Black Watch Chronicles V: Hand of Fate

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The fifth in a series of adventures involving the Black Watch.
Scribe Notes: Session – Autumn 813

GM: Ben Taberner
Night: Monday night
Level: Medium.
Title:Black Watch: The Hand of Fate.

Jerome Miller, an Animator and Puppeteer played by Andrew Withy
Edwin Lankard, a Dark moody boy played by Hannah Jackson

Alexander Dartane (GM Info), A Necromantic Squirrel played by Manu Erwin

Peter Smith (GM Info), A Paladin of Uriel played by Mandos Adventure Full

Seagate Guards

Scribe Notes

1st Fruit 813 WK

Honey is dead and life does not seem to have meaning.

I attempt to drown my sorrows but keep on throwing it all up!!

I took Honey back to Sunshine for burial, that was nice.

Must distract myself by adventuring again. Don't want all the tattoos I do to be of her lovely face!

I am dragged out of a pub by a knight Peter as I'm being a disturbance - must apologise to all involved - he takes me to the guild while I vomit all over him. I sober up on the way - thanks to my belly button ring - and clean up in a water trough, which is an easy fit for one of my size. A previous student of mine Jerry comes along (with his assortment of strangely moving puppets) and we meet Edwin at the guild. Peter advises some folks at the "fort" need assistance with "dark magics". A much needed distraction!!

I gather my adventuring gear on the way to the fort and already feel better, although I sense it will take some time for me to fully come to terms with Honey's passing.

At the fort we find a man with his eyes and hands removed and the local physician Milo working to keep him alive. A rag and bone man "Ormley" found the man in "Finagles Alley" so brought him to Milo as he looked well dressed (hint hint, perhaps a reward guvner?).

After being deputised as members of the watch, we head to Finagles Alley on foot - blood on the ground leads us to the single door - the whole place seems like an ambush waiting to happen. The door is unlocked, and we enter with Peter declaring us to be "on watch business". We frighten the elderly caretaker "Jebsun" who heard the the attack, I'm not saying anything as I assume he would be further frightened.

Party Info