A human ranger who does not yet use magic and has traveled to the Guild from Arabie.
He is played by Antonio.
- Adventures
Boabdil's College:
The College of Green Warding
The College of Green Warding is concerned with the powers of Nature itself and of those entities and things that represent it. It falls into the Entities branch of magic.
They draw not only on the elements of Earth, Wind and Water but upon the spirits of natural environments:
- Arctic: Includes tundra, steppes, permafrost and ice caps and other infertile lowlands in cold climates.
- Caverns: Includes all caves, tunnels, natural caverns, and other substantial underground areas.
- Marine: Includes the sea and land adjacent to saltwater, estuaries, coastal marshes etc.
- Highlands: Includes hills and mountains, moors, high plateaus.
- Forest: Includes wooded environments, jungles and woods of any sort.
- Plains: Includes grasslands, plains, pampas, savannah, prairie, veldt, and other more or less open and flat or rolling terrain. May include low hills where the land is open and not wooded.
- Waste: Includes all deserts, wastelands, salt flats, and other infertile lowlands in mild to hot climates.
- Aquatic: Includes freshwater environments as well as marshes, swamps, and land adjacent to freshwater rivers, lakes & ponds, etc.
28.1 Restrictions
The MA requirement of this College is 15.
28.2 Talents
Detecting Traps and Snares (T-1)
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: PC + 1 / Rank
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept is attuned to the rhythms of Nature and, in a natural environment, may sense the presence of a hazard to their life or well-being. Generally this may be interpreted as a "bad feeling" about a person or an object, or a sense of foreboding about a situation. This talent operates continuously and unconsciously. The Adept may also add 2 + 2 / Rank to the chance of detecting an ambush (see Ranger) .
Herbal Lore (T-2)
Experience Multiple: 75
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: This Talent increases their chance of finding herbs (as per the Herbalist or Ranger skills) by 2% (+ 2 / Rank).
Tracking (T-3)
Experience Multiple: 100
Effects: The Adept adds 10% (+ 2 / Rank) to their chance of Tracking while outdoors.
28.4 General Knowledge Spells
Converse With Animals (G-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 3 hours + 3 hours / Rank
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 45%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept may communicate with fauna (whether verbally or symbolically, and to what extent, are left up to the GM's discretion). Physical contact between the animal and the Adept increases the Base Chance of successfully casting this spell by 5. This spell has to be recast for each type of animal, for example talking to wolves does not allow the Adept to talk to tigers.
Converse With Plants (G-2)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 3 hours + 3 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The Adept can communicate with flora with which they are familiar. The mode and extent of communication is up to the GM's discretion.
Controlling Animals (G-3)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 30 minutes (+15 minutes per Rank)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: Animal
Effects: The Adept controls the actions of any animal that does not successfully resist. It will serve them so long as they continue to concentrate. If they release the animal or their concentration is broken, it may attack them or flee. The chance to cast this spell is reduced by 5% if the Adept cannot speak to the animal. If the Adept cannot make eye contact, the Base Chance is reduced another 5%.
Blending (G-4)
Range: 15 feet + 1 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 60%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: Once this spell is cast, the target must be in a natural environment and remain still in order for it to have effect. While remaining still, the target is not able to be seen by nonmagical means (i.e. as for invisibility). If the target moves, the spell ceases to work. However, if the target becomes still again during the duration of the spell, it will resume its effect. The duration of the spell refers to the time since casting, not the time that the spell is actually in effect (i.e. while the target is still).
Keeping still will require (as a minimum) a 4 WP check every hour. The target may be required to make additional willpower checks at the GM's discretion. The spell only has effect while the target is "still". This means that the target is unable to move any of its external surfaces, with limited exceptions. Moving an external surface encompasses such actions as moving a limb, or opening and closing the mouth. Blinking and normal bodily movement caused by normal breathing will not constitute moving for the purposes of this spell. The following actions will automatically cause the spell to cease working: talking, spellcasting, triggering (subject to any revision of the Investment ritual), readying a weapon, altering facing in a hex, moving from the hex, using a silent language, or indeed any Action other than a Pass action (and Pass actions being restricted as outlined).
Note that it is not relevant if an observer would see the movement for the spell to cease working (e.g. moving hands behind back, or talking behind hand will both cause the spell to cease having an effect).
Walking Unseen (G-5)
Range: 1 foot + 1 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 50%
Resist: None
'Storage: Investment, Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell may move unnoticed, not invisible. This means that it will not transmit light. As a consequence the target will cast a shadow (which may or may not be noticed depending on the lighting etc — even if noticed may not be connected to the target) and have a reflection in a mirror (or any reflective surface). However the target may not be noticed even if another entity is looking directly at him/her. It should be noted that a crystal of vision or similar would count as looking directly at the target, not as a reflection. An entity will get a perception check if the target becomes invasive on that entity's senses (e.g. standing in a frontal adjacent hex, or standing behind the entity with the target's hands over his/her eyes). Although the target is not invisible, it may be detected using any magical means for detecting invisible entities (e.g. witchsight). If the target of the spell be touched by another entity, or that entity's possessions, then the spell is broken. The target of the spell may not break it voluntarily (other than by, for example, touching another entity).
Once broken the spell must be recast.
Healing (G-6)
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple:200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Special
Target: Herbs
Effects: This spell may be cast in two ways:
Using Common Herbs:
The Adept can cure 3 ( + 1 / Rank) Damage Points suffered due to disease or injury. The spell takes about 5 minutes to cast.
Using Uncommon or Rare Herbs:
The Adept can cure 1( + 1 / 2 Ranks) Damage Points suffered due to disease or injury. The spell takes effect immediately, during the Pulse.
Feet of Cat (G-7)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects:This spell increases the Adept's
- TMR by 1 (+ 1 / 10 Ranks)
- horizontal leaping distance by 1 / Rank feet
- vertical leaping distance by 1 / 3 Ranks feet
- Stealth by 1 / Rank.
In addition, the Rank of the spell is subtracted from the die roll for an AG stat roll that is not covered by any other ability.
Nature's Blight (G-8)
Range:15 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 1 day / Rank, min 1 day
Experience Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity
Effects: The Adept calls upon Nature to curse a target with a particular blight as listed below. If the effects of the blight are doubled or tripled, the Adept may inflict 2 or 3 different results. If a Ritual of Remove Curse is employed, Nature's Blight is considered a Minor Curse. A Ritual of Remove Curse must be used on each separate blight. Identical curse effects are not cumulative. The Adept may always choose to inflict a blight of lesser Rank than their actual Rank. The blights that the Adept may inflict are dependent on the Rank of the spell:
Rank Curse
0-4 The victim will suffer hallucinations that will reduce their Perception by 5 in addition to any specific effects. The GM and the Adept must work out the exact nature of the hallucination at the time that the curse is made. Hallucinations should, however, be of a minor, generalised nature, seeing coloured lights in the distance, hearing sounds like the clanking of weaponry, smelling meat cooking from time to time, and so forth.
Rank | Blight |
0 - 4 | The victim will suffer hallucinations that will reduce their Perception by 5 in addition to any specific effects. The GM and the Adept must work out the exact nature of the hallucination at the time that the curse is made. Hallucinations should, however, be of a minor, generalised nature, seeing coloured lights in the distance, hearing sounds like the clanking of weaponry, smelling meat cooking from time to time, and so forth. |
5 - 9 | The victim will suffer from terrible migraines and must make a concentration check for every complex action (such as casting or using a skill, but not standard combat). |
10 - 19 | One of:
20 | Adept may choose an extra blight as the result of this Cast. |
- Note
- If the Adept should roll a Cast Check in the range of a double or triple effect and their Rank is 20, they are entitled to inflict three or four blights, not six or eight.
Nature's Blessing (G-9)
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 20%
Storage: Investment, Ward, Potion
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: The target of this spell is protected against the natural effects of the elements in a given environment (as listed above). The spell reduces elemental damage equal to 1 / 4 Ranks and improves the chance of resisting environmental effects by the Rank of the Spell. The duration of the protection is 30 minutes (+ 30 minutes / Rank) or until the target leaves the environment that the blessing is needed against. For example, Nature's Blessing of Rank 10 will reduce cold and ice damage by 3 and improve the target's chance of not slipping on ice by 10 while the target remains in a natural environment that is Arctic. Changing environments will end the blessing if duration remains.
Bull's Strength (G-10)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 minutes / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell increases the Adept's PS by 1 + 1/2 Ranks.
Hunter's Mark (G-11)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: Special
Storage: None
Target: Trace or Object
Effects: The Adept touches a track or object which has been in contact with the target. If the spell is successful and the target is within 15 miles (+ 5 miles per Rank), then whenever they track the target, they increase their success chance by the Rank of this spell, whenever they Cast or Strike this target, the Adept reduces the die roll result by 1 / 4 Ranks and increase damage by 1 (+ 1 / 10 Ranks). Finally, the target's Magic Resistance is reduced by 20 (+ Rank ) vs the Adept.
This does not stack with die roll reductions from the Assassin Skill.
The Adept can only have one Hunter's Mark active at a time.
28.5 General Knowledge Rituals
Summoning Animals (Q-1)
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: MA + 3% / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Animals
Cast Time: 1 hour
Material: None
Actions: Concentration
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: If the Ritual Check is successful then a number of small animals equal to the Adept's Rank (minimum 1) are summoned . Alternatively, one large animal (no greater than an elephant) may be summoned. The animal the Adept attempts to summon must be a native of the area.
If the Adept chooses to vocalise their summons in the form of a loud shout or call the Base Chance is increased by 25%.
28.6 Special Knowledge Spells
Beast Rider (S-1)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+ 15 minutes / Rank)
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: None
Target: Beast
Effects: This spell only works while the Adept has the target controlled or if it is trained by the Adept (refer Beast Master) to accept this intrusion. Once Cast, the Adept wholly enters the body of the target creature and may direct its actions. The PS, MD, AG & EN of the creature are somewhat compromised by this magic, so that they and any Ranks or abilities that they have are reduced to the minimum for a creature of its kind. The MA, WP, FT & PC are always the Adept's. Special totemic forms may be awarded by the DM which have better or more defined abilities and the Adept must keep accurate records of these.
Unless otherwise noted, the Adept may infiltrate the form of a creature no larger than a bear and no smaller than a mouse.
Wall of Thorns (S-2)
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Area
Effects: The Adept causes a wall of tangled briars and thorns to spring forth from the ground. The wall is 10 feet high 20 feet long 2 feet thick. The Adept may increase the length or height by 1 foot per Rank. The wall may not be cast on top of an entity. A human-sized hole may be made in the wall by causing 20 points of damage in one area. This damage need not come from a single attack. All "A" class weapons and most "C" class will have little effect on the tough springy vines. An entity forcibly pressed against the wall, or attempting to force their way through it will suffer [D + 2] damage for every Pulse they are so engaged.
This damage is entirely physical, and armour may protect against it. An entity can normally force its way through the wall in 6 Pulses. The wall is very dense, and may not be seen through.
This wall is a legal target of the Blending spell and Enchanting Plants.
Heart of the Bear (S-3)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Potion, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell has their Endurance increased by Rank points (minimum 1). A target may only be a subject of Heart of the Bear or Strength of Stone, the highest Rank always displacing the lower.
Nature's Armour (S-4)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell increases the defense from physical weapons of the target by 2 + 3 / 2 Ranks and, 1 is added to the Adept's Protection 1 for every 4 Ranks. In addition, any Grievous Blow to the target will disrupt
the spell but, in that case, the Specific Grievous Injury will not be applied to the target.
Natural Weapon (S-5)
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: Increases the target's Strike Chance with their primary weapon 1 (+ 1 / Rank) and increases the damage done by 1 for every 3 (or fraction) Ranks. This spell may enhance the natural weapons of a beast.
Equilibrium (S-6)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes / Rank)
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell may
- minimise the impact of a fall by cunningly shifting their weight. This means that the height they fall from is reduced by their AG (in ft), and in any case is never more than 100 feet.
- increase their chance of performing any Action which is purely based on balance or maintaining their physical equilibrium by the Rank of this spell.
Animal Growth (S-7)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (+ 30 minutes / Rank)
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Non-sentient mammal
Effects: One mammal of the Adept's choice is doubled in size. This doubles the mammal's PS and EN. TMR is improved by 3, movement rate is increased by 150 yards per minute.
Enchanting Plants (S-8)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 1 day + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 15%
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Plant
Effects: This spell may impart partial mobility to a number of plants (including trees) equal to the Adept's Rank. The plants may not uproot themselves, but may move their branches and leaves while remaining in the same spot. The plant's actions are always under the control of the Adept so long as they maintain their concentration. If their concentration is broken, voluntarily or otherwise, the plants will be controlled by the GM until the Adept reestablishes control and could, conceivably attack the Adept.
Arrow Flight (S-9)
Range: 5 feet
Duration: 20 minutes + 20 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 35%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Arrows or Quarrels
Effects: The Adept can temporarily improve the flying quality of 2 (+ 1 / 2 Ranks) arrows or quarrels. Anyone firing arrows or quarrels affected by this spell has their Base Chance modified by +2% (+ 1 / Rank).
At rank 16+ the arrows are counted as magical for determining which entities may be harmed.
Water Breathing (S-10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell forms a set of gills in the subject's neck and covers their eyes with a transparent film. This allows the target to breathe and see equally well under water as on land. The target may cast spells subject to the restrictions of their College. The spell does not affect the target's ability to operate on the surface. This spell allows vocal communication to a range of the target's perception in hexes.
Waters of Vision (S-11)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 seconds
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Pool of water
Effects: The Adept must touch a pool of water with their hand. They may then view visions (usually precognitive in nature) concocted by the GM. At Rank 5 and above, they may use this technique to spy into an area to see what is going on there. The maximum distance from the character to the area being spied into is 5 miles (+ 15 / Rank). The point of view of the Waters cannot be changed. If the Adept is not able to form a clear mental image of the location to be spied upon or command the waters to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the GM's discretion as to what will be seen.
Hibernation (S-12)
Range: 5 feet
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell is placed in suspended animation for up to ([Rank Rank]) days as specified by the Adept. At Rank 20 there is no maximum and the Adept may choose any duration. All bodily functions including ageing, are suspended for the duration of the spell and the target feels cool to the touch. The target is immune to cold and suffocation, and takes no more damage from existing injuries while this spell is in effect. Additional injuries will still affect the target, but any damage that would occur due to bleeding, poison etc. is ignored. When the spell duration runs out, or the spell is dispelled, the target awakens with physical strength reduced by 1 / full week hibernated and immediately begins to suffer from any existing injuries and conditions (poison, disease, shock, bleeding and suchlike). Physical strength may be regained at a rate of 1 point per day, and is not reduced below 1. Entities that naturally hibernate suffer -20 to their Magic Resistance vs. this spell.
Storm Calling (S-13)
Range: Special
Duration: 60 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Magical Trap
Target: Special
Effects: The Adept may summon any storm front which may exist anywhere in sight. If no front can be seen, the spell can still be cast but the Base Chance is modified by -20. Generally, a storm front can be seen for 20 to 30 miles. Upon reaching the spot occupied by the Adept at the time of casting, the storm front will slow and finally cease moving and begin to downpour (snow, rain, hail, sleet or whatever else the GM feels the clouds may contain). The storm front will take D10 3 minutes (- 1 / Rank) to arrive, minimum 1. Once the duration has lapsed the weather will gradually return to normal over a similar amount of time.
28.7 Special Knowledge Rituals
Commune with Nature
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 40% + 3% / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Adept may gain insight into the future by communing with the spirits of Nature. There is no possibility of backfire from this ritual. The performance of this ritual allows the Adept to exercise one of the following functions during its course:
Limited Precognition: This ritual produces the same results as for the Spell of Limited Precognition of the Mind College.
Divining Enchantment: The object or entity must be present for the entire duration of the ritual, and be within 5 feet (+ 1 / Rank). The ritual may not be resisted. The Base Chance is reduced by 5 for every week or part thereof since the spell that is being divined was cast. Permanent magic (e.g. invested items still with charges) or spells currently in effect carry no modifier. The Adept gains knowledge of those spells that fall within their cast chance. If the Adept can divine the spell, its exact name and college are revealed. If the spell is non-colleged in origin, its general effects are revealed.
Nature's Wisdom: The Adept may gain some understanding of the environment in which they are performing the Ritual within 1 mile (+ 1 mile / Rank) radius.
Only one of these two options may be performed at each casting of the Ritual.