An Evening with the Unholy
GM: Anne
Season: Spring 821 WK
Night: Wednesday
Location: Online
Level: High
- Party
- Thorn – Played by Helen
- Sooty – Played by Bernard
- Rayne – Played by Annuskha
- Flamis – Played by Jacqui
- Phaeton – Played by Keith
- Ben – Played by Ian
- Employer
The Eshery Church of Raphael, on the plane of Cercotis
- Mission
To find out why an old Knight keeps rising and put a stop to it.
- Pay
12 Waters of Healing down payment and 50,000sp in Weird Magic Items each upon completion.
Scribe Notes
Session 1
Our party employer this session turned out to be a Raphaelite priestess, Sister Bethany, who was requesting assistance with an undead knight. Each New Moon, he would rise from his crypt and go on a killing spree. They had tried putting him back down themselves but those that they sent had been killed. The curious thing about this case was that the knight's body had been laid to rest in consecrated ground which meant this sort of thing should not be happening. So I signed up.
We were conducted to Meeting Room #4. Meeting Room #1 was still under cleaning because of an alchemical 'accident' caused during a seminar yesterday. I know. I was there. Anyway we were told that she had come from the Plane of Cerritos and had been sent by the High Priest to fetch us. A previous Guild Party had been to this plane but, because we were going to a different location, they had punched their own portal through the Veil. There were no limits on it's use except maybe to anyone pacted to evil demons. Since that applied to none of us, we were sure we would be fine. The down payment for this job was a dozen Waters of Healing potions each. Rank 15s she believed. Also they would provide our Greater Enchantments.
The recently deceased knight, Sir Gordon, had been buried at the Crown Temple and had killed two priestesses (one per New Moon) until they had cottoned on. The third rise had caused the destruction of the force sent to put him down so, everyone who had actually seen him had been killed - so far. Also the slain couldn't be resurrected because their souls had gone, presumably claimed. He had been buried in ceremonial garb including cold iron full plate. Where we were going was the town of Eshery, which was about the size of the whole of Seagate. The Crown Temple itself is just outside of Eshery and all the dead had been buried on the hill.
Fortunately their moon cycle is the same as ours, which made the maths easy. The location of this end was 250 miles up the Sweetwater.
After dealing to the usual stuff required for departing parties, our Air Mage conjured up a cloud and we, along with Sister Bethany, flew towards the portal location. Partway there, we all realised that is Sister Bethany had an escort on her trip to Seagate, we had left them behind - and we hadn't checked first. Ooops!
Sooty - Aren't you only allowed to heal the Worthy? Phaeton - Isn't being cute worthy?
After a few hours of flight, just before dusk. we spotted their camp. Down below we could see a ring of stones, each marked by a rune. Upon landing we were conducted to the largest tent which had been set up as a Temple to Raphael including the ground being consecrated. As far as I could tell, there was nothing wrong with the ritual.
The Head Priest, Father Wesley gave us more details of the situation. Yes, they had checked the consecration there and could find nothing wrong with it. However, Sir Gordon was not a devote Raphaelite, which shouldn't make any difference as far as I was aware. He had died of natural causes and was certainly dead when interred.
However, before we were to sort out that problem, they wanted proof of our ability. I felt slightly insulted by this but, I presume they wanted to see what they were paying for. There was a non-consecrated crypt nearby that had been infested by ghouls. It was located a 14 hour walk from the temple and was marked with a red X on the door. They wanted evidence that the crypt had been cleaned out but no, they didn't want us to drag a ghoul back as evidence. To complicate things, the last group sent in to clean it out had also been turned into ghouls so there was at least a dozen in there.
We got our Greaters, Rank 20, all four areas, which would last until the bearer managed to annoy Raphael. The ritual took an hour and was done in silence until at the end, there was an implosion of magic centred on the bearer. The portal was then activated and se stepped through emerging in a city on the other side which was LOUD. This is why I don't live in cities. Somehow this prompted the following exchange:
Sooty - "I live in a tree" Phaeton - "I live in the country" Thorn - "I have my own castle".
Maybe it was just as well I didn't mention that this rural cottage was outside Brastor and under a really clear dark sky as it was highly likely some other party members would be making more comments.
We headed off for the temple. Upon arrival we met up with a priest, Brother Ray, and two priestesses who told us where to go and how to get to the crypt. Flamis noticed the temple cat and gave it a pet and a treat, at which point another one showed up demanding it's turn. I requested a set of their star charts for later divinations (and for study) and it was decided we would use Wildfires to get their quickly. Half an hour later, and I felt like I had done my quota of exercise for the day, we finally arrived. Rayne detected two dozen greaterish undead inside with at least three in close proximity. Great. We weren't dealing with standard ghouls.
So it was coruscades all around before we carefully entered. It was discovered that the outer and all the inner doors had Durability magic. The first room we found contained preserved crates but the one next to it was set up as some sort of shrine with three ghouls in it, and blasting them with fire was out of the question as there were a few valuable looking parchment scrolls in there. So, we started doing this the hard way.
Phaeton - "This is silly - why am I stabbing a ghoul?"
We soon discovered that these ghouls explode when killed, spreading a poison cloud and, would you know it, all three of them exploded at the same time. They also preferred to go into close. Flamis ended up being infected.
Session 2
The shrine looked like one to Raphael. Flamis used her Cleansing Light to fix herself before we split up and descended the stairs on each side of the corridor. I went with Flamis, Thorn and Ben. The stairs spiralled down to a landing with a door off it. Flamis opened it but all that was inside was piles of rags and bones. Down another spiral and we found a corridor that joined up to the bottom of the stairs the other half of the party were descending. They were currently in a nearby side room dealing with three more ghouls.
Halfway down this cross corridor was a set of double doors. Once we all met up again, we opened them up and inside was a statue of Raphael with a removable magical kite shield. The floor was also consecrated. A couple of sarcophagi were also in this room and we thought there were undead inside them as Thorn's sword was reacting to the presence of undead nearby. They turned out to be in the room behind the door in the western room, and the consecration didn't stop them from entering the room where we were. Somehow Flamis and I ended up in the front line - again, which should NOT be happening. There were five of them this time and both of us were getting mauled. I was reduced to unconsciousness at the lest. Fortunately Rayne's Vapour Breathing saved us from the poison gas when they exploded.
Phaeton - "This is getting ridiculous"
On the eastern side of this room is a pair of double doors warded with a Rank 15 Whitefire, the only place left to go.
Activity 2
Daily pattern
‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’
Travel Magics
‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’ ‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’
- Cloud (Rayne) Speed: 34 mph Duration: 50 Hours Daily distance: 816 miles per day - assumes overnight travel
- Wings (Ben) Speed: 39 mph Duration: 5 Hours Daily distance: 195 miles per cast
- Wings (Phaeton) Speed: 42mph Duration: 6.5 hours. Daily Distance: 273 miles per cast.
- Wildfires (Flamis) Speed: 44 mph Duration: 260 Minutes Daily distance: 191 miles per cast
- Wildfires (Ben) Speed: 50 mph Duration: 320 Minutes Daily distance: 266 miles per cast
- Wing of the Phoenix (Thorn): 41 mph, 6 hours, 246 miles, 7 Targets per cast.
Watch Order
Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Night watch
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
Double File | Single File |
General Buff Notes
Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also
- A Rank 15 Enhance Enchant will be available for morning buffs on Duration.
Long duration buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Thorn | Sooty | Rayne | Flamis | Phaeton | Ben | Dragon | Other Pet? |
Primordial Armour (So) | 20 | 125 points ablative vs magical damage | 36 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Eleutherian Ward (So) | 15 | Immune to loss of actions, reduces AG penalties for armour/enc | 15.5 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | Y |
Mind Shield (Th) | 12 | No mind reading, +34 vs mental attack | 25 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Shadow Form (BG) | 20 | 42 def | 18 Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | Y | ? | Y | ? |
Iron Shield (So) | 20 | +42% defence if shield prepared, +21% otherwise | 18 Hours | ? | Y | ? | ? | N | Y | ? | ? |
Coruscade (Ph) | 12 | +26 DEF in melee, +13 in close | 6.5 Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | N | ? | ? | ? |
Witchsight (Ph) | 12 | See Invis etc | 6.5 Hours | Sit | T | y | ? | Y | Y | y | ? |
Greater Heart Rune (Ph) | 8 | Heals 7 EN | 9 Days | Y | Y | Y | ? | Y | Y | Y | ? |
Strength of Darkness (BG) | 20 | +11 ST | 7 Hours | ? | Y | Y | ? | ? | Y | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Short duration buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Thorn | Sooty | Rayne | Flamis | Phaeton | Ben | Dragon | Other Pet? |
Mind Speech (Th) | 10 | Mental communication & visual images, Range 330 ft | 110 Mins | Sit (P) | ? | ? | ? | Y | Sit | ? | ? |
Force Shield | 20 | +25 to def (10 targets/cast) | 210 Mins | Y | ? | ? | ? | Y | ? | ? | ? |
Weapon of Radiance (Flamis) | 15 | +15 to SC +7 DAM (+15 versus undead & creatures of darkness) | ? Mins | ? | ? | ? | Y | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Light Sword (Phaeton) | 6 | +7 SC +2 D (extra 3 to those of opposing alignment light/dark) | 11 mins | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Dark Sword(BG) | 20 | +21 SC +5 DM/+10dm v light | 25 Mins | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Personal & Weird buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Thorn | Sooty | Rayne | Flamis | Phaeton | Ben | Dragon | Other Pet? |
Sense Danger | N/A | ???? | N/A | 180% | ? | ? | NA | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Sixth Sense | N/A | Stop before walking into trap/ward or detection when in stealth. | N/A | ? | 131% | ? | 116% | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Drain Resistance | N/A | Amount resisted per drain / has magic resist vs drain | N/A | NA | 6 / Res | 3 / Res | NA | ? / Res | ? / Res | ? / Res | ? |
See Invisible | N/A | Highest rank see invisible effect | N/A | 20 | 20 | 5 | 20 | ## | 12 | 0 | ? |
Ranger Detect Ambush | N/A | Ranger chance of detecting outdoor ambush or trap / favoured terrain | N/A | 128% / Woods | 143% / Damned terrain | 76% / Coastal | 126% / Wastes | ##% / ?? | 95% / Rural | - | ? |
Find Traps | N/A | Thief style find traps. | N/A | ? | 106% | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Loot and Expenses
SP & other cash value loot
Significant Items
Minor Items
Spring | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
![]() |
Candlemansa | |||||||||||||
Thaw (10) | ||||||||||||||
1 | Guild Meeting | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | The Carzalan Generals Ball | 6 | |||||||
![]() |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
![]() |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||||
![]() |
21 | New Moon - Expected next appearance. | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | ||||||
![]() |
28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||||
Seedtime (11) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||||||
![]() |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Rites of Thunor | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||||||
![]() |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Equinox | 16 | 17 | Eostre | 18 | The Seagate Spring Ball | ||||
![]() |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | |||||||
![]() |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||
Blossom (12) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | |||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||||
![]() |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
![]() |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Floralia | 22 | 23 | ||||||
![]() |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Walpurgisnacht |