Send Lawyers, Knives and Money

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High Lady Mourne Desolate-Sky of the City of Dylath in Terranova is in a spot of bother. It is so troublesome she has asked the merchants of Parties Interested in Riches And Trade Everywhere if they could acquire any slaves able to help her out. PIRATE assures the Guild that any such slavery will be of limited duration.

This adventure would be ideal for those looking for masterworks in Spy, Thief, Courtier and Troubadour. Warning - in this game you probably won't be taking any of your own gear.

Alandis played by Fabio
Pierre the Halfling played by Ian A
Villa played by Michael Young
Boabdil played by Antonio
Human the Fool played by Michael Scott
Prudence played by Julia McSpadden
Eltan aka Stupid Stupid Rat Creature Earth Mage and fighter with speed. played by Joe Parker

The job

  • contact must be confidential. Must not share that we are from Seagate
  • guild would like any information on our employer
  • why did the Drow go to war
  • how prepared for war are the Drow
  • Drow have been taking slaves and are good at looking for magic items
  • employer lady mourn desolate sky

rep from Pirate

  • Carlos

Will drop us off with real slavers, Pirate has a man on in inside called Miguel.

  • what do the Drow trade in?

Dinner and drinking. Then we travel to new terra. It is hot and there are wild animals. We are chained and put to work on a galley. The galley is controlled by skirt wearing hobits We row for a week.

Into the Drow citadel

We come to a Drow citadel on an island. There's distinian vessel. There's vessels from Azure

We see a team of guards inspecting the galley. We get hosed down and cavity searched.

There's lots of hobbits slaves,  humans,  a few elves,  half dwarf/giants called mul. 
The cave is made of bound stone.
  • the elf is from the blessed Isles. The Drow have conquered them.
  • we meet Sir Jackson from aladar
  • erlan the chatelean for lady mourn, we are given amulets which need to be coloured
  • courtier blue
  • orange is a cook
  • red fighter
  • purple mage

Outside there are strange insect creatures. Many slaves . We are marched off through the city. The city is clean and tidy and doesn't smell


Buffs 'n' Stuff

Healer 13

Troubadour 19

Thief 28

Spy 29

Ranger 22

Warrior 11 - +22 def +11 IV +2 damage

Assassin 11 - rear hex + 11 damage 16% chance to spec. Surprise 27% front hex 8%

Stealth 33 3 x Characters Ag + 193

Mil Sci 5

Merchant 6

Courtier 7


  • A point in endurance, strength, or will power
  • one slave amulet