Prelude to Marriage

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Adventure: Prelude to Marriage
GM: Terry
Season: Spring 823 wk
Night: Thursday
Location: Online
Level: Low to Medium



Help a nice young lady complete some quests set by her prospective father in-law. She must NOT know the help has come from Uncle Sabastian.

A combination of Investments, art and silver plus neg loot options

Scribe Notes

1 Thaw (Duesday)

We met the day of the Guild Meeting and were directed to an interview and meeting room. There was a suspiciously good wine and cheese provided – I thought perhaps we’d either been directed to a room intended for a senior party, or that the comestibles may be the entire payment. After a while Sabastian appeared and provided both more food and a comprehensive background to the mission.

Sabastian has a niece, a human niece, so I think the relationship is more customary than biological. This niece, one Philippa by name, wishes to marry above her social station. She comes from a very rich but middle class (merchant) family and seeks the hand of a young man who is the fourth son of the Viscount of Westmarch. In order that his family might smile upon this union she wishes to make a “name for herself”, by which we understand she wishes to become a famous hero of the realm, or otherwise distinguish herself in some fashion such that his family will view her as a better matrimonial prospect.

Personally I would have thought the pots of money that her family has would have made her a sufficiently suitable matrimonial prospect for a fourth son, as most noble families have a tendency to be land rich and money poor and generally you can't eat the old castles, but anyway this apparently is the course that the young lady has decided upon and her uncle wishes to aid her in this, despite I might note, the young lady having decided that she doesn't want any help from Uncle Sabastian.

Sabastian, not being one to take no for an answer, is seeking to employ a Guild party to go undercover and pretend to not be a Guild party and to not be sent by Uncle Sabastian in order to aid his niece Philippa in achieving her goals.

[Aside: I'm really not sure this is a good thing as it feels like he's deliberately undermining her hero’s journey in order to feel like he is being helpful, or perhaps he has issues with relinquishing control. It would be interesting to find exactly why he feels compelled to intervene.]

From our perspective however, our motives are that he's prepared to pay us handsomely, to loan us all sorts of items, and to provide us with quite a few other mundane items that we may require for this undertaking. Sabastian took from us quite a laundry list of things which required an entire week to arrange. So far, he's been remarkably generous, so we should perhaps overlook avuncular eccentricities.

We asked a number of questions of Sabastian to determine how we might go about aiding Philippa, and Sabastian clarified a number of things including: famous is not the same as infamous, he would prefer that we did not involve ourselves in regime changes, and that he would be displeased if Philippa came to harm. Based on this we discounted some potential courses of action.

The current plan is to take ship to Freetaun, and then journey north to the capital of Hurrell where we can likely locate our nascent heroine. We then need to (somehow) ingratiate ourselves with her, becoming the sort of useful companions who will appear as small background figures when the official portrait of her is made as a great hero of Aladar. We expect to fine tune the plan and introduce some specifics into the gulf between “meet Philippa” and “Philippa is famous”.

Since we cannot be known to be from Seagate, as this would associate us too closely with Uncle Sabastian, and since we need to explain our rather unusual group comprising a giant, human, dwarf, two elves, and a halfling, along with sundry hangers on, we've had papers drawn up that show us to be members of the Adventurers Guild of Freetaun. We don't know if there was an Adventurer’s Guild in Freetaun, but there is now, and we are it.

After loading down Sabastian with our requests we agreed to meet back a week later at the docks. Sabastian and Uthgard headed off to Brastor, the rest found things to occupy them around Seagate.

8 Thaw (Duesday)

We boarded the ship “Silky Dawn” and met Sabastian's associate, a water mage by the name of Riptide along with the captain of the vessel (Thorne Blackwater) who made some rather undistinguished cabins available to us and advised us to stay clear of the crew and not get in the way of their maritime activities.

On the first night out around 2:00 AM an alarm was raised on the ship and our party member on watch Lady Arcadia raced downstairs to summon the rest of her group.

Places and People



Mil Sci

Watch Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Double File

Single File


Long Duration Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ut Za Mi AR LA Be
Disguise Illusion 12 change height, weight, voice or clothing 13 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Illusionary Aura 6 Partly obscure aura 7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fire Armour 8 Absorb (36 points magical) fire damage 9 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fire Proofing 7 Protect vs normal fire 8 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Short Duration / Situational Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ut Za Mi AR LA Be
Shadow Wings (Za/LA) 6 36 mph 3½ hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Multiple Images 6 two extra images of the target, which can absorb attacks 7 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wildfires 10 Burny speedz! (40mph) 220 mins Y Y Y Y Y Y
Weapon of Flames 11 +12% SC +6 DM (+11 DM vs vuln) 16 mins Y Y Y Y Y Y
Self Only Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ut Za Mi AR LA Be
Ice Armour (Ha) 15 9 hrs Y
Project Image 20 become invisible. Can move, hear, see, talk thru image n/a Y


Spring: Thaw 823 (10)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Candlemansa 1 Guild Meeting Seagate 2 3 4 5 6 .
7 8 Sailing Day 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Spring: Seedtime 823 (11)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Spring: Blossom 823 (12)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 Floralia 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Walpurgisnacht