Peter Smith GM Information

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Peter is a solidly built young man with large scarred arms and an honest and open face.
Visible Value
Clean and well mended clothing made from sturdy hard wearing fabrics. His Armour and Weapons are well crafted with a very simple and utilitarian style and little in the way of embellishment. The only markings are a small emblem of scales and an embossed 'P' at his collar and the same insignia on his weapons and armour (His Craft mark).
When prepared for combat he also wears a white tabard with the black eagle of the Western Kingdom in the archaic fashion of King Sigismund.
Passive Detections and protections
Aura of Courage - Peter protects himself and those around with reduced rolls on the fear table.
Peter is harder to Stun and recovers faster than most.
Peter may Detect the presence of Evil.
Through the power of prayer Peter may call on Uriel to heal disease and infection.
Reaction Modifiers
+/-10% depending on the circumstance.
Party Roles
To become a Urielite Justice
Main Skills
Smithing, Armourer, Weaponsmith, Philosopher, Templar and Warrior.
Other Stuff of Note
Dislikes the use of Magic and is restricted in his ability to carry or utilise magical items.