Red Red Wine

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Scribe Notes

Adventure: Red Red Wine
GM: Chris C
Season: Winter 813 wk
Night: Thursday
Level: Low-Low Medium
Location: Royal Oak/Onehunga


Game Details

Employer and Mission Details

The party Employer is the scion of a rich family that has lost a valuable ship The Late Harvest and its contents in the Far SE Archipelago. He seeks a band of competant adventurers to aid him, beautiful human females preferred but other entertained. The ship was en route between the Pavoni Vineyards in Lunar and Port Avalossa along with sundry other cargo and it failed to dock in Chingkapur as expected as well as failing to arrive at Port Avalossa as its final destination.

See Autumn 813.


Guild rates plus bonuses - to be negotiated with the party employer

Scribe Notes

1st Frost 813wk

Menolly writes:
Guild Meeting Day

We meet up in one of the Guild Meeting Rooms with our employer, Mario. He’s a male human, a wine merchant and Mind Mage. Also there is Mayhem, the male hobbit who is a Namer and an apothecary. Bobdul is a human ranger, very tall. Poppy, a female human gypsy warrior.

The job is a wine boat of Mario’s family has gone missing. We need to find the boat and get it returned. And there are 5 Guild members on the boat too. So they are now missing. We need to find them too. One of the crew is a water mage.

The boat traveled part of the way to it’s scheduled destination. It got as far as Port Ebola and left there. But didn’t make it to Port Avalossa in the Theropsid Isles. The boat travels there with wine, trades them and collects spices and fruits and other things from the Isles. And then goes back home.

So we plan to catch a boat to it’s last know location and try and find out what’s happened. Retracing the boats footsteps. So we discuss payment, expenses and plan for locating missing boat. We discuss protect and buffs and what we need to do here before we leave. Greater Enchantments are discussed. Mario offers to cover some of the expenses so we can all get some protect.

Poppy spends 2400sp to upgrade the job offer so she has 3 areas covered by the Greater. We also discuss tropical areas and insect repellants, winter clothes for the first few nights and when we round the Cape of Maelstroms. It will be cold but the final destination is a tropical jungle. While preparing for the trip Poppy checks out any scribe notes in the library about the Therupsed Isles. She makes some notes and gets some copies of what Guild maps there are of the area. I also buy $500 of dyes and other items for working cloth with an idea of trading them at the end or along the way.

Mario, Mayhem and Bobdul go out on the town. The One-Horned God Temple is having a festival so eventually they all end up there for revelry.

Mayhem's Notes: Went shopping. Got some meat and a bonfire itemised. Looked for explosives. None.
Went out. Got laid. Had a smoke.

2nd-4th Frost 813wk

Menolly writes:
We catch passage on a ship which is fast and reliable to Port Ebola. Ship is called Queen Esmeralda. She docks for 3 hours here, so we have to be prompt. There are 26 other passengers.

First destination is to Saint Aleena. It takes 3 days to get there. The weather is very odd so my Mana Sight gets a work out looking out watching the seas for maelstrom ripples. We don’t want to bumb into any wild magic that could cause us damage.. we chat to the crew and train with some. Some of us don’t travel so well when it’s rough or the ship isn’t under the mage current.

Mayhem's Notes: Got on boat. Got sick. Went ... away somewhere, probably south. Fenced in the rigging.

5th Frost 813wk

Arrived in St Hylena at dawn, Departed at 9am heading south towards Raniterre.

Menolly writes:
We arrive at port and have exactly 3 hours to have a walk about to stretch our legs. In port is Mario Amazonian women. He goes over for a chat and takes Mayhem with him. Bobgul and Bob and I go for a walk also. The Amazonian women on Mario’s boat seem to know him well. He chats to them, and gets some wine skins with Urgla and a wine skin of (insert name) He asks the ladies to keep an eye out for the stock that is missing incase it turns up somewhere else. Bobdul has some luck chatting to some local ship hands. Learns that the missing ship did travel this way. The chaps were called Mad Jack and Hook Hand Bart.

Once the loading and unloading happens they call everyone back onto the ship and head off to our next destination. Port Arantea.

Mayhem's Notes: Got off boat, had a look around, met some women with architecture. Assaulted their south-facing features. Had a smoke.Picked up some Urgla and some other stuff named Jyice which looks useful if we can find a way to distill it down and pour it into a grenado.

6th-7th Frost 813wk

Menolly writes:

2 more days traveling along coast. During these travels we have chatted to some of the other passengers. Mario has especially become friendly with members of a family, Hogswoth, on the boat. The father is an alchemist so they have things to chat about. They have 3 daughters Hannah (15 yrs) Elise (17yrs and Hilda (18yrs) Hilda.

More of the weird magical Maelstroms are spotted and avoided.

Mayhem's Notes: Got on boat. Got sick, went away somewhere, and I'm saying it's south. Fenced in the rigging.

8th Frost 813wk

Arrived in San Carlos, a port in greater Raniterre at 7am, Departed at 10am headed to round the Southern Horn known as The Cape of Maelstroms on route to Ebola.

Menolly writes:
Day 8 sees us arriving in the port. Poppy and Bobdul go for a walk with the dog. Looking for anything suss. Chat to workers etc. Hear more rumours about the unusual storms for this time. A weather mage came to the city and explained it to the people of the city. The weather is disrupted because of all the magic being drawn to the north where the battling is going on.

We find out about local pirates and who is still actually around. We get 2 names and ship’s names. - The Flying Roger - (can’t remember name)

Mario and Mayhem wander and Mario uses his telepathy to try and see if anyone reacts to him arriving and wandering around in the open of the docks incase they have something to hide. It worked and they picked up an alarm from someone watching the port. Mario follows and discovers the watcher works for a local family. And the father seems to be the head of the house.

He follows and ends up outside a very nice mansion. It appears that Beatrice, the daughter of the merchant who owns the mansion is very pregnant. Most likely Mario’s. He heads back to the boat quickly and tries to hurry everyone along so the ship can leave on time.

Mayhems Notes: Arrived somewhere reasonably nice. Had a look around with Mario wearing his family's colours. Very pretty. Followed some guy who was interested in Mario.
Went to a nice house that looked as if the second storey windows were easy well-appointed. Feminine cries within, followed by a young and extremely swollen human girl appearing at afore-mentioned window, uttering pathetic cries of 'Mario, Mario, wherefore art though,Mario?'. We left, sudden like, brisk saunter, then jog, then sprint for the boat, which was making ready to go away somewhere that I'm pretty sure was south.
Got on boat. Got sick. Fenced in the rigging. Apparently Mario knew swollen girl. Carriage appeared on dock and waved at us. Well, think they were waving. Couldn't see weapons, anyway.

9th and 10th Frost 813wk

Menolly writes:
We head off again and spend a day traveling around the Cape of Maelstroms to our third port of call, Port Ebola. It’s very rough seas on the way and Mayhem and Poppy are a wee bit sick. We eventually get round the Cape and head towards the harbour.

It’s the morning of the 10th day and we arrive in Port Ebola.

11th Frost 813wk

12th Frost 813wk

Mayhem's Book of Pointy Reckoning

No one so far, but it's early days yet.



Magic Rk Effects Dur Ma Mu Po T1 T2 My
Spell name (Cast by) ? hours
Enhance Enchant ??


Skirmish Formations Watches
Default Double File Single File 3-4 Hrs per Watch





Winter: Frost 813 (7)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Samhain 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Winter: Snow 813 (8)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Solstice 16 17 18 Yuletide
19 Days of Chaos 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 Twelth Night 1 2
Winter: Ice 813 (9)
3 4 5 6 First Plough 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Mario Mungo Poppy Boabdil Mayhem TBA3
1200 500 1100 1000 1150 0
After racial tax:
1200 500 1100 1000 1045 0
Weekly Bonuses:
0 0 0 0 0 0
Final Bonuses:
0 0 0 0 0 0
After Loot Auction:
Lucre (in Truesilver Guineas):
0sp 0sp 0sp 0sp 0sp 0sp


This is a game for players with a low level (less than full 4 games) PC or an existing/new player wanting to roll up a new PC. A new PC can be rolled up with 50,000ep to start and no time constraint but may have no skill excessively ranked, no weapon above rank 6 and no magic ranked greater than rank 12. These guidelines are to ensure the PC is useful but not super skilled or super specialised in one particular skill, weapon or magic ability as starting PC's IMHO need a reasonable breadth of skills and abilities and a total specialist is both rare and endangered by guild standards.

  • Any Brand new PC’s will need a written detailed write up that details the background for the PC, some history (use of other guild PC’s in backstory is OK if they happy with it and its logical), life goals and reason for adventuring with the SAG.
    I'm not expecting pages of stuff but some details that I may use in the game and it can be as little as a page of background.
  • Any existing PC’s will also need a written detailed write up that details the background for the PC, some history (use of other guild PC’s in backstory is OK if they happy with it and its logical), life goals and reason for adventuring with the SAG plus some details of previous games (where they went, what they did, who they did it with and relationships etc).
    Again I'm not expecting pages of stuff but some details that I may use in the game and it can be as little as a page of background.
I will be awarding a valuable amount of Bonus EP at the start of the game (which can be used immediately) to players for good written background details and backstory according to how I rate the details.

These will help me and what the other players on the game visualise the PC and who/what they are to better mesh into the game.

The reason for the background requirement is that new PC’s often come ‘to life’ with no background, reason, design, goals or purpose and GM’s (IMHO) like the extra dimension of history to a PC so that they may employ character hooks to enhance play and it gives other players more texture to a character rather than a bunch of attributes, skills and abilities.

I'm also trying to encourage older players to roll up new PC's to play so they ahve a greater breadth of opportunity for play, rather than being stuck at the high + levels of the game.

Specific to me as a GM
I like being able to read what a PC is all about or at least a précis of such detail to give me a sense of knowing the PC so that I may then see them clearer and enable me to use some or none of the details for my own purposes such as adventure hooks and motivations etc. In brand new PC's it will also help remind the player about themselves until they have a firm belief and awareness of their latest persona.