spiritual state of an entity can be observed. This may reveal curses, geasa, afflictions of the soul and other obligations (i.e. pacts, bloodthirst, etc). This effect will last for a minute.
Whenever the oil is used, a D10 is rolled. If the result is less than the Alchemist's Rank, then it works perfectly. Otherwise, the thing it is poured onto catches on fire and is burnt up within a pulse. Losing an eye reduces MD by 1, PB by 2 and PC by 4.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Fire & Water | 8,000sp | ![]() |
The Consummation of Fire and Water x 3
This phial is robust, weighs quarter of an oz and must be Prepared before it can be used. The fluid is vividly orange/red in colour. When the phial is thrown at an object or entity it will rapidly spread to cover a surface of about two square metres, large enough to cover a man. This will make the target as flammable as paper to the point where it can be ignited with Pyrogenesis or like magic. A cantrip would be incapable of generating sufficient heat. A lighted match would do just fine, however.
Usually, entities who catch on fire will burn from the legs up, but obviously if other body parts have been exposed to an open flame, they will start burning from the point of contact. It is extremely unusual for the head not to burn last, unless the victim snorts a lighted candle or something.
This is a curious spectacle to observe, the victim experiencing nothing more than an unusual sensation of warmth and perhaps some alarm. It takes about two pulses for the legs to burn off, about two pulses for the arms, and another three pulses for the torso. Their head will burn up at the end of the pulse. Until that time, the victim can move, attack, cast spells and so on. If the Consummation is somehow stopped short of death, then the victim's body will gradually reappear over a like number of pulses. Items that were subject to the Consummation, i.e. those that were worn on the parts burnt off, have a good chance of being destroyed. They are considered to be made of paper and must save versus normal fire. The chance of the item surviviving is 10% plus any magical bonus inherent to the item, plus the value of the wearer's enchantment. Only items made of orichalcum or those that are bound to the victim's soul are immune to this destruction.
Since the residue of the Consummation does not constitute a torso-sized lump, then dying by this method is likely to be permanent barring unusual defenses of some kind.
If the fluid is applied to an inanimate surface it will quickly spread over an area that would be easily big enough to fit a man. If this area is lighted it will burn for 4 pulses before guttering, burning through
¼ inch of metal or stone per pulse.
1 inch of material like wood or bone per pulse.
1 foot of ice per pulse.
It will not burn through orichalcum.
If the ash and smoke are collected, dissolved into a solution, and all of the corruption filtered from it (requiring an Alchemist of Rank 8 or better), abstract properties may be decanted off (at the G.M.'s discretion). The Alchemist might collect Wood from the remains of a door, for example.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Fire & Water | 13,000sp | ![]() |
Yellow Potion of Health x 2
This potion weighs 4 oz and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap. The potion will break if the DM decides that the owner may have unsuccessfully avoided a powerful blow, and a percentile roll to avoid destruction exceeds 70.
This potion can only be used once in a 5 second period of time, cures 2 rollup D10 points of damage, does not require a Pass Action, and in fact can only be taken during the Military Scientist Time Out phase. If there is no Military Scientist to provide a Time Out, the potion does nothing.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Mind | 4,000sp | ![]() |
Slap x 2

This bottle is sturdy and, if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, requires but a Free Action to use. Otherwise, the DM must determine how many Prepare Actions must be spent before it can be used. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
When the seal is broken beneath someone's nose, they automatically and immediately recover from being Stunned or waken from any effect (magical or otherwise) that causes them to sleep or lose consciousness, except that caused by a Major Curse. This includes Enchanted Sleep, Hypnotism, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Knockout Gas, Backfire effects and similar magic.
It does not rouse the dead.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Restoration | 1,000sp | ![]() |
Healing Potion x 2
This potion weighs 4 oz and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap. The potion will break if the DM decides that the owner may have unsuccessfully avoided a powerful blow and a percentile roll to avoid destruction exceeds 70.
The imbiber is cured of 22 damage points, EN first, then FT, but having no effect on losses as a function of spell casting or exhaustion.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Transurania | Magical | Sorceries of the Mind | 7,500sp | ![]() |
Potion of Refined Wolves Blood x 4
This potion weighs 4 oz and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap. The potion will break if the DM decides that the owner may have unsuccessfully avoided a powerful blow and a percentile roll to avoid destruction exceeds 70.
The imbiber receives a special enhancement to their Actions so that
- a Strike Check in excess of 70 + MD is a miss
- a miss is otherwise a FT blow
- a FT blow is treated as a blow directly to EN
- a blow directly to EN is considered a possible Specific Grievous Injury
- in the event of a possible Specific Grievous Injury, 2 are checked for and applied if possible.
This potion has a special enhancement which allows it to apply to Actions of a largely mental nature, so they may be applied to spell Casting checks with some differences:
- a roll in excess of 70 + MA is a backfire. If this is also a success, both are applied
- a failure is a success unless it is a backfire, in which case it's just a backfire
- a success is a double effect
- a double effect is a triple effect or two different double effects
- a triple effect is two different triple effects
Casting under the effects of this potion requires some blood from the Adept. In general, they must match the amount of FT spent, minimum of 1. Taking the potion does not require the imbiber to take advantage of its special properties, but they must declare that they are not before rolling dice.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Formerly living | Blood | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Potion of Greater Healing x 2
This potion weighs 4 oz, and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap.
Once taken, the potion heals 3 rollup D10 + 12 damage to EN and 8 to FT.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Healing | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Phial of Poison Inversion
This small phial weighs 3 oz and is as long as a man's index finger. So long as it is worn outside of clothing, it need not be Prepared to use. If the DM deems that harm to the bearer may have broken the phial, it will survive on an unmodified Base Chance of 70%.
When it is taken, the effects of the last poison to effect the imbiber are inverted - Damage is subtracted instead of added, stats are increased rather than decreased, and in general the opposite effect applies than the one intended. However, no more may be added than is subtracted, regardless of the method used to calculate it.
The effects of this potion last for 24 Pulses, at which time both it and the poison inverted will be burnt from the their system.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Sparlainth | Magical | Poison | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Invested Gems
Other Invested Items
Raygun of Cold
This long, staff-like weapon weighs 3 lbs and has a Base Chance of 60% + the wielder's MA of shooting out a blue-white ray of cold that will inflict D + 15 damage on the first object or entity that intersects its path. A Strike Check in the range of a blow directly to EN inflict double damage, ones in the range of a possible Specific Grievous Injury inflict triple damage.
The target's Defense is never consulted, although entities are entitled to a Magic Resistance check, which will halve their damage.
It can fire 3 such rays before becoming depleted, however, when each ray fires, a bulb of liquid, super-cooled ice is created on the stock.
The weapon can be swung like a light war hammer or military pick at the wielder's discretion. It has a base Strike Chance of 55% and the DM is D10 + 1. If a bulb of super cold liquid ice has formed, then the weapon inflicts D100 cold damage + a possible Specific Grievous Injury, any result applying, as the bulb ruptures and eplosively forms spikes of solid ice.
The weapon may be reloaded by using a Pass Action and an Amorphous Water Balloon
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Winter 815 | New Terra | None | Weird Science | 12,000sp | ![]() |
- Octahedrite has its own Magical Resistance of 70%. If it succeeds in a MR Check against a particular magic, it will always resist it afterwards. If it fails, it will always fail. A record must be kept of which magic it will resist or fail against.
It may be made into weapons that are a bane to the Hounds of Tyndallos, who may not bend space to avoid an attack, and whose Defence will only be their Agility, unless they have been enchanted in some other way.
Such weapons must be straight, curved or weapons with angles less than 120 degrees may still be avoided by them.
Itemisable Octohedrite
7 lbs of octohedrite blade blanks, which may be made into any weapon with a straight edge or point. The damage is base DM + 1, plus any bonuses from Weaponsmith.
Barbed Mithril
1 lb of barbed mithril
Barbed Ithildin
1 lb of barbed ithildin
Balrog Bits
Balrog Scale
The cracked and friable hide of this balrog has formed into irregular but horn-like scales. Each is about 2 centimetres thick, are vaguely half-moon shaped, and vary in size from 1 foot by 18 inches to 2 feet by 3.
They may be made into bucklers, small round or large round shields of the following properties:
Shield | Weight | DEF per Rank | MD penalty |
Buckler | 1.5 lbs | 3% | 0 |
Small Round Shield | 2.5 lbs | 4% | -1 |
Large Round | 5 lbs | 5% | -2 |
Balrog Claws x 2
These claws may be shaped into blades that will not allow a hilt to be attached. Magical throwing knives can be made from them, with the following base properties:
- Strike Chance: 53%, Damage: roll D10. 1 - 4 = 5 damage, 5 - 7 = 10 damage, 8 or 9 = 15 damage, 10 = 20 damage. The daggers inflict A or B Class damage and their maximum range is 12 hexes.
Once they have been thrown, they turn to smoke and stream back to their sheath, which takes about 3 Pulses.
Balrog Teeth x 4
These teeth are very hard, and each one weighs half a pound.
They may be thrown to the ground and crushed under heel. This has a chance of 83%, which may double, triple, or backfire. The following Pulse, a Rank 20 Wall of Fire will spring up centred on the crushed tooth, but having the proportions that the user wishes as outlined by the spell (Section 21.6 S-13).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Winter 815 | New Terra | Formerly living | Flame of Udun | 2,500sp | ![]() |
Dusk Blades & Sheath
This scaled leather sheath contains three Dusk Blades and the entire thing weighs 1 lb. These Dusk Blades are daggers but may only be thrown, and have the following properties:
- The blades never lodge in a wound, although they may be envenomed, and fade once they have inflicted their damage
- Three attacks may be made on the same or different targets in the same Pulse without penalty
- If worn on a bandolier or the like (i.e. in an obvious, easily accessible place) they need not be Prepared before being used.
- The base Strike Chance is 57%
- The base Damage Modifier is D10 + 1. However, if a non-prime number is rolled on the damage die, it is doubled.
- They are treated as missile weapons, not thrown, for the purposes of calculating range penalties
- Blows directly affecting EN are inflicted on 20% of the modified Strike Chance, Specific Grievous Injuries on 10%
- They are A Class weapons, but if a Specific Grievious Injury is checked for, any result that ends in a 3 is considered to be 13
- The blades return to the sheath on the occasion of the next dusk
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Nualis | Magical | Dusk | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Three Star Robe

This loose robe is made of quilted turquoise silk with stars picked out in golden thread. Three of the stars, clustered over the heart, sparkle as if mirrors have been bound inside the thread. It has a Weight Factor of 1 and may be worn over leather or cloth armour, only.
It provides 7 points of Spell Armour, a bonus of 3 to MA and 5 to Magic Resistance and Defence. In addition, a mirrored blade that behaves like a throwing dagger, may be drawn from each of the three stars. They take no time to Prepare and are treated as Missiles not Thrown Weapons. They may not be used in melee. Each blade has a 53% base Strike Chance, damage is 2 rollup D10 and the maximum range is 8 hexes. If no damage is inflicted, the blade returns to its star 2 Pulses later. If damage is inflicted, then this additional effect is applied:
- Fu Blade - the blade will shatter and the target must read all of their die rolls in the least advantageous way for the next 2 Pulses.
- Lu Blade - the blade will shatter and the target loses all benefit of leadership, i.e. they no longer get the benefit of a Military Scientist. If they are the Military Scientist, none of their followers listen to them.
- Shou Blade - the blade will shatter if any damage is inflicted but it is ignored. The target will not die regardless of the damage they take until a number of Pulses equal to the damage "inflicted" has passed. Having their head cut off, however, will definitely kill them.
Shattered blades are restored after lunch on Fridays.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Westover | Living Plant | Ginsu | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Snakeskin Leather Jacket
This light leather jacket is sized for a human and weighs 3 lbs. It provides 7 points of Protection and 3 Spell Armour.
A point of Damage Reduction may be bought for the jacket by sacrificing a point of EN to it. This may be increased once per season or adventure, whichever is less, by sacrificing double the amount of EN previously spent. This EN may be bought back in the usual way.
The scales absorb ambient sound and have minor colour shifting properties, increasing the amount of benefit the wearer gains from Stealth by 7 per Rank as opposed to 5.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Serpent | 13,000sp | ![]() |
Transuranian Fur Coat

This fur coat counts as cloth armour and provides six points of protection. It has a weight factor of 2.5, and will adjust itself to its wearer. It is very cool and the wearer subtracts five from the gauge. It can quickly become dangerously cold. For every point that the wearer's gauge is below seven, they will lose one point of FT per hour. Magical abilities may reduce or remove these penalties.
At a cost of two FT, the wearer may take the general appearance of a type of creature they have studied. This study is treated as an Adventuring Skill with an Experience Multiple of 125. Each creature type is learnt and advanced separately and is considered to be the Rank of the disguise. They must have had an opportunity to examine the creature's behaviour reasonably closely.
The wearer may disguise themselves as a creature of the same size or a creature larger in size by up to Rank feet in any dimension, whichever is greater. They may not disguise themselves as something smaller than themselves. The disguise can be sustained for as long as the wearer maintains concentration.
At least four points of FT must be surrendered to the coat each day or it will starve, dying in seven days.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Uranus | Living non-sentient | Disguise | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Fabergé Eggs
Orange Egg

This Fabergé egg is 2 cms long and weighs 4 oz. It opens to reveal 8 segments as of an orange. Each segment may be filled with a potion, regardless of the difference in capacity.
The egg must be worn on a chain or a brooch over the heart to be effective, and it is best if worn below armour. The wearer may take a Free Act and nominate which potion in the egg they wish to take. The next Pulse, a small, jewel-like needle will stab into the wearer without harm and deliver the payload.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Artifice | 7,250sp | ![]() |
Paper Parasol

This parasol is oriental in style. It is 75 cms long and weighs 12 oz.
The stick of the parasol is made from lacquered Malacca cane, the handle is bound in white samite and the cover is made from pale green paper. Chinese characters are embroidered into it with black silk so fine it can only seen through a jeweller's loupe.
It will provide shade for the bearer in sunlight, and although apparently quite cheap in construction, observers will consider it to be an amusing frippery and that the person holding it is engaging but non-threatening. Their eyes will be the colour of green jade.
It provides a bonus to Magic Resistance vs. Solar magic equal to Rank in Courtesan. Additionally, the first Rank points of solar damage per Pulse are ignored, calculated before any other damage reductions or mitigations apply.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Magical | Artifice | 3,000sp | ![]() |
Crown of Telepathic Mentacles

This appears to be a crystal diadem but is, in fact, an organ ripped from the body of a creature not known to mortal men. It weighs 2 lbs. If it is worn then it provides the following bonuses:
- +5 to the Base Chance of any magic of a telepathic nature (Telepathy, ESP, Mental Attack, Hypnotism, Phantasm).
- 5 is subtracted from the die roll when casting Mental Attack.
- Phantasm may be cast as a spell with a duration of 5 seconds (+5 per 2 Ranks).
- Mentacles
The Adept may manifest telepathic tentacles, or mentacles, by casting ESP on the crown. There are five of these mentacles and they are unseeable to anyone except those who know the ESP or Telepathy spell, and likely appear rather unnerving. The mentacles have a reach in feet up to the Adept's Rank in ESP + WP feet.
- If the Adept Breaks 100 -> 2 x WP + modified MA - Target's WP, they have established a form of limited mental contact with up to 5 targets. Even if they cannot be seen or otherwise detected, so long as they are within range of the mentacles, the targets may legally be targeted with any of the telepathic spells listed above.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Uranus | Formerly living | Telepathy | 40,000sp | ![]() |
Enhanced Amulet of Aquilegius
This tiny violet flower may be preserved and made into an amulet that, when it is worn openly about the neck, adds 10 the wearer's chance to avoid succumbing to the effects of Fear, and also reduce the result on the Fright Table by 10.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Formerly living | Herb Lore | 4,800sp | ![]() |
Enhanced Amulet of Hypericum
This St. John's wort may be preserved and made into an amulet that, when it is worn openly about the neck of the wearer adds 10 to their Magic Resistance vs any demonic, diabolical or similar entites. In addition, any magical damage they inflict is reduced by 10% and this is applied before ANY other defences or mitigations are applied.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.?? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Formerly living | Herb Lore | 1,600sp | ![]() |
Great Ring of Hags
This ring is made from a dark green metal and is set with an agate stone. It weighs 2 oz and its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the thumb of the left hand.
- Hag Ward - the bearer may not be approached by hags and witches any closer than 5 feet, and in any case they must successfully Resist to attack them. It increases the bearer's Defence against hags and witches by 5 and their Magic Resistance against their magic by 10
- Hag Strike - the bearer's Strike Chance to attack hags and witches is increased by 20.
- Hag Charm - the bearer may force a hag or witch to Resist or fall under the effects of a Charm spell, even though they would normally be considered a racial enemy. Should they avoid this effect, all benefit of Hag Ward is lost
In addition, it has the following properties:
- Disguise Face - the bearer may change their facial appearance (only) which will have the same effects as a Rank 10 Disguise spell, Base Chance 60% + MA bonuses etc
- Detect Familiar - the bearer may detect whether or not a creature within 30 feet is the familiar of a witch or hag. Break 100 -> PC x 2 + MA
- Create Amulet - if the bearer spends 3 days exclusively working on the required materials, they may create an amulet according to this list.
- Create Love Philtre - if the bearer spends 3 days exclusively working on the required materials, they have a 60% + Enchantment of creating a love philtre.
- Wall of Thorns - 2 x a day, Base Chance 50% + bonuses from MA etc, Rank 10
- Damnum Magnuatum - 1 x a day, transform target into a frog, halves Magic Resistance, Base Chance 35% + bonuses from MA etc, Rank 10
The ring is a focus for the following spells:
- Evil Eye v.Jono
- Mind Cloak
- Hypnotism
- Charm
- Instill Flight (only cast upon a broom)
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Feralie | Magical | Ring Lore | 45,000sp | ![]() |
Lapsang Suchong
- Description
- Lapsang Suchong is a corpulent, somewhat oily green Fire Elemental of around 7 ft tall. He can grow up to 22 ft tall if there is enough room. Nothing pleases him so much as a fine meal and this may cause him to clap his hands in sheer pleasure. He is completely uninterested in physical labour, fighting or burning, unless fireworks are involved, and they're pretty ones.
- He may have been bullied by the other Fire Elementals.
- Comments
- Lapsang Suchong is focused very strongly on his own comforts, in particular fine food, spirits and anything that can be smoked. He is an appreciative audience for a talented cook, and loves nothing more than to gossip over sweetmeats.
- Abilities
- His constant encouragment reduces the cost of performing magic related to the kitchen by 1 to a minimum of 1.
- He may increase the temperature of an object he is touching by his EN value every 10 seconds, max increase in temperature: 132 C.
- He may extinguish any natural fire within 100 feet of him.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 500
PS: | 7 | MD: | 22 | AG: | 27 | MA: | 1 | EN: | 22 | FT: | 43 |
WP: | 16 | PC: | 16 | PB: | 7 | TMR: | 10 | NA: | 3 DP |
- Weapons
- In theory, Lapsang Suchong may attempt to Immolate a target. Damage is doubled in Close. He will attempt to Close if he can be convinced to lift a hand in a fight.
- Immolate: BC 70%, [D10 +12 ], Melee & Close.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | New Terra | Long living sentient |
Tome of Abysmal Lore
Divining this tome will reveal the tragic tale of a nameless Kerberite Chaos Lord who was tortured and tormented by the loss of his woman and children. Eventually, after being promised to be reunited with them, he revealed this secret lore by writing them in this book.
It weighs 7 lbs, the covers being made from the hide of an adult Kerberite, the pages made from the skin of infants.
Anyone carrying the book will reduce their WP by 1 per day for a maximum loss of 7 as nameless grief fills them. This WP will recover 1 point every 3 days. Hypnotism can cure this loss once per day, restoring (D-5) (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks).
Once a section has been read, it is learnt but the writing vanishes from the pages. No more than 10% of the reader's Experience can be spent on these abilities.
Adventure | Season | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 |
Abysmal Travel
Experience Multiple: 750
This ability takes no time to train, but the reader must have at least 7 consecutive days in which training might take place. It can be advanced one Rank per season or adventure, whichever is least to a maximum of Rank 10.
The reader takes 1 day less to travel across the Abyss for each non-prime Rank of this ability.
The reader reduces the count of the number of entities who travel with them across the Abyss by 1 for each non-prime Rank of this ability.
Adventure | Season | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 |
Yuko's Word of Binding
Yuko has taken a Word of Binding to the Balrog

If Yuko keeps her Word until Autumn 816, then a lock of their hair above the right ear will turn blue. Their aura will change to reflect this change, and a DA question about the nature of the lock will reveal that Yuko is an Oathkeeper. In addition, their FT will increase by 1 and they gains 1500 experience points (unmodified by race). If Yuko breaks their Word, then their forehead will be marked with a F which is irremovable. A DA question about the nature of the mark will reveal they are an Oathbreaker. They will also lose the blue lock of hair and the extra FT. They get to keep the extra experience points, however.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | 1,000sp |
Special Abilities
Slough Blame
Once a day, Yuko may use a Free Act to absolve herself of blame against an accusation. She must Break 100 -> WP + PB, and if successful, will be believed. She may increase her chance of being believed by blaming someone else which will mean her chance increases to WP + 2 x PB.
Should she be gathered by those capable of such things, her heartblood may be collected for 20 Innocence.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Discriminating Sense of Taste & Smell
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: PC + 3 * Rank
Effects:Yuko's sense of smell and taste is enhanced so that the can distinguish smells & tastes that are food, drink or kitchen-related.
In particular:
- she may detect poison in food, drink or borne in the air, but not contact poisons or blade venoms and the like
- the smell of burning will always rouse her from natural sleep (no die roll needed)
- she can tell at a sniff if a kitchen is hygienic (no die roll needed)
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Phantasm - Improved Damage Capacity
Spell: Phantasm
Effects: The amount of combined EN + FT of the Phantasm generated by the Adept's Rank is doubled.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Phantasm - Enhanced Damage
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Disruption
Effects: This incantation of Phantasm changes the Damage equation so that damage is D10 + Rank (+ 1D10 for every Rank that ends in 0, ie at Rank 0, Rank 10 and Rank 20). At Rank 20, the damage is 4D10 + 20. All dice are considered roll up dice.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
ESP - Mind Sense
Range: 30 ft + 15 ft / Rank
Duration: 30 seconds + 10 seconds / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Volume
Effects: The duration of this ESP spell is Rank / 2 Pulses, minimum 1 although the range remains the same. The Adept may scan a 60 degree arc as a Free Act. Non-sentient minds appear as dim glows, sentient minds appearing brighter. Avatar level sentients appear even brighter. Although entities cannot be identified by this sense, they may be targeted with spells that affect the personality (Mental Attack, Control Person, Hypnotism, and similar magic).
Cost: 1200 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Hypnotism - Suggestion
Name: Suggestion
Spell: Hypnotism
Effects: This incantation of Hypnotism allows the Adept to target and make a single Suggestion verbally or by means of the Telepathy spell. If Telepathy is used, the projection of the Suggestion is entirely mental, and the Adept need not meet their victim's gaze nor speak their language.
The Suggestion is implanted at the time of Casting, and the duration is Immediate, although its effects may last for 3 hours (+3 hours per Rank).
Note: Because of the indirect nature of this magic, the DM may rule that hostile targets may be affected by this incantation.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Hypnotism - Forget
Name: Forget
Spell: Hypnotism
Effects: This incantation of Hypnotism allows the Adept to generally or selectively erase the most recent memories of the target. Memories older than 5 minutes are not affected.
The duration of this incantation is Immediate.
Note: Because of the focused nature of this magic, hostile targets may be affected by this incantation.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |