Ethics of Raphael

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Raphaelite Ethics

The ethics described below, while fitting the archetypical Raphaelite, are not followed by all Raphaelites; nor do only Raphaelites share these values. Raphaelites are community protectors, shepherds of their people, and fierce in the defense of their people's rights and freedoms. They are generally the most approachable, tolerant, and beloved of the cults of the Powers of Light. They are usually found in small rural communities, as the brutality and viciousness that is necessary for city life violates their core principles.


Love thy neighbour. Help him love you. Do unto others as you would be done unto. Seek friendship, co-operation and compromise. Small amounts of mischief are inevitable, though not to be encouraged. However, there is a point at which a line must be drawn. This line may be somewhat behind the line drawn by the other orders, but it is firm and defined, and crossing that line declares you do not value the community. If you repudiate the values of a community, it need not protect or care for you, except from the love it still holds in its heart. Family is the closest and most important community.


Justice is an over-rated idea. Mercy is more important, as forgiveness is the only way a family or small community can stay tightly-knit. For those who overstep too far, however, Justice is getting what they deserve. They should be excluded from society until they are rehabiliated. This often means gaol, or exile. It is important that the society that has suffered is givent he best opportunity to heal, and the punishment must assist with that process. Compensative labour or payment is thus also a valid form of punishment. Death is the best option for outsiders with no love of the people, who only seek death and destruction of a community.

Argentum Analysis

Raphaelites as viewed by a different ethical theory. The primary Ethical virtue embodied by Raphaelites is Moral Virtue. They are good people, making the right decisions through habituation to right living. Sometimes their simple lifestyles mean that their Leadership become weak and consensus-based. As practical people, their Competency is usually solid and well-founded, and they are Prudent and thoughtful. Raphaelites perhaps are the most ethical of the orders, when presented with a peaceful setting without trouble. However, their pastoral ethical approach is inappropriate when in more radical, violent or troubled situations, and they fall back on something akin to Michaeline morality in these situations.